Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1920, p. 11

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J SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1920. E---- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- ne ~ Tn ' 7 Tr nn , © NI PAGE. Ea In the Automobile. World | ADJUST THE BRAKE TO INSURE SAFETY ! Proper Braking Devices Are Quite Essential at All ° | Times. _ Brakes are the only safety device | On the motor car and when it is con- sidered that faulty or improperly ad- Justed brakes can be quickly correft- od and 'made to function properly it is ofttimes criminal negligence to al- | fow them to go unattended to. In case brakes are not working Jroperly. it is very likely that thay ave become coated with oil or ease, which acts as a lubricant. This condition is dangerous, for it may cause the brakes to slip when applied. At the earliest opportunity the lining and brake drum should wiped clean with kerosene, The brake lining may have be- eome worn so that insufficient pres- sure ig brought to bear against the fevolving metal drum and the car cannot be stopped quickly. A few | adjustments which any mechanic ean make while 'you wait, will often compensate for the reduced thickness of the worn lining. If the lining has become worn be- yond the margin of safety, it is best to take no chances, but to have the brakes relined. In the selection of | new brake lining, the motorist should | be guided by the experience of the leading automotive engineers, who have made numerous analyses and tests of various kinds of brake lining materfals. The wise motorist is satis- fied not alone in being able to drive @ car, but thankful that he can stop #6. He values a smooth, short stop mo less than he appreciatesa quick, easy getaway, Watch your brakes-- enjoy great comfort and safety. And while brakes are vital in the safe operation of a car, they should not be used any more than necessary. The best way to avold brake troubles is to use the motor as much as pos- sible as a brake on the hills. If you . are going down a steep hill, put the oar in second and let the motor hold 4t back. If the hill is very steep, get into low and slide down. If you have PPL PLP PRET I CPOE TS {Tb tion and clean, pure, health-giv- |# a few minutes. {4 good as moving closer mever tried this you do not realize what power there is in the motor to hold the car back. It is safer and greatly prolongs the life of your brakes. --p---------- P4484 2442 2290002 * y + MOTOR NOW CLASSED © _ * AS AN "ECONOMY" One combination which is showing real team work in slashing at the high cost of liv- ing 1s the automobile and the fmproved condition of high- ways. Years ago an automobile was purely a luxury, later it be- came a necessity, and now it is @ real economy. By means of it the city dweller is enabled to live ontsiie of the high-rent dis- tricts without sacrificing valu- able business hours. Furthermore, he can now live where he can have his own garden and laugh at the soaring prices of tood products. Recrea- # ing, fresh air are provided for # himself and the whole family. + The farmer, who formerly & had to plan his trips to town in # order not to interrupt his sche- # duled work, can now run into # town on a minute's notice to get # needed supplies or for a bit # of recreation. ' Instead of being # hours from town, he is now but It is just as CREE EPP P ERR RRERRS Water in Orankcase Oil. Few moforists realize that a com- paratively large quantity of water gradually accumulates in the crank case, mixing with the oil and form- ing an emulsion, which has im- paired lubricating qualities. This accumulation of water is more pro- nounced in winter than in summer, and is found to a greater extent as the number of cylinders irtreases. This brings out the importance of changing the oil every 1,000 miles, and for the best lubricating results every 500 miles, in which case the old oil may be run through a cham- ois skin to remove the water, after which it may be used again. V.D.L. TIRES put pleasure into driving, inspire confidence, promote safety. and give the best wear, ' Made in all sizes, every sise a Supersize, The V.D.L. 30 x 3% cord was the first clincher cord on the market in Canada. % VAN DER LINDE RUBBER Co. y Limited "TORONTO CANADA FOR SALE BY: "A. Chown & Co. 252 BAGOT STREET sase because of the shifting, the acoessibility KINGSTON, Ont. the SPECIAL-SIX with of frequent gear of all control devices and the way the car holds to the reed. owners ave getting. KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. LID. .- Corner Brock and Montreal Streets.' PEPPER PEPE PIII EPI R PEI E P0400 000 J United States in \{ should obey two rules if he would a a =| a a a a a a a a a a a a a s| a ju a a =| a ju a a ju a a H a a a a a 5 | ju a ju a spark plug service and costly experiments. Get them where motor goods are sold 7 Champion Spark Plug Co. of Canada, Limited Windsor, Ontario Largest Factory in Canada making Spark Plugs exclusively cr FeTelsielale]alalalala|alala]alaluiaiulaiulai=iaiaisiaini=laia;=iaial=iniaja)al=iaiaiaialaia)aiaiaiai=)=iul=)= ial] a Sy > x . . § : Dependable Spark Plugs The unfailing dependability of Champion quality construction has justified every claim made for 1t, even under the most adverse motor conditions. : There's a world of satisfaction in ng tl Champion "3450" insulators stand shock, vibration, heat, expansion and rough usage to an unusual degree, especially when you require emergency service. ~~ The best indication of the satisfactory, efficient service of Champions is contained in the fact that they are regular factory equipment in over 300 different makes of motors and engines in Canada-and the US. Make "Champion" on the insulator your guide to satisfactory you'll eliminate all worry, delays and knowing that Champion Heavy Duty JAS-43, 74-inch, 18, Price $1.00 For use in heavy service motor cars, trucks, tractors and engines 98 fetetataiatalaiatalsislelate)al=lalalelel=)=la)=l=1=2|=lnlx{alulalatel=te{ ele ITE FEE EE EEE EE EE EE EEE EE EE EEE EE Ee ET ES CE SS Semel ---- a Automobile Activities Throughout the World. Belgium has 12,000 motor vehic- les. > The average motorist consumes 300 gallons of gasoline a year. Motor "invalid chairs' are design- ed in England for disabled soldiers. In Sydney, Australia, a large mo- tor show will be held in the early part of 1921. France and England surpass the the operation of motor bus lines. Motor car license fees in British Guiana range from $10 to $48, ac- cording, to the horsepower. Automobiles are doing no less than twice as much passengers traf- fic as the railroads in the United States. Out of approximately 7,000,000 motor vehicles in the United States, 6,500,000 are used for commercial purposes. A motor hospital, which visits re- mote districts to treat patients, Is operated by the Health Department in Chicago. It is estimated that it will take no less than six years for automobile manufacturers in France to catch up with their orders. There are no less than 375,000 motor trucks in the United States equipped with uneumatic tires, and DOES THE MOTOR CAR BENEFIT ONE'S HEALTH ? cam Autos Will Be Means of Add- ing Years of Life, Says Physician. Dr. Henry William Smith, writer on sclentific subjects, classifies the benefit of motoring under three heads--physical, mental and voli- tioned. "It is the muscles of the arms to- gether with those of the chest and abdomen, that pre-eminently and habitually suffer. Here we find un- development, softness, flabbiness and accumulation of unwholesome fat. And it is precisely lere that the steer- ing wheel of the car may come to the rescue, It is true that the handling of this wheel, particularly if the car is small, is not a very strenuous form of exercise, but that instead of be ing a defect, is on esssential merit. It is not desirable that the little muscles should be called upon to make a powerful effort. Their best | interests are met by precisely the kind of efforts that the steering wheel, supplemented by the handling of the gear and brake lévers, calls for: mild, but persistent action." DriWilliams points out that, in ad- dition to the exercise, the motorist has been in the open air, buffeting the winds inheling ample quantities | of oxygen to meet the increased needs of the accelerated currents of blood corpuscles ,and that digestion and assimilation are thereby Mactli- tated and the toxic products accumu lated through former inaction pro- gressively, are ¥n increased measure oxidized and (eliminated. MANIA FOR SREED WEARS OUT TIRES Not Only Dangerous to Others But Costly to Owners ? The automobile speeder sows more seeds than those of possible disaster when he "lets her out". He is also speeding up his tire expenditure, for fast driving is destructive to any cas- ing, according to a local tire expert. If the speed mania is so strongly| entrenched that the victim cannot desist from the dangerous sport, he aveid the prodigal purchase of tires: No. 1 is to ride slowly over rough roads and take turns cautiously. No. 2 is to increase the pressure in his tires from two to six pounds above normal. Specially built tires, such as used by racing drivers are required for speeding. The faster a tire is driven the more heat it generates internally Normal speed will not raise the tem- perature of rubber to a dangerous point. 275,000 running on solid tires. A pushcart garage i8 a new kind of 'institution estallished in New York City, through the growth of the pushcart markets on the lower East Side. 2 On account of labor shortage in country districts throughout the Unitde States, motor trucks and tractors are becoming a necessary factor on farms. Of the 700 different dimming de- vices for headlights tested by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Depart- ment, only 60 have been passed by the commissioner. Between 1,500 and 2,000 farmers recently attended a motor tractor demonstration at Knoxville, a little town in Iowa. Fifteen tractors were entered and 13 completed the plow- ing. . With the completion of the sup- ply of motor apparatus, the Public Department df. iladelphia will have 33 auto patrols and three po- lice motor cars. The department is to be 90 per cent. motorized. New York States has a "Health- mobile," a large motor truck de- signed to carry educational health campaigns into isolated rural dfs- tricts. The car carries an electric storage battery equipment and a large motion picture machine. speed over a rough road that they do Gver a boulevard, and they won- der why it is that their tires wear away so rapidly. Watch the speeder negotiate a rough road just about as fast as his car can travel and notice the rear wheels as they strike an obstacle. The shock comes so abruptly and so forcibly that they are usually raised off the ground. Perhaps only an inch or so, but during that fraction of a second when the wheels are off the ground the tension is released on the engine and .the wheels spin much faster. S Consequently when they strike the road the ground itself must do some break work, having "the same effect on the tire thread as that of a rasp being run over its surface, An average speed of twenty-five miles per hour gets the most mile- age out of the average tire. Active steps have been taken to- ward the construction of a pipe line from Havre to Paris to permit Am- erican fuel oil to be discharged at the port and pumped to the capital. ce tnt TPP PPEPPP PPP PP PPP P0000 00 L + CANADA'S PROSPERITY 4 > . LIES IN GOOD ROADS » Good roads bring all parts of # the community together; they % make a more united people. Pro- #% duce can bé hauled to market; % merchants will do a better busi- % ness if persons are enabled to # reach their headquarters, and # thus the entire community is + bettered. 4 No community can afford to #% let its roads deteriorate. It is % well known that no highway is "% better than its poorest part. A #4 uniform program is needed in + each town, county and province, + with -federal officials can # co-operate. If this is done there + will be an improvement in the % country's highways and the re- + sult will 2 better health, com- + merce and living conditions. thee S222 240240009 How. few feel well the year? The whole 1 house cleaning; the bl is impure; it needs enriching. Nothing will do the work more effectively tham Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Take themt at ing. They work wonders in the body while you sleep. posed of pure vegetabl and old alike. Try this medicine to-day, it will do you a world of d. Whe- ther for biliousness, h , lack of appetite or constipation, Dr. Ham- Some motorists drive at the same {iton's Pills will quickly cure, 25¢ per box at all dealers. . N ) CH = / Canadian Women Find Marked Advantages in This Sedan AINTY summer dresses are safe in this Sedan. In sud- den storms you raise the windows and drive on, with view unobstructed. "Sun out again"--windows are lowered to breezes, but _ hot rays do not penetrate the permanent top. When leaving the car, parcels or wraps may be locked in. Women particularly appreciate the wonderful comfors- of Triplex Springs--ending all fear of rough roads. r. _ Because of light weight this car is easy to handle and™ very economical. You must see this Canadian car to realize how perfectly it meets Canadian requirements. Immediate Delivery Obtainable. Tlustrated Booklet on Request. CALLAGHAN BROS 210-214 Wellington Street. Phone 1410 Head Office and Factories: Willys-Overland Limited, Toronto, Canada' Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina P4202 0202 ert Rte state an night and you feel better next morn- ||} Being" com- | I} juices, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are safe | McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CARS Quickest and best service in Kingstdn. Parts for Fords, Chevrolet and McLaughlin. . Most complete line of tires, tubes and accessories. "USED CAR BARGAINS TO-DAY Overland, 85 B4. : D45 McLaughlin. Overland, 83 B. E63 McLaughlin Special. Reo Roadster. 2 Ford Trucks. . OPEN DAY and NIGHT. Blue Garages, Limited Phone 567. | H.M. FARR, Manager.

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