THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ~ IPICNCKED AT BROPHY'S I --_-- « vp HAD A FINE LIST OF EVENTS | wil I A ¥ Notice to Contractors { FOR CHILDREN, ; | | | | F O R Pursuant to the requirements of the The Princess. Street Methodist |; 3 TTC WE TV TY UST UWE SWOT WY Canada Highways Act, sealed tenders Church Sunday School Had a Real | | v y wv ~3 2 ho. : Rarkes "Tender for Contract Nu be ¥ d by the undersigned un- ¢ . b | 3 1 8 received by LLB braay Fine Time on Tuesday 3 | BIG DOUBLE Bll | I August 14th, 1920, for the excavation Princess street Methodist church | Ri och cetatty ere a Che Brot | Sunday school held its annual picnio| eRney | EIRATD, aDVIATIMNG RATES i ' i y " - | tion, lc. - pnalal Highway in thé Township ot to. Brophy's Point, Tuesday after- | THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Eecutive inse! tion thereafter, hal. TRE ROUSE; BATH.| 30 MF. HOILER TOR SALE APPLY ; ' " - { a v { cen . Minimu e for LA T-ROOM FR! 1 sD SALE R 3A Plans, specifications and forms of | DOOn, 'Where a crowa of over three | one Seton. 250; three Shscrtions. FOUND closet and "gas; 198 Stuart Sireet. | E. BE. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. ? Bder may be yeen on and after Satur- | 1 ved the lovely | 50 cents, | Appiy J. R. Laidlaw, 148 Division | = ---- = * vod gr pe, $1] fandred peopla enios y] MARGUERI { E The abave rates are for cash onlyi|| PAIR OF SPECTACLES IN CASE. 1 | = _&ircet. : | FORD SDADSLER, enEAe FOR the Resident Engineer, Napanee, and|afternoon weather. After the steamer | whan charged they are double. Call at 95 William street, or BE ere] irk le mer, \ the ofifes of the undersigned. | Wolfe Islamder reached the picnic | = C.L.C. Time ce. ) SE ON ba 5 A marked cheque for $500, payable to Sen } HELP WANTED, |} IN" THE CITY QUARRY ON Sreeis 3 picte bath 3400 on. "2 | GRAX DONT TOURING; GOOD AS inister of Public Works and High-| grounds, games were played until ---- £ Monday, a gentleman's silver Bro area as ' | new; sacrifice for quick sale. Palle the M g € { ay, a Brock strect 1 Fn a a SEbranty Soa suPper time. This was one of the big | A oor: APDLY bh 3s. BB at oy Drynay have rrrecs er, 'corner Bagot and Queen, y's bi ond mus - > 3 ee (ent, §5 King street. * . aa ah there 'was | : : " A Guaranty Company's bond for. ten] events and, although was | Per cent. of thé amount of the tender | plenty of 'competition, everyone se- Wil! be required when contract is sign- om pois at 108 Patrick atrest. FRAME HOUSE, § ROOMS, HARD- | CAPABLE MAID FOR DINING ROOM. CTISEY FREE. : I oj-aleuins is an Apply at once to superintepdent, X. Anyone finding anything nd Hickson avenue 2 satisfacti . Aftér™ the. Joli | --f Ne wea A wishing to resoh the Owner may *n avenue. ee -- «cured satisfaction. iy | 1 do so 4 reporting the tacts to 1020 TOURING CAR, EQUIP. | =o The lowest or 'any tender not neces-| spread on the grass, the races were | A TO CLERK IN A STORE. The British Whig. The adver- ha super iens, | A REO FIVE PASSE sarily accepted. run, followed by a scramble for | > Good wages paid. Apply Buperlor tisement will be printed in this ana license.. Cheap for cash. Anpi| first class condi > - ' 4 nd licens pp for sh, Apr y o . > W. A. MMLEAN, 3 Wad- 66' Ice Cream Parlor. column free of charge. | iy Qiarence 'Street Garage. miles. Apply F. M. Clow. Phone ; Depry Et Highways. | Candy and peanuts. Rev. J. A. Wad + AS y i oO "Found. articles" aoes mot. in- biy \Harence 'Street Usrage 1015 or 1436. : : dell, W. Gilmour and G. Pound were clude lost dogs, cattle. horses, . "IRST © "ON \ Depa m w * bu 3 . > | | FORD, IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION; = - i ate Bers very busy men and their activity Wave ER SAL hor BLy SO ay aaa. B00 oes instrument i oh Tan rE : : : | r 1 . Fert . speedometer, cut-out; excelerator, v.36 SCL . h , added s/much to the succéss of the | 3 Ont. 1 op a for quick sale. ator Terms, $5 cash, §1 per week. C. ( 99 Kniyfing Co., Peterboro, Th picnic. The winners of the races | " | 65 Frontenac streel. Phone 1374w. Lindsay, Limiied. 121 Princesa St. | were : / EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID AND) - - =f -- irre. | = , S an ouc es > . cook, general; good wages for | THE REV. SHIBLEY OFFERS | HIGH GRADE S85 NOTE PLAYER % ) ¥ pl £-2 ig | . % { : n' P >" alo r sw, This piano was taken Girls', 5-8--Marion Walker, Dor- | Eooa Work APY BoE K-24, Wh e 2 10ST na Hein Ww an ae ar a8 S Sec ey for ag advanced; othy Rutherford. { " Yeah A SILVER MESH BAG, CONTAINING lence, 419 Albert street. $250.00 fice for cash. Apply Box Boys', 5-6--Fred Gibson, Harold | The "Sunniest Girl" in. Pictures in a 3 | about $11.00. Finder kindly re- cash | . Whig. $1.00 ys, e ' LADY CLERK FOR GROGERY. DE-| turn to Wig Gffice and receive re- - 5 | oi Gardiner, | Tale of a Hundred Laughs. partment; highest wages paid. Ap-| ward. . | MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, | Girls', 7-8--Edith Alexandra, Au- ply at once to Anderson Bros. | ! Ole NDQWS WITHOUT. WEIGHTS need a HoldIast Latch and Lock. Ase. at Woolworth's, distributors ad. Silver Mounted Pipes, English 50c¢ ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX ol --_-- house furniture, specialize in mili- | ¥4E& ae A NINE - Cigarette Holders from 85¢ | arey Warwick. ' Everybody loves a fairy story stores or at 424 Princess street, af-| A MARKER, NO. 138020; BETWEEN |» tary boots; buy all kinds second- | acres of land in the clay belt of rg' ter 6 p.m. . Kingston and Stirling on Saturda "hang goods; hikhest prices paid. L. orth Ontario, might exchange for 'We have everything for the Smoker. Boys', 7-8--~Nelles Timmerman, a good car. .Enquire of Dr. Lake, Call in and see our stock. | Jack Saunders. : . qe finde; Plenge feturg to, Pr. WwW. Routbard. hone 1723. 289 Puin- | 337 Johhann 30k | ¥bson, 7illiam Street. cess Street. . | hana ike Girls', 9-10 Mable Waddell, Alice Little Red Riding Hood G00D SAMARITAN HOSPITAL = | : | | SMALL. BROWN VELVET PURSE, JOHNSON STREET, NEAR ALBERT, " amt . i . ¥ Patterson. i TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES containing sum of m iN 'y 14 rooms; solid brick; Mot wader | FANTASOTE, TRUCK CUSHIONS, - Boys' 9-10 -- Floyd Gibson, | Played entirely by children--a photo- Probat 's required for spring afternoon, at Fa'r Ground r heating; hardwood fHoors; wondei- Eprangs 4 33 inches high, nHiost easy Charlle Walker. | play for the whole family | | and fall classes. Course: three vears. | | kindly return to Whig Office ful rooming house. $2,800 cash re- | Pid and durable cushion made; » * qu . 10 Two his ee , a : : : 'ncy, 56.1 Price §5.00. State gize of seat. Juds Potato race, boys, 11-12--Willis Foe ror Saas, EN schdo] Te-1| _ York streets: Reward = - juired. XK. carroil Agency, 156 . | outs RULo Tora Biolog x 288 Wood, Woodland Murray. ! Apply: COCKER SPANIEL PUP, LIGHT R ; mmol Setters ewe | 209 Princess Street. Phone 1 F. Potato race, girls, 12-13--Marion | Parents bring your children to see | s RINTENDENT OF HOSPITAL, gnd nearly uot grown. wiame | CHEE ACTORY AND goon | A FIVE PASSENGER FORD 'WYTH T Co t t Allen; Hilda Alexandra. these wonderful juveniles. ; Lebanon, Pennazivania. { A. far saturn to Panye| hs Bil AREER Lp Slectri Tiarter and lighting sys 0 n rac ors - Boys' three-legged raée--Norman Prices lof this en ment: - one keeping same after this adve 921. F further particulars, ap- | ¥ ns & ary E00a, condion. Also, Asselstine and 'Charlle Hood. C! 8 gage: : LIVE MAN WANTED~--SPFARE TIME tisement will be prosecuted. { ¥ 'son, Battersea, R.{ al Apomy Pb H oars Ge SEALED TENDERS will be recelv-| " co" 4} oo loeged race--Dorls Matinees, adults, 20c; children, 15c. No adiiy soiling SUF Buarautieed EE | - No. 2. Main street, or phone 1995F. £9 Dt the office of lhe gin dersig ued Allen and Jean Godwin. Evenings, all seats .... ersi commission. Brown Brothers AGENTS WANTED. | F . cific y Boys sack race -- George Hall . Company, Nurserymen, mite 2 : 3 Ind /e.,| FARM FOR SALE--128 GOOD, DAIRY be seen) up to 5 o'clock p.m., ony ' Brown Nursesies. P.O. Ontarle. ONLY SATISFACTORY CANADIAN | furniture at 300 University Ave, farnis St Lawrehce 5 » Norman Asselstine. . : : A beginning Wednesday at 10 a.m. arms in St. Lawrence, Jefferson Friday, July 30th, 1920, for the sev- | qi 1+ cack race--Helen Gardiner, | SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE =r BE Tt is oausdlan au, including a large steel range, bed- and Lewis counties; in. nonthierd eral trades works required in the Marion All ~ 4 eas WE WANT RELIABLE AGENTS FOR Currie. Many making $10 dail room siites, dishes, sealers and New York State, for sale. Send 3 Marion en. ON SATURDAY MORNING unrepresented districts, to sell 2 ee y other articles. for new catalogue just published. construction of a Public Lavatory in Youn ' G ep hh. 10 Great opportunity for returned men H. C. Rogers, Gouverneiir, N.Y 1 ~ g men's race -- George s fruit and ornamental trees, roses. y » | ' s * Ae gers, » N.X, the City Park for the Corporation of dmissi J and others. Sanple free. Winston e City Park for the Corporation Ti Wiltred Wiskin, At 11 o'clock. Admission--for this Good pay weekly; exclusive stock 5 the City of Kingston. mms, . : and territory, The demand for Co. Spadina Bldg, Toronto. SOLID BRICK HOUSE OF ELEVEN Lo a matinee, all children « 110. oh To ordnEraTs yhmend lio mm rooms on Johnson street; wonder-| WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF 'west or. any tender not neces- 3 ou or I Q Bi Tae = ful rooming and boarding house. good second hand furniture and sarily accepted. ceeds the supply. Our agencies are WANTED GENERAL, Income, $100.00 per, including three 8loves. Any person having stoves Y 00 5 K and furniture to dispose of, we will : or > valuable Write Pelham Nursery "a | Cr . < N'S BAY. . rps . yalua ---- ------ i ee ---- ain garages. . $6500 cash. J. | WM. NEWLANDS & SON, VISITORS AT COLLIN'S BA 1 i) Tn Co. Toronto. . BOAT HOUSE 70 ACCOMMODATE Carroll Agency, 560, SB street. | pay higuest prices. J. Thompson, Architects, -- J i : | - boat, 30 feet by § feet Apply Box | 333 Princess Sireet. Phone 1600w, 258 Bagot street | A- M. Rankin, M.P.P., Has Returned al > | 0-27, Briitsh Whig. | 1 ¥ 2 PICTURES! _-- ; . | MoTOR BOA ve PUNT /IN- | From Ottawa. AIA SE LL : Dr, DECK PUNT, USED CARS AND TRUCKS WF ALL ». [ [ bl 3 5 SY ~ u y 3 | shés uge pump a 1 . Collin's Bay, July 26.--Quite a C P R POLICE FORCE SMALL HOUSE OR FLAT IN GOOD | ror 42 FnuSe pump Bun. Win. | Yin, Fore radios nod ounne od o I number from this vicinity attended TO DAY Apply Box P-28, Whig Office. , tent, fishing rods and reels Chevrolets, Overiahds, Gray Dort, Your Eyes May Be No l the horse races in Kingston on civic - " Wanted, as Constables, smart, skates and beots (sige 8) sno Studebaker, Saxon Six, aiso 1 tom holiday. Rev. E. R. Kelly has return- } HEATED APARTMENT, OR THRES | shoes, hip boots; between 5 and 7. truck and light delivery trucks. ed and preached to a large congre- HERE SHE COMES! intelligent men of good charactes, or four bright, airy rooms, in good | C. Romilly, 50 William street. { Apply Bert Stansbury, 169 Raglan physique and education. .Age 21 locality, Apply Box L-3, Whig Of- | Road. Phone 1674w. gation on Sunday evening. A. M.| gong wild doings at Griffin's to 40 years. Height, 5 ft. 10 ins. fice. B U 1 Rankin, M.P.P., has returned from A PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD f 5 GOOD DWELLING, NEAR FAIR ; si y i Good pay and exceptional condi- TO 25 ACRES WITH DWELLING | grounds; six rooms; stone founda- | FRAME HOUSE ON COLLINGWOOD a trip to Ottawa. R. Grass, Toronto, tiong of service. Candidates must and barn, near the city ; ton; cella : well "hich | street near Johnson; large lot; lane i : ser ), ates 2 3 il y. Apply to ton; cellar, cement well, which| ¢ A . is with his family at their cottage i referenc t th t McCann's Real Estate Agency, 86 sever falls; twelve assorted fruit at rear; hot" water heat; electric 3 z h We are sorry to report Mrs p ferences lOr-iLue pag Brock street. trees; one #cre of land, With {wo light; stone foundation; cement It Ise 0 e ure are. a 4 - Pp - three years. - | barns. Owner left éity and will cellar bottom. Three piece bath. George Ellerbeck quite ill, also Mrs. Avply by letter to the: MECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO | sell at a bargain. R. Chas. Bell, $4,000.00. 7% cash. J. K. Carroll John Asselstine. Mrs. McNeely, of ply or : re op ? for cash or in part payment of new | 180 Clarence Street. Agency, 58 Brock street, v {CTOR OF P plancs and grafonolas, C. W. Lina- | " Lethbridge, 1s with her sister, Mrs. | yu que ynappteat, funniest picture of her o " BR 4 POLICE, say Limited, 121 Princess street. | 3 : L 2 TWO FARMS, ONE CONTAINING 100 W. Blackley. Mrs. Davis is the hye - Windsor Station, Montreal | FIRST CLASS USED CARS JUST! + acres, § miles from the city; up-tos= Maximum- care in every ex- guest of Miss Annie Vanluven. Miss r \ WANTED=-MEN AXD BOYS TO PAT- | ready to g've you a good suminer's date buildings; running water; well ronize J. W. Curzon. barber: Men's | ing. You can--have one for as fenced; second, 12 miles from the amination is the price of suc- [| Ruth, Pay, Toronto, is visiting at W. h . . and boys hair eut, 20c. Shave :0o, | little $175.00 cash, and. ten city on county road; every convents : Britt's. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bell OIN THE NURSING Jazors boned 260. 238 Ontario Bi,| months to pay the balance-- Ford ence; excellent camping grounds cess in our daily practice. and Mrs. Rose spent Sunday at B. | touring, Ford roadster, Chevrolet and good fishing. Apply Box A-1, Marrison's, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. PROFESSION ST er EI 19 ¢ hevrols: Jo18, Se. See our Whig Oftice. : : Reese, Toronto, and Messrs. James . | ee and It died, ; and Jobs Randle, Bioomind, were | Zowle, what a wila ana woolly lnay--| The United States Needs | mag FURNISHED COTTAGES FOR | '| PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, recent visitors at L. A. riman's. | 4 gale of giggles--a hurricane of hilar- 100 0 August; $35.00 and up. - May Bell 20 a number of ladies and gents R. J RODGER Mr. sud ra. Sonn Fring stionded Hy--you'll laugh UII you ery. » 00 More Nurses Marks, Christies Lake, Ont. wi it USED CAR SALE used Bicycles and motorcycles, at A J x CI 7 » he a RE wo Maxwells. I & > ices, S| i . the bare) T he vate Ine C. watt MOURA ---- TENDING. THE SICK 1§ WOMAN'S FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; Toe Corer oles. Even to yell al aiention Waketora, Jorouto, ai Napanee, Mr. ALSO OUR USUAL LINE OF If you are an oRk t ti all improvements; centrally locat- Two Fords. riage repair work. Muller's Pleyels Manufacturing : ahd Mrs umes Maddsh ml Miss SELECT SUBJECTS ees SXre. ar ii n Sot nargetic ed. Apply 248 Brock street. Co Two ar cks. | Works, 371-378 King street. Phone Optician and Optometrist adoen 8 e w -en | offering HAPPINESS and PROS- FURNISHED, LARGE, BRIGHT, | Re. Ord Pian. bid Saundercopk's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bak- PERITY, write to the front room; suitable for two. Apply | da auled ang must be; sold. Redue- . 132 Princess Street. 'r and daughter, spent Sunday at W. DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALS AND 813 University. avenue or phone PALMER'S EXCLUSIVE USED CAR | MOTORS FOR SALI ine UNT "Wh McFarlane's, Joyceville. Russell Van- DiSEENSARIES 352w. | SALES | States Government Electric Mo- ere the Clock is om the t 1 hy 75 Walk." Telephone 567. ] 462 Grider Street. Buffalo, N.Y. = { y a y tors, 50 I } g ustyne, Toronto, spent a few days Peak F ns Comprising the Buffalo City Hospital, TOP FLAT, UNFURNISHED, SUIT. Corner of Nagotr aud Que phate, 530 voit 120 ba Born vith his aunt, Mrs. G. Vanalstyne. 3 réa eapacity 851 beds, for the reception of able for light house-keeping; also | consisting of Westinghouse, Crocks vr. and Mts. Giibert, city, at D. Me- . 4 ae ES i isenze, and § Hes th Cen- | furnished rooms. Apply 247 Brock | - MEDICAL . er-Wheeler and C.G.E. makes. Nines en's recently. Spe ns ording over reet, 1y per cent. of the above: were in- § 100,000 treatments annually. Affiliated! 3 2 C! E ] -_ SHORTCAKE with the University of Buffalo Medical | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | DOCTOR E. L. STONE, 238 BROCK ST. 1 "ETE plumed ven: a, \ § Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to'6 p.m. Apply L. 8. Tarshis & Son Does pou key Rig TAIRA 7 to 8.30 p.m.. Phone 2066w. *| ___ 400 kront street East, Toronto, hree-year, registered course fitting Frost's Clty Storage, 1299 \ puplls 100 ain Bedside and Public Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989w. DR. 1. S. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN- [& . ing. 5 ATE » PLEASANT WATER THIS IS DELICIOUS Salary: $20, $25 and $30 per month; 1st, , Ist SEPTEMBER, FURNISHED LOW- nounce that he has resumed his BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. ) . = 2nd and 8rd. vears. er flat; fine residence; west end; . Jrastics. at 3% gon eal, FOR SALE . " v : Ask your Grooer for it. Food. lodging, uniforms, laundry and couple without children. lent $50 Fours: 13 3 fd Cy ape 5 Wednesday, July 28th--8tr, St. Lawrence to Amherst Island, 5 p.m., back 4 books furnished free. per month. Apply Box N-15, Whig hone - o rs h At 10 p.m. Round trip, 50c, ' . * STRAIGHT $-HOUR DUTY. Office, E KANE WiIsHES oF N. | #4000--FRAWE HOUSE; NORTH END, Thursday, July 39th--Str. St. Lawrence, Queen St. Methodist church NO MENIAL LABOR. as ne smere | By re i ae ASHES JU A p i tollet and sink; electrig \ League Moonlight on river, at 7.50 pam. = » ~~ eee | TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, SPE: Yaa iio has, ohalisd offices Sarge lot. Friday, July 30th--Str, Brockvill, " Glally furnished: for light house- Post Office. fice hours 2-4 p.m.: 2 EN » e to Amherst Island, 5 p.m, back at 10 EA , keeping; gas for cooking and light, - h e urs b.ov; | $8200--BRICK VENEER; ¢ ROOMS a Ra trip, 50c. : TEACHER WANTED. at the Ploneer Apartments, 212 and 7-83.20 p.m. Elephons; oifice, 1825; and stable; north end; large lot; 2 i . Klas, July 30th--Str, St. Lawrence; first trip to Ogdensburg, 8 a.m: vision t. Phone 1434w, I . 1831. improvements. Saturday, July 3ist--Str. 8t. Lawrence to Al ri " < q NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR: Se : LL a . lg exandria Bay, 2 p.m. : 1 [ J 2 F Ot ---- fu 7 Aug. 1st--S8tr. §t. Lawrence to Alexandria Bay, 2 p.m, 3 Rn 5-5 Boal jes Rr Le : DENIAL S1.500k ABM, Rio: 200 ACRES 13 ondnz. Jus. nd--Str.. Brockville, Zion Church Moonlight to Ganan- anoque, Ont. ' Ls - - = plough land; good buildings; well oque, 7.30 p.m. : : - TO-NIGHT MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS, FROM E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, .D.DS, Watered, one mile from P. O., fags 8 _ Monday. +nw. ZndemStr. $t. Lawrence; Musicians' excursion to Clayton, QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SCHOOL $500 up. First mortgage. No de- office 2568 Princess Street. Phone topy and school - at 7.30 p.m. ' section No. 5, Collin's Bay. Apply lay in securing money. Apply S. 662. -- $ ¥ 6 oO clock. stating salary to George F. Clark C. Snider, 8eceley's Bay, Ont THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY ON { Collin's Bay. STRANGE -& STRANGE INSURANCE | DRS. SPARKS AND SPANKS, DEN the corner of Princess and Albert NGI 3 NS AD s. o $e t ~ DELORO vs QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER agents; established in 1560; only: tists, 159 Wellington str Sd ore re_and hres dwellings: . 5S . and gere lot on Prin for 8. 8. No. 12, Olden; salary $700 the most reliable compapies rep ___Carnovsky's. Phone 3 qd ly 208 Rett Cota Nres: and ce street, | * Nn 1 Anna -- -- 1 2 : k Apply to Damon Youmans, Moun- sented. Office #5 C ¢ gain fq ick ®. t 8, : : 7 gain for quick sale, to wind up an : 9 . TRIPLE LINKS. alin Grove, Ont. a opposite the post office. UPHOLSTERING estate. : e Pram, FIRST CLASS TEACHER FOR S§. 8. FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST. El $4200--~DOT pI ~ RR [ ENA oan Al ~'N861 | CALL. RR DROP A CARD TO W, J,|$4200--DOUBLE BRICK; VENEER; 8. - ' . i550 Der ann as ta aged President, Ws Nickl, KC. 34. v \ ine, upholster, 216 Bagot £t. rovrmis each. © are fully equipped with first class mechanics to do all kinds ngrove S epairs wood, sec.-treasn., Tichborne, Ont/ resident, , Cunningham ae t y . obey lasued on' elty aad Bi ei py | $850=BUILDING LOT; CONVEXIEN ot AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK ON SHORTEST NOTICE, Belen, Talking Machines. Bicreisn, | foretiney toro rr S ASAIRG:| Bropartss: municipal aad county | F. W. MAmoLn rom yom ve. |" iccation. : ot) : chines, eye eacher for S. 8. Ne. : ebentur mortgages purchased ai athr 3] t -- / Call and let us supply you with GASOLINE, OILS, etc Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We . Yorke Front. Apply, stating sal- investment bonds ln, de oli I ' ders at OF drop a card to TO LET Country calls given best of attention. repair work right and guarantee ary and qualifications, tg John received and inte allowed. RH : Mioet. $25.00--HOUSE 6 ROOMS; D. AND O.§ Bt satisfaction. Beatty, Mallorytown, Ont. C. Cartwright, manager, 7 Clar --_-- electric lights and gas; central orage for cars. 197 WELLINGTON STREET QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 3; ence street. Kingston. LEGAL Pn ' i F 58. NO. TEE QA, Sa 00-- y J Ww MARTIN Pr Nc 33 CV ERIE a & Aegnetec, Puties to commence BN ARCHITECT CRNINGR Y 300.40 ora loony, lL . ept. . ply, stating experi- . CUNNEN AM & SMITH, RARRIST. » " : . . ' op. W H S ., ®Acg to Wellington See, sec.-treas.| POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. gre and Solicitors, 78° C oe 155 Wellingron Seb monthly real '110 8 % Ph 1192W. Jp 1705F . * J 7" R'R. No. 2 Arce Ont. tects, Merchants Bank Chambers et Classen, A, B. Cunniog. -- Clergy Street one Res. Phone , itr ms eons met me eat : ' . . : HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH. | QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8. No, [True ad, Wellp@on VIO Loan "D8 FOR SALE, MONEY 11, rear of Leeds and Lansdowne; AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. WARRISTRR Waggons and Tracks Repaired. duties to commence September lst. and Solicitor. Law office, corner -- Prices moderate. f 1920.. Apply stating qualifications, CARPENTERING : of King and Brock, over Royal G. A. BATEMAN, TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD salary and experience, to John W. : Bank. Money to loan. Phens 1999, 155 Wellington Street, Kingeter 4 kk - Reed, sec.-treas, Outlet, Ont. WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPEATER Announcement aveEN srREET. BA ha IL CARE EaTES ps Al J( "TION 5 A I QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR. $. 8. NO. | = University Avenue. Phone 1iskw. ---- . Camden. uties t N E Sept. 1st. Apply, stating saiary, | PAINTING AND PAPER RANGING | : * SoblineTtonst 1 TESTE S| Se TAS SIE Order Coal now for June and July de- avie qarre : oman ¥. Filson, R. R.. No. 1, Paperhanging doie, drop a card to livery. ' ' - . > ny Furniture, Sonora and 60 records, » 84 Arch Sireetl. ' - Steel range, Quebec heater. oficloth.| xommAL TRAINED TEACHER row | IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PAINTING OR All Coal and Wood sales strictly spot rtalhs, scree: porta : Srh da hy da i 2 PLUMBING, HEATING AND TINSMITHING bed pillows and other srticien" "oro Ebates 8B No 1. Howe island EE Dan luat rep. 8 line cash. i - Rion grcrwary, Howe lsiand. POSITION WANTED. = WM. MURRAY, Auctione State salary wanted. Apply to Jos. All kinds of repair work promptly attended to. 3 : $ a oak Slot dan ig pind vig 5 e tas > ¥ * 3 -- J - - . 208 WELLINGTON ST. - . : ale EXPERIENCED INFANTS' NURSE OR : QUALIFIED, PROTTSTANT TEA. housekeeper wants position. Ap- - g ens ur for 8. Ss 14, Wonfe Island. SHER ply Box A-10, Whig Office. ° 4 J $700.00. Apply, stating qualifica- . z x tions and experience, t Ir- | EX-SOLDIER SEEKS POSITION; CAN vine, Secretary, R. R. No. I are supply finest reference for' any Foot of ohnson Street. Island, Ont. Qogition 'of trust. Apply Box D-21, 8. | The Latest thing in Insurance ANCE | em vo oe moe oe urg; Protestant; duties to com- dling extra set of books; seeks em- 4 ) | ! x . = mence at once. Salary $500 -1 ~ gagement. Can give time daily to 4 3 For Automobile Owners Friday 0th | B= Siem) SRS UWE LT cro A WRI ; vd . ? i « H. = R. fice. A low-priced Accident Policy, [covering Automobile Ac- ir Sscretary RK. R ce ts only, p 1a Pri 8 Benet No. 1, Elginburg, Ont. ents only, providing ncipal Su nefits and Weekly In- " . nity to Assured, and generous Hospital Charges, Operation PROTESTANT TEA 5. 8 FURNITURE FINISHING ; = CHER FOR All kinds of repair work prompt- and medical attendance to assured and MEMBERS OF AS- Leave Ferry Dock ;.........8 am. mond Sept Ind. Apeiy. steum | CALL OR DIOF A CARD TO W. DRIS. 13 attended 1s. URED'S FAMILY, if injured wh . 9 coll. 23 John Street. Phone 1264. : ] He dine with him Pare, round trip ........... $1.35] RicAIny And sslary expected " ) rowshith, Ont. PERSONAL. , © FLIES A SIGN OF FISH. MOLES, ~ » | -- PROTESTANT TEACHER POR 8. 8. cers, Plague of Insects at Port Dalhousie! od thio eriubing oF least a Limi: snently. Sa NOTICE MACHINIST 40 PRINCESS STREET i_ Sal $700; Wi duties to commence September, th others have falled. Goitre paid for house- Port Dalhousie, July 28. -- An first. ARMY to- J. A. Conboy, Stabe SEhariehes. Dr. Eimer 3. aihot prices | will purchase epidemic of files is bothering citizens erly, RR Ne. 1. - Nose. Throat, 8 all or part. Y is in great demand. If you have but fishermen wélcome the plague as } L. LESSES anything te seil let ab know 8 a sure sign of plentiful-catehes dur-| LADY TEAS JUNIOR ROOM, LAND SURVEYOR, 1045w. + -- be onthe Job. 8 FOR | idg the autumn. Fubile Se oy Salary | ¥. W. MILLER. 8. CE. 01.9, , D. BAEC Re Ont. On- § Phone 1 3 : ed 507 Princeds St. Cor. Chatham St. / . $700.00. ~~ State' sex . snd TURK Phone If you can't {8a Both batter Eive to qualification sigarly. to 2. B Genge, a Sand ma wakneston Of. Newsprint paper costs 9,000 francs J A fa 705 the poor than pray them. ote : : a ain . » sien ia Paris, iii ----