- WEDNESDAY, JULY, 21, 1020. FIX-A-TEAR Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly ==in rubber and waterproof cloth --Hot Water Bottles --Bicycle or Motor Car Tires. ~Garden Hose. Rubbers. ~--Footballs. =~Umbrellas. -~Curtalns, Canvas ~~Shoe Linings, etc. 'We have not Advertised Clocks for some months, ag "they have been Jery hard to obtain. hand, a A wonderful repair outfit, 35 CENTS. For salelat 411 Drug Stores, or at Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St. We now have on splendid Siaditmeny of: BLACKWOODS MAHOGANYS OAKS and other designs, NO GIFT IS MORE 5 APPRECIATED. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. - i Marriage Licenses Wedding Rings Rings Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescri Made and Fitted: loa Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of today to da good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- feal apparatus but. must have that knowledge in its use WHIOH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCF CAN GIVE. JEWELERS Established 1840 KING ST. - «ie " THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. It 1s this. combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique © in Kingston. API No. 1 for Bladder Catarrh. Blood and Skin Diseases. chemists Clere Med. Co. See dom. Trade | i: We want a new Hotel in Kingston. Every- body should help. . | Mid Summer Sale )N EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK--WE GUARAN- TEE SATISFACTION ON 'ALL GOODS PURCHASED » IN OUR STORE. a Before buying'your Oll Stove come and see our large display on Second Floor. A : Perfection Oil Stoves (2 burners), $22.00, .. $17.50 :$21.50 .. $27.50 Perfection Oil Stoves (3 burners), $27.00. Perfection: Oil Stoves (4 burners), $35.00. _ Buccess Ovens now MKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. | THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE 'W. A. MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Department. BROCK STREET SMITH BROS. KINGSTON Hc. enknesnes. Sold by reading Chive Waka in England, 3s. Dr. Les Haverstock Rd, N.W.5. Marked Word »THERAPION" is on Brit. Govt. Stamp nd npn "Everybody should help. We want a hew Hotel in Kings ton. OUR LARGE STOCK OF "Out of Door" so Soaps WILL ENABLE YOU TO ENJOY THE COMFORT AND URE OF YOUR PORCH, LAWN OR COTTAGE. : ru RS IN WICKER, RATTAN, SEA GRASS and OLD HIC ORY, GRASS RUGS, SUITABLE FOR FLOOR COVERIN BRIGHT AND AIRY CHINTZES IN ALL THE PORULAR SHADES. VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock. 1. F. Harrison Go, Lid Phone 90 || Alfred Cooke, THE DAILY BKALISH WHIG Told in Twilight |. (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in| reommon with other papers all over | Canada, wjll make a charge of $1, for, inserting an engdgement, mar: | lage or reception announcement. | "To get the Whig's society writer, | telephone No, 557w., 189 Earl street. . | « A jolly party of young people jnotored out to Dr. 'W. H. Rankin's frunmer home at Collins Bay on Mon- day evening. Set back from the road {surrounded by beautiful gardens, this | fine house, which has been in the | family of the present owners for many years, is a. most delightful | place for a party, antl soon the spa- | cious rooms and wide verandah were | filled with merry dancers. ~ The Ke Y. C. orcliestra, whose music was so much appreciated at the regatta last | week, providing the music. Mrs. Rankin and Miss Edith Rankin were untiring in their efforts to make the evening a charming one, and were | 5 assisted by their house guests, Miss | Alice Springstein and Mr. Spring- 'stein, Long Island, and Eric Hassock, | Toronto. The guests included Miss Helen Tofield, Miss Grace Mooers, = Miss Mary Jones, Miss Margaret Taylor, Miss Leslie Taylor, Miss Lois Taylor, Miss Alexander (Buckingham, Que.), Miss Norah Minnes, Miss Ispbel Min- nes, Miss Myrtle Hugell, Mids Edith Kirk (Brooklyn), and Messrs. Bruce Ral Presley McLeod,. James Mc- Leod, Allan Mitchell, Courtland El- liott, Clifford Reynolds, . Reginald | Sawyer, Jack Renton, Reginald Gar- rett, Neilon McMahon, Howard Fair, and Reid Rankin' | «se A folly picnic was given at East- view Park on Saturday, by a number | of local young men, who are spend- ing the summer there. The party | included Mr. and Mrs. 'Ross Living- ston, Miss Kathleen Bibby, Miss | Grace Dunlop, Miss Norah Minnes, | Miss Grace Mooers, Miss Myrtle | Hugell, 'Miss Florence Emery, Miss Edith Kirk' (Brooklyn), Miss Isobel Minnes, Miss Mary Jones, Miss Helen Tofield, Ernest Gill, Presley McLeod, Reg. Sawyer, Allan Mitchell,. and Frank McMartin. * *| . Mrs. Guilford Reid, Albért street, entertained he tea hour on Tuesday in honor her mother, Mrs. Brenton Porter, Truro, N.S, who _has made so many friends dur- ing her stay.in Kingston. * - . Mrs. 'Joseph Frasso, who is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. F.- O'Donnell, Montreal, left that place for a two months' visit to her son, Martin Frasso, Barre, V. : Misses Rose and Elizabeth Healy, New York, are the guests of Mrs. J. J. Murphy, 73 Bay street. Miss Marie Gorman, Chicago, has returned home after a short visit as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. "Alan Stroud, Bagot street. W. K. Carroll, New York, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sparks at their summer home, Wolfe Island. He spent the week-end in Belleville the guest of Miss Dorothy Grant. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Becthtold, Buf- falo, N.Y., have returned home 'after visiting with their aunts, Mrs. H. Douglas, city, and Mrs, M. Stanton, 'Barriefield. . - . - . Misses Agnes and Irene Stanton, Barriefield, have gone to visit among friends and relatives in Buffalo, N.Y. Miss "Hazel Wright, Wellington street, is visiting Mrs. Anson Rose, Odessa. . Mrs. 8.'T. Lilley, and Master George, have returned-from spending some time on Grenadier Island. Miss Jean Jolynston, Montreal, ar- rived in town Sy-day to visit her aunt, Mrs. Harold J. Clark, Brock street., Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Foulds and two children, Kingston, are spending a few weeks with: Victor Foulds, Riv- er road Martintowa, Miss. Minnie Fraséo is visiting her sister, Mrs. Casdidy, at their sum- mer cottage, Lake View Park. . 3 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haffner, Fron- tenac street, are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Haffner's paraqnts, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob, Charleston e, Dr. A. Haffner and Miss Mild Clow, also spent the| week-end at Charleston Lake. .. - * . The Dean of Ontario, Wellington street, will be the guest of Miss Ag- nes Richardson, "Fettercairn," for several days this week: Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hopkins and Miss Edith Pense have returned from a motdr trip to Cobourg. Dr. and Mrs. McRae, New York, arrived in town on Tuesday and are the guests of Mrs. R. K. Kilborn, King street. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McBwan, Los 'Angeles, Cal., who have been motor- ing through 'the '8 es, motored up from Boston yesterdiily and at the Chateau Belvider: Miss Co! nce Webster, Hamilton, who Is visiting her aunt and uncle, Miss Constance Cooke and the Rev. St. Mark's 'Teotory, + DANDERIN E" Stops Halr Com Coming oun: Doubles hs Beauty. re guests can not find a fallen hair or any | grat, bedides every hatf shows pew sout to | Miss Dorothy Tilson, Windsor, are | Barriefigld, will later be the giest of | { Miss Eleanore Mundell, Brock street. | Misses Mowatt, Johnson street, Rave gone to Port Dover for a visit. Mr and Mrs. R.-A. aBiley, Miss | Jean Bailey, N.C., and T. Bailey, motored down from London, Ont. 'this week and were at the Chateau Belvidere. Mr. .and- Mrs. Robert West 'street, and their motored up to Consecon 'week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W | croft," and their their cottage at Point, for the summer. "U Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Borland came ! down from Toronto en Monday and | are getting settled on their house on } University avenue, 3 . Miss McRae and Miss Grace Mec- | Rae, King street; will go down to | Easton's Corners on--Thursday to wisit Mrs. Weir. Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, Wellington, street, will go to Ottawa on Thurs- day to visit Mrs. Austin Gillies at her | {summer home. Miss Cherry Grant, Hazeldene, and | Brymner, daughters, for the T. Minnes, "Hil | family, have gone | Welborn's {the guests of Miss Lucy Grant, Union | street. Mrs. E. Ronald VanLuven and Roy | Gibson motored down to Gananoque jie -day to visit Mr. and Mrs. W,. Gib- on. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fair and Miss | Lilian Fair are sailing from New | York for gland on the 8S. S. Prinz Frederick Wilhelm, early next week. Mrs. Fair and Miss Lilian Fair, who have been in Kingston for a year have made many friends, by whom they will be much missed, ' . » - Sir Robert and Lady Borden are | guests of Admiral Sir Charles and Lady Kingsmill at their 'summer | home near Portland. Mrs. E. L. McKay, Kingston, gether with Mrs. C. S. baby daughter, on Sunday of Ingerspll. Mr, and Mrs. visiting Mrs. W, street. : Mrs. E. Spooner and her grand-| daughter, Neliie E. Spooner, 'King- | ston, are visiting the former's broth- | er and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John | Keyes, Owen Sound. Miss Edith Healey left on Satur-| day for London and St. Thomas, | where she will spénd the next two weeks visiting friends. Miss Fraser, Ottawa, is visiting her sisters, the Misses Fraser, Bar- | rie street. to- | Parker and London, were guests the - Misses Finlay, Toronto, are Jordan, Barrie | Davis, G. TR . . Mrs. James Gunn and Miss Kathleen Gunn will spénd the week-end with Miss Agnes Richardson, at '"'Fetter- cairn." Mrs. Boyce came down from Bejle- ville this week and was at the Cha- teau Belvidere. Mrs. Austin Lynch, Canton, Ohio., is the guest of her aunt, Miss Lois Saunders, Earl ry Lieut.-Col. and® Mrs. Stockwell motored down to Kingston from Ni- agara-on-the-Lake this week and spent a Ten days at the Chateau Bel ¥ . §Miss Katherine Minnés, Miss Dor- ot Crookall, Miss Katierand Miss Nofa Bermingham and Miss Evelyn Bennett, who have been camping on Simcoe Island, returned to town on Tuesday. Miss Alice King and Miss Helen Lyman have gone to Lap a L'Aigle. Mr. and ror Covtes Quirk, Staten Island, who have been with Rev. A. F. C. Whalley and Mrs. Whalley, at St. Peter's rectory, Brockville, will come up to Kingston on Thursday, to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. Kent Macnee, Collingwood street. Dr. and Mrs, H. Crawford Scadding and Mr. and Mrs. Gordén Ramsgy motored from Toronto this week and were at the Chateau Belvidere. Mrs. G. G. Francklyn and her small daughter, who were ih. town for a week or so, returned to Ottawa on Monday. Mrs. Davida Murray; Frontenac street, and Mrs. R. S. Waldron, King street, returned to-day from 'Echo Lodge," where they haye spent a»v- | 'eral weeks. Mr, 'and Mrs. R. J. Rodger, Earl street, have returned from a motor trip to Montreal and through the state of New York. * * - - The' engagement is announced of Eva M. Cumming, B.A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Cumming, Cornwall, to Fred W. Paynter, B.A.,4 of Melfort, Sask. The marriage will take. place July 21st. Both are Queen's graduates. (Continued On Page 8) Make Geological Survey . in Marmora District Marmora, July 21.--Field parties belonging to the Geological Burvey Branch of the Department of Mines, Ottawa, are carrying on surveys in this district this season. The work includes the preparation of a geolo- gical map of a strip of territory ex- tending for fifteen miles in' width from Belmont township on the west, to. Hungerford and Elgeria on the east, and also the examination of all mines and prospects in this area. The surveys most necessary for the pre r---- paration of the map is being carried on under the direction of Messrs. E. E. Freeland and R. A, McDonald. BLACK TROOPS ENGAGED They Hoped to Bring Civilization To y the Turks. Constantinople, July 21. --Black troops, many of them Senegalese, have been used by the French in their joint occupation of this. city. The Senegalese wear bright green uni- forms and red fezzes. Their faces are decorated with scars across the cheeks and about the eyes. They us- ually wear large rings in the ears and many of them have straggly beards cut to a point on the 'chin. Although the Ae egioet are Mos- lems, they get on badly with the Turks, especially in the interior, where much of the feeling against | 'the French is traceable to The Pack 'troo A member of the Turkish foreign office Staff, who was educated at se- veral European universities and has lived all over the world, récently ap- proached a group of Senegalese sol- diers near the Sublime 'Porte and them in comversation, ad- them in French. "Just " why did you come over here?" he asked. * "We came to bring civilization to lite, vigor, brightness, aid color and CT -------- the eat ot the row setorted haughtily. TL a LILLE 8. ge "PROBS: +-- Thursday; fair anda little cooler. - PAGE THREE 4 Steacy's History- Making | ih i 80c. buys $1,00 worth of ¢ goods : et . Zz 0% Di scount > » " ~-- - / ~-- nrmeneb ha of 20%. ' we NOW ON! Goes along spiritedly with crowds of economical women in at- tendance. This is positively the greatest bargain event ever offered y ; E : to the people of this district--greatér by far than any former sale at- traction ever held in Kingston. Think of it, 20% o discount on "every article of clothing, yardage 200.00 and house furnishings, purchased here this week. There's no camouflage about this, the most sensational sale in our history--it" s real--every article i is marked int plain figures less a straight discount 5 * Stock up your present and future requirements at this -stupen- dous stock-reduction sale. * Your choice" of our entire high: grade $200, 000 stock of general dry goods, ready-to-wear and Milknery. - Shop at Steacy' and save 20% K EEE -------------- ¢ A "Ng /) A a aa asl * -% ~ S WTA al Steacy' S - Limited © AN AW FUL REVELATION Wife Learns That Her Husband Is Her Father. Baltimore, July 21.--An ubusual story is told in a bill of complaint filed by Anna Belle Jones for the an- nulment of her marriage to William M. Jones. The case is that of a wife and mother who says that she has learned that het husband--the father of her two children--whom she sup- posed to be her stepfather, was her real father, and that his improper conduct toward her younger sister "caused the latter to leave their home. Mrs. Jones declares in the bill that before her marriage she lived with 'her parents without being aware of her supposed step-father"s identity. Another unusual feature of the story is the assertion of Mrs. Jones that, the revelation of her supposed | step-father's identity came to her in a dream; Two children were born of the marriage, boys, eight and three years old, who are said to be entire- 'ly normal and healihy. < % 4 CONVICTED OF MANSLAUGHTER Physician Jailed , for Unnecessary New York, July 21.--Dr. Julius Hammer, a Bronx physician convict- ed of matalaugntes in the first de- SY gree, for ba an alleg- 1 Simms ----------_ HOT WEATHER BARGAINS A few pairs Men's Oxfords and Rpmps, -Welts; to clear at Goodyear $3.19 See the style and sizes in our widow. Men's White Canvas Shoes, heavy rubber sole and heel; $3.00 value for . Sizes 6 to 814. $1.99 SEE OUR WINDOW FOR OTHER BN APS---emre gi JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231) on €d unnecessary operation on a wo- man, was sentenced in the Bronx county court to serve not less than three years and six months and not more than fifteen years in' state prison. Hammer's attorney,' who made an appeal for a fiew trial which was de- nied; obtained a stay PA Sxecttion of sentence untl July 26 th. The w- - 70 Brock St peal for a new trial was asked on the ground that the jury which con-' victed Hammer was prejudiced. agafnst him, following the exposure of xn alleged aftempt to bribe one of the jurors, 44 alo on the ground that he had the t to pefform the pperation, and' there was no direst | Pant that he had caused the wor # nn BIE .