, ® AGE FOURTEEN -------- SPUK ING NE V8 BASEBALL ON TUESDAY. International League. Syracuse §, Jersey City 3. Toronto 7, Rochester 3. Akron 7, Buffalo 1. Reading 8, Baltimore 7. National League. Chicago 10, Boston 2. New York 8, St. Louis 1. Cincinnati 8, Brooklyn 3. Pittsburgh 7, Philadelphia 1. American League. Chicago 3, Detroit 1. Cleveland 5, Washington 4 (1st game.) . Washington 19, Cleveland 6 (2nd game.) t { Bowling on Queen's Green H. A. Miller C. Wood W. Montgomery L. 8leeth v MARRIED TUESDAY; ARRESTED WEDNESDAY | --, i AHeged That Luther Crowder | Married Fifteen-Year= Old Girl. To be placed under arrest on the day following his marriage, was the sad plight of Luther Crowder, aged twenty, whose home is at Mountain, Ont. He was taken into custody at 2.20 o'clock on Wednesday aiternoon' by Sergeant James Bateson, on a war- rant taken out by his mother-in-law, who charges that he sworg that her daughter was eighteen years of age when securing the marriage certifi- cate. The mother claims that the girl is only fifteen years old. The case, will likely come before Magis- trate Farrell in the policg court ong Thursday morning. The complainant is Mrs, Davis, who lives at 2791 Montreal street. Her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Davis, and Crowder were married on Tues- day evening at the Queen street Meth- odist church parsonage, Rev, W, S, Lennon officiating. From what could be learned of the case it appears that the groom, who was employed at Davis Tannery, has been boarding at the home of the Davis girl, and had been keeping company with her for the last thir- teen months. The girl is employed at the cotton mill. All went well until young Crowder and his bride wenf to the bride's home, following the wedding, and { | { { Queen's bowling club green will be a lively place to-day as bowling club are sending eight rinks to Kingston for a friendly game. Games will be played during the afternoon and evening. The games at the bowling. green. Tuesday evening, resulted as ful- lows : 8. Driver J. H. Blakeley E. Walsh : E. Green skip. .17 skip. .5 Dr. Sparks won from J. F. McMil- lan by defaujt. J In series 'WA' of the doubles, R. 8. Graham won from W. M. Camp- bell by 8 to 7, and L, Sleeth won from R. 8. Graham by 20 to 9. Napunee | announced to mother that the knot had been tied. Then there were | "wigs on green" as the saying goes. The girl's mother protested against | the wedding and declared that she would have the law on Crowder, stat- ing that he daughter was but fifteen years of age. She followed out her threat hy paying a visit to Chief of Police Robinson and taking out a warrant. Strange to say, Crowder too, paid a visit to the police station. 10 see what was "doing." And he 'Was there when Sergeant Bateson was given the warrant to execute, 50 | there was no time lost in looking | up the young bridegroom." So, in- stead of leaving on a sweet honey- | moon trip, which had been arranged, the young bridegroom occupied a cell in the police station, while the bride continued to fill rer position in the cotton mill. The accused states that the gir! gave her age to him as eighteen, and that he believed this to be correct, He is ready to fight the case, CANNOT BE DONE Heating Houses With Electricity at $0 a Month, (Canadian Press Desvatch) Toronto, July 28.---Sir Adam Beck Is not very optimistic shout heating houses by electricity at the cost of $9 a month as Professor J. W. Dor- #ay, Winnipeg, claims it is possible. The chief of the provincial hydro commission declares that the cost would be greater than that of coal, according to known heating 'devices of ag electric nature. About Watertown, N.Y., oats are progressing rapidly under the fre- quent showers that have marked the jast few weeks and indications are that harvest will follow haying with hardly a break'. : At Northampton, Mass, on July 27th Governor Calvin Coolidge was formally notified of his nomination | Crucible Steel | Mexican Petroleum .. [3. 8. Rubber ... Texas Pacific ad the U. 8. Republican candidate for ; vice-president. ------ PRINCESS MARY REVIEWING ree Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Oo., 237 Bagot Street, . New York Stocks. Opening. Closing 34 109% 119 Allis Chalmers Baldwin Locomotive 1103 GC. P.Recovnnnnnnes 121 General Leather .... 58 57 147% 22% 179% 8814 901% 65% 36 88% General Motors 22 Reading Studebaker U. 8S. Steel Canadian Stocks 411% 72% 74 81 Brazilian Brompton Canada Steamships .. Canada Steam. Pid. .. Canadian Locomotive Canadian Loce. Pid... Cons. Smelters ...... | Dominion Steel Dominion Fdy. & Steel North Amer. Pulp . National Breweries .. N. Y. Exchange .... Spanish River ( 13 7-16 2.118% peste a-- Provincial 'Guarantee Not Required. (Canadian Press Despatch) Toronto, July 28.--It is learned on good authority that Premier Meighen has given assurances that the Do- minion government will not insist that the province of Ontario must guarantee the bonds to be givent%in payment of a portion of the Canadian National railway system, which Sir Adam proposes to acquire as part ot the hydro radial system of Ontario. Eugene Leroy, Detroit, sought by the police in connection with the murder of the woman whose body was found in a trunk shipped to New York is probably in Mexico or some South American country. Rev. Mr. Spragklin, Methodist min- ister at Sandwich, prominent in the' fight against the illegal traffic in 1H quor, is to be appointed a provincial license inspector. m The friends of Miss Jessie Taggart will be pleased to hear that her con- dition is favorable after undergoing a serious operation for appendicitis in the Hotel Dieu, Miss Forsythe, Portsmouth, has gone up to Toronto for a few weeks. mon Erie : e. ide O u do fradec noon. Y Keep fit! For breakfast.eat Grape:-Nuts The brain and body-building nourishment of wheat and . malted barl ~ Grape-Nuts needs "There's a Reason" inner MAP-MAKING DEPARTMEN STAFF OF THE DOMINION T AT OTTAWA. Governor General's Foot Guards. A A i A mt ni yy as GANANOQUE July 28.-~--The Community Chaut- auqua opened here in their Dig tent at the town park yesterda srnoon | when the attendance was in excess| of that of last year. The steamer Belleville east bound! was in port last night with quite a; large amount of freight on board. A! goodly amount was disc®arged here | for the local 'trade and considerable! taken on for pdints east. On account of low water, the Jocal| manufacturing plants, with the ex-| ception of those with auxiliary power, were compelled to close down yester- day afternoon. This van be ill-afford-| ed as the plants are all very busy. The local manufacturers-have ar- ranged to meet the executive com- mittee of the local Union on Friday morning for a discussion of the eight hour day question. The beautiful home of Mr. and] Mrs. Ted Boyle, near Gananoque Junction was the scene of a pleas- ant garden party and dance on Mon- day evening under the' auspices of the ladies of St. John's' church. The committee in charge was Mrs. Agnes Lagque, and the Misses Mayme Bren- nan, Rebecca Calow, and Dorothy Heffernan. The affair was generous- ly patronized. ; George Whaley has sold his frame residence on King street, to David Andrew, Pine street; for the consid- eration of $850. Mr. Andrew will take possession October lst. Drowned By Changing Seats. Brockville, July 28.--Changing seats in a boat at Oak Point, five miles west of here early last evening in the hope of landing a fish which had taken hold of their tine, two men named Badger and Wright, were thrown into the water and Wright was drowned. His home was in Syracuse, N.Y., and he was fifty years of age. Wright is survived by a wife who was in a cottage near by. To Meet At Twilight. Paris, July 28.--The supreme com- mand of the Russian Soviet army has instructed the commander-in-chief in the Polish army to send parliamen- tarians under the white flag toward the Bulshevist advance posts on the road from Baronovitchi to Brest- Litovsk, at eight o'clock Friday evea- ing. aa Traders in Wild Stampede. Chicago, July 28.--Price breaks doubled in Wolence in the wheat mar- ket Tuesday those of the day before. An extreme loss at one time of six- teen cents a bushel 'was the record as compared with eight cents loss Monday. Financial strain was again the chief reason . Ogdensburg Man Killed. - Ogdensburg, N.Y., July 28.--De- tails of the death of Edgar Laven- ture, son of Joseph Laventure. Fourth ward, this city, at Highland Park, Detroit, Mich., were received here. Laventure was employed as a. motorcycle policeman and was killee when he was thrown from his ma- chine against the wheel of a truck. At Calgary, the federation of Cana- dian Teachers' Alliance was effected. including the four western provinces and Ontario, and representing 14,000 organized teachers. At Ottawa, Major Thomas G. Roth- well died on Tuesday, aged sixty-nine years, after a lengthy f{llness. He was for many years paymaster of the | | | | | WAGE INCREASES ON GRAND TRUNK R.R. Will Take Effect Within the Next Two Weeks, Says Ottawa. Ottawa, July 28.--The schedule of | MOST TOUCHING CEREMONY | service. | paired by reason of the losses due to! WEDNESDAY, JULY 38, 1080. AT MEETING OF ODDFELLOWS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION. Bronze Tablet Was Unveiled to the Memory of 198 Members of the As the 'War--Addresses Were De- livered. The opening of the annual meeting of the Oddféllows' Relief Association of Canada, on Wednesday, was mark- ed by ost touchsng ceremony, in | a | the unydiling of a bronze tablet, to the memory of 198 members of the | association, who lost their lives in the great war. W. F. Nickle, K.C., president of the association, occupied the chair, and presented his report upon the work of the past year, which was one of unprecedented progress, Mayor H. C. Nickle extended to the delegates a most hearty welcome on behalf of the City Council. While he was not an Oddfellow, he appreci- | ated the great work of that order, i In introducing the speakers tak- | ing part in the unveiling of the tab- let, W. PF. Nickle stated that the amount paid odt to widows and beni- ficiaries of the 198 members, who lost their lives in the war, was $213,- 000, and while it represented an ab- normal expenditure no extra charge had been made for war risks when the members enlisted or during their The amount was raised by a special levy upon all of the mem- | bers. The consequence was that the finances of the order were unim- | war casualties., The deaths were | sémewhat 'increased during the epi- demic of influenza in 1918 and 1919. The unveiling of the tablet was performed by Henry White, of Port | Hope. Mr. White had three of his! sons serving in the Canadian Expedi- | tionary Force, one of whom was kill- | ed in action. He referred to the high place the deceased members | whose names were.on the tablet oc- cupy in the national life of Canada. 'They, by their answer to the call of duty, and their sacrifice, live in the hearts of the great fraternity, and their example will remain forever an | Inspiration to Canadians. But their | names make a special appeal to all Oddfellows, everywhere, for they re- flected honor upon their order, 'which | has become enriched by their noble spirit and sacrifice. It was a great honor to him to be asked to take wage increases granted to United States railwaymen will be applied to | the Grand Trunk system throughout | Canada within the mext two weeks, | PD: {according to 'information from high¥ officials of the company given to 1: resentatives of the men's brother- hoods, following the announcement of 'the award of the United States Labor Board in Chicago last weék. In pursuance of the company's policy since the announcement of the McAdoo award three years ago, the increases will be put in effect on the Canadian lines of the Grand Trunk so that wages will be uniform with those on the United States lines of the system. The increase on the Canadian lines will likely be ante- dated to Mig 1, in accord with the United Stated award. JAFAR TAYAR IS CAPTURED And Resistance of Turks Has Come to End--King Acclaimed. Constantinople, July 28.--Col. Ja- far Tayar, Turkish Nationalist com- mander at Adrianople, and his entire staff were captured by the Greeks when the latter entered AGFianople.] Consequently Nationalist resistance in Thrace virtually has ended as there is no other important Turkish leader there. A Formal Entry. Athens, July 28.--King Alexander yesterday made his formal entry in- to Adrianople with troops, being ac- claimed everywhere by the Greek populations. The populace received the Greeks in a friendly manner, Bishop Polyearpos arranging for the truce enabling the Greeks to enter without further fighting and by which the Turks surrendered with the honors of war. # RE-ESTABLISHMENT BONUS 'Winni G.A.V. Favor $1,000, $1,- and $2,000 Plan, Winnipeg, July 28.--The local Grand Army of United Veterans ad- opted a political platform which aps proves of 'the re-establishment of returned men by the payment of $2,- 000, $1,500 or $1,000, according to s®vyice." The platform advocates, among other things, proportional re- presentation voting, with grouped constituencies, rigid exclusion of Asiatics and enemy aliens; the set- ting apart for the benefit of Cana- dian soldiers and their dependents of all. money received by Canada from Germany as an indemnity; pen- sions to compensate for loss of earn- ing power,"sfid higher income tax. Woman Slain in Apartment House, Police Establish Detroit, Mich., July 28. That Mrs. Eugene Leroy was slain in the Harper avenue apartment house here was conclusively proven, according to the police, by the finding there of blankets identical with those which the body was wrapped before it was placed in the trunk. Another blanket has not been accounted for and the police believe the vital or- zans of the body were placed in it and put in thé second trunk Police divided their attemtion be- 'ween a hunt for Leroy, husband of he slain woman, and the second runk, which is known ta have been ient from the 'Harper avenue apart- nent house where the Leroys lived. The police declarpgd they had estab- {ished that Mrs. Léroy planned an at- tempt at suicide before her death. M. W. Rossie, of the Toronto Globe, and Mrs. Rossie, Dr. F. W, Hughes, London and Miss B. Gibson, part in the ceremony. Brighdier- General the Hon. A. E. Ross, C.M.G., S.0., M.P.P., spoke after Mr. White. He told of the life of the Canadian soldiers in Frarce, in camp and trench, and declared that the spirit exemplified by them was as necessary to-day. They thought not of personal ease, enjoyment or ma- terial gain, but went forward, eager to contribute of their all to the great cause. And while we, at home, were possessed by fears and forebodings, these men never for gne moment lost confidence in the ability of the Anglo-Saxon race to win in the struggle. By their devotion, their heroism and sacrifice, they exempli- fied in the fullest degree, the tradi- tions of the makers of the British Empire in every age on land and sea. For these things their memory is held in reverence by their order and their country. : The addresses wgre listened to with, rapt attention and the members present, who numbered ahout sixty, stood .to attention while the Union Jack was 'withdrawn and the tablet was exposed to view. The names of 198 members are set out in relief ' sociation Who Lost Their Lives in | AT-- JAS. CRAWFORD. JAS] HENDERSON. v TELEPHONE 304. HIRES DELICIOUS WORLD FAMOUS ROOT BEER BEVERAGE IN BOTTLES FOR YOUR HOME. JOHN GILBERT. Nothing goes into Hires but tlie Puro healthful juices of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Berries and Pure Cane Sugar. r Thompson Bot EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR KINGSTON DISTRICT. JAS. REDDEN & CO. W. V. WEBSTER. ing Works OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. he Se the va gramme, so dom't go'a has decre the varioys lines we handle, Corner Princess and Montreal St BATHING CAPS In the good, old, summer-timé, everyone looks forward to tion period, and mow that the hot days are with us, both old, will be im thelr glory. Kk" is always ene of the important items on the pros y with out taking one of our Caps along. They will surely please you, for no matter what Dame as correct or evem ex clusive, it will be represented in SARGENT'S DRUG STORE ree QUALITY--COURTE is. Telephone 41. SY--SERVICE, sows who lost their lives in the great war." MANNIX WILL OBEY BRITAINS DECISION If. Ordered Not to Land in England, Archbishop Will Not Land. Atlantic City, N.J., Archbishop Mannix, here iyesterday from . Washington, commenting on the statement by Premier Lloyd George, in the House of Commons, that he would not he permitted to land in England, said he would like to know "more definitely just what the Premier said" before committing himself at length. "I he says I am not going," declared the Archbishop, "I am not going." Archbishop Mannix said it was his July who arrived intention to sail on the Baltic July] 31st. "She stops at Queenstown, Ire- land, en route to Liverpool," he added. "I fatended to go to Ire- land; later to England, and then to Rome, but he may be able to change my itinenary." Referring to the speech of Premier Hughes, of Australia, repudiating him, Archbishop Mannix said: "Premier Hughes seems 'to think that I have stated in this countryé that Australia desires to separate from the British Empire. I have made no such statement, but if Aus- tralia ever comes to feel that separ- ation from the Empire can best serve her interest, Mr. Hughes' op- inion will count for very little," The Chilean Election. , Santiago, Chile, July 28.--Incom- plete returns from voting of presi- dential electors in the provincial capitals to-day indicated that Arturo Alessandri had been elected presi- dent of Chile. Another Lot of Red Cherries. Coming Thursday mofning in six quart baskets, Carnovsky's. Principal Bfuce Taylor and Dr. W. T. Connell, now in England, have se- lected Dr. James Miller, Edinburgh, far the chair of pathology, and Dr. L. J. Austin, London Hospital, for the chair of) clinical surgery in Queen's Medical (College. At N¢w York one man was shoy and killed by a policeman and four others were arrested on Tuesday, fol- lowing an attack on Abraham J. and the inscription ss ag follows : | "Erected to the memory of Oddfel- Aomarrow, a furrier, by five alleged striking fur workers. 28. [ UARY Mrs. Howard Van Sant. Word was received in the city, of the death at Dunfermline, Scotland, on June 19th, of Mrs. Van Sant, wife of Howard Van Sant, Yormerly United States consul at this poft. Deceased suffered from a serious breakdown in her health. During her stay in Kingston, she was very popular, and the news of her death will be. learned with sincere regret. The remains were embalmed, and enclosed in zinc shell, with outward chest of polished oak; and were conveyed to Glasgow, en route to the United States, where they will be interred in the grave of a young son, who died in Dunferm- line about a year ago. oy Three British cruisers have arrived ¢ at Danzig. Word to this effect has been received at the foreign office in Warsaw. Fi" Makes the Hair Come Out. Spécialist Offers Simple Home Recipe To Stop Loss of Hair and Make It Grow Again. People who had -the "Flu" this past Winter and who now find their hair coming out badly, will be inter- ested in the suggestion of a wally known Hair Specialist who says: '"Anyone can easily and inexpensive- ly make at home a recipe which, in my opinion, is unequalled for stop- ping loss of hair and making new hair grow out again thick, glossy and luxuriant. You get from any druggist: 6 oz. of Bay Rum, 2 oz. of Lavona (de Com- posee) and one-half drachm of Men- thol Crystals. Mix together and al- ERP low to stand over night before using. . Rub thoroughly into the scalp with the finger tips or a stiff brush. This prescription is perfectly harm- less, acts quickly and neither dries out the hair nor makes it greasy. But ladies using Tt should be careful not or Rp oR BQ ARR SN La RT ai ix to get it on the face or where hair is not desired. rr r----------n THURSDAY NIGHT: ToNight-"Satan-Did God Make a Devil?" "COMING OF CHRIST IN THIS GENERATION." ' Hear these intensely interesting léctures in.the Present Truth Tent, _ corner Princess and Division Sts. All welcome nr Summertime Music ~~ Wherever You Are Wherever you go--whatever you do-- the Columbia Grafonola with Colum- Get Your Grafonola at panion a