RS. J. M. CRAIG, of Los An- geles, Calif., who says no one ean feel more grateful for what Tanlac has done than she does. Declares. she has gained twelve pounds and her health is now | F better than in years, TRV *"Of all the people who have taken Tanlac, I don't believe there is any- One who feels more grateful to it than I do," was the statement made recently by Mrs. J. M. Craig, of 674% Bast Fortieth street, Los Angeles, ¢ "Like so many other families dur- Bg the influenza epidemic last year all had it, and my own illness, to- ther with the worry over the rest Of our family, brought on a case of Senuine nervous prostration. "I was so weak I couldn't even aweep the floor, and during the day I 'ould have to lie down four or five fimes. | tried to walk but found out If a block was all I could stand be- re I gave out. Nervous spells came on me often . "Every midjcine I tried failed to ch my case until finally' my hus- d urged me to try Tanlac, and I Indeed thankful that he did, for proved to be just what I needed { "The first two bottles didn't seem | to help me. I guess that was because | was so extremely bad off, but on the | ird bottle I could tell I was improv- g€ and that gave me more hopes | an ever of getting well. ¢ "My improvement from then on 8 rapid and by the time I had taken br bottles of Tanlac I was better and stronger than I had been. in Years. I was sleeping soundly at night #nd had gained twelve pounds in| Weight. | § "That was several months ago and | from then until now I have been in as | Suda health as I ever was in my life d have been doing 'all Work by myself. § "It is simply remarkablé how Tan- Ie has built me up and I have told @very one of my friends and relatives What a wonderful medicine it js." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P, Chown and by the leading drug- Gist In avery town! --Advt, OVER-EATING | evils, If your digestion is oT weak or out of kilter, better eat less and use Ki-mMoID the aid to better ew 4 be Heution. straighten MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION Hi IN THI iNFLANED FANE . J.D. KELLOGG" Beware of tenderness that warns of Prete Pour out of five people forty have es, han Loosening teeth indi- YA Epi en em-- deerme iS OF tle . * ith prevents Pyore { | i THE SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PAGE 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WH ' IG Houx 1 Gol into] Big Baseball How I Got Into Big Baseball Roger Pecki "1 League Ball Player. "My home is in Cleveland, Ohio, and I. started toi play ball, like most youngsters, as soon as I was big enough to swing a bat. We had our Nine in grammar school and played every afternoon until our home-made ball was either batted to pieces or lost in the darkness. I liked all kinds of sports, but baseball stood above them all "Later, when I entered High I was made captain of the iachoot team and my playing there attracted the attention of the semi-professional clubs. I joined them the following rear and, as in high school, my work uttracted the higher-ups. "One day I was called to the office of the 'Cleveland Club, where I was told that they would like to give me a trial. It was a surprise to me and I had to take™some time to decide whether or fiot I wanted to make baseball my profession. - Mr.' Somers, the owner of the club, told me to try it, but if I was not good enough to be a Major League player in three years, to give it up. I think that in- fluenced me more than anything else, and it would be my advice to any- one starting in the game. "The next year, after the training was over. I was sent to New Haven, then a Class D Club, so that I could DOTTY FINDS A SOFT GRAY PURSE, "0h, look here!" cried Dotty as she | ran into the garden and saw a soft] piece of gray stuff laying on the ground. "Come here, Happy Gig- gles, it's a purse! Some one has lost im The little elin ran over to Dot- ty's side. Then he nearly bent double laughing. "Why, Dotty! Don't you know what that is? It does look like a purse, doesn't it?" "What is it then if it isn't a purse?" and Dotty poked it gently with the toe of her shoe. Out from under the soft gray'piece of fur poked a short, almost bare | tail. Then out pecked a tiny red nose and a pair of pink hands, "Well, well, Happy Giggles," laughed: the funmy little fellow. "I thought my day had come, but, as usual, here you are ready to save me." "Oh," laughed the elfin. "Dotty is perfectly harmless. Dotty, this is daddy Mole." Daddy Mole stretched out his little head and bowed politely to Dotty. will be very glad to ge a Psi ETT TBR A a Farmer and Emperor And th Memory Man sad: i Once, in China, the emissaries of a noble ordered a Farmer to work for the noble. 'I"work for a bigger man that he," said the Farmer. They told the noble, who- in turn OR T= MIndIrif, "Who ordered the Farmer brqught to him. "I work for a bigger man than the Mandarin," said the Farmer. So the Mandarin told the. Emperor, who send a command to the Farmer, "1 work for a bigger man than the Emperor," said the Farmer. The Emperor went himself to see the Farmer. . "Who is this that is bigger than I?" he asked. The Farmer took a grain of rice from the ground. "This is what governs the noble, the Mandarin and the Emperor" he answered. "Without this, all would be nothing." "He is right" said the Emperor. "While I reign, this Farmer shall hold his land free of tax, for he has taught his Emperor a lesson" Real worth lies in simple things. -- Open-Air Readin, *Haven't you been ic under the trees, Norah?" "Yi Mother, but how did you guess?" "Your eyes look red and watery. you have not been careful enough in choosing your place in the shade and that is why your eyes have been so strained. You must be very careful when you want to read out- of-doors. Avoid the spots where the shadows flicker over the pages and always turn back to the sun in such a way t you Never read thrown , in the fall § lare of the sunlight, or you may risk an inflammation of the "When we go to the beach, next month, he sure to take smoked glasses with you if you want to read out-of- doors." GEORGETTE BEURET. play regularly and get the needed ex- perience. The next vear I went a step higher and played with Portland, a Class A Club, in the Pacific Coast League. However, to stay one, you have to keep in good condition. and that means d clean living and proper care rey I hope this answers your question, and that it will interest some of your readers." (Tomorrow: "The Lion Tamer") The properties of cocaine as an an- QSL. o.( There are more than 1,000 differ ent tribes of American Indians. pose. See my palms turn outward. so when I dig I can throw the dirt out to the right and the left of me. These five flat fingers certainly do help in my digging." Daddy Mole turned his hands over and showed Dotty his two pretty, rose-pink palms with the fingers webbed together up to the strong curved nails. "Now my feet' are webbed, but not nearly so strong as my hands," said Daddy Mole, who felt very proud to think he could talk about himself 80 well. "But while they don't help In my underground life they do help in my swimming." "*My goodness! too!" exclaimed Dotty quite with the queer little fellow. "Ahd a splendid swimmer at that," said Happy Giggles. "Let me say right here that Daddy | Mole isn't nearly the enemy your father thinks he is. He really is a little helper. Why, if it wasn't for his help the gardens would be destroyed by the harmful ' insects." . "You can bet none of them ever get by me," asserted Daddy Mole. "I try to make 2p for the trouble 1 cause. But dear me, I promised to run over to Mama Moles house. You'll excuse me?" and without waiting for a reply Daddy Mole scampered away. "Don't they live together?" asked Dotty. "No, indeed," repHed Happy Gig- gles. "Moles all live by themselves. Some day we'll go up and pay Mama Mole a visit," and bidding Dotty good-by Happy Giggles disappeared. hands. They are made for that pur- You can swim, taken The Clan of FEA America BUD DOES THINGS bid The Tornado Helper +The Second Guest of Honor was as much of a surprise as the first had been. Instead of a Jireckled lad, the Camp Car set down at the Arch a fashionably dressed young woman who looked twenty-five years old, though she was only seventeen. There was nothing about her to suggest the Seroine, except, perhaps a determined chin. . But the story came out in the As sembly Hall that night. There had a terrible tornado in Kansas The small town of Valora had been almost wiped ont, and the debris had commenced :to burn. May Elsworth, living about fifty miles away, had heard of the disaster, by telephone May had borrowed a neighbor's car, covered the fifty miles, at night, over bad roads, in a little more than an hour, and had organized a fire-fight- ing brigade among the bewildered citi- zens. She had dashed into no less than three burning ruins and rescued people who had been pinned under the wreckage. The telegraph operator had: been badly hurt, but she found out how to patch up the instruments and sent out messages for help. Though she was in training for a nurse and any delay in returning to her hospital after her two weeks vacation might imperil her diploma she' had stayed in Valora for over 3 month, without pay, nursing the sick feeding the hungry, comforting the children who had 'been left orphans and making herself the guardian angel of the town. Not that May would tell this about herself. She was ready to talk about the disaster, but 'not her own part in it. The Director had to do that. And when the Second Clan Medal of Hohor was given her, the Camg agreed with a mighty shout that it could not be better bestowed. (Tomorrow: "The Camp Hos- pital.) | Three Minute Journeys | Where Mile-Posts Are Elaborately Carved "Safeguards." By Temple Manning. Out into the yellow sea and the Eastern sea juts a peninsula of more | than 84,000 square miles. It is an extension of Manchuria, and for centuries was under the suzerainty of China: In old atlases the peninsula is cal- led Korea. For years it was known as "The Hermit Kingdom." For after the Chino-Japanese war the land became an independent king- dom, although even then claimed jurisdiction over the coun- try. But Korea enjoyed her free- dom only a short time as an inde- pendent nation. It was on August. 29, 1918, that Japan formally annexed Korea as an integral part of the kingdom. The old name was changed to Chosen In Japanese this name is divided in- to two syliables--Cho-Sun. This means "The Land of the Morning Calm." Perhaps no other name would bet- | ter suit the land which was once cal- led the Hermit Kingdom, for its peo- ple are indeed very calm. So calm have they beén considered by Japan and the rest of the world that it isn't generally known that there was some opposition to the annexation of the kingdom ,and that a republic was formed and a president elected. The "I Should Say I Can." 'So you thought me a gray purse, did you?" he laughed merrily. "Well, | I guess you can tell now to whom | I belong. Mama Mole, of course." "And proud she is of you, too," | said Happy Giggles, stroking the | | lovely soft fur coat. | | ing," laughed Daddy Mole, and Dotty | teeth, | and covered by a tiny fold of skin. If the truth | suit is to keep the dirt from getting You never can tell. Pere known it is frequently the Inder dog that bezar 'he fight. ehow its difficu'® for a man to | 'e that he is as good as he ex-| his wife to believe he is. i An honest man neither buys nor | Sells himself | Mole. "I've pever heard her complain- | could see two rows of sharp white His very small dark eyes were almost hidden in the lovely thick fur His ears and nose barely peeked out 'hrough the fur. Dotty wondered if he could smell and hear with all that fur over his face. "I should say I can," replied Dag- dy Mole. 'My sense of hearing and smelling is very keen. The reason they are so bedded in the fur of my into them when 1 burrow under- ground." 0 'Oh, so it's you who has been dig- ging those tumnels under mama's , is 1t?" laughed Dotty "How funny! Do you dig them--" fe Coffee Drinkers Sometimes feel a twinge of dissatisfaction. It may be a restless night or it may be tion a restless liver. When disturbed sleep or Nn suspicion of coffee as the cause, the safe, wise thing switch to Ten todo is to days usually tells ~ "There's a Reason" CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL CO. LTD. WINDSOR, ONT. "Certainly," interrupted Daddy "1 dig them with these very / Japan | He Has A Picnic. At last I h a 1 EHEC TORI do Tike 1 woulu Go almost any sort of thing to get 'tc a picnic. It is great to go out in the woods with nothing to bother yo: and no noise or anything and just do as you like. There are a million and a half things to see and do Why, even if you lle still you can see and hear things moving and living al. around you. If you dre very tired there are birds and hundreds of lit tle singing things to sing you to sleep. Taere is no loud talk, no men curs: ing at horses, no dust, no whistles blowing nor bells ringing. just the woods and God. If you find that you do not like to lie still there is plenty of room to run around. There ar trees to climb and all sorts of magic things to explore, too. Then you can see some bird or bug or animal and follow it and see what ijt does ny where it goes. I have often don that and it is lots of fun. I would have a picnic every week it I could. . -------- arrived at some. Fore CAE =X } FRIDAY, JULY, 16, 1920. ee "White Pine White Pine stocks are scarce, but we have secured a good supply and our prices a a -- Pd _-- Pee) -- ---- == -- Fr al ---- In = = == = = _ Ree a ee] Soil a -- es _-- == RR RR mmm Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. : Victoria Street il O00 Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. KRUBEKTSON & SON, Limited 2 3 lim ' Sil That Canased It. "So glad to meet yoy, Grace," said the girl in the blue costume "1 was just on my way to your house to ask you, as my closest friend, to be one of my bridesmaids." "Bridesmaids! How lovely! 1 did not know you were engaged," replied Grace. "It's sudden--very sudden. But he's: awfully in love, and just too nice to live. Will you do it?" "Of course! I'll be charmed But"--she dropped her voice to a whisper--"do come around the cor- ner and tell me all about it. Here comes that idiotic, irrepressible donkey, Jim Berton. He's grinning as though he meant to stop, and I don't wish to be seen talking to him." "Jim Berton! going to marry!" He's the man I'm His Remedy. Sir Oliver Lodge at a dinner in Boston was asked for his opinion of Christian Science. "Well," he said, "Christian Secien- ce, Instead of trying to remove a disease, ignores--but let me illus- trate my meaning with a story. "A man in a crowded street 'car sat with his eyes closed. The con- ductor. reaching him said: ** Wake up, please.' "The man .opemed his eyes and smiled. "* I wasn't asleep,' he said, 'but I has to see the women standing.' to flee the country. Many are the strange customs of this odd little land. At one time the King ordered all men to wear broad- brimmed hats made of a material so FER it is sald, was compelled { | i | Along a Korean Highway. | britle the men couldn't "get thelh { heads together" without nicking | their hats. And so, the story runs, | conspiracy was prevented. But the mile-posts of Chosen. which are shown in our illustration, are not made. of brittle material { They are painstaking hewn out of | wood, and are set up along the high- { ways, carved with Chosen characters, which give the traveler the informa- tion he requires for a sare journey. To the eyes of many. a western traveler these mile-posts look more like images intended to frighten than soothingly to inform. Of course, the particular demon that should be pla- cated in each spot is properly pla- cated by the posts. And so these Chosen mile-pogts serve the double purpose of informing human travel. | ers and warning off thg demons | who might trouble the hway. A Needed Sermon. The preacher announced that next Sunday his subject would be Liars, and that He would be very glad if, during the intervening week, they of Romuns for themselves, The next Sunday the preacher commenced bf reminding his hearers of the request he had made, and ask- €d all those-who had read the sevén- teenth chapter of Romans to stand up. "To his astonishment half the congregation stood up. "Thank you very much," said the preacher, "now it is to you I want te speak today because there is no sev- enteenth chapter of Romans." Diamond Cut Diamond. London Tit Bits { In the sweet silence of the twi- (light they honeyspooned upon the beach. ' "Dearest," she murmured, I--I have a secret to tell you!" "What is it, sweetheart" he asked, softly. , "Can you ever forgive me for de- ceiving you? she sobbed. ay my left eye is made of glass'™ 5 "Never mind, lovebird." he whis- | pered. gently; "so are the diamonds | in your engagement ring!" 1 No, Maude, dear; when you fee: | like stamping your feet it imm't neces- | Sary to go to the postoffice. i would read the seventeenth chapter | |m his eagerness to wake up and find A SOWARDS COAL Until further advised, and subject to change without notice, the price for COAL will be: Stove ............ Egg ...... >. . $15.00 Nut $15.00 Pea csrrsnciiae $43.50 Carrying 50c. extra. orders 0.0.D, ---- LE I * ses 00000044 aE. Cee eT (HH CO. | PHONE 155... ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone a ne, PURITY | BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SATISFIES ----__ MADE IN CANADA NINA P---------- BUY NOW TO MAKE SURE oF 7 Alfred Street--brick;: hot water § Johns Street--brick; hot water. vy Street--not water t YOUR HOUSE FOR FALL Beverly Street 7 Wellington Stree urnace Finest semi-furnished summer home on Wolfe Island. Also a few good farms. Furnish »d houses 'to rent. Apply to:-- 87 CLARENCE STREET Phone 703. Neng More Bargains FOR ONE WEEK ONLY we will sell a high grade Electric Iron ~--fully guaranteed--for $6.00. Worth $7.50. Get your order in early. MLLDAY BECTRE 0 nm, Draw on Your Customers through the Merchants Bank. With Branches in all parts of Canada, and corres- pondents abroad, this Bank is in a position to present Drafts promptly, have them accepted, and coll ~. payment, with the least possible trouble and cost to you. The Manager will be glad to take up this THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA Seley Dome De sin Grows - Se - mn rn We mean, a low shoe that has no trace of feminity about the toe, last or heel, and yet-abounds in style and finish. It is built for fit, comfort and everyday wear and still is dressy enough for any océasion. Made in tan and black. Reg. $16 and $11 values. This Week $8.95 The Victory Shoe Store Corner Princess and Clergy. Phone 48. ---------- Many a man suffers from insomnia he haga During the courtship a young man Is never out of danger until the girl Says "no" three times Some girls grow up and become ApPPY wives and mothers and others become lady novelists himself famous. Some folks ate 30 reserved in their manners that they don't appear to have any at all Bum 2