TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -------- NSNRARENNRE rT Vacation 'Needs A ; . : [| If you're going away, you'll need "a Daylo to light up @ 'the unexpected dark places. Everybody needs a DAYLO \ -- the Light That Says "There It Is." : { We have glisizes, from the small pocket size, suitable | for the lady's purse to the 'big ones that will throw a played at the bowlin gleam a couple of blocks away. Come in and see them. | games. Get in on the big Daylo§pic ture Contest. We have the W. White . contest blanks and pictures. $10,000 in cash prizes. a And, of course, the man in , the party will Dave to shave, A good Razgr is as essential to a vacation-go- ing man as a new suit of clothes. We stock all the leaders--the Auto Strop, Gillette and other makes. Men, don't go without a Razor. To the man who is not going away | or can't spare the time he needs a Bicycle. Get to work quicker and easier and at practically no pense. We would like to show you our big line of better bicycles. DROP IN TO-DAY. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET ; : Telephone 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" ~ NINERS NANEENEEDADONE NEN © od yyy | ~==LAWN and PORCH CHAIRS. ------STEAMER CHAIRS. ~----HAMMOCKS, COUCHES =----CAMP COTS and MATTRESSES. ~----FOLDING CHAIRS and TABLES R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker aad Furniture Dealer ~ Ambulance Phone 577. 230 PRINCESS ST) = { | io skip..17 ex- | . | | i% state open | i . More Bargains FOR ONE WEEK ONLY we will sell a high grade Electric Iron ~--fully guaranteed--Ifor $6.00. Worth $7.50. Get your order in early. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. « « Phone 94 World of Sport POLO PRACTICE MATCHES BEGIN AT ISLAND FIELDS Preparing To Bowling on Queen's Green for Tournament at Wellesley Island Late Several In August. postponed games were; reen Monday ! evening, in additio the scheduled | -- Polo practice matches have §egzun |at the Thousand Islands polo fields -iin preparation for the tournament which will be held at the fields on Wellesley Island from August 14th to "September !st. Among the players {in the practice matches every Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, are Gerrit Smith, William Burns, F. M. Bacon, III, and Laroeque Anderson: There was a practice match on Tkurs- day. ae PRINTERS DEFEAT PLUMBERS Halg A. Bateman A. E. Treadgold Dr. R. Cartwright skip..12 F. T. Lambert G. G. Lawes Dr. R. E. Sparks skip..14 P. 'H. Richardson H. Graham Montgomery T. Frizell L. Sleeth W. Linton skip..16 skip. .9 H. A. Miller 8. Driver . Givens J. H. Blakely . McFarlane E. Walsh . McMillan E. Green skip..12 skip. .9 Hard Battle in Mercantile . League, One of the best games seen in the Mercantile League this year was | staged at the Cricket Field on Mon- | day evening when the Printers and | Plumbers brought two bunches of | husky young pill-heavers on the field. | They were all husky, anyway, if they were not all young. "Lefty" Appleton was there with his plumbers and his coaching but for the first time this season lie met j with a disappointment. The Printers | stuck a littie too close to their knit- -- | ting for the gas-pipe boys but not a In 'series "A" of'the doubles, J. F. | shade too close, to be safe, Even at McMillan won from E. Green by 16 that it took an extra innings to do to 15, and in 'series "C" R. Steven-| the trick. son won from C. C. Hodgins by 14 | Ramsay threw a good game for tha to" 13. In series "D" two games &Plumbers, but at times his support were played in advance, in which J. fell down in the pinches. Bert Der- Singleton won from A. E. Treadgold IY, in the box for the typographicai by 12 to 8 and then lost to J. Munsie 288regation, showed the. Plumbers by 14 fo 12. | and the spectators that the old-tim- ers knew just as much about base- ball as the present day stars, and perhaps a little more. After . Kingsbury F. .+ A. Lemon J. McDonald . Williamson W. Prizell 'm. Campbell A. Turcott skip..15 skip..13 H. A. Miller - C. Wood W. Montgomery L. Sieeth skip..12 W. Harrold J. Angrove A. W, McMahon W. H. Dyde J. Elliott The New Haven club has transfer- | red Pitcher Jack Watson to the Bos- i » Shipten, the , | Printers' short made some nice saves" ton Braves in exchange for Southpaw | and George Holland, on second, play- | Hugh Brown, Shortstop Shay and at | ed his usual game. outfielder to be sent later. ! made a few Kid Gleason of the Chicago White ' the rest of the Sox is reported as announcing that | For the he will work his "big four" pitchers good and covered in turn. They are Williams, Cicotte, time. Gallagher 'Faber and Wilkinson. new man in seball circles. Grover Alexander has furnishea Appleton picked 'im up out of the something for other pitchers to shoot at in the shape of 11 consecutive viec- tories, The mark is likely to stand for the season. team made up for that, the bag all the on first base, is a a real player out of him. He is ies and rather weak batting. This gives the Printers a new start bananas ssf EAE RE ELE ES { Plumbers will have to settle down * to business. The score by innings: R. H. * | Plumbers «.00110--2 5 # | Printers 101013 4 + GOLF PROFESSIONALS REBEL AGAINST FEES. > -- The New York Times Says: + Detroit golf professionals have + mutinied against the plaps of & the directors of the Michigan championship and + will noj enter the event unless * a change in the conditions is % made. The requirements are for 4 each entrant to pay a fee of $25 < In order .that a group of five + prizes may bé awarded The < pros say that this m.:ns play- % 2g for the: own monar, where- % a: they in-'st that the rta:s ns- + rcoclaticn sh.aid foliow the plan # used in other sections and offer % purses to the pros for compet- % ing. Several of the pros who % have delivered the ultimatum % are former easterners. Mercantile League Baseball Standing. ! Group "A Plumbers Printers Queen's A. Davidson Posties | Movies Insurance i Lindsay Co. 3 Posties lead the league with the bat, having hammered out 47 runs. Plumbers and Insurance are tied for FRE R BOI O PL POPOL Ped ht --- > eague has 'been requested to extend CPPEP PPT PPT 2 229% ¢ "ichedule until the end of August. Life's Little Trials ¥ "+ EB IDI WHEN the ouija board that you have bought for your best girl tells her to beware of the man who seeks to win her as he has criminal tendencies. Well! aint it disconcertin'? That's When A Fellow = Needs A Smoke Givens, on first, | unfortunate plays but | second place, with 31 runs each. So | great has been the interest that the | ui os LY WEE Plumbers, Fenning was | "Lefty" | bush leagues and figures on making | learning fast, outside of a few fumb- | in their group and fixes things so the | HUN RACE TRACKS 4 ! ARE NOW CROWDED Democracy has really reached Ger- |many. The racetracks show that, if {all other signs are missing. | The hundreds of thousands who now attend the race meets in Ham- burg, Ruhleben, Grunewald, Frank- | fort and Dresden are 'of the people." {The pomp and display that marked | | racing back in the Kaiser's days are' | gone, The big crowds who now at- | | tend are working folks, and they arc {taking this amusement with all the | gusto and enthusiasm that their tor- | mer masters had. | The "Kaiser's box" at 'one of the | suburban tracks is still barred off, { just: a8 the middle roadway througa the Brandenburg gate is scarcely | uged---from force of habit which re- | | served the place to royalty. | | But the loges and all the fine | | places are'taken now by proletarians, | | for, with increased wages and with {no appreciable increase in the prices {of tickets, the working man can enjoy | his afternoon's outings without nick- ing his pocketbook particularly. The most amazihg feature of the | racing game, however, is the way in | which the public spends its money | Wn race gambling. The "totalisator" method is used, and hundreds of | thousands of marks flow after other hundreds of thousands into the ma- chines. Equals Stallion Record. When the Calgary owned pacer, Calgary Earl, passed a mile in 2.02% | at Toledo, O., Tuesday, he equalled the record for pgcing stallions foaled in Canada, which was made several ' years ago by Hal B. Jr, 2.02%. _ | The record for pacing mares fag¥ed | in Canada, made -by Darhey Hal, is| also 2.02%, while the record for pa- | cers foaled in Canada, any age or! T'S the the foe of toughest 155 50 0s fn of wughen derest faces! It's the great big money's worth that gives mil- lions of men the quickest, clean- est, coolest shayes of their lives. Jrgehe EADY = the re- t years effort to give % the world The Perfect Shave. Radio Blades--6 for 45¢ Soid Everywhere EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR CO.,LTD Toronto, Canada sex, is 1.69%, made by the Quebec- | bred gelding Frank Bogash Jr. The| The Red Sox have sold. many star latter is also the "world's champion pastimers in the past, but they held pacing gelding. fast to Harry Hooper, whosa bril- hitting seems to become more essen- | tial in the winning of ball games. A | team with a hitter who can deliver in | a pinch is surely a lucky outfit. i BRINGING UP FATHER § w= Eastern sport writers say Ruth has an abundance of gray matter in addi- - #lon to his natural hitting ability. Eo With each successive season pinch | DR. NASH 3 "DENTIST A88 Princess Street. 'Phone 738 "WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teqth. Dermoform Gas acummistered for ex- \ traction. ' Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6 liant playing this season has done so much to offset the loss of the old stars. By GEORGE McMANUS AND WE WAN SOME Orne hr MNOWS i T CTHER, NE OF Tre BIR Ors 'WOOD _ Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot 'West Street one 133.