Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1920, p. 3

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\ * SAruRDAY, JULY, Za, 19207 FIX-A-TEAR 'Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly ==in rubber and waterproof cloth | --Hot Water Bottles. --Bjicycle or Motor ( at Tires =-Garden }jose vv ~ . -- Rubbers ----Footbalis. --Umbrellas. -~Curtains. --Canvas. ~Shoe Linings, ete. We have not Advertised A wonderful repair outfit, , 35 CENTS. ' For sale at all Drug Stores, op at Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St. for some months, as they have been very hard to obtain. "We now have on hang a splendid assoftment of 1 BLACKWOODS MAHOGANYS OAKS and other designs. . NO GIFT IS MORE ' APPRECIATED. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Marriage Licenses Wedding Rings Rings SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Established 1840 ST. «i=. KINGSTON Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by heeley Jr,, The optometrist of today to do rool work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- feal apparatus but must have that knowledge In its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENC¥ CAN GIVE. KING THE RA FRENCH REMEDY. THRE for Neo. 1 for Bladder Catarrh. No. 2 Blood and Skin Diseases. No. 3 jo: Chronic Weakneases. Sold by Jesaing chemists. Price in England, 3s. me .- Clere Med. Co., Haverstock Rd. NW. al London. See Trade Marked ord | PTHERAPION" is on Brit. Govt. Stamp It 1s this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique {in Kingston. , We want a new Hotel in Kingston. [EE body should help. affixed to genuine packets. Mid Sa Sale IN EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK--WE GUARAN- /TEE SATISFACTION ON ALL GOODS PURCHASED IN OUR STORE. Before 'buying your Oil Stove come and see our large display on : Second Floor. Perfection Oil Stoves (2 burners), $22.00. Perfection O11 Stoves (3 burners), $27.00. Perfection Oil Stoves (4 burners), $35.00. Success Ovens now : : 30 x 3% Maltese Cross Tires Now don't go and buy before you see our complete stock. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE ~ W. A MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Department. Ni iy a we want a new Hotel in Kingston. Everybody a> id help. (for inserting an | afternoon in | pleasant informal | of Mrs. Dupuis' old friends and avery | | happy hour was spent over the tea | both in charge of the tea table. { . * . { who have been visiting Mrs. H. E. | Richardson, Johnson street, returned to Ancaster on Friday. }: N i a stones or developing appendix Told in Twilight (Notice---Hereafter, the Whig, in vommon with uther papers al] over Canada, wlll make® a charge of $1 engagement, mur: riage or reception announcement. To get the Whig's society write) | telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street, . - . Mrs. R. J. Gardiner ahd Miss Har- riet Gardiner, "The Chestnuts' were the hostesses of a very bright tea | and miscellaneous shower on Friday honor of Miss Sybil | Kirkpatrick, Mrs: Gardiner made the | tea and Mrs. Herbert Steacy cut the ices at the pretty tea table with its silver basket of roses, and sweet | peas resting upon its polished sur-| face. A huge cretonne covered bopnet was then placed before the bride el-| | ect from which she drew many mys- { terious parcels. The guests were: Mrs. Hamilton Roberts, Mrs. L. Dun- | bar Stevenson, Mrs. Everett Birdsall, | Miss Margaret Hemming, Miss Ali-| son, Macdonell, Miss Gweneth Mer-/ rick, Miss Laura Kilborn, Miss Hilda | Calvin, Miss Helen Gilmour, (Tor-| onto); Miss Aileen and Miss Cecily | Rutherford, Miss Eleanor Phelan, | Miss Helen)Strange, Miss Edith Car-| ruthers and Miss Katie Birmingham: v 0.» | Mrs. Nathan F. Dupuis, University | avenue entertained at the tea hour on Thursday and again oh Friday in | honor of her aunts and cousin, Mrs. | M. J. McLean and Miss McLean, Sea- | forth, and Mrs. Hoffman, Hamilton, | who are her guests. Both teas were little gatherings] cup. Mrs. H. T. J. Coleman poured] tea on Thursday and on Friday Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. O. D. Skelton were Miss Nora Martin is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Minnes at their cottage at Newton Point. Miss Gwen and Miss Girlie Byrne 88 Lucy Merrick?" William street, Wi leave on Tuesday for Beleil, Que., to visit her sister, Mrs. Carlos Kirkgaarde. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle are en- tertaining at a garden party on Tues- day, at "The Sheiling," in honor of the directors of the Oddfellows' Re- lief Association, who will be in King- ston attending the annual meeting. . » . C. A. Avery, who has been at the 'Chajeau Belvidere," has: returned to P6ronto. Miss A. M. Gallaghet, Belleville, is visiting friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and child- ren, Kingston; spent the week with the latter's mother, Mrs. Thomas Froats, Martintown. Miss Georgia Hurlburt, Picton, is visiting in Kingston. Mrs. H. A. LeHeup and sons, An- gus and Jack, Kingston, are guests of Mrs. C. Cooper, Picton. Fred Haylock, Kingston, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. George C. Haylock, Picton. "r, and Mrs. W. J. "Drysdale and , Kingston, are holidaying at sie Lake. Tena Penman, Middleville, se to Kingston to visit friends. * - - ¥. B, Skinner, who is spend- er at Bostwick Island, 0s week. Parlow, Ottawa, is mo Stones? fo decer. # yourself. Pef- pains ard in the stomach, €k: perhaps billiousness or All are sure signs of SF Jgest.on. 'trouble. Youlcan do the same as Mr. J. B. E. ,. of Bresleaw, Ont.,Y did. He tried Marlatt"s Specific. Read what he says: Dear. 8irs:-- For many years I have suffered from stomach trouble. I could not eat or sleep. Nervous- ness; pains in the right side and un- der my right shoulder blade and I was unable to.rest at any time. 1 have used "Marlatt's Specific" for gall stones and appendicitis and it has cured me of all my trouble. I can eat well and feel like a young man. Am 57 years of age and weigh 225 pounds, thanks to '"'Marlatt's Specific." My family have also taken the medicine with good results and we will always recommend it to others who are suffering. ; "'Marlatt's Specific" is sale at all druggists throughout _ mada. iL your dealer cannot sup ou write for free booklet to J. V ' Arlatt and Co., Toronto, Ontario. Pe, Special Agent in Kingston, Ont., The Mahood Drug Co. nn Miss | visiting her cousin, Miss Irene Shaw, | Gore street. Miss Ewa Martin, Clergy street, went down to Gahanogue to-day, to visit Mr, ad' Mrs. W. 8B. Mudie at their cottage.' Mr. and Mr A. B. Sawyer, Tor- onto, and" O. A. Sawyer, Havelock, are the guests of Mrs. Sawyer, Brock street. - *., * Rev. J. O. Crisp, St. John's s.rectory, Portsmouth, has gone down to Hali- fax to. visit his suusbier rs, Mun- roe Reynolds. A party of the younger set will motor out to Collins Bay to-night to enjoy the hospitali ty of Mrs. W. H. Rankin. Mrs. J. C Conaext has been giving many of her fri ends an opportunity to enjoy the lovely view and the (lake breezes from her charming new {home at the west end, by giving a number of sniall teas, 'quite informal, but very pleasant. Miss Frances Donnelly, of the Mon- treal Gazette, is, spending a few weeks in town. Miss Wyatt, York, England, the Chateau Belvidere. . * * Mrs. Medlock, Belleville, guest of her niece, Mrs. Brymner, West street. Miss Francesca Foulkes, Union street, is visiting Miss Scatchard, London. Lt.-Col. gara-on-the-Lake, teau Belvidere." Dr. Kenneth Mundell, who was in town for a few days, has returned to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donnelly, St. John, N.B., are visiting Mrs, Thomas Donnelly, University avenu Miss Grace and Miss Mary \Waters who have been visiting Ir 2 4 James Third, Wellington Steet) have returned to Camphellford, is at is the Robert and Mrs. Stockwell, Nia- are at the "Cha- Mr. and Mrs. De oo # eet, and Mrs. Little, iy a cottage on iysins 8 Point ¥ summer. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Craig came down from Toronto to-day and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Richardson, Johnson street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmunds, and little Miss Betty, motored up from Ottawa this week and are with De 2 Mrs. A. P. Chown, '"Edge- | gh and Mrs. Edward L. Fortt, | William street, are leaving next week for Sandy Beach, Kawartha Lakes. Mrs. Douglas Anglin and her smal] daughter, Pamela, went down to Montreal on Friday ~ » Mr. and Nie rie Philips are -] siting Mrs. McLaughlin, Oshawa. Miss Ada Bates who has been the guest of Lady Cartwright at "The| Maples," has returned to town. Theodore and Henry Loyman. Mn treal, with Miss Eleanore Lyman, King street, are the guests of Miss Agnes Richardson, Fettercairn. Master Hénry and Master Billy Cartwright, Toronto, will come down to Kingston shortly to visit their grandmother, Lady Cartwright, at "The Maples." . . Mrs. Donald McPhee, Calgary, and Mrs. Duncan Macdonald, Alexandria, who have been spending seyeral days at the Y.W.C.A.,, Johnson street, went down to Alexandria today. Miss White, Toronto, who spent a week in town, has gone up to Tower Farm, Rice Lak Miss Elizabeth Sutherland is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. T. D. Minnes at her cottage at Dead Man's Bay, Mrs. 8. G. Sutherland, St. Louis, is also one of Mr.~and Mrs. Minnes house party. Mrs. R. H. Fair, Miss Eva and Miss Marjorje Fajr, Glenburnie, have gone down to Lake Champlain on a motor trip. . Miss Marion Lesslie, William street, has gone down to Montreal for a visit. * * Major G.- G. Greer, Kingston, is spending a few days in Ottawa. Mrs. Philip Gilbert is on asweek's visit to Mrs. Wallace Nesbitt at her summer home: on the Georgian Bay. Dr. A. B. Haffner is spending a few days at Ottawa. 2 * * -. - Sir Edward Kemp, who is now convalescent, left for Bobcaygeon this week. Hon. N. W. and Mrs. Rowell arrived, in England Wednesday and are not expected to return to Canada till the autumn. Miss Mildred Clow, 481 Princess street, is spending the week-end with Mrs. Dr. Paul, Athens. \ ' » . » Miss Irene Cowan spent two days this week in Kingston. Miss Cowan left- Napanee for Toronto to visit Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Shibley, en route to her home in Woodstock. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry an- nounce the marriage of their niece, Margaret Joy Armstrong to Paul Hume Patterson, Regina, on July 14th. Mrs. Patterson lived in Napanee since she was a little girl, and Mr. Pattergon spent three years there in the Dominion a Ruk ES 7 THE DAILY BKiI1iSH WHIG Tan PROBS: Saturday, fair and cool. SE STORE CLOSED MONDAY---CIVIC HOLIDAY. six o'clock city time. SALE! SALE! SALE o-Night From 6 to 9.45 o'clock and ALL NEXT WEEK Up to the time of going to Rress all, previous sale records have been smashed by our great 20% discount sale, which ends to- day at With just 5 days of our JULY SALE left, we are still after new fields to conquer--our effort is to double the best previous July busi- ness, and to accomplish this an extraordinary effort must be made-- but we're there--and this is the way we are going to accomplish it:-- 111 | Double Discount Stamps bargain hunter sit up and take notice. Steacy's Think of it! To-night and all next week, on every cash pur- Sisee you make you will save 10% --and there will be added' specials {daily, commencing Wednesday that will make the most pessimistic. WATCH THIS SPACE! Start the Steacy way to-night and + sque money while you spend it! Limited Ss RSSLaRALiRI AISA Both were populangoung peo Miss Anne Menary left Ze "her | home in Toronto, after a two yee ok A a UAL AA OE OUR LARGE STOCK OF * "Out of Door" GOODS WILL ENABLE YOU TO ENJOY THE COMFORT AND PLEASURE OF YOUR PORCH, LAWN OR COTTAGE. CHAIRS IN WICKER, RATTAN, SEA GRASS and OLD HICK- ORY, GRASS RUGS, SUITABLE FOR FLOOR COVERINGS; '. BRIGHT AND AIRY CHINTZES IN ALL THE POPULAR SHADES. : VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock. T. F. Harison Co, Ltd Plone 90- Introducing.- Our General Educational Course For those whose early edu- cation has been neglected and who now feel the need of a training in COMMON AND HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS. You select your own sub- 'ects. Thirty-four to choose from, any six make a course. Prices and terms moderate. As- sistance given in preparing for High School. List of subjects and full in- formation sent on request. No obligation. Write NOW to:-- INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS CANADIAN, LIMITED 'Montreal, Quebec. Or apply: Representative's Office, 130 Clarence Street," Kingston. Phone 1002w. - visit with Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, Brock street. Mrs. i H. Grant, Buffalo, Ny. visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Sugh 426 Johnson street. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ross, New York, are visiting Mrs. Ross' mother, Mrs. Guess, 368 Barrie street. (Continued On Page 8) - Church Services. First Congregational Church, cor- ner of Johnsen and Wellington streets. Preacher, Rev. J.. 0. Watts, M A, Queen's University, Service 11 an, subject. "Doubt aud Discour- agement," evening service at 7 o'clock, subject "The Hero God." Ev- erybody welcome to these services. Bethel Congregational church, Barrie and Johnson street--Pastor, Patterson, 260 Division street. Berries: 11 a.m., sermon subject, Knoweth Me"; ry 7 p.m., sermon ox "Wells of Salvation. " Sun- day school at 10' a.m. Prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Junior league, Friday, 6.45 p.m. Senior 'league, Friday, 8 p.m. All are invited. The population of Pekin according to latest tabulation by the police au- thorities was 987,552, of which 645 - 725 were males. These were 156,213 families. A general strike has been declared in Vera Cruz, according to Excelsior. Saloading of several ships will be ed to-morrow, SOME FRESH NOVELS FOR THE HOT WEATHER. Long traverse--Pinkerton, R. Patricia and life--Albanesi, E. Happy house--Von Hutton, B Dead Man's Gold--Dunn, J. L. Holy Fire--Wylie, I. A. R. Half Portions, Ferber, E. Whispers, Dodge, L. Jane, Chapin, A. A Tall Villa, Malet, L. Shella Interveins--McKenna, 8. Tarzan the Untamed---Burroughs, E. R Blowers of Bubbles--Baxter, A. B. Unlatched door, Thayer, L. The Quirt--Bower, B. M. That Affair at St. Peter's--Brown. Gold Out of Celebes--Dingle, A. E. King's Indiscretion--Kaye, M, W, M. MILLIONS FOR PLAYHOUSES They Are In Great Demand In New York New York, July 24 --Millions are being spent for new playhouses to insure New Yorkers ample amuse- ment this winter, although flat build- ers cannot get loans for housing the masses of the metropolitan district. This was revealed today when a survey was made of the rush of thea- ter constructions, that $25,000,000 worth of new amu- seinent houses were underway. Many of the new playhouses are wiping out old flats and dwellings urgently needed .for. homes, social welfare investigators declare, and as ® Sauls tha housing shortage is be- which disclosed Ee vi Pa Public Library Bulletin --_-- HOT WEATHER BARGAINS A few pairs Men's Oxfords and Pumps, Welts; to clear at See the style and sizes in our window. Men's White Canvas Shoes, he avy rubber sole. and heel; $3.00 value for Bizes 6 to 814. s----E OUR WINDOW FOR OTHER Goodyear $3.19 $1.99 BNAP See JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231) - coming more acute. The theatre builders assert that the immense sums pouring into pla- cés of amusement are justified as the new construction guarantees thom a profitable return on the investment. Although there are 500 ruparz theaters in the greater city and 650 in the entire metropolitan district * Acre-Times Square district, three in Greenwich Village, four large houses and a score of smaller theaters in the Bronx, three in Washington Heights and five in' Brooklyn. There are now 115 theaters operat- in Brooklyn. Mrs. L. D. Dake, Kemptville, aged eight new theatres costing more than | thirty-three years, died on Wednes- $12,000,000 are planngd in Long day, at Gouverneur, N.Y. v

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