Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1920, p. 16

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_ BATURDAY, JULY, a4, 1620, - A.O.H. Picni EET il | | , AT BROPHY'S POINT 1 PICTURES! HH i " i DIRECTION JOMN & [SiR Tie i CIVIC HOLIDAY K INGSTON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY J f @ . (July 26th) { | HERE SHE COMES! i¥ I : THE DAILY B L PT ee -- { TP ---- THE PEOPLE'S FOR wow Uvew OVE hd cadmiai : BASEBALL AND OTHER SPORTS | Some wild doings at Grimin's on | : = Dan f d evening. | _y Bane Aitermpon and evening or- Old Boys' "3 | . CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | FOR SALE. : FOR SALE. 8tr. "Brockville" leaves foot of | werd : | \ - | | Fire Iasertion, ic. 4 word. oa : ! € ; id x , an | » ; 5 ¥ Brock street at 10.00° a.m. and 11.30 3 ; I=Cent n A Mp, REET er, _ all [FORD ROADSTER, - CHEAP FOR A LADY'S WHEEL, NEARLY NEW. "amyl pans, 2.80 p.m, 4 pion.) 7 poh. e e ra on i - | ©One insertion, 25c;. threes insertions | ick sale. Palmer, cor. Bagot and' + Apply 112 Barrie street. i | 89 cents. = A ON PICNIC GROUND, FRIDAY, | | a £ 3 BOILER FOR SALE. APPLY "sine v aan BBC. | } She above rates age for cash enly;| July 16th, at Cooke's Sunday y : COR 3. BW Nelson . | When charged thay Are double. | School picnic, small purse, | AT 080, FELDSPAR MINL. FON Wathen, 143 Nelson street. career pr Bonds | : further particulars apply te W. T | -----u- ------ m-- = 3 i containing some change, | ' HELP WANTED, - i in the anappiest, funniest picture of her '| | AA eg Angrove's- Repairs Monda , July 26p INTO Talking Machines, merece ' ' Bp McPherson, Oso Station, Ont. A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR Ow may have same by aj i der_for five. dollars oosts three KITCHEN WOMAN AT THE FRON- : tenac Hotel i - ! plying to superintendent of STEAM ARGE. 1 cents. | the Sunday school. i ly x t John Randall, Seeley's ) | i ¥. + Or on beard the steamer. | GRAY HORT hn DURING, Soup AY i ------------------------------------ mcs. 1 new; sacrifice for quick sale. me Bal Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We , i FOUXD un LY tA T-RooN FRAME Says BA i Dorner Sado) aad Queen, . | closet an as. 198 > -------- Sa revoir work right and susraatee Fair Grounds, 2 PN. | Zowie, wnat 4 wid snd woolly Indy--| { wiABjone Siding aayihing Ang Apply I. R®Lalalaw. 248 Division | ONE DRA In GOOD ORDER; TWO satisf, R i | i 4 re ® | % } a - 197 WELLINGTON STREET ® gale of giggles--a hurricane of hilar- | TWO SMART GIRLS TO CLERK IN|] ~ 9.2 reperting the facts to ------ demi ee we | NOS NEW, Apply 1 Chatham street. AT A : y--yewll lavgh till you ery. © ce cream parlor. Apply Sakel's, The British Whig. The adver- M HOUSE ON ADELAIDE | a ! v E use. { . 1; i > | LOCK- YOUR WINDOW SCREEN ' A ---- ------------------------ next to Opera House tisement will be printed In ths Slreet; 3 plece bath. $4,000; on easy | AUCTION SALE BASEBALL ALSO OUR USUAL LINE OF | column tres of charge. Rd ry 5 1 terms. - K. Carroll Agency, 38] with . Heldlas: aon Ed Lok: 4 t . ound articles" aoes mot 1 Brock street. { Sc, a 'colworths' etributors SELECT SUBJECT A STENOGRAPHER, WITH KNOW! clude lost dogs. cattle. horse rock street br ) 0 - "i : | | | Of Household Furniture; 424 'Johnson | . : 1 : > a ledge of books. Apply 34 Johnson | ste. These, If lost. may be ad. || FRAME HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, HARD. | . = | Street, Tuesday, July; th, 1.30 ay Triple L v8. Ponies ¢ street, or 3 Corrigan street. vertised for in the "Lost" column | | wood floors; electric lights and wa- | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AN | WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERAT- ! » TEN ter; also good barn. Apply 329 selections; your own choice, $42.50. k a i Terms, 3 '. solive. © ining oi 2 | Dedroom| : ors on knit govds, Rooly Albion | Hickson avenue. r $5 Saied per Natl Ca¥ k ( * Sarpets, ok - . nitting Co, Peterborg, Ont. LOST. | ONE FIVE HORSE POWER STEAM -- and oglu: ie en Ane gas] RACE PROGRAM: a SE Dp ---- eee | boiler one steam cooker and a 50 |™ : wg ings, heat Fl hives etq, crockery, ! BAPBRIENCED ([JOUSEMAID AND! 1 ongGy, STERLING, CONCAVE SHAP. 1b. upright sausage filling machine. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-81 ® and China, "kitciien utensils, J | Cook, general. good - wages for ed clgarett® case; initialled "F. A. Cheap to quick buyer, at $11 Prin- acres. of land in the clay belt o good work. Apply Box K-24, Whig | McG." on Whip at Fair Grounds, ess street. North Ontario; might exchange for BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. 2. | 0 trot and pace $500 Oftice ot { Yedneyday evening; valued as Rion TE STNG Roce a Jovd car, Singuire of Dr. Ke. Phone 17 a | 9 PARLOR SUITE NIN M| 36% >hnson stree - 8 1721, > ) NUNC). N AT ONCE, GENERAL SHRVANT OR | Socpeake Clava Tor Telus to TLNLON SU suite, refrigerator, . - NM IN Nr A orn ners trl by the day to take care of | T° | tables. chairs, and all household | PANTASOTE # TRUCK CUSHION Ww H 1 2.18 trot and pace $500 "SATURDAY by. Apply Mrs Earnshaw, Koval | | «Tartine apts Tre auseliold; PANPASOTE # ¥nUGi gn CUSHIONS, . * | ~ | CAPABLE MAID FOR DINING ROOM. Apply at once to superintendent, Y. Wid 2 { 1 | Lindsay, Limit Miltary Col ege.. Kingston. Lia 2360 r. 1-3, riding and durable cushion made; ¢ es ---- meena § STRAYED. price 35.00. State size of seat. Jud- 12.30 trot and pace $500 FOUNG LADY AS BOOMKEEPER AND STRAYED FROM 215 RIDEAU ST, ON MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, son's Auto Tops, Brockyille. HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, | . Ee pi oanion, ADDL Sunday, July 13th, 1920, one Beagle house furniture. specialize ju Millis | seme (B ------ oe : ! . . | Ber ving Machine Company. | Female Hound: bla White, an {ary boots; buy ail kinds second- | FARM FOR SALE--138 GOOD, DAIRY Waggons and Trucks Repaired. . "! 2 nheess street. £1] Anyone finding, return to 215 Ri- | hana goods; highest prices paid. L. farms in £{. Lawrence, Jefferson i" Prices moderate, Band in Attendance. Coun SEERA femme) Jorons finding, vem | Baiiperd, Pacue iis Cy Prt( aad Towls Covitiens Wh Ropers A a 4 ' wha chor? ' } Ce---------------- - an ces treet. New or State, fo sale. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD ~ good wages. Apply between 9 a.m | 53 for new catalogus just HSI . Union street west, city. . 14 rooms Kk; hot water bt heat dwood flogrs; wonder- 3 a ---- ' " > * my " --: S- . - a E: . \ $1,000,000 REWARD DR OAtNIy: xpos Mies | A WICKER GU-CAIT; IN GOOD GON-| fur cob; hardwood foprai wonder] "0 WOR SALE ALL KINDS OF ay U 4 inal Episode. Tathiy; eipetience ur Agcanaty. dition. Phone 309. quired. J. K. Carroll Agefoy, 56 &00d seoond hand furniture and ; ) Wh } QUEEN STREET. . | A dramatic Mystery Picture and noon. Mrs. J. F. Foulkes, 2 WANTED GENERAL. sone STR 2 ALBERT, H. C. Rogers, Gouverneur, N.Y | 2 Brock street. Sioves. Any person having stoves Rallway, care British 1g. ha -- a d---- and furniture te se of, we wil SNUB POLLARD HEATED "APARTMENT, OR THREE | §0LID BRICK HOUSE OF ELEVEN vey highest prices. J Thom, hdr, R ; " > J. EN "GRAB THE GHOST" BOY, IN OITY, OR FROM COUNTRY, or four bright, airy rooms, in good rooms on Johnson street; wonder- 333 Princess Street. Phone | Mw, Spend the week-end on the River. A TAN PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE with partial 'or junior maetrioula- Jpeaiity. Apply Box L-3. Whig ot- | ful rooming and boarding house. -- 8. 8. St. Lawrence for Alexandria Que ued Yy Muaiirentice 1h TUE wong) ce. | income. 3100.04 per. including three | yorr cong . > . geo C 8 - - garages. $7,500. 3500 cash. J. K. | USED CARS AND TRUCKS OF ALL Bay and River Points. Leave Ferry TEACHER WANTED ¥ to learn the drug business: Ap-| TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, BEDRQOM Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street kinds, Ford roadsters and Dock at 2 p.m. SATURDAY, SUN- ontrac )/ Al . ply Box B-%0, Whig Office. and sitting room; for two young | .) . Chevrolets. Overiands, Gray Dort, . . N 5 ud a t0.th 7 ladies. Apply Box G-22, Whig Of- | Studebaker, Saxon Six, alse 1 ton PAY. and MONDAY. Pe General, will bo received at) NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR| LIVE MAN WANT Age. : { MOTOR BOAT, DUCK PUNT, WIN- Lusk and ght siivery "trucks, or y Ww : ) myo " chester 12 ge pum un, Win- APPly Beri Stansbury, 169 Rag Fare, round trip . ...8$1.00 Ottawa until noon, on Friday. the 27th 8. 5. No. 1; protestant. Apply to elling our guaranteed | WANTED TO RENT, A SIX OR SEVEN | heer ih any Aan ine] Road. Phone 1674w. Hid tion to apprentice in drug store; August, 1920, for the conveyance' His Jos. B. Clarke, R. R. No. 1, Gen- and plants. Outfit free. Lib- roomed house, for Sept. 1st. Apply | poy do : : , SPBOIAL TRIP ON MONDAY, CIVI Madesiy's Malls, on a proposed contract &noque, Ont. ommlssion. Brown Brothers with particulars, eh Box Bot | ducks, te 5 Ashide rods and reels | L N MO? ' C | for four years six times per week on yw . Company, Nurserymen, Limited Whig Office. | : lu os Be voen 3 a2 | FRAME HOUSE ON COLLINGWOOD ! LY the route Seeley's Bay Rural Mail| QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR §, S. No. Brown Nurseries. P.O. Ontarle. ------------------------------------ ------ | shees. 3 boots; between gang 7. street near Johnson; large lot; lane 1A HOLIDAY, JULY 20th, TO Route Ne. 1, from the 1st January next. iL Oso; putice 10 sommmence Sept. [10 TO 28 ACRES WITH DWELLING LU. Rongily, 86 Wiliam street. at rear; hot Water heat; electrie Tr , Printed notices containing further in- Ade . RK . { And barn, near the city. Apply to | light; stone foundation; ment ALEXANDRIA BAY Campbe sec.-treas., Clarendon, SEAMSTRESS, ONE ACCUSTOMED TO | McCann's Real Estate Agency, 88) coop DWELLING, 'NEAR FAIR ¢eilhr bottom. 'Three piev.* bath, grounds; six rooms; Stone founde- $4,000.00. 3 cash. J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. formation as to conditions of proposed contract may Ys seen and Diam orms On electric sewing machine: expari-| Broek 'street. x of tendér may be obtained at the st ~ . enced ovperaturs only nee apply; REG - ¢ dry To Contractors office of Seeley Bay and at the office A rn TEACHER. FOL SK Roo between 11 and 2 a.m. Kingston SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT FIANO | : iv Pak al whe ; > . , 5, 3 Yo. 568 reet. : y 4 3 pity I | vwo » " BR CON x . ! of the Poet ERR stating salary to George F. Clark, Mattress Co.' 566 Princess stre 335 Sash of in pant Jeyment of pew trees; one ac re of land, with two | TWO FARMS, ONE CONTAINING 100 BHALED TENDERS addressed to | Post Office Inspector, Collins. Bay. say Limited. 131 Princebs street. barns, Owner left city and will] date poymiles from the city; up-tos dersi d and end d "Tend-| P Office I tor's Offic WE WANT RELIABLE AGENTS FOR sell at a bargain. R. Chas. Bell, | date buildings; running water; well the undersigned and endorsed "Ten | "Kingston, July 18th, 10300" QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER unrepresented districts, to sell { 130 Clarence Street. faced: second, 12 miles from 'the er for St. John's School," will be re- | . s . for 8. 8. No. 12, Olden; salary $700. fruit "and ornamental trees, roses. WANTED, MOTOR BOAT, NEW OR | City on county road; every conveni- 'celved up to noon of 31st July, far)? . ry Apply to Damon ¥oumans, Moun- Good pay weckly, exclusive stock second hand; not less thap 36 feet | ence; excellent camping . grounds" tain Grove, Ont. 3 he demand for 8 C : and good fishing. Apply Box A-7 1 and territory. The eman long. State price and condition to 4 . y . 38 fraction of a Schoo! in Gananoque | Se trees for orchard snd garden ex-| Lawrence Bros. Lid, Canonto,| % ? | Whig Omice. an P ations y » .- NORMAL 'TRAINED TEACHER FOR ceeds the supply. 'Our agencies a. Ont. | % Briscoe touring car in perfect | + | + + * seen at the offices of the Architects, Briar Hill school; salary $775; Pro- valuable. Write Pelham Nursery Bd order; cheap for quick sale. PER LoLUMBIA, DAYTON, and at St. John's Church Parsonage, tesant preferred. Apply to 'A. B. Co. Toronto. : WANTED FIVE PASSENGER TOUR- | Owner leaving city. Apply Sat- ++ grinceton and Vietory Bleyecies, al June, sec.-treas., Morton, Ont. ing car, 1920 model; must be little | 3 urday, 5 Aberdeen street. { b 50 4 number of ladies' and gents Gananoque. * ------ ee mr, used and cheap for cash. Give de- IS std Dicroles 284 motorcycles, at. Lowest or any tender not necessar- al onirac FIRST CLASS TEACHER FOR S. 8. scription and price. Apply Box | «PPetPbd reduced prices. Special attention ily accepted No: 11. Bedford. Salary offered | L C-20, Whig Office. given to all bieyale und bapy cars SPALED TENDE h 900 per annum. Apply to G. C. . - riage repair work. Muller's Bicycl POWER, SON & DREVER, Postmaster Gontrat. ilk on eect oath Atwood, sec.-treas., Tichborne, Ont. WANTED--MEN AXD BOYS TO PAT- | FIRST CLASS USED CARS JUST | Tosaws, 311-373 King street. Phone Architects, Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 3rd QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 5. 5 reaize J. W. Cyrson. barber. Men's ready to g've you & good summer's Ww. Merchants Bank Chambers September, 1920, for the conveyance His ie 2 8S. 8. NO, ] Kinpat Ont Majesty's Mails, on & proposed contract & Repnebes, Duties to amelce ngston, Ont. for four years. six times per week on opt. Ast Apply, stating experi. the routes, Bath Rural Mall Routes Now. RR os ington Soe. sec.-treas, et a a a SA To Contractors [mi Sherine to, rinted notices containing further in- . . - Soren 32°18 RING SL bend | FRUERIRNCED SRCOND-CLAR ra. i . : | contract ma a o 1 te . 8. No. 10, . + BBALED TENDERS will be receiv- hu. oy hs TR Ee ofing Yonge Front. Apply. stating sal- . 8d at the office of the undersigned | Omicey of Bath, Westbrook, Collins ary an n3ajifeations, 10." Join - {where plans and specifications may , Bay, and at the office of the Post Of. Beatty, Mallorytown, Ont. Be Seen) up (8 5 o'clock pm., 'on [PO Toepector." CL x NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR Friday, July 30th, 1930, for the sev- " Post Office Inspector. Separate 8. 8. No. 1, Howe Island. pect Duty commence Septemb 1 | eral trades works required in the | Post Office Inspector's Office, 'State sainry wanted. Apply to Job. - construction of a Public Lavatory jn | Kingston. July 23rd, 1920. Beaubien, secretary, Howe Island, "the City Park for the Corporation of » 1 R. R. No. 8. the City of Kingston. Sheriff S$ Sa e PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR S, 8, Lowest or any. tender not neces- No. 1, Portland. Duties to com- Saturday, 3ist, 12 o'clock, Murray's stat sarily acce d. mence Sept. 2nd Apply, stating y y By nce ne WLA § Auction Room, Market Square qualifications and salary expected * eA iran and a BT . NE NDS & SON, McLaughlin, one ton truck. to F. C. Van Luven, sec.-treas., Hur- " ner. Reply: BIVIng rates and terms MEDICAL Architects, THOMAS DAWSON, Sherifr, rowsmith, Ont. T Ne to Box F-23, Whig Office. : 258 Bagot street | TEACHER. FOR 8. ». ND " RRA -- > 2: > 3 i . 8. NO. 15, ELGIN« DOCTOR E. L. STONE, 233 BROCK ST. an aS AUCTION SALE R burg; Protestant: duties to com- TO LET. Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5 p.m, BATEMAN'S ANAL ESTATE. EE -- or - : db, : dmeonce at once. Salary $700 per an- k ~ 7 to 8.30 p.m. Aone cOéew. : 8 Wednesday, 36th, 10.30 s.m., Mrs, num. Apply, stating Qualifications, esman an © FOR saALR 5 A i Sr Moeney's, 20 Stuart St, to C. H. M t FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED| pp 5. 5. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN. -- Di d urtains, din carpets, ngs, Som No. 1 i ashaon, secre "y RR "To sell in Kingston and vicin- apantment. Apply 5 Aberdeen Ave. nounce that he has resumed his | 32 000--FRaME HOUSE; NORTH END; Jyiamon anpang. Jinner 'set. 4PPY. Though Thorens tty whe 3% Guaranteed Preter- | | como om ep actos al 03, svellington Street | "6" roma; tohot and San) HEAD WM. MURRAY, Auctionger, ° No, TANT HOBAUNER FOR S. §, ence shares, practically bonds, of no children. Apply 396 Princess Phone 2163. : : : ng at least a Limit. --- : Rin S ed third certificate: salary $700; high grade Canadian-American street. $3200--BRICK VENEER; ¢ Rooms ary : large! log; th. te th tt te le STENOGRAPHER WANTED One with experience and more particularly with good education, to act as secretary to editorial de- partment. Would consider appli- cation of person with good educa~ tion aspiring to editoriat or secre- tarial work, even although with out stenographic experience. Apply: Industrial ad Educa- tiona blishing Co. Garden City, Press, Gardenvale, P.Q. . The Garden City, Press, Garden- vale, P.Q., is situated on the To- ronto to Montreal and Ottawa to Montreal lines of the C.P.R., and G.T.R., adjctning Macdona! oultural College. The railway sta- tion on either railway is St. Annes and boys' bair eut, 0c. Shave 10c. outing.) You can have one for as! Razors boned 6c. 2348 Ontario 8, little as $175.00 cash, .and ten | MoT S j . sh, | MOTOR SAL INITE near Brock Street. months to pay the balance-- Ford nS FOR Se Froctns > Bay touring, Ford roadster, Chevrolet tors, & " Tex WANTED TO RENT A HOUSE OR 1918, Chevrolet 1919, etc. , See our | ne Lp an flat, Sonsiating of fous or five dally add. Blue Garages Limited, consisting of W i) rooms, for light housekeeping on| oorner Queen and Bagot streets. er-Wheeler and C.G. 1. lower flat; in a good locality;!| Telephone 567 + . 1y per cent. of the would buy house if Suitable. Apply stalled and Box M-23, Whig Offic Cheap. Apply Lo of 7 WANTED, FIFTEEN HONDRED DOL-| po aabobn, CAR SALE. 400 Front street Ea Jars (31,509) on first mortgage, Two Chevrdlets. farm property; four miles. from Two Fords. Kingston; property worth $10,000; Two Trucks. no agents; principals only. Address One Ford Sedan. gaiirey lu St ; Farm 999, British Whig. Overhauled and must be sold. Reduc- but the Post ce is Gardenvale, - . - ed prices. PQ. Several of Canada's leading 4| A BUSINESS PWOMAN REQUIRES| °p J} MpR'S EXCLUSIVE USED CAR technical and educational-journals from September 1st, a quiet, cen- SALES and magazines are published here, 3 trally situated room, with a pri- POPP PPbP For sale or exchange, motor boat, 18 fi, 1% horse power, Erd engine. Canopy top; aiso floatin boathouse. Apply MeCullough, Arfouries, | FOR SALE, Folded dbdobdododep doi dod dd db dd op Corner of Bagot and Queen. hohe ok oe oe oe oe i oe oe PERRET Pee lights; large lot. duties to commence Septe r, the Company, established twenty ATRNISHED RODE rrr re LDR. . J. B.. IEANN-WISHES TO AN- and stabie; north end . INE, ¥ Very Attractive Investments| "feos 2 Sunridlt || Sti Site pry || Srgmamymn moves veo jx on 8030 wellington Birest. spposits | MProvemsat. Y, - No. 1. | Valuable bonus of Common Stock sity. Apply Box J-23, Whig Office. Post Oftice. Office hours 3-4 p.m.: ly, 0000 ann OVER 200 ACRES; 13 3 vl v J - # ma. 'Tel : office, 183%; $ 4 | It will repay you to ex- MILLS Company, 79 Clarence Street NORMAL toaAINED SAND EXPEL on which dividends will com FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND, BOARD, 7 38 pom 1 phone office, 18 miles trom Kingston; 149 arg i lecti ¢ offer bonds in small or large lots, yield- 2, Wolfe Island. Dutfes to com. mence . shortly, = Commission all improvements; centrilly locai- side; plough land; good bul amine our selection o ing as high as 8 B-3%a City os Wind- mence Sept. 1st. State salary want- double that usually paid. Write: | ed. Apply 243 Brockestr DENTAL kternd; ons wile fr ~ T, WY Pembroke, ete." Exami a 2 " y EN aq = . ~* Diamond Rings. ur Tt War Bonds bent amine foinnd Duy Ar Staley, R. 4° Waite C. R. OLAPP & COMPANY, FURNISHED, LARGE, BRIGHT, | ---- -- : Fire, Life, Automobile and all other * : 53 Adel Street Kast, Toronte front room; suitable for two. Apply | A. BW. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, .D.DS, THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY ON A choice stock of single kinds of policies iesued. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED FOR : 313 University avenue or phone Shee 258 Princess Streel. Phone the corner of Princess and Albert stone, tree stone and five 3 wm S..8. Ne, 0. Camden. Duties to -- 352w. : 3 . Streets. Jiote And three dwellings after summer holidays. ® nw 7 8. SPARKS AND SPARKS, URN. Cess street and . TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE-| DRS. A s dyelling, 308 Alb stone rings of finest qual- Please state salary. Apply to H + AGENTS WANTED, bath room flat. Gas tists, 169 Wellington stree'. over A . ert street. A bar- | Moc \eken, . Treagurer,": "Roblin, I oom a Carnovaky's. Phone 348. gain for quick sale. to wind up 8 ity, ranging in price from sont Earl street. 3 ' 'LY ) UPHOLSTERING TS ; $50.00 to $1,000.00 each. Peak Frean S QUALIFIED JEACHER BOR 3. 5, Ne, i ONLY SATISFACTORY CANADIAN SEPTEMBER 1st, FINE RESIDENCE, ae boviLE BRICK; VENEER; § 11, rear of Leeds and Lansdow : a G + rooms each. dut ° mmence « thership. Introduction by General near Queen's College. Rent, fift CALL OR DROP A CARD TO we J. duties yoy Tag ng qualification Currie. Many making $10 dally. ddllars a month. Apply Box 0-18, Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St. , 4 #4 | } salary amd experience, to.John W, Sram Shrostunks for returned men 35 Office. F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. = Tocation Ne LAY; CUNY EY SHORTCAKE Reed, sec.-treas," Outlet, Ont. an gihels, Bids 9 Tres. inston : ' holstering and general repairing. : X So. Spadina BE. Toronto, FURNISHED FLAT ON THE BATH- Leave orders at or drop a card to. Ta - one r QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. 8. NO, FO, Sool sulmble fort gn: 104 Clergy street. $25.00--HOUSK 18 3 : » . 15, Camden. . Duties to commence PERSON 2h housekeeping. Apply Phone 1248w. Soy uh "elect oUSE JEWELLER IS DELICIOUS Sept. lst. ' Apply, stating salary, NAL. No. 6, Sixth street. = Yoctrls Hela 2ud saw; central, LET oo ¢ ROOMS; B. AND C4 lifications, and experience to]. . A | . 182 Princess Street. - Thomas M. Wilson, R. R. = No. 1, | SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY| LEGAL. $60.00--HOUSE; 1¢ ROOMS; ALL IM.' § Ask your Grooer for it. Enterprise, Ont. 'order. Five dollars costs three | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, "Where the Clock is om the : CLEAN, provements; central; room ig + cents. ® dry, airy rooms; CUNNINGHAM & ®»MITH, BARRIST- rented for more than on eady A . TEACHER FOR §.-8. NO. 8, CLAREN- " Key. rost's Clty Storags, ers and Soliciters, 79 Clarence 159 Wellington St. : don township, at a salary of $696 a | WIDOW, 39, WITH FINE FARM, WILL Queen-street. Phone §26: res. s8w. Strest. Kingston. A. B. Cuanisg- ur 0 il] = marcy, Brox 318, Corr. Co., Mon- Tosh Low ham. Cyril M. Smith, iE 0! er, N p roe, ch. SEPTEMBER, - n 'qualifoat M er flat; fine residence; west end; Baw Money to loan. Phene 1999. htt hess sds In oJ BACHELOR, 33, WORTH $35,000, couple without children. Rent $60 AMARY RB SHEA, | BARRIS TOR Ro - " . i Solleitor. Law effice, oormet G. A. BATEMAN, ay. BBex Bs, Knaguts DRS Avriy Bun K:15, Whis "f King sad Bresk, over Royal' 159 Wellington Street Kingston ' FOR SALE | MUSIO. . IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL- TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- thy, loving wife, write me. I, 4214 cially furnished for light house- . California Street, San Francisco, keeping. gas for cocking and light, . . H, 8, PACKER, A.T.C.M., TEACHER : Brick residence on Albert street, between Princess and "lane i Theory brepares for ali ou " 3 hs Figneer Kparimetis fae? x Order Coal now for June d 1 d Mack; hot alr furnace; gas for cooking and lighting; separate Nine out heal b ot. | MARRY -- MARRIAGE DIRECTORY an Ju y de- E §5 Ardh street. with photes and descriptions, free; . bath and toilet; cement cellar bottom; stone foundation; good when married. The Exchange, FINANCIAL livery \ y . barn and driveway. Price $4500.00; some terms. PAINTING AND P. GING | BL 304, Ha SEY: Me. THE SAFE WAY TO SEND BY MAIL All Coal d W. 1 i C ; APER BAN fn ie TE ) an ood sales strictly spot " 0 ly . RATERS God TIGA ENO MRATITL | 7 Dondaien Express Money oF | y ' T al Paperhanging dore, d. a ; } cas THEJ. K. C2 3 <LL AGENCY A. Mounteer, 34 Aven 8 oo Pepe. 204. Ene Chg LIA 0 STRANGE a STRANGE INSURANCE h, 1 age! 3 8 » i only d . (IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PAINTING OR R v N r - MARRY--THOUSANDS PEOPLE; ALL . the most rellable companies repre- . \ Phone 68 and 87 ' 56 Brock Street {| Apeniisoming acoso overly Stras" ["°| ges; worth $5,000 to $400,080; Sac] sented Riess CILTANies repre: 5 % Ba. a 8 Ti, . xtoug for fhea tinge. Write for m the 1 --- @ 4 aa i : FR - wn : £0 . : oye SY VICTORY BONDS VOR § . te Loar ALE, MONEY A posit post o hy. : Minna St. San Pranciscs $2 " Se Es a ay 0, - POSITION WANTED, - FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST- ral Ra | SE nh Est SER GT OVE GF ee : 1 Ansurance ||| Sug pm mere DEERE BY a Soa ED CM Ea, = ) For Automob Owners Rite aii a MARRY--FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE,| EE feng = 1 + GEO A- WRIGHT Sensr C0 A mh fy Swe al Sn, Anat, ac | SCTE SAR or WE SURE A ry M. ROSEN & C0. } POWER. SN AND DREVER An tended so. © {|} PHONES Gulce; Sobime"" eidents only, providing Principal Sum Benefits and Weekly In- gagement. Can give tim. nasal, iptio ROHI- Ola Rettanls Club Sma WhUBEL tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, Phone 1264. .. Res, 1208. Residence, 1840w. Fees and medical attendance to assured and MEMBERS OF AS- SURED'S FAMILY, 1 injured while riding with him. $10.00 for $1,000. - Principal sum and $25.00 FURNITURE FINISHING Bos 3, Ouniana, Straota. | Tock And Walilag:on | Lo, r DS OR DROP A CARD TO W. DR MARRY > ovELY FOR RESULTS, * 1 + ~ AN ona AND Moa 8 Uh de ec esatul * BUSINESS CHANCES, --e marrisge a striotly confiden- NOTICE tial. most reliable FREE T olL "IF INTER. | §~ : Tn as Just the moment the man ; free. "The Sue- 11 : Hi; 4 for how sf becomes descriptio The Eu: : Sl 2 St nd for ghest prices paid for housc- Furniture ee. : » : chronic with slurs he bécomes--dis- Map is] 4. hold effects and will purchase 4 George Bawden & Co. [finns ds BE Tm el | TH] sires cmt 1700 sae, © * The amount designated on the pay Fort Worth, Texas. 1 L. LESSES #5) thing fo seil let vs know n Sm LAND SURVEYOR, : Investment Brok tel lng selon Sie erent F_un Bl camera I re Conta mf] Te 2 n . - yr. W . . + 8 - Bt. 0, : Suomi © nis Shree i br | pt Br Betton ug sims | vom || J TURK Plage 705 . 5s as I % , - You are not wholly ho - , 3 fice: Wai y. honest if A well aa his heart aftatrs. Ww ee screms © rem 8 Cr] gon James Beitr. Comiraster 35| Y Bomest' only trom policy. ta ; and generous Hospital Charges, Operation : Seark, Apply Box C-24,

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