Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1920, p. 12

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. 1 ~ - THE DAILY BRITIS , bon FO - WEDNESDAY, JULY, 21, 1920, H WHIG An excellent farm of 160 acres, good building, splendid . land. . ' Another farm of.100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,500. w. H. GODWIN " & SON Real Estate and Insurance "89 Brock St. Phone 424 DR. NASH DENTIST 483 Princess Street. 'Phone 735 WE TAKE X-RAY FICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas atinmistered for ax: traction. Bafe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6 . [woop ' Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street Phone 133 Webster's GROCERY TABLE DELICACIES Just received a large shipment of NIAGARA GRAPE JUICE Extra good quality. A very refreshing drink dur- ing the hot weather, Whipping Cream always in stock. . \ Webster's BAGOT AND 'EARL STRRET Phones No. 47 and 780. eS "NORE RESULTS OF EXANS THOSE SUCOESSFUL IN LEEDS AND GRENVILLE, Miss Betty Sampson, of Gananoque, Won William Johnston Medal For Proficiency. The departthent of education has authorized the publication of the fol- lowing Junior High School Entrance results forthe Faspectorate of Leeds "gma Grenville, No. 1, The winner of the William Johnston medal for gen- eral proficiency is Miss Betty Samp- son, of Gananoue, with the splendid total of 691 out of a possible 750 marks. Miss Maud Bates, of Gan- anoque, ranked second with 627 ;marks, and Miss Marip Bryden, of i» Philipsville, was a close third, with 619 marks. Gananoque: Maude Bates (Hon.), Harold Bell, Victor Berry, - Marie Boyle, Stanley Brennan, Gretta But- ~---- « animals are - THE SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PAGE It. took a Jot of nerve and talk to et to. the manager of the, circus, but *] knew he would understand. Circus well cared for. Can you stop ill-treatment to a bear? I should say so!" said the cir- cus manager. "No dumb animals can : in this state," and he showed us the laws. "Report that bear-keeper to the Town Hall" That's the story of our pet bear, down at the Park. It's what's back o! our "Be Kind to Animals Club" in my town. We see that horses are not overworked, 'that cattle have enough room and proper 'food in freight transportation, that poultry are prop- i and that any cruelty © ae * The town is i state . We've in that way, this all out-door fires, and every such fire thiust be reported by him, as defmitely out before any one leaves the place. He must be able tg build fire, even in the wettest weather. Here, I'll call Fred Parker, who's our Fire Leader this week, and hell show you" A party trooped into the thicket a quarter of a mile from the camp build- ings, and the Director produced ome match and took out his watch. ' "We'll give you two minutes fo make a roaring fire, and to fix it so it ler, Keith Clow (Hon.), Irene Dar- Delaney (Hon.), Violet Dorey, Ver- onica Driscoll, Clare Flood, Kenneth Gray, Millard Hall, Ella Kelly, Jack Lee, Nellie MacDonald (Hon.), John MeNinch, Leo Morgan (Hon.), Wil- liam Munden (Hon.), Lillian Pelow, Bertha Pullaw, Betty Sampson (Hon), Edith Scott, Irene Seal, Jokn Shine, Walter Squire (Hon.); Vera Smith (Hon.), Helen Wheeler, Jack 1l1is, Bertha Wilson, .Donald Wil- son, Donald Wright (Hon.). Lansdowne: Bessie Allen, Robert Allen (Hon,), Leona Andress, Edwin Bradley (Hon.), Howard: Copeland, Bertha Ferguson, Bernice Greer, Mary Hostler (Hon.), Laura Kyes, Joseph Marshal, Beulah . Mitchell, Basil McKay, Gerald Moore, Floyd Moore, Archie Running; Alex, Steacy, Jean Steacy, Myrla-TCrozier, Ernest \Tackaberry, Anna Warren Cecil Doak, Alice Landon, Lillian Phillips Marvin Smith, Floyd Stringer. You need add no - Sugar to Grape: Itis sufficiently sweet because Delta--Grace Aimer, ling, George Davis (Hon.), Mildred: Ty ~~ enou ~ "One minute and fifty-seven sec onds!" proclaimed Pierre. . (Tomorrow==Firewood Day.) Bracken, MarieBrydon (hon.), Anna Burns, Reta B.. Burtch, Verden, Burns, Reginald Chérland, Nita Davis '(hon.), Harold Dennison (hon.), Florence 'Edgers, Irene El- liott, Anna Erwin, Kathleen Halli- day, Charlie Hill, Alice Hill, Sylvia Howard, Audrey Kenny (hon.), Mar- rie Kenny, Winnifred Kenny, Omar Lamming, Howard MacMillan, Car- 'mel MacNamee, Kathleen Maloney, Dorothy Male, Elmer McFadden, Rhoda McMullen, Léonatd Morris, Arnold Mainse, Lenna Raison, Ruby Righards, Jean Russell (hon.), Hugh Riman, Harrison Russel (hon.), Bes- sie Somerville (hon.), George Stone, Florence Sweet, Alberta Wiltse, Lil- lian White (hon.), Harold Wills Al- ison Whitmore (hon.), Travan Wills, Lucille Dowsett. Newboro---Donald Brown, Thomas Byington, Mollie Carty (hon.), Rita Carty (hom.), Sadie Fleming, Edna Guttridge Max- Norman' well Halliday (hoh.), Alice Hull (hon.), Eli 'Knapp (hon.), Emma Kathleen = Dowsett, New «| totaled 9,707, alm of its own sugar developed in the - economies? and The League of Rats And the Memory-Man soid: A Mouse, realizing that his people were too weak to defend themselves against the Cat, went to the Rat Chief for help. "Q, Chief!" said the Mouse. "You are in great danger. For soon all my people will be eaten, and then the Cat will make war on you. Bet- ter league yourseives together and destroy the Cat, while you are still numerous." The Rat Chief thought this a. good idea and organized a League of - ~ Rats. 'The Army of the ague marched upon the Cat. . But the Cat, not troubling to rise, only growled, and first one Rat and: then andther, scurried away. Within a minute, the army of the Rats was dispersed. : THe strength of a League depends on the individuals who compose it . =R-W.. \ Your Eyelashes *T would give anything, Winif I don't know what, tc' have long a thick eyelashes like yours. Have you done anything to get them so?" "No, they are quite natural, but T take food care t they=don't fall out.--1f they do, you know, the eye- lashes look irregular and - shorter. ut you can improve yours quite easily. Before going to bed clean them with a little olive oil. Close the: eye, and with a clean finger tip dip in pure olive oil stroke them downwards gently. Three times is Dry with a clean soft rag. Wash with tepid water. Dry thor- oughly, then rub, very, gently, a litthe ure on the border of the eye- but not am the lashes themselves. Next Morning, wash with cold, then hot water. 'cleans the dust away and promotes a healthy growth." ~--GEORGETTE BEURET. Laugh! "A fherfy heart doeth good like a medicine." Proverbs, 17th chapter,' S8ad versq, @ ------------ v Daily Twelve-Syllable Rhyme Some chaps prate In July, How they'll skate By and by! Children are omnivorous. A writer for children needs to have a good supply of brain foodstuffs. + Infan L Drags on the wheels of time, the weeks seem years Until one reaches manhood. w Leavine, Lenna Lloyd, Evelyn Lyons, Francis McCarty, Julia McCarty, Ed- ward - McNally, Oliver McNally, Jim Powell; Marilla Sheldon, Blanche Steadman, Helena Stevens (hon.), Mae Toohey, Gladys Toohey, Arthur Towle, Gordiner WarnergMary Wat- ters. Westport--Donald Arnold, Bernice Coburn, Agnes Cawley, Elma Dier, Helen Davis, Mary Forester, Ron- ald Fredenburg (hon.), Gwendoline Hull, Estella Kilpatrick, John Mec- Clement (hon.), Marjorie Merkley, Ida Mulville, Laura McLellan, Mil- dréd Merkley, Tett Mulville, Isabel Mudville, Marion Mulville (hon.), Mary Norwood, John O'Hara, Ursula 'Quigley, Doris Rowley, Hilda Rus- sell, James Speagle; Casper Speagle, Marie Traynor, Herbert Wing. Athens--Admitted by the Board of Examiners: Maud Alguire, Arthur Barber (hon.), Bulah Brown, Ken- neth Bulford, Leonard Bulford, Edna Donovan, Nellie Ferguson, Robert Ferguson, Irene Gifford, Kenneth Hall, TFressa Hinton, Gordom Hoga- boon, Howard Holmes, Charles Hut- chinson, Leonard Johnston, Margue- rite King, Samuel King, Evelyn La- timer, Annie Maude, Opal McVeigh, Hellen Morris (hon.), Dora Mulvena, Margaret Olds, 'Marjorie Olds, Hazel Pattemore, Louise Poole, (hon.), Ro- "bert Rahmer, Eileen Scott, Vera Shea, Bryce Sheffield, Rena Soper, Alice Stevens, Ella Tennant, Willie Thom. Arthur Thomson, Byron West- lake, Catherine White. ' Recommended for admission: Irma Olds. ' : Toronto In 1920. Toronto's population is given by the new Might's Directory at 562,685. The new directory states that this population is baste on the last de- cennial cemsus, and a careful com- parison with the number of names contained in tis directory as of Jan- vary 1, 1920. The figures for 1919 were 547,371, so. that there is an in- erease of 15,214 for the year. Thete are 102,225 buildings of all kinds, and only 1,868 are shown as vacant, including houses and fac- tories in course of construction. The area of the city, not mcluding water, is given as 25,782 square acres. are 533 miles of streets and 140 miles of lanes, 587 miles of water mains, and 567 miles of sewers. ed every twenty-four hours during 1919 was 62,490,000 gallons. New ng ed during 1219 9,884 erédeted in the 'year before the war. The bank clearings for 1919 were $4,261,624,303 over 1918. Real estate transfers during 1919 totalled 20,835, more than double the total fof 1918. ; Ci The new directory summarises To- ronto's part in the great war as follows: Given 65,000 men for overseas ser- vice. Given over 5,000 of hér soms in battle. Gtven for all of $30,000,000. 913,000,000, munitions for Allies worth $84 B28 wedepd Sn "I am sorry to refuse your req but a gold chain is not very appropriate for a summer dress. The best ornament a girl can wear in sum- mer is a' bead necklace, and if she makes it herself and puts her own personality in it, it should be attrac- tive and tasteful. N one day when a policeman discovered that the beggar could sce as well as anyone. #"Your honor," said the beggar, when he was brought up Tor trial, "there is'no fraud here. It is the dog who is blind." : 'Take care of your cents while young and your dollars will take care of you when old age gets its work in. A Culinary Mistake. "'This portion is very small," the diner g bled: "As a regular cus- tomer, here I generally have two pi- ces of beef, but tonight you have brought me only one." "Gee. mister, you're right!" ex- claimed the waiter. "The cook for- got to cut it in two."--Boston Tran- i script. ---- \ Not All At Once, The census taker entered a large garage in Louisville, "How many people are working here?" he asked. * The proprietor shifted his Piper Heldsieck from starboard to port. " 'Bout half of 'em," said he.-- Motor Life. Might Be Worse. / "Of course," said Film Fannie, "a white paper shortage may be some- thing annoying for a time. Yet how thankful we ought to be--" "Yes, for what?" _ "That it dsn't a celluloid short- age."--Washington Star. r------ It is a jury trial indeed when the twelve good men are compelled to listen to long winded lawyers. equal to the neni 'White Pine or White Pine stacks are scarce, but we have secured a good supply and our prices are right, a Ya > Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042, : 3.3: Victoria Street A | g 5 = S E = g = = 8 Drink | Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only = - GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited I SRR ~ PURITY J 7 : BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT v BUY NOW TO MAKE SURE 'OF YOUR HOUSE FOR FALL Alfred Street--brick; hot wa ter. Johnston Street--brick; hot water. Wellington. Street---not water. 23 Mack Street--brick; hot air. 131 Beverly Street--Corcrete Block; bot air. 87 Wellington Strest--brick; no furnace. 89 Wellington Street--brick; no furnace. 91 Wellington street--brick: no furnace. , 84% Collingwood Street--frame; no furnace. Finest semi-furnished summer home on Wolfe Island. Also a féw good farms. -Furnish:d houses to rent. Apply to:-- J. 0. HUTTO 77 15 93 3 1 7 - 67 CLARENCE STREET 1 | ee « -- All good shoe essentials are combined in. this new low-cut model for men: style, fit, comfort and ser- viceability. If you are particular about the shape and set of your shoes, you will like this new last. It is distinctly a la mode. Other new Oxfords here in brown, . black and white. The Victory Shoe Store ' ay " Corner Princess and Clergy. ---- Some of the most disgraceful acts| lace herself are performed by the most graceful| himself. sinners, * 3 as tight as 'No, indeed, Luke, no womdn can sult a dancing master. Either way ends every com civie war obligations of U Blue- you like best. Ap; Hg Boia hoax Ema: JPply Blue jay plaster, : The effects on the com are identical. The pain stops. And the'entire com HOUT Tone nd or Blue-jay now is ending some two mil- lion cogs a month. It.has so reduced com troubles that most folks never have them. It will end them all when all folks know about it. : & Blue- Plaster or Liquid The Blue-jay method is easy, gentle, sure. . wl y Seiontifc the creation of a world: For your own sake, ing corns. Cente the oid, harsh, inelicint abe: bl i hag dpb sunt. soi your jay a a ee 2 man can drinld" * If in doubt. what step to take, con« "on Made by Canadian $200,000.00, ; WY, The Scientific Corn Ender BAUER & BLACK, Limited Clicage Torsute New Vi EE umd pews Tote No 4 -) 0e Reople, The HHH ap. annual $§300,000.000.

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