Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1920, p. 9

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( GHT 2 » PAGE EI EA . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JULY, 24, 1920. ---- In the Realm of Women---Some In 2 res | | | John Is Angry. Elizabeth Moreland moved away toward the door as I stopped speak- ing, and in a moment I realized that she had seen: John's face before I He stood in the 'doorway, very tall and straight. I never saw him jook handsomer, even if he did séem fur- fously ' angry. That gray look had settled over his face--a look which i up to this time had always filled me | with fear, and I think my first real | consciousness of any thought was the THE "LIFTUP" (Patented) ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are de- tana in conformity with the science of natomy © The * a patented invention with e¢ inside belt, gently SuP- ports the abdomen, and is very beneficial or ler an operation involving an abdominal Incision. Most effective in ree loving these phssical aliments from which Women suffer, Write us NOW, for useful hints on fitting and self- measurement. Free UPOn request. BIAS CORSETS Limren A BRITTAIN STREET TORONTO ~ | Shave, Bathe and Shampeo with one Soap.-- Cuticura Cuticurs Soup is the fawnsitatorsatetyrazorshaving. f | | | Baby's Own ., doap + . Keeps the skin healthy and sweet. It's Best for Baby and Best fog Yo ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED] Every Lo Packet of WILSON'S NIV LIN MORE FLIES THAN 28 - WORTH OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER | . Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores | Pe | RUTH TT i (@)|65i9 4k, 2 Think of the hundreds of dusty, germ laden things you must touch every day ! Think 'of the danger to your skin. You need the best soap-- . and more--the best disinfect. aat. You get both in urEnioy Its healing, soothing oils ' grateful disinfectants a oughly cleanse and disinfeot --particularly wseful for bruises, cuts, wind sores, etc | those | thought her place was in the home and always | plained that she would not meet any | man at the door every evening in | wifely welcome; no matter how miict: | she wanted to do this, because she | knew | animals | was the matter; , knowledge that I 'was pot afraid of that look any more. "Hello John," said Elizabeth. "1 wonder if you realize that you have jarrived just in time to provide the illustration of what your wife has | Just been saying." "What do you mean Elizabeth and { where is my wife?" "She's here and she has just been saying that she would not be one of old fashioned women who stayed there. She ex- that you men that you would quickly of such devotion. were © such tiré ver: And so I | expect that, knowing you were re turnihg this evening, she hied her self to the club. ----r-- John Strides Forward, John had been striding toward me as Elizabeth's clear cut, staccato tones filled the air. As he came for- ward, still frowning, I put out my hands as-though 1 thought nothing q I could not help smiling {inside of me to see that this time John Gordon was trying to be careful of the speech of people. It was he, and not I, was afraid. Consequently his mouth broke into a Wry smile as putting his arm about me he turned to Elizabeth and said; 'Katharine didn't expect me and when I' did not find her at. the hotel, I came out here." "I'm so glad you're here dear," 1 said, "for now we can get right to work fixing up the house. You must take me back to the hotel now I really. did not know that I would tire so quickly. Did Miss Parker tell you that I was here?" I asked John as I turned to ga for my wrap. "Yes, she told me," he answered. We said no more until I went in the motor. . "Will you kindly tell me why you didn't go to Mother's, Katharine? Do you realize that it is costing at a least $40 a day where you are stay- ing? The! first thing in' the morn- ing we will move back." To Stay at Hotel, : "Weg will do nothing of thé kind; John," I said. 'You know.very well that I would have been very glad to have gone back into owr old rooms with mother, but 4 do not intend to that heated large room in which 1 would have no comforts Why, there isn't a bathroom up there. Tomorrow you can make ar- rangements to get me into the house as soon as possible, but until then, I shall stay at the hotel." 'But 1 shall tell Elizabeth that it convenient for you and the baby to be up there and she will give up her room to you. They are yqur old rooms, you know, and of course t mind using her furniture for awhile." P= "4 do mind very much," I answer- "l mind so much that I shall not do it." Will you kindly tell me, Mrs. 'Gor- ion, who is going to pay $40 a day or your stay at the hotel for the ext ten days?" "I think Mr. John Gordon wil t," I answered -quietly. isnt ed. 1 do "Then he probably will be sued by {he hotel management," the matter with you, Katharine? nave neyer seen you like this." "I wasn't aware that I had changed so muth." "You know very well that under ordinary circumstances you would but up with anything before you could make such a fuss." That's Just the Trouble, "Yes, that's just the trouble, John," I said. "I think I have been putting up with too much to keep peace in the family. Now that the baby has come I am going to" turn my entire attention to keeping her comfortable and healthy and I am while, John, in the Gordon family." "I sometimes wish there w asn't a Woman on earth," he broke out, ang- rily. wr 'Well, I don't think you would be very happy with no women on earth, my dear husband, but it you wish that a certain woman that you, know very well was not on earth, perhaps I could echo it." 5 John knew ,whon! I meant very well, but he just relapsed into the corner of the car with a groan. (To 'be Continued) J > LITTLE BOY! ree Gre Benen Geese, (Written for the Akron, N.Y. Journal, with ah apology, to the Kingston British Whig.) Little ca To criticise girlie's clothes at all. If you meet two maidens right on the street, And one was dress"t modest'and neat boy, little' boy, you have no 11 , '| The other, bare from head > regions low, . Whie¢h would appeal to 'you? pretty beau. Oh Little boy, why of course you would bestow, (And that goes without know) Your box of chocolates, your most charming smile, Your politest bow, in-finest siyle, On the girl dressed in a shoulder / strap, A hg leaf, versus some transparent "strap. saying you { Little boy, the bold, bad fact doth remain b It you did not approve, it's quite plain, Girlie would quickly cover all her charms, Peek-a-boo waists, arms, So, little boy, why make such loud : complaint Because girlie wears paint? legs and' bony little bestde Little boy, place" : - Though once deemed a most "charm ing grace," S "Tis but a memory of old times, dim Just fogy behind the times whim. Lite voy, pity for you, I've not a modesty seems 'out of Transparent clothes with you seem to make a hit. --Mrs. S. E. Billyard. neem i-- LOYALTY, By Edgar A. Guest, Money never bought a friend, Never hired a man to love us; They who're faithful to the end, See the something better of us; Neither silver nor the gold Wins a friendship we can hold. Dollars neyer make mien loyal, He who offers money only, Though the coins he gives are royal, Lives a troubled life and lonely; Men who worship gold, will fly When another comes to buy. Read the history of the ages-- Money cannot hatred smother, Service is not built on wages, We must come to know each other, More than gold a 'man must give, If his friendships are to live. Let us cease to dwell in blindness, Let us learn whit men are seeking! Love is born of human kindness, Fellowship and cheery speaking-- Man has longed, since life began, To be treated as a man. Pure 'muleishness has taken for independence. The mask of deceit sometimes has Poor wearing qualities. been often GIRLS! -USE LEMONS FOR SUNBURN, TAN / Try It! Make this lemon lotion | to whiten, your tanned or | freckled skin. f | Squeeze the juice of two lemons in- to a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion: whitener, at very, very small cost, Your grocer has- the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands and see how Quickly the freckles, sunburn, wind- 'burn and tan disappear' and how clear, soft and white the skin be- comes. Yes! It is harmless. Freckle-Face Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots How to Remove Easily Here's a ¢hance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a rémedy for freckles with the Buarantee of a reliable concern that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion the ex- pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of Othine-- double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti- ful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine as this strength is sold under guarantee of money back if 'it fails to remove freckles. Zutoo minutes the clock. take the baby up to the third floor, | whatever. | new | "He will do nothing of the kind." | "Will you kindly teh me what is | 1] ;0ing to let you keep the peace for | teresting Featu Told in th (Continued from Page 3.) | . . » ~ {The dance at the Yacht Club on | Wednesday evening was a very joll | one. A number of out of town guests were present who had many congr, | tulations for the members. of ths | K. Y. C. on its various successfu functions, Among those present were Mrs. G. B. McKay, Mrs. Inglis, Mrs' G. F. Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Arthu | Gildersleeve, (Denver), Mrs. Baile- Ransome, Mrs. McDonough, (Woo | 5toc®) Mrs. James Gunn, (Cairo) Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mr Harold Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Macnee, Mrs. T. Bedell, M sses Mild red Jones, Eleanore Lyman, Kitt; i Torrance, Alison Macds nell, Gwen | Carruthers, Bessie Smythe, Doroth; | Crookall, (New York); Laura Kil born, Bertua White, Marjorie Hop- kirk, Myrtle Hewgill, Edith Rankin (Brooklyn); Alice Springstein (Long Island); Norah Bermingham | Katie Bermingham, A. Chown, 'Mac- { Donald, Kathleen Gunn, Dorothy Gildersteeve, Evelyn Nickle. Bessie | | Walsh, Eleanor Phelan; Katherine Nora and Isabel Minnes, Grace Dun- lop, Ruby Driver, Mary MacGillivary, { Ruth MacLelland, Messrs E. C. Gil- | dersleeve, Bart. Dalton, E. Rudd, A. | | Mitchell, Beaman, J. Emery, R. Gib- | son H. Fair, C. Elliott, M. Donnelly, | | 8. Driver, 'Arthur Dalton, Hew Dulf, | |W. Kent, Morris, F. Torrance, Harris, |. Douglas, Hubert and Wilbur. Dr. | Broom and Capt. H. Brownfield, Ken | { neth Taylor, Jeremy Taylor. | | . The Wednesday tea at the Yacht | |club was a very pleasant function [this week. There were a number of | tables of bridge in play, some of them Bo set on the wide verandah where | the players could enjoy the cool | breeze and the beautiful view of the | {harbor. The tea hostesses were Mrs, | G. B. McKay, Mrs. J. S. Smith, Mrs, | |A. McMahon and Mrs. W. E. Mac- | pherson. Among those present were [ Mrs. R. B. Kent, Mrs. R. J. Carson, | | Miss Ernest Dawson; Mrs. Totleld, | [Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Mrs. Haines (To- | jronto), Mrs. Frank Phillips, Mrs. Ww. | H. Craig, Mrs. G. A. Robinson, Mrs. | Hugh Ryan, Mrs. Winnett, Mrs. Mun- | | dell, Mrs. Bedell, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. { Stephens, Mrs. T. S. Sott, Mrs. G. F. Emery, Mrs. Beveridge, 'Mrs, Hobart Dyde, Mrs. W. G. Hinds (Quebec), Mrs. Manley Baker, Mrs. Inglis, Mrs. W. Gibson, Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mrs. H. A. Betts, 'Mrs. Harper (Colling- wood), Mrs, R. D. Sutherland, Mrs. Mooers, Mrs, Harold + Davis, Mrs, Neil Black (Toronto), Mrs. Stuart Hawkins, Mrs. Massie (Toronto), Miss Imlach, Miss Merrick, Miss Toye (Toronto), Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Miss Kathleen Bihby and Miss Helen Tofield. . * Miss Laura Kilborn, King street, /was the hostess of a bright little tea on Thursday when the guests of ho- nor were Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick and Miss Helen Gilmour, Toronto, who is Miss Hilda Calvin's guest. The spac- iot's rooms were gay with ferns and flowers, the tea table in the dining room Having for its centre lovely pink sweet peas in a brass basket, Mrs. Kilborn madezthe tea and Mrs. H. McRae, (New Yoxk), cut thé ices and Miss Kilborn a some of the girls present looked aMer the wants of the guests. Miss Elizabeth Cunningham, Earl street, enttaned at Iuncheon on Tuesday for Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick, thé bride of next week. The other guests present werg Mrs, Neil Polson, Miss Alison Macdonnell, Miss Marga- ret Hemming, Miss Helen Strange, Miss Harriet Gardiner, Miss Laura Kilborn, Miss Edith Carruthers and Miss Kathleen Gunn, (Cairo). 3 . -. Much interest is being taken in the croquet tournament in the City Park. The doubles were played on Wednesday, when Miss Gertrude Strange and Mrs. R. E. Kent won from Mrs. Campbell Strange and Miss Helen Fraser by two hoops. The singles will be played off next week. * = - Miss - Beatrice Lambert, Clergy street, entertained at the tea hour on Friday for some of the visitors in town, : . . . Mrs. "Stuart Crawford, = Albert street, was the hostess of a pleasant 'bridge on Tuesday afternoon. * * » ® Rev. James Wallace, Kingston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dunoon, Lindsay. "Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Graham and children, Halifax, are in the city. Mrs. James Hopps, Watertown, N. Y., and Mrs. John O'Neill, Cape Vin- cent_are in Kingston to visit rela- tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Waltér Bates, To- ronto, arrived in the city to-day by automobile. They aré en route to New York and will be accompanied on their trip by Misses M. E. Ball and R. E. Goodrich. * - Mrs. James Massie, Toronto, fis now with Mrs. E. C. D. McCallur, Barrie street. Mrs. (Captain) James Dix, Bagot street, is spending 'the summer at Ocean Grove, Asbury Beach, New family in their cottage. Mrs. Mitchell, visiting in the eity for several weeks, went up to To- ronto on Friday. » * . * * - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chown, Albert Street, with Miss Elizabeth Chown, left on Thursday for a trip down the St. Lawrence and the Sagueney. Major and Mrs. Horae Lawson have gone to Barrie for the summer. racuse, N.Y., arriv and will go out to Collins Bay for a few weeks. Mrs. W. B. Skinner will be with them and next week the ed in town today v 1 | The wages of 'wrong doing is the penitentiary, Misses Shaw, Clergy street, will join the party. 3 % ® Mrs. Seymour Mathews, was ene Jersey, with her som, Overton, and] § Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marvin, Sy | of a motor party trom Boston oe e Twilight | pent the week-end with Prof. and Mrs. T. 8S. Scott, King street. Mrs. R. D. Sutherland will spend the week<end in Brockville, the guest 'f the Rev. A..F, C. Whalley and Mrs. Whalley, St. Peter's rectory Mrs. Lamb, Ottawa,-who has been visiting Miss McEwan, Albert street. S now the guest of Mrs. rothers, Alfred street. * - a Mrs. Edwin, Loucks, Miss Grace nd Miss Ethelwyn Loucks, Division treet, and Mrs. Stratford Dowson, 1ave returned from the Sand Banks. Miss Beatrice Bedell and George Jedell, Earl street, went up to Picton or the week-end. Mrs. Barrett, Victoria, B. C. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Rig- ney, Georgg_ street. Mrs. Mos¥, who was the guest of her sister," Mrs. Donald McPhail, King street west, has returned "to Toronto. Mrs. Bruce Galloway is the guest of Mrs. 1. PF. Sparks, Wellingtcn Street. Mrs. Regan, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Rigney, George street, returned to London on Friday. Dr. J. F. Spar¥s arrived in England on Thursday. . . Mrs. Woolley, Montreal, guest of the Rev. W. T. G. and 'Mrs. Brown, Sydenham parsonage. Misses Kidd, is the Brown Burritt's Rapids, who have been vi ting the Rev. W. Ennis Kidd and Mrs. Kidd, street, are now the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ashmore Kidd, Stuart street. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Robert- son, Wellington street, have returned from up the lakes on the 8.8. Nar- onie. Miss Grange will come down from Ottawa next week to visit Mrs. Her- bert N, Robertson, Wellington street. Mrs. Garnet Greer is at Rice Lake with Dr. and Mrs. Greer. Major Greer will join the party later. * -. * H. J. Beattie, who spent several days with Mr. and "Mrs. Arthur Ling- ham, Gore street, returned to Mont-* real on Wednesday. Miss W. A. Gunn, Bagot street, who has spent the last month' with her sisters, the Misses Bath, has returned to town. Mr. Barker, who has been spending a few weeks in Kingston, has return- ed to Toronto. . . A. N. Lyster, Bank of Nova Scotia, has returned from a trip to Alberta. His mother, Mrs: A. S. Lyster, has returned with him and is at Syden- ham Lake, with Mrs. A. N, Lyster. It is with many regrets that the news that Dr. and Mrs. W, K. Ross will shortly leave Kingston, is-heard and very many are the good wishes that will follow them to Brockville. Mrs. Donald Macdonald and Miss Macdonald, who have been in town for several weeks at the "Chateau Belvidere, ' returned to Toronto on Thursday. Mrs. James Gunn and Miss Kath- leen Gunn will sped the month of August at Tadousac. Miss Julia Lyman, has returned - from where she was the nes Richardson. King street, "Fettercairn" guest of Miss Ag- A wrth re eed "Primus Toa " is Fashion's Degres Iced tea io now served at meals and at Vernon | street | Hawley, at | OTTAWA LADIES' COLLEGE NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING - Academi® work up to the first vear University. Seven successful dps plicants for matriculation, last term without failure in any subject: Music, Art and Handicraft, Household Arts, Physical Culture, etc, ample grounds. The Capital offers exceptional advantages. J. W, H. MILNE, B.A, D.D,, "For Callendar, apply President.' MISS I. GALLAHER, Pre, | ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE | WHITBY, ONT. I Begins its (7th Year | Courses Sept. 14, 1920 Academic. -- Public School to Second A SCHOOL OF IDEALS AND AN IDEAL Year, University. Music.-- SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN. Piano, Singing, Violin. Domestic Science. Commereial. For Calendar and Booklet Apply to AREWELL. B.A. PRINCIPAL, ARAR------------ LIPTON'S Art. We grow it-- We blend it We pack it Your Grocer Sells It to: Lady Principal wr N------ A Few Advantages 28 miles from Tor. onto. A City Coun-/ try School, Gym- nasdium, Swim. ming .Pool and Outdoor Play fa- cilities unequalled. | ) REV. F. L. F | Wellington | Canadian Chief Offices 24 Front St. West, Toronto Luscious e PURITY BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SATISFIES _MADE IN CANADA Every Housewife every social function during the hot Summer months, i L. CHAPUT, FILS & CIE., LIMITEE Knows thie difficulty of keeping * old style kitchen sink clean and attractive. Pe M Kelvey & Birch EVERY LIMITED : STYLE Brock St. PRICES A One-piece Enamelled Sink is a helpful in- fluence toward cleanliness in all branches of kitchen service. It is easily cleaned. It adds to the appearance of any kitchen and it is durable. wv . McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD Plumbing Department Phone 237. Brock Street. "WE CHANGE THE HOUSE INTO ~ AHOME."" . " * + say arrived here on the 'steam rincess Matolka, from Daasig Antwerp. ' Bodies of Soldiers Arrive. New York, July 23.--Bodies o. $81 American soldiers who died over- P|

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