Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1920, p. 15

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THE DAILY BRI RS NEW § SN MEAN DIRECTION JOHN & DETR F GRIFTIN FRIDAY, JULY, 16, 1920. TISH WHIG "AUCTION SALE | | @ Ford Touring car, recently over- hauled, newly painted. { Market Square, 11 o'clock Saturday morning. BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. ' KINGSTO. Old Boys' Celebration Monday, July 26 Fair Grounds, 2 p.m. KINGSTON BRANCH G.W.V.A. PRESENTS : World At Home | WILL ROGERS {1 SHOWS | The Best Amusements. a 'WATER, -- W ATER: RUM i | #4 Cox SER ADVERTISING RATES: Fra EnAn at EAch €OTi- | Secutive inseition thereafter, hal- ei Minimum charge for One insertion, 25c; three insertions 50 een , for cast only: | e doubl and the p..; "Biggest "Exposition Ver Seen I= == | EVERYWHERE" A 100% enterta ut brew. It's all | #bout prohibition, and a big hearted NTED, fellow who wom the girl he loved -- | Al y for another man. A Will Rogers ---- triumph. ' . | CHAMBERMAID AND A DINING | -- 1 SS ---------------- » girl Apply Anglo-American LARRY SEMON IN "THE HEAD WAITER" 10th Episode of the Wonderful Wild Animal Serial The Lost City BOILER FOR SALE. APPLY irniture, E. Wathen, 143 Neéison street. l4th 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE; BATH, TRACTIVE METAL BANKS closet and g®s; 19% Stuart Street. ATTRACT! E METAL Co., 1% Aj R. Laidlaw, 248 Divisiong SALE OF HOUSEHOLD | PRIVATE 1 f 159 'Queen street; start PARK, WHITE ROS- Owner may have same hig Office. G OF JET BEADS ON Brock street; in April. Own- er may have same by calling at 385 Barrie street. LADY'S WRIST WATOH. Owner may have same at 23% Iw ary h cve raises are rged ay ar HELP W o SMALL STRI 1 Key d Clarence s t Circus and || Hippodrome Features BIG 25 BIG ONE STUDEBAKER, FIVE PASSEN- ger car; In first class running ors der. Apply 212 University Avenue, or phone 1538w. STREEKT, SoLID BRICK Ow. all improvements; just $5000. J. K. Carroll K stre A GLASS TOP , or call at 108 6 { A street. BUTTON, NO. C72341, street. Owner may NOS. 2850 ANL £. Apply F. RK | reet West { BRICK HOUSKS, 2K 5 Sar King Street I Ma < EIGHT Queen SERVICE King ' have same at this office. | ON SUNDAY, A BABY'S WHITE Wool Coat on the Bath Road. Phone 2182. FOUND ARTICLES ADVYER. TISED FREER, Anyone finding anything and yianing to reach the owner may do #9 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver: tisement will be printed In this column free of eharge. "Found articles" aoes not In- clude lost dogs, cattie. horses, | ete These, If loat, may be ad- vertised fqr in the "Lost" column ree | $150 COLUMBIA 8, experi any al hogany cabine ns, e€ J ence C 8 - Cord aractic red. Address communi- LOST. i as prac S We Sectstaty of Hospi ON SUNDAY, GOLD HANDLED PEN rick street Knife with initials, "G. H." Reward for return to this office. NELSON b [A MAN OR WOMAN TO SELL RAW- leigh's products in the city. Apply 210 Princess street. = A YOUNG GIRL BY THE DAY TO look after the baby. Apply Mrs. | R. H. Waddell, 75 Lower Union St. | | CAPABLE WOMAN FOR WASHING | ning, two or three -days| € Apply Mrs. O. D. Skel- | Albert Street. RIDES SHOWS All fit for the entire family to 8 - AYS AND NIGHTS dha July 19th to 24th FAIR GROUNDS ne ted ROOM HOSE nh et, 3 piece bath, $4,000 ms J. K. Carroll Age irock street. ALL FRAME HOUSE AND LA shed; lot 68 x 84 feet; at Kingst« Junotion. Apply 141 Hickgon Ave, .Outer Station. SOLID ONE HOUSE near Johnson; all improvements; large lot and stable. Price $5500, J. K. Carroll Agency, §8 Brock St | SM | | GENUINE GRAPHUONOLA AND TEN selections, your owg choice, $43.50 T 18, $5 sh, $1 per week. CW, say, nljed. 131 Princesa St. SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON | et; all improvements; water heating; lire place $5800. J. K. Carroll Agency, Brock street. . 138 'TENT WOMAN TO ASSIST IN King after two children at sum- | Ap- L THREE FAMILY FRAME ON MARKS Yiand street; large lot; some ima, iS veme Income §456 per year. rice $35 J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. BASEBALL Triple Lika vs. Ponies | outside Kingston. cess street. "ER FOR KINGSTON Hospital. Apply, GRAIPHONOLA, MA-| and twenty-five n | ¢ a | pews: ONE | HOL SEK | | | WANTED, EEX r 8g to 8. 5 Pat- HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX acres of land in the clay belt of North Ontario; might exchange for -.& good car. .Baquire of Dr. Lake, 357 Johnson street. | THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY | . | Violet Heming | To Contractors THE COST SEALED TENDERS addressed to | the undersigned and endorsed "'Tend- | Snub Pollard Comedy "ALL DRESSED UP" OTOR BOAT | cycle engine. | uyer. Owner | eer or ply 269 i Apply 2 i arm RACE PROGRAM: 2.10 trot and pace $500 2.18 trot and pace $500 2.30 trot and pace $500] Band in Attendance. ng Gi © CTICALLY NEW Al condition, 2 57 A PRA in M 1 128 GOOD," DAIRY: Jefferson, in northern sale. Send just published, Gouverneur, N.Y, Carroll | ------ | PANTASOTE TRUCK CUSHIONS, Springs 4% inches high; mast easy "ing and durable cushion made; rice $5.00. State size of seat. Jude son's Auto Tops, Brockville, | OR S§ PIN. OR SAL @8s | A BAR Princ N PRINCESS STREET, in & LWis © York ew catalogue and New for H HOY | yak ON FINE STREET; ting; electric light; lot, « barn and stat 500 cash K , 56 Brock street, | SOLID miti¢ TUESDAY AFTERNOON, A YEL- | w ater low and green canary Reward for fe ors; return to 195 University Ave. | an ---- AT BATHING PAVILION, McDONALD Park, on Tuesday afternoon, a aia- mond ring. ' Reward. Box R-16, Whig Office. 5 | | I | { N WANTED---S{r ARE TIME | ON a dily --selling our guaranteed | and plants. Outfit free Lib- mmission. Brown Brothers Nurserymen, Limited, P.O. Ontario. | er for St. John's School," will be re- | ceived up to noon of 27th July, for the erection of aSchool in Gananoque Plans and specifications may be seen at the offices of the Architects, and at St. John's Church Parsonage, Gananoque. 4 Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. POWER, SON & DREVER, Architects, Merchants Bank Chambers, Kingston, Ont, Baseball Alexandria Bay VS. Ponies Cricket Field 3.15 p.m. Saturday, July 17th WERK-END SMOKES, PAPERS, MAGAZINES, STATIONERY, ETC. eraj c Company, Brown Nurseries. | MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, speclalize in mili- tary boots; buy &il kinds second- hand goods; highest prices paid. L. Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin: cess Street. f y ------------------ LILLIAN WALKER IN * "$1,000,000 REWARD" WE WANT RELIABLE AGENTS FOR unrepresented districts, to sell fruit and ornamental trees, roses. | Good pay weekly, exclusive stock and territory The demand for trees for hard and garden ex- | ceeds the pply. Our agencies are | valuable Nursery REWARD FOR RETURN OF FUR Stole lost at Kingston Junction three weeks ago. Apply Box L-15. No questions asked. BLACIK STRAW HAT WITH BLACK osprays, between Glenburnie and | Kingston, Wednesday evening. | Finder kindly return to Whig Oi1- fice. Reward. . ' ADY'S GOLD WRIST WATCH, BE- tween Livingston avenue and | eral Hospital, or on street car ued ag a momento. Reward if re- turned to Whig Office WE HAVE JOR SALE ALL KINDS OF &00d second hand furniture and loves. Any person having stove iture to dispose of, we wills pay highest prices. J. Thom 800, 333 Princess Street. Phone J 00 w, Coming Monday "THE RIVER'S END" A Romance of God's Country Peak Frean's SHORTCAKE. IS DELICIOUS | JOHNSON STREET, NEAR ALBERT, | rooms; solid brick; hot water ; hardwood floors; wonder- ming house. $2,800 cash re- J. Carroll Agency, 56 Vrite Pelham Co. Toronto. | TY ------ FARM, 150 ACRES; 7 MILES WEST OF Kingston; bulldings practically NEW, two never-faiiing wells; one n cheese factory, church. I. Apply to Archie Howie," emises, or Westbrooke Pog SOLID BRICK HOUSE ams on Johnson street; rooming and boarding m 0.00 pe including 500 0 @ I Agency, 66 Brock OF ELEVEN wonder- house three | i TEACHER WANTED. ACHER FOR SCHOOL | I 5, Collin's Bay Apply salary to George F. Clark 8 Bay Mail Contract ful BEALED TENDERS, addressed to the ful Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 27th August, 1920, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, six times per week on the route Battersea Rural Mall Route No. 1, from the Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of propos- ed contract may be seen amd blank forms of tender may be.gobtained at the Office of Battersea, and at the Post office of the RRC" ost Office Inspector. $ Post Office Inspector's Office , Kingston, July 15th, 1920. Diamond Rings It will repay you to ex-, amine our selection of Diamond Rings. A choice stock of single stone, three stone and five stone rings of finest qual- ity, ranging in price from $50.00 to $1,000.00 each. on pr Office. $1 "IED TE fon' No > CHANCE TO CUT I have a few lots Il and Toronto $10.00 down A Cawson » West from HERE yi for,s PERFECT, COI UMBIA, PRINCETON Crown sicycies. ' 'A'ires from ib; 8ls0 baby carriage tires. while you wait. Special ats given to &ll repair work ' | Bicyele Works, 271-373 p Phone 1032w. SIONAL TE 2 4, South Cr Apply Jas. 'W Chaffey's Lock IS THE high regt n Macdonze , from $160 up 00 per n CHER FOR 8. S, y State salary immons, Secretary, Ont. | PROFE A WANTED GENERAL. ACHER Portla For furt Storms, or four bright, airy rooms, in good | WANTED FOR Apply Box L-3, Waig Of-4 Protestan r particulars | Verona, Secre- | | SECOND-HMAND veRicar PIANO for caso or in part payment of new pianos and grafono.as, UC. W. Lisa say Limile@, 121 Princess street EDT No. 16 preferred apply G tary A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH- er for school section No. 14, Pitts, burg Duties to com- | Ask your Grocer for it. mence 2 Apply to Robert | White, No. 1, Joyceville | CEERI ' | Angr (1) Repairs TE Tay | mence at on Salary $700 per an-| Seales, Talking Machines, Bicyeles, | num. Apply, stating qualifications, | Ran Larfingen Lawu Mowers, Ste. wel to C. H. Hughson, secretary R. R. | oe repaip 0) rig an suarantee Ne . Blgi ont. 5 satisfaction. >- 1. Elginburg, Ont | 197 WELLINGTON STREET One Door North of Princess Street. Specials For Saturday Choice Stew Beef ..15c to 20¢ 1b, Cholee Corned Béef ...15¢c. a Ib, Salt Boiling Pork ....30c. a Ib, Dry Salt Pork . ° 35¢. a 1b, Cholee Western Beef Ro 20e. to QUALIFI S. 8 locality. fice. | APARTMENT, OR THREE & OF ALL touring uray Dorg. also 1 tom delivery * trucks: 169 Raglan RUGS, desk, Happy heugh Champion Oak Heater, large British plate mirror, Victor Vietrola and records, side- board, Clevéland bicycle, nearly new, one full set of dishes, Singer Sewing machine. Apply 143 York street, AND TAPESTRY p_writing t Rang | | F. | : a | USED CARS AND TRUCKS Kinds, Ford roadsters and Chlievrolets, Qveriands, Studebaker Saxon Six, truck and light Apply Bert Stansbury, Road. Phone 1674w. t | FRAME HOUSE ON COLLINGWOOD | t near Johnson; large lot; lane. rear; hot water heat; electrig WANTED--MEN AND BOYS TO PAT. ronize J. W. Curzon. barber. Men's anda boys' hair cu, 20c. Shave love. | Razors boned 5c. 236 Ontario Si, | near Erock dtreet. pt R. USED CAR BARGAINS ree Why not ge: your full share of at nt out of life? it enjoy the pleasure of OTORING are overhauled and reliable 1 some bargains : My last list are all sold V0 buys another Touring ay Dort Touring. Ford Sedan. | Chevrolet Tourings. | Maxweil Touring. | Ford Tourings | Twa hught Trucks. Alsg 'many others. PALMER'S EXCLUSIVE 'USED CAR SALES Corner of Bagot and Queen light; stone foundation: cement cellar bottom Thnree piece bath, $4,000.00 'a cash. J. K. Carroll Ageney, 56 Brock street. FLAT;! = 1st, { Why n A 5-ROOM BUNGALOW OR must be modern; from Sept. will take year n if necessary; M 8 h side of Princess sirpet My cars ferred. Careful tenant. A 1 Box Z-9, Whig Office. | mms | QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S, 8, NO./! 7. Bathurst, Lanark Co. Duti commence September 1st, 1 . Sa ary $900 per annum. Apply, stat- i ing experience, if any, and religion, to JE. Ahdersot, R. R. No. 4, Perth, Ont. TEACHER HOLDING C certificate" wanted for S. No. 9, Hinchinbrooke. Salary $760.00 Per} Year; convenient to station and boarding house. s Duties to com-| FURNISHED RESIDENCE; 7 ROOMS, mence Sept. 1st. Apply to L. A.l 32 Ellerbeck street. Apply to J. 8. Cameron, Tichborne, Ont. | R. McCann, 86 Brock street. | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; | WAN | 1 v ts; centrally locat- POSITION WANTED. ay HIPIOveHONs}- Senlrally ¢ r o y | EXPERIENCED INFANTS' NURSE OR| = NOE v | SEPTEMBER 1st, FINE RESIDENCE, housekeeper wants position. Ap- near Queen's College. Rent, fifty m : Apply Box 0-1), 1 | TWO FARMS, ONE CONTAINING 1007 acres, J miles from the city; up-tos=: date bulidings; running water; well fenced; second, 13 miles from the City on county road; every conveni< ence; excellent camping grounds' and good fishing. Apply Box A-f, Whig witic wn | TWO BEDROOWS, GENTLEMEN ONLY. { Apply 92 Queen street. A DESIRABLE FLAT OR FURNISHED rooms; good locality. Phone 1050. | i et ny FIRST C US CARS Ju ready to g've you a good summer's ing You can have one for as $176.00 cash, and ten 1e- balance-- Ford Chevrolet § ite. See our y add. Blue Garages Limited, porner. Queen and Bagot streets. Telephone 567. R SALE o UNITED 8 Government Electric. Mo= 50 h.p. and 75 h.p, 25 cyclp, 8 550 volt, 720 750 rpm; Crock« . Nine- above were ine turned over. Tarshis & Sons,, eet Fast, Toronto, * 30¢. 1b, Hamburg Steak All kinds of Smoked Bacons and Cooked Meats. QUICK'S YWESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STREET Phone 2011. All you need for your vacation. Briscoe touring car in perfect order; cheap for quick gale, Owner leaving city. Apply Sat- urday, d Aberdeen street. * CHE Ebr i Get your supply from us. ly "hig tae ply Box Whig Office dollars & month. Whig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alry rooms; your own luck and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen street. Phone 526; 989w. ACCOUNTANT, CAPABLE OF JIAN- diiag extra set of books; seeks en- gagement Can give time dail work. Apply Box C-24, Whig fice. | | | LEGAL. "or e-------- CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, HARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B, Cunnipg- . ham. Cyril M. Smith, FUR- cn. allf BATEMAN'S Rmayg, ESTATE, 9. AMBROSE SHxA, B.A, BARRISTER : A &nd_Salioitor. Law office, corner POR sALE of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phene 1999 ROOMS; IMPROV®e 2 pc, mr = lot. s y to or cent d 3 of the stalle ar never Cheap. Apply L. 8 400 Front str per i JEWELLER 182 Princess Street. ~ "Where the Clock is on the Walk." "The Bright Little Store." Phone 1283F. 269 PRINCESS STREET AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WRITE US, State amount of your business for special prices We now have the largest, best equipped plant in Can- ada. Can give promptest service and best work at moderate prices, Prints, Finishes, mes, new line. Free samples hants Portrait Co., Toronto. FOUR ROOMED APARTMENT, nished or unfurnished; with conveniences; balcony. Apply Aberdeen Avenue. EIGHT ROOMED SOLID BRICK RJES)- dence, University Avenue; one block from University. Possessi Sept. 1st. Apply Box P-15, Whig SEPTEMBER, FURNISHED LOW. er flat; fine residence; west end; couple without children. Rent $50 pe: Apply Box N-15, Whig SALESMEN WANTED Be not wise in your own conceit | Prospective farm buyers to tha and never mistake the conceit of | number of 7,600 each week are wie] others for wisdom. | ing to or calling at our offices in fif- Common sense is the base of all | teen of the country's largest cities as | laws, but the foundation is often out | the esult of our continent wide ad- of sight. | vert sing. We have sold more than | 22,000 improved farms. We now . | wish to secure the services of relis ° » Sh | able men to act as our local repres- Autemobile Repair op | entatives in desirable farming sec- | tions In counties of Frontenac, Ad- | dington, Prince Edward and Hast- Let us do your Automobile repair work. | ings Cylinders re-bored. We know how and guarantee satis- | The capital, business methods and | faction. | reputation of the largest farm agency | Get your tank filled at our Service Station. We sell White | In jhe hii established in 1900, Rose Gasoline and Great Lakes Rose Rice Motor Oil. pc you and your success MCALLISTER & DRAKE onic | cessful in other ventures, and enjoy | 508 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1750. PORTRAIT ¢ $2100--FRAME; ¢ iments, large -- $3200--BRICK VENEER; ¢ and stable; no improvements. ~~ i =a Father than wear one or both of his eyes in mourning ,2 wise man proceeds to forgive an enemy. UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. J. Gavine, uphoister, 216 Bagot St W. HAROLD holstering,' and eave orders at 104 Clergy strege PAINTING AND PAPER BANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Sgrget. | ROOMS rth end; large lot; er; 429 5 L FOR OUR UpP- general repairing or drop a card to $10,500--F ARM, OVER 200 miles from Kingston; plough land; good buildin 8. well' watered; ofié mile from Poo, face tory and school -- AGENTS «= LIBERAL COMMISSION -- F. ACRES; 13 to sell Red Tag stock Complete 140 acre stock, including exclusive lines, es- pecially hardy, grown only by sold only by our agents. No de- lays. deductions or sub tutions in handling your orders. Elegant free samples. Write now to Dominion Nurseries, Montreal, month. Office. HOUSE TO LET, NEAR QUEEN'S, from Sept. lst, 4 bedrooms, bath, W.C., gas and electric /light; no furnace. $20.00. Apply Box K-14, Whig - THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN GOOD e Modern improvements; mfortable in winter. Apply . W. Bell; office, rear 110 Clar- ence street. A A IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PAINTING OR estate. s---- paperhanging done, just drop HAIR, MOLES, wants, BIRTH. | ott, 53 Beverly marks, skin cancers, scars, oto, re. | = RE EO moved permanent Satisfactory | glasses fitted and furnisheg after others have falled. Golire removed. 2% Soars experience. Dr. Elmer J. La e, Eve, Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin FURNITURE FINISHING Stre $4200---DOUBLE BRICK; Vv rooms each. ENEER; § | the respect and confidence of your | | townsmen, do not @bply. Previous ex- | | perience not necessary, but you must | | ona a3 Butemobile, | ! ur business is paying capabl | $3,000 to $7.500 To pa all Wen { ticulars in first letter regarding your age, business experience apd whet- her you are a property owner, All communications and information will be held in strict confidence, Address. E. A.STROUT FARM AGENCY a 3806 Manning Chambers, Quee DR, H. S$. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN- , n St. ce nounce that he has resumed his W. Toronto, Ont. practice at 93 Wallington Street. Hours: 1 till /3.30 and 7 till 8.30 Phone 2163. DR. J. E. KANE WISHES T0 AN nounce that he has opeped offic at 136 Wellington Str opposit Post Office. Mice hours 2-4 pani 7-85.30 p.m. Telephone: office, 1825; residence. 1631. | ARCHITECT -- POWER, SON AND DREV) ARCHI. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers corner of Brock and Wellington streets. SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSE "4 bedrooms);' full grown garden: near Princess street; eldctric light: three piece bath Rent $25.00 per pont. Apply Box M-15, Whig Of- - fice. RL ni pa FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS, FROM $500 up. First mortgage. de- lay in securing money. Apply 8. C. Snider, Seeley's Bay, Ont. STRANGE & STRANGE INSURANCE agents; established in 1869; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. BUSINESS CHANCES. $8301 ILDING ToT; ocation VICTORY BONDS FOR s TORY. ALE. MONEY CONVENIENT FREE TEXAS OIL MAP--IF INTER. ested In oll leases, send for map showing Texas Oil Fleld. Map 1s free. Lease Salesmen wanted. Gal- |* loway Company, 303 Main street Fort Worth, Texas. A. BATEMAN, Eton Street, Kingston ~~ Pleasant Water Trips This Week +¥riday, July 16th----8.S. St. La wrence--to Picton . . . .10 am. Friday, July 16th--8.8. Brockvillo--To Amberst Isl. . 5 p.m. 'Sat. July 17th--8.8. St. Lawre nce--to Alexandria Bay 2 p.m. Sun, July 18th--8.8. St. Lawr ence~To Alexandria Bay 2 p.m. Monday, July 19th--S.S. Brock ville--Y.W.C.A. Evening sail $23FTLL tetiatiiiiaanees. 7.80 pm. x \ } a. 159 Wellin, CALL OR DROF A CARD TO W, DRIS. coll, 23 John Street. Order Coal now f livery. : All Coal and Wood sales strictly spot cash ie Jos Swift & Co., - Limited Foot of Johnson Street. "UL EEE A Lan wes Ete RINCESS STREET an 40 PRIX treet, work prompt« 140 Rideau § Kin, All kinds of repair work prompt PHONES: Office, 2057 ly attended tov Phone 1264. Res. or June and july de- --- FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST. meat Soclety; Incorportéd 1861, President, W. F. Nickie, K.C.; vice- resident, A. B, Cunningham. Ok®y lasued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased: investment bonds for sale; Sepesiia received and interest allow R. C. <hiwrisht, manager, 17 Clar- ence street. Kingston. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPEATER see James Beiby, Cogtractor, Fit] University Avenue. one 1%98w. LAND SURVEYOR, F. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se, CE. O.L48 DLS, MEL. Naptaes aid 58 tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of. fice: Walkem & Walkem, 33 Clar- ence street. AUCTION SALE 17th, at 1.30 p.m., 159 Queen Street Consisting 'of beds, springs and mat- From Ferry Whart --Foot Brock Street. The Latest thing in Insurance For Automobile Owners | PENAL A low-priced Accident Policy, co ng Automobile Aec- ey g cidents oaly, providing Principal Sum Be hs and Weekly In- wa 3 Princess demnity to Assured, and generous Hospital Charges, Operation " Fees and medical attendance to assured and MEMBERS OF AS- SURED'S FAMILY, if injured while riding with him. Premium $10.00 for $1,000. Principal sum and $25.00 2 Weekly Indemnity, SCOTTISH METROPOLITAN ASSU. For further information, i LDS, .D.D. Street "Phen: 8, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. DRS hn 159 Well ton sires, ever Residence, 1840w. Carnovsky's. Ago -- "e. --- The marriage of Miss Helen Taft, daughter of William H. Taft, ex- president of the United States, and Frederick Johnson® Manning, took place at Murray Bay, Que., on Thurs+ RANCE COMPANY, Limited apply to:-- NOTICE Highest prices paid foc house. hold effects and will purchase all or part. L. LESSES Furniture Is in great demand. If you have George Bawden & Co. Generai Insurance . : Investment Brokers HONE 400 > ¥ t : 111% BROCK STREET | day. Miss Taft is the president of | Bryn Mawr College and Mr. Manning | an Instructor in history at Yale Uni- versity. | Black rust has appeared in cer- | tain sections of the Northwestern tresses, tapestry and brussels rugs, kit- chen range, dining-room suite in oak. leather-bottomed chairs, buffet, parior chairs, kitchen cabinet, gas plate, ver- andah rockers. chinaware, crockery, ete. BEDFORD, the Auctioncen, ! States, 4 Pacme 1721, 1045w. St. Cor. Chatham St. ---- A man seldom makes his money first, «, dast if bis father made it anything to sell let us know n we will be on the job. J. TURK Phone 705

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