2 - SATURDAY, LY, 34, fo. | EAR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG VEER | oo TRE ANCHOR HOR.DONALDSON -------- Sunday Services in Churches. : | \ , i 7 'ooke' byterian Church -- | AGENCY Si. Andrew's -- Rev.. John W,; Cooke's Presbyt " JY Stephen, minister, Services 11 a.m. | Minister, Rev. W. Taylor Dale. Unit- ; ? 7 i 3 ie vi Chalmers church. and 7 p.m. conducted by the minis- | ed' services with ! FOR ALL ¢ ter. Students, soldiers and visitors Morning service in Chalmers church REGULAR SERVICES MONTREAL--GLASGOW Aug. 7/Sept. 11/0ct. 16 . ...Cassandra ' ds + ; ine v vi Aug. 21{Sept. 25/0ct. 30°... Saturnia, ' | cordially welcome. . at. 11 o'clock; evening service rin « N. Y., GLASGOW, (via Moville) Aug. 2/Aug. 28/Sept. 25 Columbia NEW YOBK--LIVERPOOL duly 21....... . . Vasari July 24iAug. 23 Sept 13 --,. .*Caronia Aug. 14/Sept. 11.06t, § ..*K. Aug Viet. N.Y. PLY, CHER. & LONDON Oct. 16 Nov, 13 Caronfa N.Y., CHERBOURG & SGUTHAMP'N | .Aquitania i o Mairctanial : P: Hanley, C. P. & 7. 4. G, July 31/Aug. 28/Sept. 23 ... © Aug. 12(S8ept. §/0Oct .Bept. 2 Sept. 10 N. Y, DUBROVNIK & TRIESTE duly 31... Cine N. Y., Naples, Dubrovnik & Trieste Aug. 28 Paanonia Svia Queenstown. Ye : : rica tt Jruigns and furthe { Agents or . Italia| way, Kisgston, Ontario. STEAMSHIP LINES - ot Fok. Information amd rates apply te | --' ol, | Calvary Congregational Ghurch-- | Charles and Bagot streets. Services {11 am. and 7 p.m. Y. P. 8. Monday, 18 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. All are welcome. Rev. A. F. | Brown, pastor. Union Stréet Baptist Church.-- Corner Unjon and . Collingwood T. Rall. gireets--Rey. J. K. Fairful, pastor. os Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes 3 p.m. Ev- | erybody welcome. | 8t. Paul's--Canon FitzGerald, M. A., T.C.D., rector. Morning prayer, {11 o'clock. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock Cooke's at 7 o'glock. Gospel Hall, Princess stréet, nearly opposite Y.M.C.A.--Mrs. Cagr-Harris will speak at the evening meeting, Sunday night at 8.15 on "The Mean- tng of the Present Unrest," or "Evi- dences Gathered From Kingston and Other Newspapers of the Apparent Imminence of the Lord's Coming." Meeting for prayer and Bible teach- ing, Wednesday, 8 o'clock. Princess street Methodist church-- Rev. J. A. Waddell, minfster. Ser- vices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The miuis- ter at both services, Herbert Treneer, A.T.C.M., Toronto, will sing at even- SiS | gE SL I ' SHE ROBERT REFORD Co.,LTD, r i Sunday school at 12 Holy Communion first Sunday in| ing service. \ SARERAL ASvwrs Honth at 11 a.m.; last Sunday in|o0'clock (noon). Prayer meeting, month at 8 a.m. ' Wednesday, in charge of Young on EU ROP People's Society. Strangers and visi- San | July Jaiachee to tavergpor fl | _ Sylienham Methodist church -- tars cordially welcome, "Pr. Fr. Wiheim Rev. W. T. G. Brown, minister. Ser- Cen : ; Aug. §/Sept. 1 ..Viotorian vices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The minis- St. James' Church, corner Union yo Aug. 11iSept. 8, Emp. of ter will preach at both services. |and Arch streets--T. W. Savary, rec- \ FARM LABORERS WANTED "Fare Going ""--$15 to WINNIPEG. "Fare Returning"--$20 from WINNIPEG. 14 cont por mile Winnipeg to destination 14 cent per mile starting point to Wisnipeg. GOING DATES AUQUST 9, « and From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line ; and Havelock-Peterboro Line. ' ' From Stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inclusive. AUQUST 16. From Stations on Toronto-Sudbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound inclusive. : From Stations Dranoel to Port McNicoll and Burketon, to Bobcaygeon, inclusive. AUQUST 11 From Stations South and West of Torento to and including Hamilton and Windsor, Ont. * } From Owen Sound, W Port Burwell, and 8t. Thomas Branches, an alkerton, Teeswater, Wingham, Elora, Listowel, Qoderich, St. Mary"s, AUQUST 18. From Stations Toronto and North to Boltos, inclusive. St. George's cathedral--The Very Rev; G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., July 26--Scand'n *Antwerp school 'and classes at 2.45 p.m. | Eighth Sunday After Trinity. 8 a.m. $45.00 up. We also have a . 7--Minnegons. soe Strangers always welcome. prayer, Baptismal services and ad- + 14--Metagama Liver) Rev. J. deP. Wright, M.A.. B.D. |er and sermon, "The St. James' Id- M YAMPOLSKY CANADIAN YTACIFIC 11 a.m., morning prayer; 4 p.m., holy Cathedral, Halifax, N.S., will preach. | Flair, pastor. 10 a.m., Bible school, First Church of Christ, Scientist-- | Priest.""; 2.45 p.m., Bible school, ; subject | public worship, sermon theme, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. All SPECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO -- dean and rector, 78 Wellington Phone 1197. From Montreal France Morning class, 9.45 a.m. Bible | tor: The Rectory, 152 Barrie street. We are making to your mea. y 30--Grampian *ante 104 ; 8 Micis Communion: 11am aor ins Sure Suits of all varieties, from 1--Sioi lan Prehdld Prayer meeting, Wednesday at § p.m. | Holy . 11--Pretor'n, Glaszow -- . dress. Special flower service; 3 p.m. special price for those who ug. 1%. --Scot'n ria to 3 , . talac -- | Sunday school; 7 p.m. evening pray- bave their own material, - oth Haire {on St. Luke's church, Nelson street Sunday sc 20--Tun' y n : " *via Sathana ate, Lo rector. Eighth Sunday after Trinity. | eal. oC ism; i ay "irst Baptist church, Sydenham fyb i EAN SERVICE baptism; 7 p.m., evening player. Rev. Firs > 3 253 NCES sTnERY . 1 King Ser CES S. G .B. Wright, M. A, of All Saints' and Johnson streets--Rev, J. S. La 0 : Special music during ofrertory. (regular session); 11 a.m., public i worship, sermon theme, Qur | Johnson street, between Bagot and | (special session for those: naable to | Wellington streets--Sunday school | attend morning session); p.m, | Public reading room, |"God's First Question." The pastor same address, open every afternoon, | Will conduct the services. are cordially invited to the service ' and reading room. Particulars and tickets from F. Conway, C.P.A., City Ticket Office, 239 Bagot street. Nueen Street Methodist Church, | street, phone 2156; Rev. W, E. Kidd, = Se -- . . x (corner of Queen and Clergy streets | M.A., M.C., curate, 7 Wellington {<?) " y TERRITORY } 30,000 HARVESTERS $15.00 to Winnipeg Plus Half a Cent per mile beyond. Return, Half n Cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00. Special accommodation for Women. Néw, comfortable colonist cars of latest design. Through Service. Box Lunches. EXCURSION DATES fi om KINGSTON August 9th and 16th. : Leave Toronto (Union Station) 9.30 p.m. Leave Ottuwa (Union%¥Station) 9.30 p.m. BE For tickets and information apply nearest Canadian National or Grasd Trunk Agent, or write General Passenger Department, C. N. Rys., Toronto. 40 HT i JMNational Rajliuais CANADIAN PACIFIC Vancouver 2 Double Daily Train Service "Trans-Canada Limited" From Toronto Every day at 9 p.m. "The Fastest Transcontinental Train In 'America Between Terminals" For Standard Sleeping Car Passengers Only Leave Kingston at 9.50 a.m. Leave Kingston at 12.05 p.m. Particulars and tickets {from F. Conway, C.P.A., City Ticket Office, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 1197. "Vancouver Express" From Toronto Every Da} at 10.00 p.m. Stops at and connects for prin- - cipal cities. For Both First and Second Class Passengers. Toronto- Winnipeg -Vancouver | the trip --Rev. W. S. Lennon, B.A. B.D. pastor, 30 Colborne street, Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school | at 10 a.m. Morning subject, 'On the Border of the Kingdom"; evening subject, "Christ's Standards of Life." Strafigers cordially welcomed. Seats free. street, phone 869w. St. James' Day : 8 a.m., holy communion; 9.30 a.m., Sunday school, St. George's mission; 10 a.m., Sunday school, cathedral; 11 a.m. holy communion, (choral). Pree cher, the Dean. 4 p.m., baptisms; 7 p.m, evensong (one hour). Preacher, Rev. W, E. Kidd. - iy Organizing an Anti-Poverty Society. BY THE REV. CHARLES STELZLE. nn aay | The average 'man thinks that money--material wealth--is the | foundation of happiness. This is not true. No man was ever made happy by poverty. At any rate, this is a pretty safe generalization. i Happiness and unhappiness, if thay | have come to you, have come because of something from within you, not because of something from without. When we speak of poverty, we mean not only that a man has no woney, but that he js not the pos- i | sessor of some other things that {| make a man rich. { Some people have much money but | they are poor mentally. Many a so-called "poor" mechanic who de- pends upon the public library for his reading matter is richer mentally than many another man who has the walls of his private library lined with the world's best volumes. The savage chief from: Zululand, visiting London, appreciated nearly everything but the libraries. He was poor mentally, You may become rich in knowledge. No man can pre- vent you from doing this. Others are poor because they do not appreciate the beautiful things in the world--a sunset, scenery, pic- tures and music. Some men go through life with their eyes closed to all the inspiring things that God has given them. They think and plan simply for a square meal, a can of beer and a night's sleep, Their motto for life is "Meat, Malt and Mattress." Life has no meaning for them beyond this. Some people are strangely poor in love. The Inspired Book tells us, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy and un- derstand all mysteries ,and all know- ledge ;and though I have all faith, so that I couid remove mountains, and have no love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing." * Oratory, the gift of prophecy, wis- dom, knowledge, faith, charity, self- sacrifice--all these without love-- "Niagara to the Sea i Ver secure another's love "by de- are nothing. Love is the most important thing in/ the world. Suppose it should suddenly be taken out of your life? No love of wife, of sweetheart, of children. Could money take its place? Never! Life would not be worth the living. The worst kind of poverty is that which sacrifices the inner life for the sake of outward show, br material advantages. It is sad enough to have the body hungry but it is far worse to starve the Soul. Poverty is an individual matter. It does not belong to any particular class. Some people tell us that our country is divided into great classes, the capitalistic and the proletariat; the wealthy and the working class. There are really four kinds of people in the world today. The 'poor poor--those 'who have no money and nothing else. The rich, poor--those who have No money, but who have the other things that make life worth while. The poor rich--those who have money, but nothing else. The rich rich---those who have money as well as other things. The last class, as a rule, ought to be the happiest people, but it I had to choose between being a 'Rich poor" man Qr a "poor rich" man I would rather be a 'rich poor" man --and everbody may be a 'rich poor" man. Poverty cannot be abolished by wholesale, for the reason just given. Scores of schemes planned for the abolition of poverty have been tried, but have all failed. No matter how they bave been advocated in good faith and no matter how earnest and sincere the men who promoted these schemes, yet selfishness and laziness the lack of individual effort, depen- denee upon the community--ithese are the reasons given for their fail- ure. No soclety can do for a man what he will not do for himself. The best kind of an anti-Poverty Society is an organisation composed of one member. * 0 ' Suppose yon should go to the lib- arian and say to him: "I demand the wisdom contained in the books on your shelves!" : You might threaten until you are black in the face and You would not get it. The librarian would tell you that you must give heart 'and mind ta the study of the books before you can obtain the wisdom they contain. You must burn the midnight oil, you must give up your time and strength and study, --then they will be yours. Furthermore, if you are to enjoy beautiful things, .you must give them your sympathetic interest. No one can enjoy music, flowers, sun- sets, pictures and Scenery if he sy- Stematically neglects them. The arm that is not used soon becomes paralyzed. The brain tha! is not exercised soon becomes dun. The talent that.is not employed is soon taken away. These all cry, "Give! Give! Give!" before they say "Recetve!™ -- . . And what about'love? Dig you Mmanding it? What is it that makes You rich in the love of your wife and children? It is because you have at first given your own love. No man ever enjoyed the beauty of true love until he gave his own heart and until he was ready to~ay down his own life, if meed be, for the one whose love he prised. And this is the secret of getting rich--giving 19 hers! Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive," and ever since He said it, this saying of Jesus has beer made the subject of many a Joke. But Jesus was never more serious than when he said it, and He knew what He was talking about, Not a word has been said about REHIND every industry in Canada-- A --from the patient truck-gardener bowed over his lettuces-- . : A & --to the young manufacturer struggling to prove: the worth of Canadian skill and Canadian material in Some new enterprise-- --stand the railways--the intelligence, the power and the hopes of the railways of Canada. * * * Not, like the Exploiter, watching to take harsh advan- tage of hard-times or the follies of a boom-- Not seeking by a moment's shrewdness to "clean up a million and get out!" Not interested inthe price of real estate in just ong town, or the prosperity of just ONE province-- But, instead, employing their widely-gathered in Wigence in the interests of all Canada for all time to e! . For the railways of Canada ¢annot be lifted up and carried away to serve any other master than Canada| Their services cannot find any buyer but Canada! They injure themselves if by asking too high returns To-day they damage the prosperity of the citizens of To-morrow, : * * , * The request for increased freight rates is made with these facts in view. ; » Canada will still have the cheapest, the fastest and the most reliable railways in the world! This is the third of & series of alvertisements published wnder the authority of The Railway Association of Canada formerly the CANADIAN RAILWAY WAR BOARD g out the principles here Unselfishness and love and Anti-Poverty Society? Pay in this World and they How, then, may you organize an by constituting yourself And all that. has been said The experience of the human tells you that these things are ! thi daa Sie Te "treasure 1a Leavin aa is only ge Mat do pay, | such a society. Seema, oy making | . Re rich : as a the : : . vor y : : RE »