- - W & THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE FOURTEEN For the Hot Weather --which the weather man will have on his bill for some time to come, we've lots of cooling things in Toggery and "'Fixins'. Cool furnishings are as necessary for com- fort as cool clothes. Tor Soft Shirts--as cool as can be made: handsome new fabrics. Cool Underwear--many varieties. Handsome cool Hosiery. Cool Neckwear. Straw Hats--as comfortable as can be-- in styles and shapes to fit the face as well as the head. For choice new "fixins" come here. Prices to please. Livingstons 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. "1¢ Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" FARM WEALTH MAKES GAINS Returns for Last Year Are Estimated at Nearly" | government, $7,400,000,000 'OPENING The Agricultural Wealth is In= + +444 2444 +++ + +434 4 creasing Markedly Year «+ by Year. sg Ottawa, July 29. -- Agricultural OF NEW LANDS iss Sees om' foc" springs. yor | ginia, where he is now staying. {¥ - 5 ¢ [ NOT A BIT OF TRUTH. { { In a Story of Canadians Going Into Mexico. (From our vwm correspondent) New York, July « 29.--General Critchley, widely known in Canadian military circles, to-day denied the truth of the dispatch received yester- day from Calgary, Alta, which stated that, with the support of the British he was taking three battalions of British and Canadian on a million acre estate. "There.is no word of truth in the report," de- * 4 | + ROUMANIA FEARS * | + BOLSHEVIK RISING $ # Constantinople, July 29.-- & | # Refugees from Sulina and Kus. # | Anderson Bros. Limited ~ Friday Sale FE Fresh F ish | White Fish Lake Trout TRY OUR COUNTRY PORK SAUSAGE all pork, seasoned just right. > Other makes: -- . Oxford... ..........;... 2%. 1h. Wihdior -...... ......... 2%], LittlePig ................32¢: 1b, CHEESE Prime, rich--500 lbs. to clear . ... .32c¢. Ib. "a FRUITS Buy this week: Raspberries, Cherries, Blue- berries, Gooseberries, Red and Black "Currants. os wv wealth of Canada fn 1919] has been # tendje, in Eastern Roumania, estimated by the government at $7,- 4 gre arriving here in large num- 397,299,000, as follows: Agricultural + bers, fleeing from the Bolshevik production, $1,975,841,000; value of* : Mendee. They 7epot Sonditions 9 mg9 : : 0 be ghly unsettled in u farm . land, $2.792,2391000; build + mania, and déclare that a Bol- ings, $927,584,000; implements, | 4 ghevik movement is feared. $387,079,000, and farm live stock, $1,296,602,000. [tht tebe s ste Peet That agricultural wealth is annu- | ally increasing is obvious from the | | fact that each year sees increased | {settlement and new areas made DPro- | pyre Chief J. J Healy, Denver, is | ductive, with a consequent augmenta- President. : 2 | tion in crop production. With settling |. * (Canadian Press Despatch) { {of new territories, penetration of rail- Toronto, July 29--Fire Chief John {roads and other advantages which | J. Healy, Denver, Col, was this | follow in its wake, land naturally in- | morning unanimously elected presi- creases in value, numerous farm | dent of the International Association buildings spring up, 'farm stock | of Fire Chiefs at the concluding | introduced on a larger scale, and | session of the convention herd. Chief more agricultural implements are Frank Reynolds, Augusta, Ga., was | needed. | moved up from.second to first vice- | This agricultyral wealth hinges on | pregident. The city of Atlanta, Ga., | {increased settlement and production. | wag unanimously selected as the | | That settlement is extending, there! meeting place for mext yedr's conven- | {can, of course, be no gainsaying, with | tion. gp y . | the ever expanding area of cultivated | i land, the opening of new sections and | |the flood of immigrants from all he Heinous Offence Theatrical Against. People (Canadian Press Tiespatch) Washington, July 29.--Men- A------ tioning the suspension of opera- At Griffin's, | tions by the American Woolen What promises to be one of the] C . f real motign picture events of the Jo., and announced intention of year, will be shown at Griffin's to-| = 'the-Pennsylvania railroad to re- day, Friday and Saturday, In a pic-| duce its working force, Samuel turization of ir 'Gilbert Parker's . i . greatest navel "The Right of Way," i. Uumperse president of the Am starring the magnetic and versatile erican Federation of Labor, in a young actor, Bert Lytell. The action statement, last night, declared revolves sulefly sbolt Jue shrraster that the "actiom of the corpora~ 0 arley Steele, called for his das : ¥ os 7 . and manner by his friends and ene- tions which RY lay off thous mies, both of which were numerous. sands of. men is nothing less '"'Beauty Steele." The famous than a tremendous indictment of | courtroom scene in which, the management and a heinous offence against the people in | after clearing a man of the charge of | murder, Steele snaps him "Out of my | p need of .every possible ounce of production," * degrees TO MEET IN ATLANTA. | Sight--you're as guilty as hell," opens the drama; and this same striking unexpectedness this sudden- | ness-and almost stunning surprise is repeated in the various incidents | Professor at World Convention. | which go to make up the novel which | Arthur G. Dorland, assistant pro- won for Gilbert Parker, the title of fessor of history at Queen's Univer- Sir Gilbert Parker. The picture is sity, left on Thursday for Montreal, superb, and at the very beginning where he will sail on the steamer must be mentioned the remarkable | Grampian for England, to attend a characterization of Charley Steele, as| World convention of Society of done by Mr. Lytell He is a young | Friends at London. Tr. Aorland has lawyer, dashing, dissolute, spectac-| been chosen as a Canddian delegate ularly gifted as a barrister, yet en-| to this important Quaker conference, dowed with a singular compelling | and expects to be gone a month. On magnetism which wins over not only | his return he joins the staff of the the jury .in the big courtroom scene, | Western University at London, On- but later draws a somewhat nwill- |tario, as head of the history depari- remington ing promise from Kathleen to marry him. "The Right of Way" is a delight ful Bert Lytell picture, and no ad- mirer of his should miss seeing it.-- The Yate, Mrs. M. Morrison. The death occurred Wednesday evening, at her residence, 96 Clergy k her eighty-eighth year. The deceased was born in Ireland and came to this country many years ago. Her hus- band, the late Michael Morrison, for many years conducted an important business as a produce merchant, first on Princess street and later on Brock street. Three sons and four daugh- ters survive, among whom are Mrs. . Ryan, "Rockwood House, King- on; Mrs. D._J. Hogan, Napanee; Miss Victoria, Toronto, and Miss Joanna Morrison, of the post office department, Kingston. der sons are Dr. C. A. Morrison and Edward and Daniel Morrison, Akron, Ohio. Eleven grandchildren and three great-grand- children are also among those who mourn the death of a revered and estimable woman. Band In the Park. ' The Salvation Army band will give an open alr concert at McDonald Park, this (Thursday) evening, and a very select programme will be ren- dered. It is as follows: "0 Canada" - March, "Happy Days" ..W. Kitche Melodies from Il Trovatore. . Hawkes Euphonium solo (Deputy Bandmaster Hughes.) Sea Ww. The letter carriers would have re- very much if they had received 400 or $500 as back pay. As a mat- ter of fact eight of the men received the balance less than $75. This was back pay for 1919 only. The six months of this year is still due. Peaches | fected by the new wage scale. street, of Mrs. Catherine Morrison, In | ment. -- SS - Louise Rebekah lodge held another delightful picnic and dance on Wed- nesday afternoon and evening at Lake Ontario park. The weather be- ing ideal, a large crowd was present, who thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The Turkish peace mission 1s still missing but may teach Paris to-day. The Canadian railways will be af- Black Currants and Red -Currants at Carnovsky's. ro DAILY MEMORANDUM. See top o. Page Three, righ: hand corner for srobabilities Enjoy.the band and orchestra on the Musicians' Mounlight to Clayton, Mon- day, August Ind Lawn social, Bethel church, evening. Musical programme. n, 10 cents. * HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR Market Square, Kingston mn Friday Admis- | » DIED. MORRISON--In Kingston, July 28th, 1920, Catherine Owens, beloved wife of Michael Morrison. Funerai from her late residence, 96 Clergy street, Friday morning, to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a sol- emn requiem 8s Will be sung at 9 o'clock for the re of her soul. /attend. WHEELOCK -- In Fa ag Funeral in charge of the James Reid firm, will tal place from his late residence, 113 Lower Albert street, Saturday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. a Nn IN MEMORIAM. In lov dear ba Gracle Chari way a away 29th, 1917, at Kapuskasing, Oni. Around she grave where s laid. --Mother, Father and Grandma. and | ™ to-day, Saturday at iin ------ ¢ This morning the caretaker of the bowling green swept into several eaps thousands of shad-flles which clustered around the Chinese lanterns per steamer Aqui- RB tania, via Rew ark, will close at the J # 0-1 Th 3 |S. office ight ( mraday) at « } veterans into Mexifo to settle them OT OE A OOOO OO A EE Rn JU i pose Friends and acquaintances invited to! 9 il maim = THURSDAY, JULY 20, Me. I i a i ed dk od bob eh se hte ees Summer Blouses That cannot fail to attract the most particular person-- cool and summery in appearance and unusual in design. HABUTAI BLOUSES Which means a Tub Blouse that can be worn on all oc- casions, daintily trimmed with buttons or lace; half and long sleeves; Round, V and Square Neck; all sizes from 34 to 46, and very attractively priced -- $4.50, $7.00, $5.00, $6.75, $5.50 up to $9.50 each. VOILE BLOUSES In a wonderful range; made from a high grade, Sheer English Voile--all the newest creations: Baby Irish Lace trimmings, embroidered fronts, long and half sleeves, with all the new neck formations. Sizes from 34 to 46. Prices as low as $2.25 each, and up to $9.50 each. % $10.00 and up. Georgette All made from an untearablé Jap Crepe Georgette wonderfully embroidered, with wool"or foss; also dainty trimmings of beads, in various colors, beauti- fully blended. A full range of sizes to choose from, in colors of flesh, white, maize, brown, black and navy. Prices that cannot be duplicated to-day--$8.50, $9.00, "OVER BLOUSES Of Tricolette and Georgette, with all the alluririg i touches in Monkey cuts and panel eftfects--a variety of colors--prices moderate. John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. ET LEANER ECE COA . 5 2 _-- -------- Men's Brown Calf - Oxfords 7 Genuine welted soles; round or pointed toes; splendid \. Wearing qualities. Reduced to 86.95 Kingston, on July| °' ; " . : « FE Eo SR OO