Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1920, p. 2

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------ 'We want 'a new Hotel in Kin i : waren CP nr McKAY FURS Our collection of Furs for Summer and Fall are complete. Fur Skins of the fin est, bodying the loveliest styles that we immediate' delivery. Interesting prices prevail because of bought all oug s early, before the recent heavy advances, and our yalu 'unequalled at the prices. . Your inspection invited. No obligation-to buy. JOHN Mekay gston. Everybody should help, » very _ prime silky quality, em- have ever shown, ready for the fact that we. Limi TED 149-15/-0157 - 'KINGSTON > Brock. STV ONTARIO "| tion, was prepared. ry QUALITY FOOTWEAR FOR MEN Shoes for Young Men--combining style, quality and service -- all that is new and elegant in shoedom w-- high and low cut models. bs 'Steve J]. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" 180 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 2216. HOLD FINE GARDEN PARTY | EVENT CONDUCTED BY GIRL | GUIDES ENJOYABLE EVENT. fa Gay Scene on the Collegiate Insti- | tute Lawn on Wednesday After. | noon and Evening--The Proceeds | -Amounted to $100. |" The green lawns, surrounding the | Collegiate Institute, were gay with flags, bunting, Chinese lanterns, and | colored paper, on Wednesday after- {noon and evening, when the Girl [¥hides held their first garden party. | Bmall tables were scattered over the | grounds, and smart young girls in the Guides' pretty uniform, waited on the many visitors. Mrs, J. F. Mac- donald, and Miss 'McCormack, were here, there and everywhere, direct- | The home-made | ing their troops. fable, with the.Misses Smith as con- venors, did a thriving trade. Miss Annie Langstaff was in charge of the | guessing contest. The convenor of | the refreshments was Miss Kathleen Elliott, and: delicious indeed, were the ice cream, cake and fruit punch to bo had for a moderate cost, | eight o'clock, oS 'sitting at the table or about the grounds were s s the strolling immoned gymnasium, where an excel- ent programme, of an hour's dura- Miss Marjorie 5 | Reid, being the conven | mittee in charge of the Collegiate | orehestra, played several times. Miss | Lesslie Taylor made sweet music on { hery violin; | "The Wreck of the Julie Plante," get | to music by Geoffrey O'Hara and in | Tesponse to a vigorous encore, sang | "Looks and Eyes," by Rockel, hoth songs admirably suited to his fregh young volce.. Miss Mildred Lee brought forth much merriment by her amusing recitation, Miss Diack, w | voice, sang, "Wishes and Fishes," by | Rockel, to everyone's pleasure, Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs and Miss Lois Taylor lawere the aAccompanists, After the | singing of "God Save the King" the | results of the guessing contest were announced, Mrs, E. Mackie being the {Winner of the beanpot, Mrs. W. A. | Sawyer, of the bouquet of sweet peas, | Miller Donnelly, of the cake, aha | Willie' Macdonald, of the measure- ment cup and strainer, awarded to the one who guessed the number of links in a chain, The affair wag a | spceesstul e in every way and | much credit is due to the advertisin committee, with Miss Jean Wilton | ang Miss Roberta Vince as conve- | nors, for the number of people present. The proceeds were $100. | | I .a THE | | | | Building Lots | lf 5. Are you going to take ad- Bre oe tity offer to ex- pt taxes on buildings for five Let us sell you one or more lots. We have a fine selec tion. WHIG JOB DEPT. will appreciate an opportunity of serving you in the production of A HOME FOR $1450 Princess Street; 7 rooms; easy terms. McCANN Real Estatq and Insurance 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or eat Quotations on Application PHONE 292 rive that knock from your t ni urning the carbon id 7k In 8. You in got more mile- wer ens hy : "fa 5 PER ¢ CYLINDER KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 PRINCESS STREET. 2 Vacation Time To thoroughly enjoy your vacation you must be able to see the things that 'are going on about you--the scenery on your trip--and get comfort out of your reading. * : ARE YOUR GLASSES FIT? : Before you go let us supply you with Glasses that will do you a service, as well as make you appear well to all those whom you meet. Your Glasses make the first impression on strangers. "You cannot look your best unless your eyes are well dressed." . : J. S. ASSELSTINE 842 KING STREET t Kingston, Ont. 'THE BUSY OPTICAL HOUSE" £ ' " F | the leading thea ~BRFTISH 3 .{ the Limestone THE BRIDEGROOM SINGETH LUTHER CROWDER WAS NAPPY i -AUTHOUGH BEHIND THE BARS, ° Songs in the night emanated from 8, .polige . station on Wednesday night when Luther Crowder, the bridegroom that was or is or shall not be, solaced himself with merry melo- dies. Prison bars, tis said, cannot sadden a happy soul, and Luther was not downheéarted when twilight faded Into dusk. His voice could be heard ringing out behind the bars, and Just before the hour when he was called into court on Thursday morn- ing he entertained those waiting for its opening with songs. bliss ot early married life. In the police court -he appeared for the first time charged with com- mitting perjury by swearing that his bride-to-be or, perhaps, not-to-be, was eighteen years of age.and so of such discretion as to assume ths cares of wedded existence. His mather-i#law appea in the action which one day. ed to his music for a Much wa ished at th was enlarged for Accordingly Luther return private conservatory of nother day of waiting, s begun and little W. fin. © court on Thursday mbrn- | ing, only one fine being imposed and a number of cases enlar | 26n was fined three { for violation of the Motor Vehicles | Act and a similar charge lald against another was enlarged for a week, in order that necessary witnesses may be secured. The Harpell-Johnson case, relating to the sale of a horse und other charges. was dismissed, as plaintife failed to produce witnesses after an enla dollars and costs © TO SEE OLD HOME Donald , Macmillan His Business Career Here Forty-three Years Ago. ° Donald Macmillan, Chicago, has been spending the past week in the city, renewing old acquaintances, He 'has had quite a time in placing quite a4 number of those who have spoken to him. Donald is a native of King- ston, who Legan his career in a King- ston hardware store, forty-th years ago, moving to Syracuse, N.Y!, and later on to Chicago, where he bas a splendid business, dnd report says he is a man of large means, Mr. Macmillan and his family mo- tored from Chicago, with the excep- tion of the trip between Cleveland and Buffalo, which was made via boat. He found the roads in splendid condition all the way. - Mr. Macmillan ig very fond of his home town, and has appreciated all its advances. Wh party have bee 'ton street, Th e visitors home on Satu will start for rday. Returned to Rochester, N.Y. Stinuel Thornton, Rochester, N.Y., a visitor in town for the past few days, returned to &is home on Thurs day afternoon. Mr. Thornton left vears and is now _ THE DAILY BRITIS z ee rm. At! eople who were | or of the com- | Master Peter Fair sang | ho has a beautifu] { Such is the | red as plaintiff | ged. One citi- | rgement of one week, |p | CHICAGO BY AUTO = IGDENTS OF THE LOCAL NEWS AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. - --ll Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. ----. | | | Now is the time to look your fur- nace qQver, '. W. Timmerman returned Montreal to-day. : ; W. Swaine, Plano tuner, orders at i McAuley's, or 'phone 564w. ig visiting her cousin, Simpson, Brockvitie. Mrs. Willlam Carey and Mrs. Mur- Miss Dorothy Blakeley, Kingston, Miss Clara days for Wolfe Island. "Mrs. Jose sir€et, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson, 116 Bennett street, Mont- | real, a after spending his holidays with | friends in Buffalo, N.Y, and St. Cath- | arines. Mr. and Mrs. N. Stanton, Jr, and | children, Barriefield, have left to {spend a few days with relatives in Glenvale. w f to | ton, Hamilton, are leaving in a few f Bert Couper has returned home | » Peter B. Kyne, Arthu R. Adams, Perceval Gibbons, all America's greatest writers First series by Pop Holl Jolt .... ph Sheppard, Beverley Four big serials. N publishers owing to paper Satisfaction A 'somewhat gmailer crowd than usual gathered at the Yac Wednesday even weekly hop. . Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Farrington, | Brownville, N. Y. while oR tnoir | honeymoon, called on several friends {in town, Wednesday, Mrs. Captain Pyke and son, accom- {panied by Mrs. Perr with Mr. and Mrs. | Bennett street, Montr Now M the ume | plano tuned. tuners .and will | faction, C. W Lindsay, Limited. | Miss Etta Quinn of the depart- {ment of militia and defence, Ottawa, is spending her holidays with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinn, {of the Bank of Toronto. The popular and ht club on ing to enjoy the Jamieson, eal. We carry two expert apsure entire satis- commodious en, are visiting | i 116 | 10 have your | KEEPING U TIP-TOP MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS, ONE PRIC Cosmopolitan for August # e NOW ON SALF r Somers Roches, Basil King, Meredith Nicholson, Edgar A. Guést, Frank P. G. Wodehouse, Will Payne, John Galsworthy, Gee. Ade and others -- P WITT THE JONESES . Similar in size and make-up to Bringing Up Father, Mutt & Price 830. and. RED BOOK FOR AUGUST ine best short stories of the month. shortage. 'Supplies have been reduced by the GET YOUR COPY NOW. EO é NLY, $2; guaranteed or money refunded The College Book Store | steamer 8t. Lawrence will make her | first trip to O { July 80th, le ing ferry dock at 8 |a.m. Fare, rognd trip, $1.26. ~.. The census returns gave the popu- {lation "of New York 'State villages | thus: Alexandria Bay, 1,649; Cape | Vincent, 913; Clayton, 1,800; Sack- {et"s Harbor, 1,094. gdensburg on Friday, | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Muriam | [an beth and Alberta Pelow, Toronto, are | spending their vacation with their | parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Pelow. We wili rent you a plano, and at ond of six months if you feel lke purchasing Instrument we will: allow the six months, rental on purchasa price, and arrange easy terms on dal. ance, C. W. Lindsay Last summer the Weather Man provided rain for the Sunday school {picnic of St. Paul's church Sunday | school, and this marred the event. [Arrangements have been made for | the scholars to picnic at Brophy"s F fare hoping for good weather, James Foxton, J. P., Sydenham, would like to .have it understoou | fi that he was not associated with the | |Tecent fining of a man of that name i d baby, Albert, and sisters, Eliza- | 1 | AT SPECIA To clear on Friday at 'Telephone 919 : Agent for TIP TOP Tailors. Open Evenings L PRICES FOR FRIDAY SHOPPERS P.K.,-ORGANDY OR CORDED SILK HATS AND BONNETS rrrfeeees ides es. 75¢, $1.25 and up. oint on Friday afternoon, and all | Ladies {for contrevening the Ontario Tem- | perance Act, Whig's: article Tuesday, tfe name "Henry Foxton" appeared and it should have been: Frederick instead. To Have a Show. A meeting of the directors of the In the heading in the | Kingston Horticultural Society was | held 'Wednesday evening, when it was decided to hold a vegetable, fruit, and flower exhibition on the 14th | and 15th of September next, ably the skating rink. All members | May make any number 'of entries free. All greater production gardeners | should join to compete with the fin- ished product of their gardens. ---------------------- Twp watch chains on. a young man's vest are about as much evi- dence of a watch as parting his hair in the middle'is of brains. rr LADIES' HATS Further Reduced to ile in the city the |{ n staying with his sis- | | ters, the Misses Macmillan, Welling- |} City about seventeen employed by one of | tres in Rochester. He | | / Our great Millinery Sale 1s an attractive event -- will be even more so to-morrow, with. furth. er reductions om all Trimmed Hats, with a splendid assort-. ment to choose from, in both light and dark colors. TRIMMED HATS-- For less than half price. PANAMA HATS-- 2 i Any Hat up to $3, for $1. OUTING HATS AND SHAPES-- oturns to his birthplace about every <j | two years and has wh many friends ere © are always glad to greet him, ¥ f wage increases were awarded from It will be held in some central' place, proh- | " Summer Dresses To clear at. very low prices. :° : rome Ey kh 3 gE Ei B SAVE BY BUYING. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store"' LOCAL RAILROAD WORKERS WANT AWARD EFFECTIVE. Stnart Watts, of Kingston Union, Will Confer With Toronto Officials ~=~Why Interest Is Manifestd. Considerable interest is being man- ifested in local railroad circles con- cerning the prospective wage in- creases to be granted to Canadian railroad workers. When the rail- roads of the United States were uni- fied under the central control of the, f United States rallway administration time to time by an adjustment board undér the chairmanship of William Gibbs McAdoo, first director-general Lot the administratin. These awards | were also used as the basis of wage adjustments on Canadian roads ana the present interest arises from the recent award of over $600,000,000 granted to American railroad work- ers, The members of the Canadian railroad unions"are now agitating for increases similar to those granted their Yankee brethren, and it is be- lieved that the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Grand Trunk lines will follow the lead announced on Wednesday of the Canadian National Railways which is accepting the Am- erican adjustment as the basis" of dx Nollovod that 16. Casadian - It fis bellev t e Can od heads feel that any increase should be cogtingent upon the sub- stantial raising of freight and pas- senger rates in order that the addi- tional labor costs should be borne by the users.of the roads. Already an application is. before the Dominion railway commission to secure higher rates and, an advertising campaign, emphasizing the needs of the raii- roads in view of increased expenses : carried on at the present time, Local employees of the railroads are desirous of securing the pavsucen scale and it is probable that uart Watts, a member of one of the Joea: unions of railroad wopkers, will go to Toronto on Sat night to con- IT IS IDLE TO WAIT FOR YOU R sure®ro COME IN U YOU HAVE SENT ONE OUT. LE T YPUR SHYP BE AN IN MENT IN CITY REAL ESTATE, =~UNIVERSI TY AVENUE--- NLESS VEST. a Dptached brick; verandah on front; gide Suiranee; hot water furnace; front and back stairs; hardwood floo %, electric Mght; Eas; laundry in cellar. One of the best constructed houses in th, city, not bullt to sell. 5 bedrooms. Reason for selling, too larg for present owner. 87,100. . » ~CHESTNU T STREET Detached brick; hot air fur nace; electric lights; hardwood loors; 8 rooms; attic floored; in e Xcellent state of re air, garage and yard; immediate popsession. This house was built - known contractor for himself, R eason for selling, present owner leaving city. $5,000. E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYERS AND SELLE RS OF REAL ESTATK INSURANCE BROKERS. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, Phones 589w and 539). WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flour; Feed and Seeds Wholesale Warehouse, foot of Princess St : Phone 51. ; Retail Store ....117 Brock St. Phone 217 ri m-- ~ It is a wise father that can con- The meaning of "Dr." depends vinco his children that a parade is altogether upon whether it is placed fer with railroad heads and make representations on behalf of the workers. ! ~ local) No advance in all there is to a cireus. : the price of oes | Wii prevent kicking. - before or after a man's name. It's worse than useless to advertise for lost faith. J

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