Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1920, p. 9

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rw fully darkened __ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1020, A ---- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 0. HUNTER, . of Cincinnati, Ohio, who says Tanlac has certainly proved ifs worth in both his own and his wife's case. He wasn't able to work when he began taking it. A "Last fall I had the 'Flu' and it t me in a very weak and run down sondition with no appetite at all and | Buch a weak stomach that even the Smell of cooking made me sick, I Was awfully nervous and night after Bight I couldn't sleep to do any food. I would get up in the morn- gs tired and worn out and was so Short of breath that a half hour's Job would tire" me as much as a Whole day's work used to. In fact I finally had to give up a good job. When I first started on Tanlac I Was working for the Goodyear Rub- ber Co. in Akron, Ohio. 1 decked that anything that was being talked about so mueh was at least worth an honest trial. It worked like a charm in my case. It helpéd me right from the start and by the time I had taken my third bottle all of my troubles Were gone and I found myself well ny song again, "While in Akron my wife got so she couldn't eat She lost sf and got very pale. Tanlac was do- ing me so much 800d I got her to try it and after taking two bottles, she is looking fine again. Her appe- tite is just splendid and she looks like a different person. It certainly has proven its worth to both of us and has come up to every word I have read and heard about it." The above statement was made by A. O. Hunter, 106 W. 7th 8t., Cim- cinnati, Ohio, a well-known mechan- now in the employ of the Cltoinnat Abatoir Co. anlac is sold in Kingston b A P, Chown and by the leading opm gists in every. town. --Advt, AA AAA rrr ---- AEX LL TS HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS to WINNIPEG, MAN. $15 Plus half a cent per mile beyond. RETURN: half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00. GOING DATES: AUG. 9th and 16th from KINGSTON; ONTARIO For Information and rates apply to 4. P, Hanley, C. P. & T. GT. jo Way, Kingston, Ontatie. A x . "Wilhelm t. 1|Sept. 29 .. 1 Sep! 3 ep! a aiesor an Sept 15/00t 18--Emp, of °° Britain From Aug. 21 A am'n *An! *via. Southampton HAVE DARK HAR AND LOOK YOUNG Grandmother kept her hair beauti- with a brew of Sage Tea and Sul- Br au, EF rr ek i Fok Sa Jp drug Bare. for "Wyeth's dy your 8 Here are receipts for some excell-| Ri No. 3. pmosphere they soon become clogged ,» glossy and attractive | FEMINISMS By Annette Bradshaw i "TO lt 1 HR MR. JUST WED- tage in the country. I agree MRS. JUST WED--Butq' THE DANGERS OF DELAY. ~I've bee n thinking over that suggestion of yours to buy that liftle cot- with you ve changed my mind. Your sister and I want that big place next door--you know, the one with the garage. How to Remove heads That Mar Your Beauty By LUCREZIA BOR, The Famous Spanish Prima Donna the Black- Please tell me how I may get rid of blackheads. I have a rather dark complexion and brown eyes, but my friends say I would be quite pretty if it were not for those horrid black- heads. ROSALEE. As there are doubtless many other readers of my column who are an- noyed by the same facial blemish I shall devote this article to answer- ing Rosalee's question. Blackheads as you know, are gen- erally 'found on oily tacés. They re- sult from accumulations of fatty mat- ter in the openings of the sebaceous glands. As these tiny orifices are exposed to all the dust of the at- up ahd the little dark pinheads ap- pear. As a rule, blackheads flourish on the of; around the nose and even on forehead. Sometimes they are so numeroug that the face takes on a dirty, brownish appearance. Or they may be so deeply seated that their roots are about an inch long. And when they are extractéd pus often follows on their train. As the skin of the brunette is usually rather oily she is more apt to be troubled with blackheads than the blonde. Various instruments have been in vented to remove them, and if they are handled carefully the results are thoroughly satisfactory. But if too much pressure is used when the blackheads are swollen they are apt to spread. Then abscesses, may dg- velop ,and if they have to be opened by the knife, scars may be left. If thie blackheads on your face are quite large Jou may remove them by placing the entre of a watch key or ong of the instruments designed especially for the purpose over the blackheads. Then gently pr you extract them. After doing this you should bathe your face well with hot water or-pyt small compresses of hot water on the parts you have worked over. This will prevent any infection, and. -afterward dash on plenty of cold water so that you will close the pores of your skin. However, if you do not wish to use such instruments you will find the following treatment very bene- ficlal. Get a good camel's hair face brush, some pure toilet soap, soms good cold cream, and a few ounces of washing soda, or if you prefer it rbonate of soda. Scrub your face ofsing and night with hot water in which you have placed a small piece of soda. Allow about the size of & small nut to & quart ou ant ar Soap the brush = as if you were going to use for your hands, and serub your face thoroughly. After you have rinsed off all the soap then apply the cream, Fog it gently but fi into ent lotions ointments that wil do much to against you in your battle ? -- Lotion For Removing Blackheads. hides - ; Green €08D .........1% ounées Alsohol + 1 aii BOMAK 'vans s vasan: 1d drams Rosewater ........3% of lavender ..2% A Ni drams drams 23% ounces. get the results from this Jotion wash the skin every 'moraing ith Ns fo rub in the sec- m wi thoroughly with warm water, 3 ver vamil Of potass LT ounce i Liquor wy until] \the muscle builder--as well as fat. Wipe 'the parts of the face on which there are blackheads with this lotion every night after you have washed your face thoroughly with soap and water. Ointment for Blackheads. Bnaphthol ........ 0.40 grams Precipitate sulphur ....1 gram Vaseline .. +15 grams Green soap .. «.b grams Rub this on twice a week and you will soon see a marked difference in your skin. And if you keep up a systematic warfare against these | beauty destroyers you will eventually | rid your face of all disfiguring black- heads. ; KITCHEN ECONOMIES By ISOBEL BRANDS Of the Applecroft Experiment Station Some Delicious Things You Can Make With Peanuts, Judged by their food value and general wholesomeness, peanuts real- ly should be recognized as a staple food product in the home, as much as rice, 'beans or any of the grains. A cupful of shelled peanuts yields 663 calories, and five tablespoonfuls of peanut butter about 640 calories. This 1s more than the same quantity of meat would yield. A cupful of round beef gives about 475 calories, and with the exception of goose or ham, practically every other kind of meg and fish contains less in calorie valde than peanuts. Peanuts are relatively cheap, in spite of the fact that there is so much waste in the shelling. Peaniit but- ter, of course is sold nutriment with mot a particle of waste. It should be used freely as a spread for bread, in preparing "made" dishes and as a flavor for puddings. . Children are fond of the ut flavor, and it one of the most olesome of foods for them. Good peanut butter varies in price, but even at the maximum price it is cheaper than the best dut- ter, and gives far more nutriment. * Peanut bu! contains protein It is, therefore, a real food, and a sandwich as a cheese or egg or sard- ine sandwich. To make the peanut butter a Iittle more lquid mix with 8 good" oil maygnnaise and then spread on bread." It will then not be too stioky and thirst producing, =| ons. | film. Place a layer of macaroni in - with breadcrumbs and bits of butter vr? A = Pp) fn 1 cupful of shelled peanuts Salt, pepper Cook the milk in a double boiler and add salt and pepper. Rub a lit- tle hot milk with the chopped pea- nuts, gradually blend with the rest of the milk. Cook about 20 minutes then strain. Serve hot with crout- Peanut Loaf-----A Meat Substitute. 2 cupfuls of mashed potatoes -% cupfuls of chopped peanuts 1 cupful of whole wheat bread- crumbs 2 eggs 1 teaspoonful of onion juice 34 teaspoonful of paprika 1 teaspoonful of salt 2 tablespoonfuls of butter 1 tablespoonful of chopped par- sley 1 tablespoonful of milk Whip the hot, boiled, mashed po- tatoes and add milk, whipping in well. Chop the peanuts fine, add al- so the breaderumbs, the beaten eggs and seasoning. Pour into a greased baking dish and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour, Serve with apple sauce, Macaroni and Peanuts. 1% cupful of chopped peanuts. 1 cupful of macaroni Breadcrumbs Boil the macaroni in salted water until tender, drain and let cold water run over it to remove the starchy a buttered baking dish, then @ layer of white sauce and peanuts. Repeat until fngredients are used up, cover and bake until brown. ' * Any ¢ruit salad is improved by ad- ding a few whole uts or sprink- ling the tdp with coarsely' chopped peanuts. WILD FLOWERS ARE FEATURED -- American Blossoms of All Kinds +" Strongly In Evidence at Recent Big City Style Show. 1H EZ Kid > po Are You'S 'Into. the Rut of Il-Health Because Your Blood Is Starving For Iron? Physician. Explains Why Modern [* a ke moran) aa] rn-dwn for To Ink v ~ ' » of ron and $s pot know what te take ivi Sap the Iron From or y iron ike Nixiued Ira Tor 1 'hod what bien: The Blood and So Many Men cella, Jt helps strengthen the nerves, red and Women Are Benefited By The Stren iving, Up-Buildi Effect of ic Iron like. NUXATED IRON ergy to the whole body. gh my owa tests of Nuxted Iron I am convinced it is one of the best strength and blood builders any physician can prescribe" - . ong other physicians to comment on thé meed of rich, ol Plood to increase the power and endurance of weakened, run-down mem and women, is 'Dr. James formerly physici Many a man or woman Is wearily trudging klong the road of life steadily becoming more weakened and run-down simply be- PA cause their blood is getting thin, pale | and watery--stasying for a want of 3 -strength-giving fron. At any moment | they run the risk of sinking into the 7 I) 7 Rat of Iil-Health, and by not build-77// ing up their physical condition in time = they often pentence themselves to a Dh d licuolial." She and pty stronger, lifetime of misery and regrets, "Without iron th: no strong, tic and Yigorous ia x aa and therefore more RE can be Sturdy mea or heal beautiful women, " ur , in comment. - - 3 ated Iron. I have prescribed fo ms #3ys Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Phy. cian a Medical A thor, ] 4 o how the strain of modern methods with s Zedulis sudin / of vig sap rw break of strength re He J en. "Seldom durance in _ twa weeks time, J sane __ Dot recompfiend ig #60 Mghly fof men or Women who re weal Bervousand gun-down. XM you are jot strong or well you e it to ' yourselye to 'make the following test: See how long you can work Ww without becoming tired, DN in aw ad Juke, two fives rai al n. \ 8 Le, Hide 8 of ordinary ux+4 A! a ron three times i day after meals for two weebs. Th 0 i 5 0 8, e +t test your strength again and see how much:you ha: Maxuracturzes® Nore: Nuxated Iron, which is recom: above, is mot a secret remedy but one which is well known to dry everys where Unlike the ne inorganic iron products it is and in life, if they would only enrich t Rood" with organic iron and thug ortiy aod invigorate their whole em. sy ~~ "There can be no success br hapa pices without the rich, red bl ull of iron--that always goes with health, Wherever you the fellows with iron in bloody they are the strong, vigorous, dome inant, successful ones brimming over with Life and Energy. In my opinion, the best way to build up the strength and endu: nce is to take organic iron--Nux« Jou can tell their Sl" has inc: are mot hysi evelopm mercial or social , Tife, and ths on who are most suc, cessful in the home fre those Mio real: "go e the valug health, "5. ) "You can look Brouiid and see any number of le and you cane every one olds assed such at vEgists easily assimilated i the teeth, make them black, mor upset the stome et of genuine Nuiated Iron is stamped as follows . od Yoon are stamped into each bottle, 50 that the may not be led into acce; inferior substitutes, The manuiac- » they will refund your stomcn 11 diopenstd tablet orem ol Srchpst FOR RED BLOOD SERGI .ENQURANLE rich, re with plenty of Lith picaty ron The Truth About Telephone Profits F 1879 the telephone business in Canada was disjointed, In 1880 a number of men determined to link up the scattered . companies, - improve their equipment, - standardize their methods and give better telephone service. This was the Bell Telephofie Company of Canada. Like. Christopher. Columbus in his quest of a new road to . Cathay, like most leaders of great enterprises, the new company was moved by the ancient and hororable desire for profit. " : And it made a profit. But the venture was new, the future so uncertain, that the company decided that adequate provision must be made', for replacements, for emergencies and the requirements of an ever changing art. - Surplus earnings were re-investéd in the business and a margin of safety built up. : The wisdom of creating this' fand. was soon apparent. The constant demands for replacements and extensions were. met without too frequent appeals for new capital. -Not unnaturally the shareholders with good reason--that the earnings of these new extensions of service would be added to their own profits--that their self restraint would bear fruit. k ers' initial investment without any increase in telephone rates commensurate with the _ increase in costs, ~~ is 'That is the story of the Bell Telephone Company's profits. very cent of its surplus and reserve amounting to over $20,000,000 is re-invested in business. - ining such sums as the $10,000/000 extensions, lies in the sale of new The of Ee These cannot be sold unless they bear a good interest rate; Last yea e rates yielded barely enough to earn year telephone 4% on the company's telephone property. This year they will earn even less! : ~ The Bell Telephone Company of Canada 8 PAGE NINE » 5

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