PAGE TWELVE, TT | | | THE DAILY AIT] ~~ UPLRATION WAS Pee --e-- Campa o THE SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PAGE - NOT NECESSARY |i... - ht 4 a SH WHIG ; WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1920. -- ES i ™ White Pine White Pine stocks are scarce, but we' have secured a good supply and our prices are righ : IH . 1 & gy x . Helped Him Out, . . " Y My Town 5) , Monkey and Movie An accusing sitter in her bright || Te~ Clan of - 2 And the Memory-ban said: D uesustng 2 ler nieM . "Fruit-a fives Restored Her © ANT] A Er. whi blue eyes, Mrs, | x n faced he North Ame To Perfect Health = went from village to village, carried "What is this long. dark. hair on Catching Small Game with him a Monkey, to attract the peo~ your coat. He she demanded. 153 Parrwmav Avs., Mowremar. CAROLYN SHERWIN: BATLEY ple when he paraded the 'streets. "'Oh--er--a horsehair, BY lover = "For three ypars, J suffered great "What are you making, Sam?" Bo} 50 aay, dle his pie aia Samumered Henry, hoping: for the in i ower part d me, as he caught i i inner, the Monkey calle est. : . . ein in the} bi of my body, asked he i, ught me Halsring mals to witness a movie show. He "Most likely!" sneered the good either a Be y, So with swelling or ting. = ML "A trap," I told him. had watched how his master turned lady. "And no doubt you got in in a Sout Sips ' Benton, + " ist Who aid 1. must 1 wasn't, going to tell him any more. the handle of the projector. gi 3 3 The Seat dor. the buildings, "and, yet there's a 81 wvpenation. I refused. at first, because it was only an experi "See, my friends," he cried to the rin Racy: my Rear ban ov air about it, oo ; L heard about "'Fruwit-atives" so ment. I had been down to the Tows cats and dogs, the hens and turkeys, of the stung diy out."--Ans- "Good reason," said decided to bry il. Hall on an errand froni Dad and hal fie aad assembled, ow wonderful re Ss 8 5 "Tes pi haid to find amy better met- our friend, the Board of Health - these pictures!" and, worl or wo rs. retty t The first box gave great relief; and met on \ he repested the Tittle address His mas = guides han i like S5ar Foie 3 Sukanod to Sonar: Naw wy "Hello, Sam!" he had said. "I've ter aiways gave. A Temperance Lesson. E Fagard ad Cassis, ad Dan 1 i llent--I am free o * " n: ¢ » . « ' . Ti mid : "I object," said the temperance n 3 . hea th is exoe yo als Trea" got something for you. : But we see nothing!" cried the ank- oh rR oe Ae sane various Girls' Leagues have been good, | pain--and I give a my That was when he gave me the mals. "This boaster is fooling us! ewe 5 " too, we follow their ideas pretty v warmest thanks". : plan for making the trap, dimensions and, between them, they gave the ind. ih champagne' other map. closely, : { = Te ey Mme. F. GAREAU. of the frame work, how to screen, and Monkey a terrible beating. "lL ee - Tep ie Pe Oe An "By the end of the y | WE HAVE THESE VERY DE SIRABLE HOMES FOR SALE / 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. the openings. After all, I let Bok He had forgotten to light the lan- sof TH it maere is a p 'ay fellow or el ve i » 161-163 Sydenham atrect--stone 4 elling. v : tpaid in on the scheme. We finished th! tern. Ease Ha " Say -3R8 Barrie St ; selling. At all dealers of asut yor by trap that night, and set it up secretly Those who attempt more than they "How can that be? reached the same standard as a First = Wellington Street--a one dw ot ng ; Fruit-a-tives Limithd, Ottawa. 4 A yh ; Well, immediately after the first Class Scout. Every one must learn behind our new public market." Ther know are always ridiculous.--R.-W. : oa : h 415 Johnston Street--brick dwell ing. Sr ns Ted home rd ie we) bottle of wine the ship takes to to swim; to signal, by semaphore or | 408 Albert wireti--toame dwells o \ - ve a t 1d ar ¥ 3vie wag, eee . water and sticks to it ever after!" Morse; must understand first aid; || 841% Collingwood Street---frame J elling, 3 y 9 See Wha! wou'c happen, Daily Twelve-Syllable Rhyme ~--Country Gentleman. must be able to draw a correct field || ET SteriConeresg Due Golf > Every thought . hoon ora { = William Steceestone dwell nm. > 2 : Leaves a trice 6. Necessary ol . » ¥ so manufacturing nt--On o Street. ther ; On the lines - "Didut you use to belong to «TR a me LILLE Shree Of your face. Don't Worry Club yeags ago?' y 4 Best lots In Kingston--very reasomable, ; 5 "Yes," replied the patient yet firm i Apply to:-- - - Nos A . 7 woman. "I had to resign. Nobody i g ne of oY e S { High Pillows = worried about who was going to fix ; 3 J. O. HUTTON 67 CLARENCE STREET tired, lame diuscles and a "Theresa, don't you sometimes fee) up the sandwiches and salad and r ia . Phone 703. next-day" Aorsnsss ie: p , a pain at the back of your neck, or . freeze the ice cream, but me. So I Wi XC 4 J Ete = = ee ------ ree sete ei I ne ak? ; : around your shoulders, when you decided I was just a born worrier i ES EEE ; | : \ 3 : wake up in the morning >" and was out of my class."--Washing- Absorb | gs 4 A "Yes, Cousin Ellen, I always do, ton Star. So Allan Lumber Co. = Phone1042. : : : : Victoria Street gd HALE EA HA vis more or less. But why should you 2 cant py A think so 2" No Great Handicap. J | . ° to 2 quart of water or { "I notice that you sleep with ven "The author of this motor ro- ' 3 ' M B the leg. WE, shou 2 high pillows. That is 'apt to bring hance never owned a car." ; ore ar ins tone. ! Maybe you heard what happened quite a strain on the neck muscles and "That doesn't mean anything in \ ! : fine jt Sui, thee: | | We got into the newspaper. "Catch even on the spine. What is' more- particular." FOR ONE WEEK ONLY we will sell a high grade Electric Iron a haning. Prtmant does ing Small Game," that was the head- though you may not notice it as yet-- "No? g : . nap, and read a topographic map ; ar ' {fully guaranteed--for $6.00. Worth $7.50. Gat your order Ro grease or stain | ing. There was a columa all it may lead-to stooped or crooket "Jules Verne wrote a corking tell principal bi trees, 1 in early. Ere Se | - the success of our fly trap. There was shoulders. You ought to Tie as fin 200d SLOrY abet the moon, but he'd animals, insects and reptiles seem ne. © S138 a bere -- wt mest | even a photograph of the pile of flies as possible in your bed, especially as never been there."--Birmingham camp. : we caught in the trap which we had you are built with stight bones. A _Age-Herald. "Each fellow or girl has to lea: : : n W.F. Young, Inc. Lyman Bilg., Mowtreal made after the government plan. It 'young girl must watch that carefully TT the main principles of cooking. Eve . --~~--mm| Was a life-saver in My Town, for a 'Many ungraceful figures are the re Good Idea. fellow has got to de able to handle e . AGED 100, HAS LIVED fly can have several hundred thou- sult of cramped or awkward attitudes , Mrs. Hawk (indignantly): "It's a and eve! irl must know how s UNDER FIVE SOVEREIGNS | sands of sisters and cousins and aunts while asleep." direct outrage! I was singing 'just Axe and de 345 King Street - = - - Phone 94 in one summer, as well as brothers and --GRORGETTE BEURET. now, when this slipper was thrown - bo : ' : I a Both boys and girls have got William Grieves Stewart Was | et i ry en tase Te sit alwn ut * 3 ihe Window splendiq! learn how to ind fod plants br ~~ a - 7 . : isn't always exactly edsy n- --~ woods, how cook t . TO ees Dradrtt, | ate tors mf pis Mr Town we RY cons" Fortine you got he pair of pt know every muon whet | Teach the Children to Save rom (tenfrew, tches 10. tot who could cater 1S "Mother," asked little May, "where Aoi it is edible or not, and, if edible, how : Renfrew, July 28.--At the last| mo¢lg © J Se fowd catch the go cows get their milk from eis 30 prepare bh. Every Sue mst fuow Habits are agquired early in life. Council meeting Mayor Moss read an| ponting big game in the jungle _ Th mother was silent 3 moment, No, But--! the right kind of baits for fish, an Children, who are taught the value of mo address which was presented to Wil- E % : wondering how to explain the process- Aunt Nell ie--W. 11, Bobby, d how to set traps and snares. We've y . a 2S Sy Ach Nas 4 very boy dreams of it. But there is y Aunt Nellie ell, obby, dear, rr half a d shot- and the habit of saving, grow up into ilam Graves, Stewart street, who on lenty of small 4 J tom. ©5.of glands. Then she had an idea, did you see Santa Claus this 4ime? got three rifles and half a dozen sho the 12th instant reached the age of oe Ay hoot gg on realy , May" she said, "where do your Bobby--No, auntie; it was too EunS in camp, and twice a week some business men and capable women, 100 years. The address wads signed good sport! tears Some from : i dark to see him, but I heard what he 8TuUp or Other has rifie and shot The easiest way to teach children to save, by H. W. Moss, mayor, and Council- Tomorrow: Our D. 8 May thought "but was still puzzled. gai when he knocked his toe against Bu practice. All but cleven of us : lors C.J Murphy and W. P. Anthun. C od B v logs -- Steel- Then she said, the bed t E know how to ride, and those are tak- is to start a Savings Account for each chil Mr. Graves was horn in'Newton Bar.| J% Bulldogs.) "Do to be spanked?" ® Decmost. ing riding lessons. There's mever a ($1.00 each is sufficient). After a child has ry, Ireland, on July 12th, 1820. He : Remember, not a penny of your minute idle in the day, and every day saved another dollar to make an additional has lived under five British soverei- "Your money or your life!™ cried brings something different. We're 5 mbney goes with you om that long brit : deposit, he or she will have a better a; gns George IV. William IV., Victo-| the highway robber. u enter the service of the journey. going to make good on this Camp, and posit, a iation of just what a dollar stands for, and ria, Edward YII, and the present "Take my life," said Mike, "T'm ,devil he is not at all particular about Mexico. has $300,000,000 in gold in this Camp is making good for us." a on 9 Ju r a 3 are it 8 Jor, King--=George III. died on January saving my money for my old age." "credentials. eirculation. (Tomorrow: Weeding Day.) ow much work and se nialit represents, 29th, 1826, or a little over fiv : : M fea to Canad i 1547 3nd 5 oo vas mee enri ute 4 PN THE MERCHANTS BA 4 He came to Canada in 1841 and set-| was superintendent of schools for the into other pursuits. He was married enjoying life despite the weight of a| He rapped three times on the soft : tled first in the township of Lanark, | district. For six months' service i first to Miss Christine McGreg- ' century of years, | gray cloud and it folded back 'like : and worked on a farm. He had an| was paid $100 and was boarded frec or, of Carleton Place, by whom he ------ en Sray Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864. education above the average and soon | among the farmers. Soon however a magic curtain, and Doris found her- had six children. She died in 1860 self in a wonderful garden surround- | KINGSTON BRANCH, - - . H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. found himself called upon to teach | the ratepayers found it Impossible tc fand in 1862 he married Miss Eliza- PARHAM, VERONA AND ARDEN BRANCHES o J WMeCLVMONT: Manager school in Admaston district having| pay a salary in cash and he was ask- ing a castle of silver and gold that + Mountain Grove open Frida beth Ann James, of Douglas, by sparkled in the sunlight. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at Kisseron Srareh. obtained the necessary certificate|ed to take wheat. This he could not | vhom he had other six children. Mr. p Little elfins just like the little fel- = 2 fron George Brown. who at that time" see his way to accept and he drifted | vas is still in excellent health and low with Doris ran around every- * | where with great, big colored bal- I SR RR it, ) loons attached. to their shoulders just like fairiers' wings. . 5 "So this is the land of toy bal- ® ° ® / . . loons," laughed Doris as she watched : Y DORIS AND THE MAGIO BALLOON | the tiny elfins dancing around with ones ver 181ng. Doris' gave a cry of delight as a their colored balloons. . . ; h > HAR Tnriying a bunch of red and "Not toy balloons," replied the el- : . yellow ani ue balloons turned the | fin, "But the Mand of the shadow a Ths is a topio we all hear now-a-days because so many people are inclined to [corner of the sereat. folks. The balloons are used to get THE DISTINCTIVE CAR--an authoritative forecast of the style yi She. ran into the hotise and, of them down to earth to play with of to-morrow-----combined with every mechanical feature that exaggerate. Yet has any physician told you that we claimed unreasonable hls iimama gave her a bright new | good little girls and boys, There should go with & var of thls typo. - Toot it and be.convinpol that ) . | MAY dime, en the man reached | they are called Shadow Elfins, and . remedial properties for Fletcher's Castoria? Just ask them. We won't answer it Doris gate he Janded Dor a bright they keep little folks from being in the Velie Model 48 you are getting the best value possible ~ or ' istling' merrily | lonesome." ourselves, we know what the answer will be. put the dime in his pocket and went | Lin never lonesomé when I see for your invdstment. That it has all the virtues to-day that was claimed for it in its early days is | "bors witener the battoon sop. | ™% BAO." 1auehed Dorie "I shouldn't think you would be," to be found in its increased use, the recommendation by prominent physicians, and bing ou the end of the string above | laughed a merry voice, and Dorig's KENDRICK & VANLUVEN mama patted her golden curls. "'Bet- : . our ASSUTance that its standard will be maintained. She thought over th onderful | ter wake up and run.and find your DISTRIBUTORS. - tales she had heard abou? the trips | shadow." 'Phones 1888 and 81. | Fletoher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children, Honestly {in balloons, and down in 'her: little Doris sat up and rubbed her eyes : \h Phone 1888 for Service. heart she wisfied she might some | She had fallen asleep under the oak advertised as such, without a claim for more than its over 30 years of use have amply [fay 9%n 2 balioon that would take | tree, and there, tied to a bush, was her sailing up into they soft gray | her bright red balloon. proven. A Baby's remedy for Babies. And not ad'adult's remedy for all the family | coud - 3 Neuldut it be lovely," she mu§- 2 ed to herself. '"Io own a magic and all the ails that human flesh is heir to. . balloon so that whatever you wished would come true right away. Oh, C h | I d re n « C ry Fo r © aris felt a terrible pulling, pull- pulling at her hand, and 'when she raised her face to see the cause she found herself floating througn the air on the end of the string. Her wish had come true. She was holding on to a real-for-sure bal-, loon. "Isn't it fine!" cried a tiny voice, and over the edge of the bright red balloon - peeped a tiny little elfin head. "I do so love to fly with you." "With me," laughed Doris. "Why, I've never seen you before." "Oh, yes, you have," giggled the elfiin. "I'm your second self. Your little shadow playmate. Only this time I'm so far above your head you can't step on me." Doris laughed merrily. > Sure enough, just before the balloon ing he Stach of; man turned the corner she had amus- ; ed herself trying to step on her shad- [TE Tm meaner | 0 1€N years without a corn pr and : practice you," she laughed. "I'd much rath- er take a sail with you. But, say, | where are we going, anyway?" Countless people boast that record "Apply a tqpch of liquid Blue-jay ora 'Into the cloud castles," replied ' Blue-jay plaster. ? canebin sort ohay org anon | HM Fears ago they started wing Blues The corpain will end. And soon AB § in th is toe Save In a so ' cloud and stop- i ears ago ' using ay. e ci pain w nd. by smpesper font oo Goud yon to Tmcment, then, think of heint o Palioon aud se What we tan es| [| Never since has a corn pained twice Yas whele Soi wi joss 454 syme ob child anything medicine especially prepared and the tiny elfin slid 4 h | And never com stayed a week. action is gentle but sure, Blue jay Je ng Shild an Poa be te. ; Jor 1s. string and ok Is by oe Rand . | : hn . : is tic Eh created by this iy legate : You an quickly Prove that coms are ol Med Wboriory: wosdlens. Millions ne it. It is not like the methods which are Think what it means. Ne harsh and crude. : Na more paring, no more pain, no Try Bluejay on one com." Buy it to- : : : more unsightly pads. Dainty shoes with- night from your druggist. Jive the rest h WOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCNER'S CASTORIA 3 o% 1 : 4 : ' > : 'out unhappy hours. of your life without coms. . GENUINE CASTORIA aiwars Coane | Fay] | g@Bluciay Plaster or Liquid The Scientific Corn Ender es ANSE | © BAUER & BLACK, Listed Chicage Toronts New York o : \ Makers of Sterile Surgical Dressings snd Allied Products THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK SITY. : : :