Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1920, p. 1

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A Trunk v EY large stale against the Bolsheviki in | 'General Machno, the last ~ er of the insurgents of Ukrs - We will stand the LUXURY TAX on our lines for 80 "day - { Collier's Toggery . om itis We will stand the LUXURY TAX on our Mnes fer 30 days. Collier's Toggery | YEAR 87: NO. i86. YACHT RACE | IS POSTPONED There Was Too 8qually and Rough Weather on Saturday. i | } RESOLUTE HAS ADVANTAGE "In the Windward and Leeward | Course of the Critical i Contest. { Sandy Hook, N.J.; July 24.--Reso- | lute and Shamrock IV today made | réady for the final battle for the Am- | erica's cup in a series of rain squalls, | which followed the furious electrical | storm during the night. When the | sloops began making sail, the win had piped up out of the southwest to eighteen knots. Crested waves | Beat upom the shore. It was just such | 4 day as a real sailormen loves to | weigh anchor and head seaward ¢ar- | rying every sail his ship will bear. During the storm, forked lightning played incessantly about the touring spars of the single slickers, while the gale of wind tore through the rigg- ing. A down pour followed the blow. Sloops tugged at their mooring buoys but the deck watches reported that | the yachts were unharmed and were | ready for the race, Today's eontest is set for thirty mile windward and leeward course and the gdvantage lies with the Resolute which in all previous races has shown superiority | in a thrash into the wind At noon it was officially. announc- ed that race was postponed for the! day. The reason given for the posr- ponement was on account of the heavy squally weather. A PYTHON IN OOMMAND. dt Had Broken From Cage--It Went Overvoard. Victoria," B.C., July B-- wor a "brief period following her departure ! from Singapore the bridge of the Bri- tish steamship. Bolton Castle was temporarily but completely under control of a gigantic python. In the early hours of the morning on the second day out from the Straits Settlements port, Quartermaster J. R. West was at the wheel, watching his course, when he was startled by 4 massive head suddenly appearing through the pilot house door. The "python calmly took possession of the | pilot house, and the ghip took a few round turns without a guiding hand before the unwelcome king of the! snake Bpecies made its exit and al- al : officers to again take con- t essel. : The last the officers of the Bolton _ Castle saw -of the visitor was the tail of the python, which measured ~ thirty feet in length, as it disappear- ed overboard. The trunk of the snake extended from the bridge to the water line. 'The python was one of three shipped aboard the Bolton castle at Singapore and consigned to a menagerie at New York. TO HAVE AN INQUEST\ "Man Killed on the Track West of Marysville. Belleville, Ont., July 24.--A Grand train struck and killed a young man, whose identity is: not * known, at Milepost, three miles west "of Marysville station. It ig thought that he stepped in front of the train. "The remains were, oh instructions of Dr. Boyce, brought {fb Belleville where there will be,an inquest. An effort is being made to find out his: identity, © The clothing contained $12.86 and a sheet of paper bearing the names of George Wellington and George Orr, Clarkson P.O. besides some figures which indicate a bal- ance of $27.25. The dead man. was | about twenty-five or thirty years of _ age. LORDS UPHOLD DYER Dismissed for Shooting of Natives in : 5 Armitsar Riots. . London, July 24.--The House of Lords, by a vote of 129 to 86, carried Viscount Finlay's motion deploring - the conduct of the government in the 'ease of General Dyer. The Morning 'Post fund for General Dyer now rea- ches $60,000, including $2,000 from Calcutta. . Lady J, P.'s For Britain Now. London, July 24.--Great Britain is shortly to have 150 women justices f the peace. Hitherto she has only d nine. The need of women, par- ticularly in the new juvenile courts "about to be established, became so apparent hat a committee of women, ~ "distinguished for public service, was constituted some months ago to con- "fer with Lord Birkenhead and advise and assist him in making suitable ap- pointments. The government's Juvenile Courts Bill, which has passed the House of Lords on second reading, proposes that the juvenile courts established In London may be constituted of a ice magistrate «nd two justices of peace, one of whom shall- be a . woman. ~ Ten Millions for General's Head. ' Berne, July 24.---According to Ukranian advices, great preparations are being made for activities on a Ukrainia by General Wrangel and lead- it is 'sald the Bolshevik leaders are offer- . ing a reward of ten million roubles ' for the head of General Machno. on has appointed L. O. Thib- Ashton, Ont., inspector of dairy products, Western Ontario. fllion dollars will be spent Five r in improving malin high- nc 8 rose federal & rs a Pan {ston for Charlie Gibson, only to learn of his! | death. "I did not know the woman," i to-ask you a question. Appointed Dairy Inspectoy. Ottawa, July 24.--The civil service NO COMMISSION - ON BILINGUALISM Toronto, July 24--Hon. R. H. Granf, minister of education, when asked yesetrday afternoon #s to whether a commission had been apointed to investigate the bilingual situation, replied in the negative, and said the ques- tion. of a commission had not been under consideration... He however, that he had been giving thought as to ways and means to ameliorate the situation, stated, -- seein ES BELIEF IN : GIBSON'S INNOCENCE Rev. William Patterson, of. 'Cooke's Church, Toronto, Makes a Statement. Toronto, July 24.--Rev. Willlam Patterson, of Cooke's Presbyterian church, who saw the late Charles Gibson a day or so ago, stated his belief in the boy's innocence. "I STAT | think thers has been a miscarriage !{ of justice somewhere," he said "To-day," said Mrs. Gibson, 'is the day Charlie, on parole, was to have reported to the city hall. When- ever he spoke of the penitentiary he praised the guards, and diagno, talk as if he had been there or. any crime. His father went to see him once. | was going this summer." Last night another mother, who has a son under sentence in King- ten years, came _1p see said Mrs. Gibson, "but I felt so sorry for her. She said her boy had delicate lungs, and she hoped to hear from Charlie how he was, and how she might help him. She told me: she had not our house number, but had told her husband she'd ring every doorbell on the street until she found him, It was too late when'she did." Before her son's death his mother asked hfm" about the Rosenthal mur- der. ' "Charlie," she said, "I want Perhaps you can guess what it is. Tell me the truth, whichever 'way, and remem- ber your mother won't think any less of you. Did you do it?" He replied, "Mother, I'm as inno- cent of killing Roenthal as you are. | I was foolish, perhaps, to go in such | company, that is all." | VETERANS THREATEN TO BEAT UP GERMANS {| A Trainload of Immigrants on | the Way to Winnipeg Causes Trouble. Winnipeg, July 24.--With avowed purpose of '"'beating up" the ' Tirst Austrian and German immigrants *o reach Winnipeg since 1914, members {of the Imperial Veterans are plan- ining to meet a Canadian Pacific {train which is said to be bringing 110 {such immigrants who disembarked a | few days ago from the liner Scandi- | ndvian, 'at' Montreal, : | A telegram protesting against the | admission of such immigrants 'was {despatched to Otttawa last night by | P. B. Willing, secretary of the Ilm- perial Association, In the wira it was stated that unless the govern- {ment turned the immigrants nack {the veterans would take matters in { their own hands. Police are reported to be preparing to preserve order in case the veterans! attempt to carry out threats. G ARRICK 18 COMPENSATED. Deposit of $225,000 Account Pur- { chase is Refunded, | Toronto, July 24.--A settlement {hag been effected between J. J. Car- rick andthe Hydro Electric Power Commission in regard to the pulp | mills, Campbellford and the Bruton limits. By the settlement it is under- | stood that $225,000, deposited by Mr. Carrick on account of the purchase | price, has been returned. A further {sum has been pald to Mr. Carrick | by way of compensation. Prior to | this settlement Mr. Carrick made {application for 'a fiat to sue the | Hyd Commission to compel them to | fulfil the conditions of the bargain (hig lawyer, A. McCamber, made for the purchase of the Campbellford mill and the Bruton limits. FARMER TO CONSUMER American Farmers Aim to Save Fifty Millions in Brokeragé. @hicago, July 24.--The Farm Bur- eau Federation, comprising a mem- bership of 1,250,000, is considering the advisability of establishing one farmers' grain market, whére the products of the farm may be sold di- rect to the manufacturer or consu- mer. "We hope this plan will give the grower a stable market, and prove of advantage, to the consumer." : Speakers declared. that brokers now charge the farmers $50,000,000 each year for handling crops. Preliminary to this meeting plans were laid to raise $1,500, to erect the Temple of Agriculture at Wash- ington. : . \ MAKE HIM PAY. Ex-Kaiser Has $125,000,000 In Bri- . tish Shares. London, July 24.-- Efforts are bec ing made to assess the value of Wil- liam Hohenzollern's investments, se- curities and properties outside of Germany. It is stated, that in addi- tion to the Hohengollern fortuna of 300,000,000 marks in Germany, the family have immense holdings In "Great Britain, United States and Ca- nada, especially in British Columbia. It is believed that $125,000,000 is the ex-Kaiser's personal fortune In- vested in Btitish securities. Washington has sent warning to Czecho-Slovakia that further inter plies to Poland will be regarded as an unfriendly, act. »: i " A ference with transportation of sup- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY, 24, 1920. | BE RATIONED In Effort to Curtail | Consumption. | CANNOT PRODUCE MORE "First Move Will be Plea to Cut | ! Down the Plague of Joy=-riding. | |= "Washington, Jhly 24.--A gasoline | | rationing system to be applied throughout the entire United States, now is being considered by big re- | tiners. |. The rationing system is designed | by, the refiners as a last resort to ena consumption and to keép the | price from being forced to more than | forty cents a gallon, government of- | ficlals have been informed by the | representatives of the refiners. Vice-President T. A. Dines, of the | Mid-Western Refining Company, is one of the officials who has conferred | with the government. Refiners say curtailing consump- tion is the only way to keep down prices. Before adopting the ration- | ing system they plan to issue a cut down joy-riding. As devised by thé refiners the ra- | tioning plan would be a voluntary | one by dealers in. which the govern- ment would have no hand. It would | for each state or-locality. California is now on gas ration. | Gas now is selling from thirty-one to thirty-nine cents a gallon. It's highest in New Mexico and northern | New York. Consumption now is reported by refiners as 13,000,000 gallons a day. Production is 2,000,000 less or 11,- 000,000 gallons a day. Reserve stocks therefore are drawn on at the rate of | about 60,000,000 gallons a month, | according to producers' figures, | bureau of mines. April 30th the total was 643,652,000 gallons, a re- | serve which, was built upAdring the winter and constituted oné of the largest in history. Refiners say it is impossible to ing creage production. They say oil now is being produced faster than ever be- fore. In June, for instance, 11,087 oil wells were being drilled. WHO SERVED IN "SUPPLIES" ? Late Director Wants to Hear From ' Canadian Officers. (Canadian Press Despatch) Winnipeg, Man., July 24 --Fol. Henry A. Erskine, late deputy direc- tor of supplies for the northern lines of communication in France, wants to hear from Canadian officers, and officers. from the other overseas | forces, who served in 'Supplies' in France. Col. Erskine may be ad- dressed at "Milton Lodge, Gflling- ham, Dorset, England." Writing from the above address in a com- munication intended for the press of Canada, Col. Erskine says : "At a gathering of officers, who served in 'Supplies' on the northern | lines of communication inh France, held in London last, week, I was de- sired to endeavor tq send our greet- ings to. our comrades from the dominions, who served with us, and of whose good work and good fellow- ship we have very happy memories. I know the addresses of only one or two of the whole number. They are scattered through the dominions and I can think of no other way of reaching them than that which I am now endeavoring to take, I would | hope, therefore, thdt spice may be | found for these few lines in the hope | that all who served with us may | know that they are not forgotten. It would be a great pleasure to me to hear from any who care to take the and renew our old friendship." BULWARKS OF CONSERVATION One by One Are Disappearing From "Rome, July 24.--One by one the last bulwarks of conservatism in Eu- rope disappear. The Vatican which pregerves in its life and ceremonials so /many picturesque customs and ancient ways of doing things for a long time sternly forbade the use of automobiles by cardinals and other ecclesiastics. Funeral looking carri- ages drawn by black horses conveyed the cardinals to and from the fane- tions at St. Peter's or to their visits to the Pontiff in the Vaticdn palace. Now several of the cardinals, includ- ing the English Cardinal Gasquet, have motor cars which convey them everywhere. . Not so long ago the attendants in 'Elizabéthen ruff and doublet and sword who marshal the spectators to their places in the great vatican fun- ctions, did not allow' the use of ope- ra glasses to watch the wondrous 'scene. At the canonization of Joan of Are a body of photographers were permitted to be present who took a film of the whole ceremony, so that when these picturesque historic pro- ceasions no more occur, this repro- "duction will it. " T To Sell Sabmarines. Sesttle, Wash., July 24--The sub- marines Antofagasta and , Iquigue, constructed for the Chilean govern- ment and purchased by Canada on the eve of the war against Germany, will shortly be sold at Halifax to the highest bidder. < trouble to write tothe above address | MOSCOW TO DIRECT z POLISH ARMISTICE i 'ress Despateh) London, July 24.--Private cables from \Yarsdw this morn. ing say there is'a strong report that Moscow has replied to Poland's representative - for an armistice as follows : "We have directed our field command to arrange an immedi. ate-armistice with Poland." * | | | | { \ | Desnatch) | | (Canadjpm Tress London, July 24.--~The So- viet government of Russia to- day notified Poland that the {# viet army command had been ordered to begin immediate negotiations for an armistice, is a wireless despatch from Mos. | cow to-day. : | TO MAKE NEW BUDGET TAXATION CLEARER The Department is Instituting Drive to Secure.Better Observance. Ottawa, July 24--The customs and inland revenue department is in- | stituting a. 'drive' to secure obser- vance of the new budget taxes. While ! they have been in force since May | 19th, the changes made in the ¢com- mons were considerable, and caused | more or less confusion. To remove | |any doubts,- however, the act has | while at the same | been reprinted and indexed in such among the radical elements in East |a way that there is no exouse for any | Prussia looking toward co-operation party affected to plead ignorance of the law. pointed, and the closest scrutiny | will, upon conviction, be demanded. Several already are tangled in the dragnet of the revenue officers. Not until this system is fully at work will it are withheld. AN UNMITIGATED LIE Replying to O'Connor Wh Charged Him With Creat- ing Extremist Party. London, July 24--Important mea- 0, the government in the house mons by Sir Hamar Greenwood, chief | | secretary for' Ireland, in the course | which | of a debate on Irish affairs, occcasionally developed considerable heat, 4 & 4 Moving a reduc of the chief secretary's. y's department, f3r the purpose of call ig attention to the government's Irish policy, T. "GETTING NEAR | 'Scouting Detachment of Soviet | GERMANY CETS NERVOUS | forty-eight hours. the salaries | 9 GERMAN BORDER Forces Near East Prussian Frontier. _ ~ And Places Defachments at Exposed Points in East Prussia. Berlin, July 24. --Scouting de- win hig Fo £ EVIKI ENTER POLAND PROPER - (Qanadian o i Tesna toh) Warsaw, July 24.--Having Grodno within their lines, the 'Bolsheviki have spread the tip of the right wing across the Nie- men and into Poland proper. Bearing down upon the Sckolka region from the north, the Reds: have sent patrols toward East Prussia and are ting with little, if any, resistance. A DIRERUL THREAT BY THE BOLSHEVIKS Take Vengeance on British If Nuorteva is Given Up to Finland. BOLSH tachments of the Soviet armies are reported to-day within little more than forty miles of the German bor- der, and it is expected Trotzky's cavalry will be within touch of the East" Prussian frontier in less than Coincidently with this advance, the north wing of the | Polish army is being completely | turned. With the fear of an imminent So- viet sweep across the German border spreading like wild fire, the clamor for creating a German army of de- | fence is growing louder every hour, time activity 'with the Bolsheviki is being intensi- Extra officers will be ap- fied. The German people, forgetting | the agreement signed at Spa, is to- nation-wide appeal to the country to | made of returns, and in the case of | day turning its eyes toward the east | { evasions the full penalty of the law to an extent mot witnessed since Hin- | denburg's armies crushed the Czar's steam roller. General Ludendorff writes : "The situation is exactly as I have mean that gasoline would be doled the full results of the new budget been predicting for months that it | out to dealers under a fixed quota |be available, and this is one reason | would be. At times I was like a| | why announcement of receipts under | preacher in the wilderness, but my | prediction has come true." ~The former army chief was refer- !$ing to his interview last February advices which have come to the de- | when he predicted the Polish army | DECLARES CARSON would be unable to put up serious sons 'behind the phenomenal tourist resistance once the Bolshévist forces had swung into real action. In the meantime, the minister o defence, is already placing detach ments of Reichswehr troops at ex- posed points in East Prussia. Thoughtful observers here, many at this time. However, it is feared that* fragmentary groups of the defeated Polish army might flee across the East Prussian border and that the Soviet forces would push the pursuit into Germany unless the Germans have sufficient forces at hand to disarm the fugitive Poles. The fall of Grodno illustrates the P. O'Connor declared that nobody | remarkable swiftness of the Bolshe- had done more than Sir Edward Car- | gist son, the Ulster Unionist leader, to! create an extremist pa Irelarji and he suggested that it')was the Ulster movement which tyyned the vacillating mind of Germany in favor of war. Sir Edward, interrupting speaker, characterized this as "unmitigated ile." The Reds Arrange For An Armisti (Canadian Press Despatch) London, July 24, -- A message, signed by Vassil- eff and Khvostchinsky for chief headquarters' staff and the revolutionary mili- tary council, was sent to the higher military com- mand in Warsaw, marked "very urgent," and saying: "The supreme command,of the Red army has received the order -of the Soviet government tp enter into' negotiations with the Po- lish military command on the questions of an armis- tice and peace between Russia and Poland. The supreme command will send a representative, fur- nished with full powers to a place which will be indi- cated to you and who will inform you of the place and date when the Polish representatives will be in- the an vited to attend." advance. Three Bolshevist columns are now converging upon Warsaw, and the thunder of the big guns ig beginning te be heard in the Polish capital. The seriousness of the Polish situa- | tion is further shown by the actiom of the Polish Council or fence In calling all menAlp to forty-five years of age to the colors. Long lines of hospital trains, filled with wounded, are constantly arriving from the battle line. arie--m---- NEWS IN BULLETIN The 'Allies will speed troops to Poland by way of German territory, should the ussian Boviet refuse to aevept Warsow's plea for an armis- tice. Fourteen were killed in Be!last riots. Looting was resumed Friday night. At Minneapolis, Minn., eight per- song were killed by a cyclone which swept over the city. Eleven buildings were struck by lightning in a terrible storm Friday |night at Buffalo, N.Y. , The Detroit congress heard Cana- dians on Friday and gave a pledge -jto seek the support of the Dominion government for the St. Jawrence plan. ~ To Supervise the Training. Regina, Sask, July 24.--Miss Mabel Gray, formerly superintend- ent of the Winnipeg General hospi- tal, has been appointed supervisor for |; the training of nursing house keepers in Baskatchewan. The plan for the training of this branch for service im homes where fully qualified nurses cannot be afforded, is being worked out by the University the Red Cross and the Registered Nurses' Associa- tion of the province.' WA SON CONFESSES T0 KILLING MOTHER His Father Was Hanged For : Love's Statement Owen Sound, July 24.--That he had murdered his mother, for which crime his father, Henry Love, was convicted and hanged here on May 27th, 1913,3is said to be confession made by twenty-two year old Arnold Love, who is in custody in Toronto. An awakened conscience resulting from his attendance at a series of re- vival meetings held by an evangelist at Priceville village, is said to have rompted the confession. First young Po is 'said to Wave confessed his revolting crime to a minister, who advised his going to Toronto, In To- ronto, he is said to have confessed to some one in the attorney-gene- ral's department ir presence of two witnesses, both "citizens of Grey county, Following the alleged con- tassion te Rev. Mr. Sharpe, eveage- tl ( * . a list, and Rev. Mr. McCardon, Metho- dist minister at Priceville, the boy eame to Toronto accompanied by two ministers. | 1912--Arnold Hardly Credited. Toronto, July 24.--It is under- stood that the statement made by Arnold Love is not thoroughly cre- dited by the attorney-general's office, which is investigating the. .whole matter.' Pending .the result of these investigations, the boy is being kept under close supervision. It is stated that there are some doubts as to the soundness of the young man's mind. While the evidence on which the fa- ther, 'Henry Love, was convicted, was largely circumstantial, he made a statement on the scaffold which was taken as tantamount io a confes- \ who May 30th reserve stocks totalled sures for dealing with disorders in| are known to be in touch with Mos- 577,600,000 gallons, according to the | Ireland. was announced in behalf of | cow, do not believe that Lenine and com- Trotzky contemplate attacking Ger- 1 London, July 24.--A "Bolshevik wireless despatch from Moscow, re- celved here to-night, threatens ven- | geance against the British and Finnish should Great Britain deport | Banteri Nuorteva, once secretary to | Martens, the Russian Bolshevik re- | presentative in the United. States, | to Finland, should harm befall him. | The wireless communication says : { | "With reference to the arrest of | | Nuorteva and 'the British decision to | {deliver him to Finland, where he has | been condemned to death, the Sov- | let government has decided that In the event of this infamous act be- ing commited, all British found in | Russia, the Ukraine and Azerbaijjan | will similarly suffer, and that should { Finland harm Nuorteva, punishment | !a hundred times as severe will be | meted out to the Finnish. The So- | viet government notifies the British and Finnish torturers that they will receive a lesson." ; THE EXCHANGE HELPS : CANADIAN RESORTS | | | American Tourists Gain Folr= | teen Per Cent, and Cana- dians Save It. | | Ottawa, July 24.--According to | partments at Ottawa, one of the rea- | traffic to Canadian resorts this year |1s the adversity of exchange with the | ¢ | United States. Canadian people, in- | stead of going to the American re- sorts in thousands, are staying in their own country, while in greater numbers than ever Americans are coming here, especially to 'Quebec. The Canadians at home save the 14 per cent. exchange, while Americans coming her® are that much to the good. Government officers in touch | with railways and steamship traffic | report a tremendous business. { . Poteet Sentenced for Obstructing { Rallway With Hand Car Peterboro, July 24.--Ferdinand LaFleche, aged eighteen, of Mont- real, found guilty of having placed an obsturuction on the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks and endan- gering the lives of passengers, was sentenced to jail for three months by Police Magistrate Dumble. . La- Fleohe, with two other men, stole a hand "car to help them over the journey to Montreal, and left the car on the rails. It was 'struck and hurled into the ditch by passenger | train No. 34, eastbound, early yes- terday morning. LaFleche was ar- rested by C.P.R. Constable G. A. Evans. He said his companions left him and he was unable to lift the hand car from the rails. The 8hamrock Rescues Wrecked Boat Party New York, June 24. --SBhamrock IV, An tow from a Staten Island shipyard to her anhcorage at Sandy Hook, Thursday night rescued a fishing party of ten men, women and chil- dren whose boat had broken down | in a heavy thunderstorm which swept New York harbor. The boat, drifting helplessly with a broken rudder, flogted across the hawser by which the yacht was be- ing towed and was ne=riy. capsized. The party was taken aboard the yacht and later put ashore at the quarantine station by the-tug which had been towing the challenger. The "wrecked craft was a sniall motorboat in whic. the party had been fishing near Sandy Hook. Can Man Drink Liquor Out of the 8ickroom Renfrew, July 24.--License In- spector Connelly has asked the On- tario License Commission for 4 ruling as to whether a man who obtained | a prescription for liquor from a doc- tor can drink it even in his own resi- | dence in any apartment other than the sickroom. A local man got 3 prescription for grain alcohol to be used for rubbing. He deluted a por- {tion of it and drank it in the bath- iroom. Herce the question now sub- | mitted to the License Board. Eel Flies Swarming Ogdensburg. Ogdensburg, N.Y., July 24.---FEe!| Hiies afd their progeny of all descrip- tions /have invaded the city and are makihg life miserable for many peo-. ple who dread their presence. Eel flies are harmless, but they have a habit of annoying everybody They come from down thE river | where they breed at a point known | as the "Lisbon swamps." Cottagers | up and down the St. Lawrence re. The swallows feast on the flies to; the amusement of youngsters. " } Paving Stone Modelled. Berlin, July 24.--0Out of the ashes | left in Berlin's incinergtors from the the city's burnt refuse, a paving stone 1 is being manufactured which is sala § to be as hard and serviceable as gran- ite. As Germany no longer can af- ford to import paving materials, which Sweden used to supply, the | of this cheap by-product | jis greatly welcomed. | f | | i {his way. port visitations by the flies. (h LAST EDITION FINISHED FIRST Defeated Shamrook by Small In Exolting : Finlsh. = +! i To Decide Which Yaoht Will Hold the J. Famous America's isn ~ i New York, July 2. Reso- lute, the trim, white Bristol sloop, creation of the famous Herveshoff, slid down across the finish line yes- terday in front of Shamrock IV., the green, snub-nosed Gosport racer, the hope and pride of Sir Thomas Lipton, and to-day the big yachts meet for the fifth and deciding race for the America's cup. The boats are naw on equal terms; with two wins each. To-day's race will be over a wind- ward and leeward course at which the defender is popularly supposed to ex- cel. The Shamrock was beaten over her pet course, the triangle affording plenty of opportunity for her to show ther superiority in reaching. The wind ranged from fitful gusts to a | fresh breeze which heeled the sloops down until their lee ralls were |awash., The conditions were such as 'to lead to the belief that the greens hulled challenger would at least finish in front of the Resolute, but the latter'won by three minutes and eighteen seconds actual time and by nine minutes and fifty-eight seconds corrected time. a Charles Francis Adams, skippér o |the winner, sailed a faultless race, | The contest was fraught with drama- tic incidents. Sun, wind, fog, black | sqaull and piping breeze all played their part. 3 Yesterday's rece wag the fastest of Resolute led from the start to about four miles from the finish, when Shamrock came up and passed the American boat. In a fighting. finish, Captain Adams, of the Resolute, set his big ballooner and swept past the chal-, lenger a half mile from the end. The official finishing times were Resolute 4.39.25, Shamrock, 4.43 06% Led by 8ir Thomas Lipton's char- tered steam yacht Victoria, a tres mendous cherus of whistles greeted Resolute as she crossed the line. AN INFLUX TO CANADA . FROM THE OLD LAND Greatest Period of Immigra= tion in History of Dominion at Hand. Ottawa, July 24.--That Canada is looked on as the land of promise by the people of the British Isles, and that we are on the éve of the great- est period of immigration from that quarter in our history is the mes sage which W. E. Scott and Russell Wilson have brough: back with them after six months spest In the Old Country selecting immigrants under the plans of the Sold#®rs Bet-' tlement Board. Mr. Scott was for- merly deputy minister of agriculture in British Columbia, and Mr, Wilson has all his Jifé been engaged in farm- ing and pioneering in atchewan, They were sent over to try last December to "examine and the series. jhe Old-Coun- FINAL RACE ON SATURDAY ¥ select applicants to settle under the plan of the Soldier Settiement Board in different parts of Canada. As an immediate result of the work 600 hand-picked settlers, all well suited 1 by experience, nateral ability and means, will be added to the farming population of Canada, They are the first of an influx which wil be Hm- ited only by transportation facilities. : The requirements insisted on im choosing these immigrants were that they should be men who had seem active service; that they should be thoroughly qualified for life in Oan- ada; and that t should have ; .| capital of not less than one thousand dollars. The Imperial government pays their ocean transportation. @ A PROMPT REPLY. 1 : 4 "Mind Own Business" Lloyd George's Advice. 'London, July 24.--Buftragette methods were used on Lloyd George |for gaining a hearing on the Russian question wt a wedding at Oxshott, which the premier attended. The pre- mier, however, proved himself equal = to the occcasion, as his laconic reply to his interlocutor shows. "Hands off Russia!' said Henry Mills, a me- chanie, to Lloyd George, as the pre- mier, in the wake of the mridal party left the church. "Mind your own business!" replied L. G. continuing Further remarks from the mechanic were stopped by a police sergeant stepping on the man's toes as he refused to get back out of the bridal party's way. 2 Forty-two lives are reported lost a result of the schooner Jacris Co turning turtle off Mazatan, Mexico, LPEPL BE 424400408 LEACH. TO GO OVEE NIAGARA FALLS Niagara Falls; Jolly 24 --Bob- 4 by Leach, who went over the ¥ falls on July 25, 1911, says he 4 is going over again about ths # # end of next month. The barrel % designed' by Leach will bs an egg-shaped vessel, wel, i rein- & % forced, and will be safe should & # the outer shell be crushed. -» + Lif FERS EIVPEEEB RY * +

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