THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY, JULY, 21, 1920. PAGE FOURTEEN REI 1 . v L : . . Automobile Repair Shop Let us do your Automobile repair work © Cylinders re-bored. faction. Get your tank filled at our Service Station. . We sell White Rose Gasoline and Great Lakes Rose Rice Motor Oil. Wesknow how and guarantee satis. MCALLISTER & DRAKE 593 PRINCESS STREET - - - PHONE 1750. a PLEASANT WATER TRIPS THIS WEEK * Tuesday, July 20th--S.8. St. Lawrence, Pf). Employees to Gananoque at 7.30 p.m. : Wednesday, Jyly 2.00 p.m. 2int--w8. 8. St. Lawrence to Gananoque (home 9.30), at Thursday, July 22nd--S.8, St, Lawre nce, tom, at 7.30 p.m, Friday, July 23¢d--S8.8. Brockville to Amherst Island . Friday, July 23rd--=S, S. St, Lawrence to Picton ras Saturday, July 24th----St, Lawrence to Alexan: rian Bay Sunday, July 25th--St. Lawrence to Alexandria Bay Monday, July 20th---St. Lawrence to Alexandria Bay . . 2.00 p.m, Monday, July 26th--S.8. Br ckville, Hiberians' Picnic to Brophy's. * n FROM FERRY DOCK --FOOT BROCK s7T. SPORTING NEWS TO BOWL AT NAPANEE | Knights of Colymbus to Clay- o... 10,00 a.m. +. 2.00 pom, 200 pom, ~~, A em | LATE SOCIAL NOTES, Mrs. James Gunn and Mrs. E. L. Fortt, organized a jolly little sur- prise party on Tuesday composed of a few of the members of the younger set who went to Miss Edith Penning- The Following Will. Take in the | Lzames There. | The following rinks are going to | Napanee on Thursday night, for a friendly game : : | J. J. Baker, skip, Dr. Sparks, G. | Lawes, T. Lambert. | E. Green, skip, E. Walsh, J. Chat- | terton, J. A. Macfarlane. A, Turcott, skip, Dr. Cartwright, J. Newman, R. Macfarlane. H. Newman, skip, W. Linton, C. | C. Hodgins, H. F. Price. 1 J. Elliott, skip, W. Givens, E: Johnson, Gen. Hill. < and spent the evening in dancing. 7 * - the guesfs of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook, Earl street. L. Gavine, Morse, Sask., druggist, {accompanied by his wife, are the guests of Mrs. P. J. Melville, 67 Rid- eau street. Miss Keitha Smith, Kingston, is in Athens, renewing old acquaintan- ¢es, a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Robe- = son. eee ------ xa BASEBALL ON TUESDAY. |... Catherine. Burke, Ports- { mouth, is spending her holidays with | the Misses Doyle, Toledo, Ohio. | Misses Joe and Kate Fitzgerald, | formerly Portsmouth girls, and no of Toledo, Ohio, will spend August) | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Burke, Portsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. F. Brass, Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. S, C. Brass, King- ston, and families; Mr. and Mrs. H. Campsall, and family, spent Sunday at P; A. Darling's, Moscow. International League, . Syracuse 12, Buffalo 10, Akron 3, Reading 2. Toronto 8, Baltimore 4. Jersey City 8, Rochester 3. National League. New York 5, Pittsburg 2. Brooklyn 3, Cincinnati 2. Chicago 9, Boston 4. American League. Chicago 7-3, New York 5-6. Detroit 7-2, Washington 6-1, ha one to Hay Island fo fe Cleveland 9, Boston 8. (11 fin, | JAS EX ® y tay ings). . St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 4. Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Bagot street, has returmed from a month's visit in Montreal. {aw -- Master Edward Burke is visiting at Likely That J. W. Norcross Will Be | James Fowler's, Mount Chesney, Appointed. P. A. Driscoll, the guest of his' Montreal, July 21.--It is learned | mother, Mrs. P. M. Driscoll, for the in British Empire Steel circles that | week-end, left to-day for Cornwall, J. W. Norcross, president Canada | to resume his position. Steamship Lines, has been prevailed | 'Miss Anita Patterson, Rome, N.Y., upon to accept a high official posi- | is spending herovacation in Kingston, -tion with the new big consolidation. | the guest of Mrs. P. M. Driscoll, According to present plans, Mr. Nor- | Johnson street. cross will be chairman of the exe- | Bernard McGlein cutive committee, which will be in | visitor at James charge of the entire undertakings | Chesney. of the new big merger, and also will | "Arthur. Donelson, Portsmouth, is serve as deputy chairman of the | spending his 'holiday with friends in board of directors. At the same | Buffalo, N.Y. time Mr. Norcross will retain the | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hinds, Quebec, presidency of Canada Steamship i are the guests of a. Newman, Lines, which will be leased to the | George Street. ! British Empire Steel Corporation, Mr. Kew ,of Toronto, spend the and in 'this way will direct the en- week-end in the city, the guest of tire slipping undertakings of the | his brother, Mr. Claire Kew, and Mrs. merger. fi Kew, Brock Street. : A ut (See Also Pages 3 and 8) Lieut.-Col, Peers Davidson ne Suddenly Tn Paris Paris, July 21.----Lieut.-Cal, Peers |Culminates in Vrooman-Thom Wed.- Davidson, K.C., son of the~Hon. Sir v ding at Odessa. Charles Peers Davidson, former Chief A pretty war romance came to a Justice of the Superior Court in| 'opy ending on Thursday -after-3 Montreal, died here suddenly of heart | Doon, July Loui, when Miss Betty failure Monday night. Thom, daughter of Mrs. J. Thom, of Lieut.-Col. Davidson had arrived | Aberdeen, Scotland, was married to from London only a few hours earlier | W. O, Vroomon, Odessa, by Rev. Mr. with his wite, the daughter of the |Nichol, at the home of the groom's late Sir William Whitéway, forther parents. The bride was dressed in a Premier of Newfoundland. He rais- blue serge suit and shadow blouse of ed and commanded in 1915 and 1916 | cornflower blue, with hat to match, in Canada, France and Belgium, the [and wore a corsage houquet of 'sweet 73rd Battalion Royal Highlanders of | peas. After the ceremony, a dainty Canada, supper was served. 4 TO APPOINT NEW CHAIRMAN is .a week-end Fowler's, Mount A WAR ROMANCE. ton McPherson's house on Earl street | Mrs Everett Wilson and her two, small daughters, Niagara Falls, are Miss Grist, spending some time in Kingston, with Mrs. W. Linton, Sr., | BRINGCASE AGAINST WIDOW ™"=2553, 295% none Youth Had No Permission to Help Himself at ° the Brewery. ---- | OF THE LATE GEORGE HALL, OGDENSBURG, N.Y. | Executors Want Title to Property De- | gn - gy 1a Ome. | . Henry Howley, the youth who ei RA Hall laims | 000 | helped himself to refreshments at Addition to' * $200, {the brewery, where he Was empbloy- Trust. Bequests, ed, and who_ fell into the hands of Ogdensburg, N.Y. July 21.--The | the police, came before Magistrate differences between the executors of | Farrell, on Wednesday, 'Having been tife will of the late George Hall, Og- | remanded for a day, and was fined | densburg, and his widow, Matilda L. | $10/and costs. Hall, living in Montreal, are sched- "Halt In { at the fall term at Canton, and the | give evidence, and he told the magis- | case promises to evoke a large de- [trate that employees were not given | gree of interest owing to the promin- | permission to help themselves to the ence of the parties. Mr. Hall was a | beer: . : former mayor of Ogdensburg and for However, Howley did not believe marly years its foremost and best |in drinking water when he could known citizen and benefactor. He |get something better, so to drive off built the eity hospital and the new: his thirst he had a bottle now and OF.A. and his gifts to other move- | again. Howley will now have to ments and charitable enterprises | look for another job. were continfous and munificent. His A death occurred quite suddenly as a | result of pneumonia at his home in | Montreal over a year ago. | | The last will and, testament of Mr. Hall was probated in St. Lawrence | county shortly after his death and | | left a large sum of money for the es- | |-tablishment of an industrial school | here, and also for the care and main- {tenance of the Helen Hall memorial | academy, which he gave to the city. | Some other public bequests were made. A bequest of $200,000 was left in trust for his widow, Matilda L. Hall, during her life. In addition to | this $200,000 Mrs. Hall claims that | | she is entitled to one-half 6f her hus- | band's entire estate. The action which has now been brought by' the executors of the es- tate of the late Mr. Hall against his | widow is for the purpose of deter- mining the title to pieces of property left by Mr: Hall and to obtain a con- | hands. struction of the will left by him., 2nd Gas Man: Well | guess It Mrs. Hall contends that Mr. Hall was | Straightened . things out when you a resident of Montreal at the time of | told her you were the gas man. their marriage and for that reason | 18t Gas Man: Naw! She kept her claims that she is entitled to one-half | hands up and told me where | could of all of the property which he own- | find the meter. : | ed - then of subsequently acquired. | The executors maintain that Mr, Hall | was a resident of Ogdensburg at the i time of his marriage and that he ne- | | ver lost his legal residence in this city. Practically the same issues were tried in an action brought by Mrs. | Hall against her husband in Montreal | some years ago. At that time she | | claimed one-half of the property and asked that the same be set off to her | on the ground that Mr. Hall was in- | | competent to manage his affairs. The | case was brought on for trial in Mon- | treal and a judgment was entered in | favor of Mr. Hall and against Mrs. | | Hall. IDENTIFIED > 1st Gas Man: | Just went into a house and the woman thought that | was a robber and she threw up her LONELY A lonely shack, All Inky black ( From basement to the dome, \ For she's away, And so we say: That's why we don't go home. rerio tm-- SALVATION ARMY PICNIC. | At Brophy's Point Tuesday Afternoon | =--An Enjoyable Affair. | | The Salvation Army-Corps held a i Vutcessful Sunday school picnic on rTuesday at Brophy's Point. Over | five hundred happy people were car- | | ried to the point in two trips by the | steamer Wolfe Islander. 2 2] Much credit is due Adjutant and { Mrs. Goodhew and U.Y.P.S.M. Hun- {ter and his wife. for their able man- | agement of the races and the prizes {Which were of excellent quality. The sports of the picnic were enthusiasti- [cally indulged in. _Theband boys | played baseball, the married and { single boys. During the outing one {of the young ladies lost her purse | over the wharf and some of the | | young men showed their ability in | diving by attempting to recover it. | | Candy. and peanuts were thrown in-| | protuston to the eager, happy ehil- | | | ON THE HOTEL VERANDAH Mary: | have three men engaged to see that | have a good time for two weeks. OT May: You're lucky. I'm engaged to see that three men have a good time for life, and can't figure how I'm te do It, / | dren during the afternoon. The prize winners' of the races' were: Girls under 5 years: Lily Yoeman May Murray, Doris Woodcock. Boys under 5 'years:Jack Wallace Frank Wilson. Gigls, 6 years: Thelma Brown. ; | Boys 6 years: Bramwell *Wriglt, wAlex Timohs. © Ginls 7, years: Minnie Spencer. Boys 7 years: George Pratt. Girls 8 years: Knox. ' Boys 8 years: George Richardson, George Hughes. Girls 9 years: Doris Peters, Elsie Owens. Boys 9 years: Thos. Bristlaw, Jo- Nickols, yx : ) THOSE GIRLS Bess: He's handsome ard a great soldier, too! * Jess: Judging from the number of his engagements, he must be. Delsie \ Florence Harpell, Willie Simms, Reta Love, Violet The bride arrived at Quebec on the Hon. W. E. Raney is well satistied steamer Canada on July 11th, and to represent East Wellington in the was met by the groom, who is a stu- legislature, and has no intention of dent of the Royal Dental College at | accepting the challenge of Mayor | Toronto. - Mr. Vrooman served over- | MacBride; Brantford, to: contest the | seas; and met Miss. Thom, while on! c riding of Ngrth-Bast Toronto. i leave to Scotland. | 1 Geman. an mn - Why Are They Better? y Iry 'em once and youll find out" Bobby -- says - Most boys and girls, as well as grown-ups, * Fos on | Lillie Owens. raine. Walton, Dorothy Timms, ., Pearl Billings. spent a day last week with Mr. and Loo way seph Harpell. Girls 10 years: Edith Pickering, WHAT DID SHE MEAN? "The doctor told. me that | was" leading too much of a sedentary Boys 10 years: Arthur Tidman. Girls 11- years: Margaret Caverly. { Boys 13 years: Herbert Saunders, Lawson Baker: - Boys' three-legged race: Lawson Baker and Arthur Tidman. Boys' race: Gordon Prouse, Arthir | Tidman. --_ Girls' race: Helen Christmas, Lor- Frank Saunders, Hilda Jackson, | life." a : ")} wouldn't stand for It™ ' ; Girls' Bible clags: Edith Stonham, Fat women's race: Mrs. Woodcock, Mrs. Adjutant Goodhew. Married women's race; Hughes, Mrs. O;Connall. Teacher's race: Flossie Knox, Mrs. Brooks. } Mrs. "Why don't you pay a visit to the old home town?" "1 went away In a fllvver™ ™ "Well?" *"I'm waiting k limousine." N ------------ Tidings From Mallorytown. Mallorytown, July 20.--Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Mallory, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blanchard. and J. Dawson left on Monday for Niagara. Miss Leafa Hollingsworth, Ottawa, is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hollingsworth. J. F. Wright, Mo, Chicago, and A. N. MacIntosh, Woodstock, 'N.B., are in the village on a geological survey for the de- | partment of mines, Ottawa. C. W. and Mrs. Mallory are spending their holidays in the village, the guests of relatives. held until 'l can 90 back In A meeting of the W.M.S. was at the Methodist parsonage Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. Davison, N.Y., and George Burnham, Athens, were the guests of their brother, illiam Burnham, for a few days last' week. C. J. and Mrs. Phillips, Escott, and fn Mrs. ' Fred Thompson, Belleville, . = NOAH'S FEAR Noah: 1am afraid | can't get the ark filled. Noah: E into a crowd on Mrs. M. C."Trickey. Miss Lola Tacka- bery has been engaged as organist of the Methodist church. afraid to get account of the "Ay", : Mishaps to Barge. The barge John Gaskin, owned by the Century Sail Company and lad- en with or 'the Mount Royal Textile factory, Montreal, sank in the Lachine canal on Friday last. The Miss Shaw's pupils: Associate piano, A.T.C.M., 5 Bd 3 Intermediate piano, Vera Holder; One of the men in charge 'of the | uled to be heard in supreme' court work at the brewery was called to! boat Is now being salved and in | Prim i Thelma ne traffic, Br i Jamany, honors, : » - pki | SEEKING NEW TRADE PACT WITH FRANCE 'Negotiations Now Under Way | 'Between the Two Governments. Ottawa, July 21.--Negotiations have been initiated looking to the conclusion of a new-trade agreement between Canada and" France. Some time ago the French treaty was ab- rogated, the government of France, desiring to wipe off all such trade conventions and to start anew with a clean slate... Complying with this wish, the Canadian government after three months' 'notice cancelled the' treaty. Communications are now passing {between the Canadian and French | governments looking to a new ar- rangement which it is hoped to con- tlude In the course of a few months and is expected to embrace an.exten- sive list: 0 fcommodities. Before any final termination of negotiations, at- tention will be paid to the effect of the convention in conmection with the coming revision of the _Capadian tariff. | Say 200,000 Flee Hrom Bolsheviki. | Warsaw, July 21.--Thousands of refugees fleeing before the Bolshe- I viki are assembling at the railroad | junctions in towns west of the fight- | ing: front. x It is estimated that more than | 200,000 refugees have arrived in the {region of Brest-Litovsk in the last | few days. 4 | fe -- AT-- Herbs, Thom TELEPHONE 304. DELICIOUS WORLD FAMOUS "ROOT BHER BEVERAGE IN' ' BOTTLES FOR YOUR HOME. JAS. CRAWFORD. JAS. HENDERSON. ° JOHN GILBERT. Nothing goes into Hires but the pure healthful juices of Roots, Barky and Berries and Pure Cane Sugar." ison Bot EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR KINGSTON DISTRICT. » Sy JAS. REDDEN & CO. W. V. WEBSTER. ing Works OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. Fal In the good, old, the vacation period, young and old, -# "Bathing" gramme, so don't go has as correct oO BATHING CAPS summer-tl me, everyone looks forward fo and now that the hot days are with. will be in their Always ome of the Important items on the pro- away without taking one of our Caps along. Sher Will surely please you, for. no matter what Dame Fashion reed T even exclusive, it will be represented in the various lines we handle. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess nnd Montreal Streets. QUALITY---COUR TES Y--SERVICE. , both glory. Telephone 41. The Board of Commerce has fixed 26 cents a pound a8 the new Bei for granulated sugar. \ Prof. John Macoun, one of Can- - B.C. He was ninety years old. rn ---- ~ YOUR wife will Welcomes ~ "OLD CHUM" about the house. When supper is over, and you settle down to read or chat, fill' up favorite pipe with "OLD CHUM" and puff away. The mellow fragrance of this choice tobacco makes it Canada's favorite, Canada's Favorite Pipe Tobacco. your smoking your 5 ; % 5 in your home will undoubtedly exer- cise a strong influence over the refine- ment of your children's characters. A Lindsay Piano will surely 'prove a sound investment because its and satisfacto tas h quality ensures long ry service at low cost, Write for [lustrated Catalogue. ada's leading botanists, and for many vears a resident of Ottawa, passed away Sunday ait his home in Sidney,