PAGE FOURTEEN BIG MONEY IN BOOTLECGING IT IS DIFFICULT TO STAMP OUT! THE TRAFFIC It Is Up to the United States Auth. orities to Check the Smuggling of Liquor From Canada, Ottawa, July 24.-- As long as fits from bootlegging are what e are. and the only deterrent is a fine Of $200 or so there will be big mo ney in the bootlegging game and will be very difficult for-the auth ties on either side of the inter al line to stan{p out the traffic That is the summary of opinions expressed by Ottawa officials as i the situation regarding smuggling of | liquor from Canada to the United! States. Further, high officials of the! Royal, Canadian Mounted Police say | that while they are doing all in their power to check infractions of this fe- deral laws on this side, it is really for the American authorities to see that liquor does not reach the thirsty souls beyond "the imaginary line 000 miles long The situation apparently is from three provinces in particular there is a large trade in bootlegging to the United States, These are On- tario, Quebec and British Columbia At the same tinle a respectable quan tity of fiery liquid is finding its wa: across _from the Maritime Provinces and from Manitoba. J At Windsor and in the surrounding districts the Mounted Police are car- rying on a 'constant campaign aga- inst the illegal liquor vendors, and many have been hauled into court and condemned to pay fines from $200 up. One parched Detroit man, however, is said to have parted with $500 for three cases of Scotch whis- key, which reached him via the "'un- derground route" a short time ago, 80. that the profits' in the illegal trade are known to be enormous In- + formation from Windsor and district intimates to the authorities here that some farmers in that vicinity have found it more profitable to smuggle liquor across the border~than to farm and have let their farms run to weeds while they pursue the elusive dollar via the bootlegging route. Quebec, it is stated, is the megea for thirsty thousands of Americans every week-end, and automobiles passing back and forth Carry their loads of human and pther freight, bound for the Sahara across the bor- der. Under these conditions, Cana- dian police authorities admit that it is practically impossible to enforce the stringent liquor laws at present in force The chief reason for the di ficulty of enforcement according tg/an offi- that |.- red . Police, dictior al ¥ pl ay { the securing of 1 is regarded in as an achievement ra- 1 8Egrace.; arrying of liquor from Canada ted i ¢ ALL HER PUPILS PASSED, | Miss Singleton Had Great Success at Elgin. Elgin, July 21 Miss Mary Halla- day, Toronto, is home for a two weeks' holiday Miss Singleton is be- ing congratulatéd on the success of her ils at the entrance examina- tions, as all were successful Dr. 8. F. Leavine, Brockville, spent Sunday at his home. Miss Pearl De- has returned to Toronto. Rev. Mr. Clark occupied the pulpit .in the Methodist church, and ®poke in be- halt of United Brotherhood Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pennock motor- ed to Rockport Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Campbell motored to Kingston this week. Miss K Dwyre, Perth, is renewing acquaintances ere Roy Grey left this week for Watertown, N.Y. "Teddie" Cramp has been transfer- from thé Merchants Bank to Athens Mr. Kenny succeeds him here. Miss Duffield, Lombardy, isa guest in the village Mrs. Driscoll, Smith's Falls, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. BE. Pennock. A car load of coal is being unloaded at El- gin station this week, Mm guest of Miss Coon. Patrick Murphy is driving a new car. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweet, Seeley's Bay: Mr. and Mrs A. Churchill, Philipsville: Mr. and Mrs. F. Seed, Chantry; Mr. and Mrs. W. Frye; Mr. and Mrs. Stone, For- far, were callers in the village Satur- day evening. Dr. McAmmond Scottsville, on the Rid the States and family of N.Y., enjoyed a holiday au and have returned to ---- Punished By Losing Hair. London, July 3 --According 9 don Evening News, two girls, whe It is said, kept company with saldiers, 'were seized by four men, who elip- ped their hair. -------- Big Baskets Cherries Tonight. Prices drop every hour starting six o'clock. Carnovsky's for Saturday cial of the Royal Canadian Mounted To All Whom It Take Not 1. The Council of the Corporat Struct as a local improvement on th and intends to s rectly on the fitted by the Fifth Street ton est ~~ The estimated cost of the wh the estimated special rate per foot f paid in annual installments is as shown | pecially' assess a part of the work and upon the follo wir work, part of lot No. 608 and rk, .amount to be paid rontage and the speci night fruit bargains. May Concern ice That of the City of Kingston intends to con- | reets shown in the Schedule below: | cost upon the land abutting di- 8 land which is immediately bene- 609 abutiing on the west end of | weeks' d by the Corporation, al assessment to be n the schedule below. TILE SEWERS, OR STREET Edgehil| Fifth Centre St. " Chd'tham St. Prime A point 170' south of Chestnut St. to cognect With "sewer In Quebec street Westerly | Chatham st { 250° | n { Estimated Co "Number of Special Assess- ment is to be payable | | Miss Gilroy, Smith's Falls, was the | ~usline | | the THE DAILY BRITIS H EE ---- WHIG ' 'SATURDAY, JULY, 24, 1990, - -------------- ee -- LECTURE PRINCESS AND DIVISION STREE + » : ; SLONDAY--4THE RETURN OF JE TUESDAY ="BLASTING WN EDNESDAY--~$ATAN--DID GO me T July ®4.--Another of their series of weekly open air concerts was rean- dered at the town park last evening by the citizens Band, and was enjoy- ed by a large gathering Under th=--aaspices ci the Ganan- oque Yach: Ciub anoth-' 9 ir series of darcas was hell at'ths as- sembly hall of their club house last evening and was well many: guests irom the isiands nearby summer resorts Belong in at- tendance ' At the driving park sn Thursday evening lccal Prospazts and Pop Watkins' Box aggrega.ion met for a -ball game and drew out quite a goodly number of lovers Jot that sport. The first three innings were good exhibition of baseball, but the remainder of the game was rather ragged, tha ccals winniay easily by a score of 12 to 4. Blinkbonnie, the summer homo of -Charles Muasaonald, was the scene of an enjoyable event on Thursday | afternoon and evening, when the ladies of Christ church held a garden party and dance in aid of the churek Numerous beautifully deeor- ated booths furnished attractive ar- ticles and a dance pavilian and or- chestra furnished pleasure in ancther line, The Thousand Island Orchestra furnished a fine progralnie for the occasion, dmecing baling xep: up antil midnight In the junior feagua | league schedule one .of 02 fucad baseball the sbest to [games of the series was piayed this To the Cork correspondent of the Lon. week between the boy scouts of Graca church and the C.L.A.C. junior team. the former winning by a score of 8 to 4. Johan W. Mott, wellknown resident |of thts town for a number of years, suffered a paralytic stroke on Wed- nesday night and never rallied from { its effects, passing away within a few hours. Deceased was an industrial carpenter, and his sudden passing came as a shock to the citizens on Thursday morning. Funeral on Sat- urday afternoop under the auspices of Gananoque Y.odge No. 4 of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, steel and Tin Workers of North | America, of which he was a member. { Interment will be made at Lyn. | James Shine of Detroit, Mich., sug Miss Elizabeth Shine, trained nurs of New York City, are enjoying a few vacation here with their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth. Shine, John street. Frank Mooney has been appointed to the command of No. 3 Battery C.F.A. of Gananoque with the rank of Major. Miss Forsyth, Montreal, has arfiv- ed here to spend some time at her summer home ,'"Doras Dale," on For- sythe Island. a. Mr."and Mrs. George Hay, Petrolia, are spending some time in town with latter's parents, Dr. Henry Gracey. The Misses Nina and Sadye Meggs are enjoying a holiday trip on the upper lakes. Mrs. Hug. Demands All Hug's Hugs. New York, July 23.--Becaise she saw her husband, Charles L. Hug, hugging another woman Mrs. Marie C. Hug, who believes that all Hug's hugs should be hers,, has brought suit for separation and is asking the court to award her $40 a week ali- 409.90 3 / Kingston, Ont, July 24th, 1920 A peultion against the work will not ee Oe avail to prevent its construction, W. W. SANDS City Clerk | BATHIN and now that © in thelr glo ways one of th RO HWay with o lease you, for = ven exc e. Corner Princess and Montreal U G CAPS old, summer-ti me, SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Stre ALITY®-COURTE ------ everyome looks forward to © hot days are with us, both . important items on the pro- ut taking one of our Caps along. © matter what Dame shion lusive, it will be represented in th ry. elm. Telephone 41. SY--SERVICE. | mony and $250 counsel fees.' Mrs. t Hug charges in her complaint that {her husband has treated her cruelly | since 1917,"a year after they were | married. | "On May .5, 1920," Mrs. Hug 8 , "the tif J e the | gh. - | eS aor Plan $ encoun Fad the respected residents.when Samuei Wii- whilst in the act of kissing each oth- ar.' Mrs. Hug also said that Hug spoke | to her so "very infrequently" that | he had caused her: to become a nerv- | ous wreck. eS ---- : of Gin Coming to Ontario. Montreal, July 23.--The Scandina- vian, which arrived here last night from Antwerp and Squthampton, }Sarnied 22,000 cases of gin for Mont- | real dealers, who probably intend | shipping the bulk of it to Ontario. Miss Gussie Shorey, Napanee, is at Picton for a week, visiting her uncle and aunt, H. C. and Miss McMullen, » 397 PRINCESS National Greatness Stands on the Pedestals of Commerce and Architecture. A nation without architec tural beauty or the ham of industry does not merit even passing notice. The triumph of Architect ural designing is in the world's great memorials. Illustrations on request. w McCALLUM GRANITE CO., Ltd. "Builders of Quality" STREET + : ; ; KIN GSTON, ONT. * by a score of 18 to 16. HEAR THE ¢¢ OR "WHAT WILL HAPPEN "WHEN THE TURK patronized, | and Mrs. | EAVES EUROPE?! BY TS. --~TOPICS FOR WEEK-- SU AT THE ROCK OF AGES, OR WILL THE OLD BOOK STAND» D MAKE A DEVIL : THURSDAY -- WHAT JESUS SAID ABOUT THE 20th CENTURY. | | | | a HELD A UNION PICNIC, The Napanee Sunday "Schools. Had Fine Pime Togeth. r, (From bur own correspondent) Napanee, July 23. --Napanee held its first union Bunday school picnie in the Driving Park on Wednesday afternoon. The chief events were races for the youngsters of the dif- ferent Sunday schools. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day. Suitable prizes were presented ind the chil- «dren carried off the spore In a very worthy manner, * The Gibbard Furniture Co. gave their employees and friends a de- {lightful sail on the steamer Brock- | ville on Thursday. They visited the {True Blue Orphanage and Glenora, taking in the wonderful sight of the Lake-on-the-Mountain. Mr. Gibbard presented Ham Loucks, his oldest , employee, with two beautiful chairs tn recognition of his services with | the company. Sports were indulged in and suitable prizes were awardad, | About two hundred took In the ex- {cursion. | Mrs. (Dr.) Ruttan, Woodstock, spent a couple of days this week with Mr. and Mrs. M. Taylor. Miss Maude Anderson is vis ting her mother, Mrs. Robert Anderson, Bridge street. Dr, Clifford C. Sharpe, Havedegrace, Maryland, is spending the week-end with Bis aunt, Miss K Sharpe. Miss Mary Hayes is spending her vacation in New York with her sister, Miss Marcella Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Al- man Gardanier and daughter, Helen, Toronto and Mrs. Trull, Bowmanville, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. | Frank Lake, Morven. | Mrs. McCombe and little son, Boh, ronto, are spending thé week with | her mother, Mrs. Rankin. Miss Fran- ces Coleman is visiting friends in Merrickville. - T. H. Bird is quite ill |at the Campbell House. T. D. Schrim- /shaw, George Knox, Wlibur McCabe, E. E. Lucas and 'son, Horace, left this week one a motor trip through New York state. Mrs. George T. Wal- ters and three daughters are visiting her parents at Tamworth. { Mrs. Fred J. Blewett and daugh- iter, Mary, Toronto, have been visit- ing her brother, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowle. The Misses Walters, Toronto- are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wal- ters at Watercombe. Mrs. J. W. , Hambley and Miss Olive are spend- ing the week in Toronto. | News From Wilton. Wilton, July 21.--Hay will be a light crop in this vicinity. The grain! is looking well and. will be a good crop. Miss Alice Wallace and niece, Miss Ev, Topping, Elgin, left on July 13t for a two months' trip in, I the west, visiting Miss Wallace's | sisters, Mrs. | Alfred Babcock, Miss Grace Wallace at Cahilac, Sask., Walton Davy, Empress, Alta., Henry Davy, Winnipeg, Mrs. Henry Murphy and son, Donald, Lachute, Que; Mr. and Mrs." James Simmons and family, Syracuse, N.Y., at the home of their father, Nicholas Simmons. Mrs. Nicholas Simmons is quite ill, being confiied to her bed for some few weeks. Congratulations to ' Miss Edith Shipley, Miss Luella Peters and Grayton, Snider in being sucessful in pussing the high school entrance ex- aminations. Mrs. N. B. Switzer re- turned on Monday, having spent a -week with Mrs. Harry Jones, King- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller spent last week with friends at Port- land. On July 11th a little boy ap- plied for board at the home of Clarence Hartman. Also a little girl arrived at the home of Noble Hill. | Wednesday afternon the township of Augusta lost one of its most highly | Son answered 'the last call. His death jcame with great suddeness. He was eighty years of age. SPORTING NEWS BASEBALL ON FRIDAY, \ International League. Toronto 6, Akron 1. Jersey City 4, Reading 3 .(First game.) \ Jersey City 2, Reading 4. (Second game.) Baltimore 3, Syracuse 1. Buffalo at Rochester-- Rain. National a, Brooklyn 6, Pittsburg 5. Cincinnati 1, New York 0. Philadelphia 10, Chicago 7. Boston 6, St. Louis 5. ~ American League. New York 6, Cleveland 3. Philadelphia 4, Detroit 1. Washington 3, St. Louis 1. Chicago 8, Boston 7. ttt. Bowling on Queen's Green i ; The games at the bowling green last night resulted in the following Scores: ™ J. Angrove A. W. McMahon W. H. Dyde J. Elliott | (Skip) 18 W. Patterson J. Chatterton W. H, Wormwith F. 8. Evanson (Skip) 18 A. B. Kingsbury J. A. Lemon E. Williamson W. M. Campbell (Skip) 13 W. White T. Lambert G. Lawes Dr. R. E. Sparks (Skip) 12 PF. Halg G. A. Bateman A. E. Treadgold Dr. Cartwright (Skip) 12 F. Conway. W. Chapman G. Vanhorne M. Manahan (Skip) 15 In series "A™ ot the doubles, .L__ Sleeth won from R. S. Graham by a score of 20 to 9, and in series "B" F. Crozier won from F. S. Evanson | ~ THE SICK MAN HE SAYS "THE TURKISH EMPIRE MUST BE DISSOLV ' JE 0 \ RICHARDS, BA. OF WASHINGTON, D.C, AT THE PRESENT, ED ACCORDING TO BIBLE PROPHECY." EVANGEINST H. M, s, TRUTH TENT, CORNER oF SUNDAY NIGHT, 8 O'CLOCK, 2 FRIDAY --"WAS JESUS OF NAZARETH THE SON OF GOD SATURDAY "SIGNS OF OUR TIMES" ~PLAIN, POSITIVE, PRACTICAL PREACHING EVERY NIGHT BY EVANG LEAL, OF WINNIPEG, AND RICHARDS, OF WASHINGTON, D. ALL WHLCOME. : SEATS FREE. ELISTS BEL. LC, o To Discountenance War, 2 Bydney, Australia, New South Wales branch of the Fei- {erated Seamen's Union, voted 'lately that in the future all of its members shall withdraw from. military. and naval activities, T. Walsh, secretary of the union, says: ; "This is, to. a general workers and ult} unionists Walsh is the son Jiurst, the Englis ' " NN A ss. HIRES DELICIOUS WORLD FAMOUS ROOT BEER BEVERAGE IN ; BOTTLES FOR YQUR HOME. : JAS. CRAWFORD. JAS. REDDEN & CO. JAS. HENDERSON. W: V. WEBSTER. JOHN GILBERT. Nothing goes into Hires but the pure healthful juices of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Berries and Pure Cane Sugar. Thompson Bottling Works EXCLUSIV DISTRIBUTORS FOR, KINGSTON DISTRICT. TELEPHONE 304. ~ OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. pie Dna AT-- . all countenance war. in-law of Mrs. Pank. h suffrageite leader. 76, Hag Lively Lover, » July 24.--An 014 lady of seventy-six sought the Protection of) the West Ham magistrates against e Cen, The soldier settlement board's se- fon committee has held eighty- three sessions in Great Britain and Ireland, and secured 629 immigrants, rn ne . The court ed to caution th missionary was ask. © undesired Lothario. lect YOU ARE JUDGED BY YOUR CLOTHES. OUR CREDIT PLAN WILLHELP YOU Not only will we charge your account but we will give you maximum service you get at larger stores an outfit your whole family here with tain amount every week. d at the same prices. Also you can a small payment down and a cer- Our large stock includes Linoleums, Oilcloths, Tapéstry Rugs, Mats, Stair C for outfitting your house. Linoleum Rugs, arpet, Curtains, and numerous things If you do not intend to buy, call and see us anyway, for it is a pleasure for us to show you our s tock. J. ABRAMSKY Across from Public Utilities, . 263-265 PRINCESS STREET, | EMI rrr | b 0 Sky Brothers, Ltd. of Toronto ' | + WILL SELL ON- PUBLIC SALES The Bankrupt Stock and Fixtures 3 --of the-- Veterans' Clothing Co AORTA 244 PRINCESS STREET BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, AT 10 A.M. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing Furnishings, Haberdashery, etc. & OTTO "~ This is the first bankruptcy since pre-war days. and your first opportunity to buy goods at the prices you P still cherish in your memory! Wait For It! Read the Papers! IH