FRIDAY, JULY, 16, 1920. MATTRESSES Don't throw Away your Mattresses. . We renovate ail kinds ake them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. AT BALACLANA- STREED- Phone 2106w ola The man who wears a linen duster On a boat excursion may not bein. sane, but his ideas of the eternal Stness of things are seriously tang- Queer things about bills. Those t run the longest don't seem to anywhere. RAILWAY B dT) RAND TRUN AGENCY FOR ALL | STEAMSHIP LINES For information ada rates apply te | 4. P. Hanley, C. PF. @ T. A. G. T. Rafl. | way, Kiagsten, Ontarye. An man, ------ ne THE D | can resist it, and the only safeguard THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG READED TORNADO : | "FUNNEL CLOUD" ALWAYS l20 TRAVELS NORTHEASTWARD, NEWS OF LANSDOWNE. The Merchants Bank New Quaroasl { Are Now Open, Lansdowne, July 14. --L. 0. L. No attended the celebration at Pres- | {€0tt on Monday. Out of town guests | -- here are Mr. and Mrs. Latimer - Many Strange Tricks Are Played by |cinnati, at Mr and Mrs. H. Latimer's; | These Terrible Storms, But They Mrs. William McPherson and son,! N ble Th f the Sccley"s Bay, at D G Jopsston's; | Do Not Trouble Those Parts of the Mrs. Thompson," Belleville. North American Continent Where s; Master Harold Legge; saps Mountaion, Arete Be Pe Te acoc H Break Their Force {Mrs. 'L. D. Johnston at Miss Lena PF . : {Johnston's; A. J. Watson, Kingston; - XCEPTING a voleanic explo- | Miss Laura Landon, Rochester, N.Y. - sion of magnitude, the tor- {Visiting relatives; Mrs. Looey, ' To. Ford Roadster » at Mr. ard Mrs. J. H. War nado is the most appaltag of TORSO: 41 M7 ard Mes JH War. Datural - phenomena. = No daughter, Toronto, at Mrs. Dean's structure erected by human hands Mrs. Thomas Leech and Mary, Wolfe Island, at Mrs. Henry Young's; Mrs. {W. N. Bowen, Brockville, at Sirs Wilfred Webster's; Mrs. Sarah Ste- Ford Touring. Chevrolet 490, 1918. against it is a mountain range. We can make almost immediately delivery of any of the Mec- Laughlin models; and would invite you to telephone for a demonstra- tion of the famous and best Canadian product in Motor Cors. The following reliable used - cars can be ®¥een at our garage on the corner of Queen and Bagot streets at any time of the day or night... "and Tor quick buyers we have the best bargai Kingston, McLaughlin D45. McLaughlin E63, McLaughlin E35. The dreaded 'funnel cloud" always travels northeastward. Therefore Eastern Canada is fairly safe, but the prairie provinces have not always en- To many people the most popular hot weather drink is the one some other fellow pays for. ~ p Joyed equal immunity. Regina suf- | CANADIAN PACIFIC 5 5 Sr ims 3 ; | whole they are morescommon in the | . Trans-Canada \ Limited Double Daily Train Service | United States than in this country. | A tornado presents to the eye the | appearance of a mass of vapor from i | which is extended toward the ground | a whirling appendage like an enor- mously magnified elephant's trunk. The latter, perhaps 1,000 feet in dia- | | Vancouver | meter, rotates with a motion contrary |to the hands of a clock, traveling | | along at a rate of about thirty miles |an hour, with a roaring noise that | deafens, and Sucking up everything {In its path. The noise it makes is a combined "Ww 9-00-00" and "whir-r-r-r,"' ard {has been compared to that of 1,000 express trains passing over a bridge. | With a lifting, sucking movement the H [cloud draws things upward; its whirl- | ing motion tears them to little bits, | and grinds them as if in a mill. | | Houses are lifted bodily 4% their | foundations, and while in the air are | {torn to pleces. | The track devastated by a tornado | may be a few hundred feet to a mile | wide. It is not necessarily continuous, | auspices of the Masonic order. ken coe: Westport; Mrs. Tate, | United Farmess from East York and jester, N.Y. vens, Seeley's Bay, at Mrs.' Gordon Landon's. A son arrived Wednesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earl, Frack Earl is laid up with Grippe. Dr. Mackie has purchased of Rob- ert Turkington his house and lot on Railroad avenue, ! Thomas McRae has sold his farm to Wiiliam Bonsteel ,of Athens. Mr. Hill, Latimer, has rented the apart- ments over E. E. Johnston's store. Miss Bernie Evangeline Warren nas {recovered from an attack of measles. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fowler, Kingston * visited friends on Sunday. + The funeral of the late Davia Me- Fadden was held on Sunday after noon at the Union church under the . The | body arrived from Westport about | five o'clock. A large number of friends of the deceased were present. {The floral offerings were numerous | declaration b Mrs. McFadden died about six years Three daughters survive, Mrs. Ottawa, and Mrs. Dr. Graham, Roch- | The merchants Bank of Canada hag! moved into its new quarters. The! building is a substantial structure of red brick, trimmed with Montreal sandstone. ! Late: Mrs. Joseph Burke. Oso, July 8.--Mrs. Joseph Burke, Chevrolet 490, 1919, Two McLaughlin Roadsters." ' | Blue Garages, Limited Phone 567. Won't Be a Rubber Stamp. Markham, July 16.--""There is one thing I won't be, and that is a rud- ber stamp." This was the emphatic Premier E. C. Drury when discussing the subject of Hydro-radial railways at a picnie of South Ontario, The prime minis- ter declaged that he would never | consent to Hydro-radials being con- | structed at the bidding of any sec- tion of the province until he had full opportunity of satisfying him- ; self that the project was financially sound and in the public inteyest, : H. M. FAIR, Manager. > ey Wives-Sisters--Sweethearts Why not' start this very day and make your wife, your sister or Sweetheart, happy by sending them a box of Holton's They don't cost much, fin fact, t hey don't com anything, ne anything to you. So telephone You. This is one P ving of pleasure to others méa & ods habit that ust ¥ to make a saléction for you'll be proud to own up to "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Ri A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - Phone, 661; Res., 2036W. 1 | H } 1] | | EE ,---- ON THE ROAD, NOT ON PAPER Many a dealer honestly thinks that he sells wonderful cars and says so, glowingly. But after all, that's only what he thinks, and his idea may not be yours, A car is valuable to. you, not for what a dealer says about it, but be- cause of what it will do for you on the road. That's where your car will make you happy or unhappy. We have never been able to do justice to the Reo Six on aper. Words and pictures fall short. But on the road, where the-on y thing that counts is the merit of the car itself -- there is where you certainly know, first hand and for yourself, that this amazing Reo Six is a car after your own heart. OPEN PAY AND NIGHT. | Boyd's Garage Brock and Bagot Streets. PHONE 2¢1. for the funnel cloud may lift itself | _ 2 i clear of the ground at intervals, then | ST-. one of Oso's most highly respect- dip, and again rebound. Its arrival | od residents, suddenly passed to rest is accompanied by frightful crashes of OR June 16th, aged seventy-two. | thunder and lightning that set the | Death was due to heart trouble. Mrs. whole sky aflame. Its departure ig Burke, was formerly Miss Phebe immediately followed by a deluge of | Buttler, and lived here all her lite. |} | rain. - ¢ | She won for herself! a wide circle of i There is no safe refuge to be found | friends. Among her neighbors she !B In the strongest building of brick or | as obliging, ever ready 10. assist: stone. On the coatrary, such a strue- | the needy or relieve the afflicted. The ture, easily destroyed by the swoop of | deceased was the widow of the late the tornado, is liable to bury people | Joseph Burke, who predeceased he: beneath its ruins. In the Louisville | about three years ago, his death oc- tornado, March 27, 1890, forty-four | CUITing on July 28a, 1917. The persons were killed by the collapse | decpased leaves five sons and three J of the City Hall. On that occasion | daughters: Richard, Clarendon; Jo- | huge balls of fire rolled about the | 5€Ph, Oso; Thomas, Ompah; William, | streets as a feature of the electrical | Fallbrook; John at home, Mrs: Henry | | dimaiay. | Erwin, Fallbrook; Mrs. Joseph. R. |} | The tornado that struck St. Louis | Burke. Geo; and Shs. Frank Swain, 4 | In May, 1896, wiped out $13,000,000 | 2f Glenvale. She is also survived by | | vores of property. After passing teen grandchildren and two great | § | with destructive effect through sev- Slang shilaren, Ethel Townsend, aud { eral miles of brick buildings, it left | 1-10} rothend, Harrowsmith, also] [ the city with greater force than when by Ne brothers, and two sisters. Mrs. | { it entered. Hence is obvious the futil- is an _Augiican is, Jeigion} {1ty of planting forests to the south- | 22d & member of Christ church, Oso, |B | west of cities for & barrier against | here Rev. Mr. Watson conducted | | the service, which was largely at- | tornadoes. The trees would offer lit- : { --- nh tended. The floral tributes were! | He Tore = iianice than so many many and beautiful, showing the | The tunnel cloud is no longer a high esteem in which the deceased | mystery, though its terrors have been | 35 held. The following were bear- | no whit diminished by knowledge of | &75: Henry Erwin, Joseph R. Burke, [ts bw Piel as a phenomenon. It | Crist Bell, W. H. Buttler, Joseph W.| Is nothing in the. world but an ex- | Burke, Joseph Warren. Many from a! [1 Bothia thunderstorm, engendered distance were present at the funeral. | | under like conditions, but owing its | development to at least one feature Light-colored materials cannot be ! | that is happily exceptional. > made from alpaca, which is often On a warm day the air near the | cOnfused with mohair. surface of the ground has a relatively high temperature. A flood of cold air, let us say, flows in above, occupy- ing a higher level. This is an uns stable arrangement, because the warm air, being lighter, would mature ally be on top. An atmospheric fuss results, and we have what is called | a thunderstorm, the warm air and cold air gradually commingling. But occasionally it happens that the cold flood above finds a weak spot, where the upward pressure of warm | air from beneath is less than else- where. This offers a hole through which the cold air can descend, and it pours through exactly as the con- tents of an unstoppered. basin of Water escaping through the vent hole. You have noticed the violent whirl- ing motion of water escaping in this Way; the same thing happens to the cold flood of air streaming down from above. The cold, descending, condenses the moisture in the lower stratum, and thus is formed a mass of wapor- ous air which assumes the shape of Toronto-Winnipeg- Vancouver "Trans-Canada Limited" From Toronto Every day at 9 p.m. "The Fastest Transcontinental "Traln in America Between Terminals" For Standard Sleeping Car Passengers Only Leave Kingston at 9.50 am. Particulars and tickets Office, 239 Bagot Street. "Vancouver Express" From Toronto Every Day at 10.00 p.m. Stops at and connects for prin- cipal cities. For Both First and Second Class Passengers. Leave Kingston at 12.05 pm, from F. Conway, C.P.A,, City Ticket Phone 1197. KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. ted Limi Dealers in Studebaker and Maxwell Cars Used Cars Studebaker Roadster. EERE SNA tlre eet sen Neat rte TIPTOP CLOTHES} ALL ONE PRICE | FROM OUR OWN TAILORING PLANT AND CHAIN OF ONE-PRICE STORES & monstrous balloon with a long neck extending toward the earth. This is DIRECT TO YOU | the funnel cloud, which the vapor | 3 . We have only the . % 2 7 one Wholesale. TO MEASURE charges of appalling violence, hence the thunder and lightning, » Price - $27==to order PRICES ASKING YOU TO PAY "JUST A SEEN A FEW MATERIALS-YOU GO AMONG The neck of the cloud is a hollow tube, inside of which is a high va- NO STORES FILLED WITH MIXED-UP LITTLE MORE" AFTER YOU HAVE OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUITINGS, PICK AND CHOOSE ASYOULIKE AND | THE SUIT THAT YOU WANT WILL ONLY COST YOU $27.00 -- MADE AS YOU Sm cor a Ianver 1 | WANT IT. : 2 We i 3 | BEWARE TIP TOP TAILORS of Tailors and Clothiers" who Front "Renata at Spee of : 4 advertise one-price and when 160-162 PRINCESS STREET you pb stores show OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS A McLaughlin 4. Cleveland Six. Overland Delivery Van. Maxwell 1} ton Truck, Corner Brock and Montreal Sts. Phone 600 FORD SERVICE --We beg to inform the public that we are velocity of a rifie bullet. now supplying a Twenty-four Hour Ser- locity of ri . pity # li 100s varie During the' receat tor N wa - variety. vice, . nado in the west, a baby was carried out of a house by the funnel cloud and deposited ed across the street. It will t hon girders and | railroad rails into corkscrews; it has | that, as may be Judged from the fact that it will drive straws through inch planks, which would require the --Don't walk home after the Boat Trip-- store your car at our Garage--the near- est Garage to the Dock. --Cars washed at night. : --Tourists' needs a specialty. Up a securely tacked carpet ad earry It out of the house without tonzipg it, oun or Emini -------------- Successful men have plenty of confidence in themselves and but lit- tle in a mules heels and a woman's tongue. > Yes, Hazel, when some men have no better occupation they hunt up something for their wives te do. How wonderfully developed must be the furniture mover's bump of destructiveness. Alispice is the peadike fruit of a shrub zzoss (0 he West Indies ¥ un least 500 miles an hour, its destrue- tive force is irresistible. More likely {Its speed of rotation is four times you clothes at many prices. Tip Top Tailors are the only one-price Tailors in town. -