THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | FRIDAY, JUL, 1a, temo. 3 ee 9 World of Sport 4" . "» ABoyand His Dog 2 # NEW BASEBALL RULES | ateskie, Quinn, Shocker, Sothofon HAVE NOT ADE HIT jand Russel, or for the National league " i {0 recover from the loss of Doak, ' 2 | Now It S 3 | WITH THE PLAYERS | ogwin, Douglas, Hendrix. Fillin m, | \ 7 REE mt Grimes and _--_s po 7, ERE 7 = have now Club owners who have discussed \ ww ¢ received a thorough trial, and it is | this prospect informally, agree that yal now safe to predict that a few of | these men should be permitted to! them will be tossed in the ash Can | yleld gracefully to time, and it is \ rnext winter. The American league {almost certain that they will be the has already returned to the old sys- objects of special legislation next tem of judging hits over outfield bar- winter. riers fair or foul, acéording to where the ball is last seen by the umpire. PRINTERS DEFEATED ee . / e intenti ss regulations are i Not that the dog his, forsaken the boy, but the boy with a bike can have The intentional pass regulation TANNERS BY 5 TO 3 Canada Will Mave not being enforced, and a strong re- More fun and enjoyment than by taking him to a circus every day for a action has set in against the proposed Twelve Opponents from the major leagues ed the tanners Thursday evening, in Canada will have twelve opponents month, elimination of "spit ball" pitchers "The printers' baseball team defeat- . "ork ¥ y 3. G. ! The "spit ball," like old John Bar- | a seven-inning game, by § to In the bicycle road race and ten in leycorn, will die a natural death. if Holland made a double play when he the velodrome track events in the =--=--LAWN ang PORCH CHAIRS. allotted a reasonable time to expire. | caught O. Benn's fly and threw Bone Olympic games at Antwerp. Among ----STEAMER CHAIRS The minor leagues are not develop- | out at third. Harold Nicholson um- the contestants will be some of the 2 ing this type of pitchers any more, pred the game: "i £: MoGil Dest anlateur cyclists on this side ----HAMMOCKS, COUCHES because the "'spitter" 4s forbidden in rinters : rrigan, c.f.; . of the Atlantic, including Pekrs, the most of these ' organizations, and livres, 3; Do 1b; & aon, 3 famous Dutchman, who has been 'win. ----CAMP COTS and MATTRESSES. young pitchers know they have no fu- | Woodrow, 2b.: Hammon » LAE HO "ping all over Europe. LDING CHAI ABLES. ture in the major leagues if they {land, r.f.; Shipton, ss.; G. Hol- Olympic committees yesterday an- FQ CHAIRS and TABLE stick to freak deliveries, land. p. "nounced that the following countries There is a growing sentiment Tanners : Quinn, c.; Tanner, c.f; had entered the velodrome events, to among big league club owners, how- | Bone, p.; O. Benn, 1.f.: W. Barrett, po held August 9th and 10th: ; ever, against casting out all "spit-lss.; J. Barrett, 3b.; Walker, 1b. "Ganada, Great Britain, South Af- : ball" pitchers next season. Every Sterling, r.f.; Handley, 2b. | rica, France, Italy, the United States, i" American league club has at least The score was : Holland, Denmark, Luremzourg, R J R d one of these pitchers and the Nation- £31004 - H. 'Switzerland and Poland. . ". " el al league harbors several. The | Printers .. 0 x-- All of these, except Switzerland, he Leadi Uv ker 1 Furniture Dealer = Slimination of all these pitchers in [Tanners ... 20010 00--3 32 will 'compete in the 170-kilometre Ambulance Phone 577 230 PRINCESS STREE? : x one season is, therefore, considered jroad race on August 12th. Czecho- an unnecessary sacrifice of property iy r | Slovakia, Norway and Sweden have HERE'S A DANDY BICYOLE--made in two sizes. This INDIAN BICYCLE rights BASEBALL AT PICTON. |entered for the road race, but not 1 very strong; made to stand all'kinds of knocks and hard usage; guaran- SEE SIS ment of the rules YLCBA. ented by a Soom of Ss for the velodrome. . teed to do it. "doctoring™ of baseballs have ham- to 3, on Wednesday: 16 bod bik idel pered pitchers to such an extent that The Y.IL.C.B.A. were defeated y a . Everybody needs a ©. They are the most widely used, quick con- batters are the featured performers Soore of 30 3 in thehs gems wit | veyance in the world. Everybody else is riding them. Ww ? , | this season. Even the arrival of hot ctonm, a cton on Wednesday: el t y hy not you iw 59 Jas' not appreciably de- | local boys put up a splendid game, in | Come in and let us show you some of our fine models--it costs You creased the hitting or improved the | spite of Ihe. Tact that hey rel : rw pitching. It is actually a relief to | given a number of raw deals rom | ' nothing to see them and we'll be mighty pleased to show you. «| see a "'spit baller" bob up now and {the umpire, and had a large portion | then to curb the wielders of mighty of the crowd pulling for them. Ada! A ---- A BETTER LINE OF BICYCLES--THAT'S OUR STOCK. 3 maces. was on the moufd for the Kingston | . ¢ b A majority of the "certified spit | team, and he was hit freely. | oil 3 S : ballers" now toiling in the major The game was marked by some | 8 y leagues are veterans who developed | good hitting and clever fielding. The | E TREADGOLD SPORTING the delivery to hang on in fast com- | Y.I.C.B.A. team' lined up as follows: : £ pany. At the most they have only Fitzgerald ss, Fowler 3b, Devlin | ; a few seasons to go. It seems unfair | 2b, Connolly ¢, Nickle cf, McCullough | to suddenly deprive them of their If, Bennett 1b, Logue rf, Ada p. | 1 ; ¥ GOODS { O ! means of livelihood For these rea- | 3 ° E> * Sons a majority of the club owners . g should vote to retain them as long as A ) emp ; A3 5 they can hold the pace. wling on u 's Green} 3 3 88 PRINCESS STREET : : Telephone 529, 3 oi iuid opus 1" * | Bowling on Queen | American league to replace in one | 5 "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" season such clever pitchers as Cov- | The games at the bowling green, : Thursday evening, resulted as fol- LT ---- Old Folks' Coughs, SY wine 8 Drives Eee -- - ] ope E. Johnston . H. Blakeley | Catarrh, Bronchitis © Stevenson . Walsh KINGSTON MILLING COMPANY ' Ltd. | ickly Cured': J- Baker Green 5 Foot of Brock Street, Kingston f Qui y Cure | skip..15 skip. .14 nd Ei | ! -- Stropping , Our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by This Nh 2 Method That Cures vy. Patterson F. Haig (Magnified) electric motors with currext generated at Kingston Mills, ou ng Drugs. | iden] R : a J, Chatterton G. A. Bateman | Elderly people take co easily. ' W. H. Wormwith A. E. Treadgold WE MANUFACTURE: -- : Unlike young folks, the over | F v HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK. Rlslowly, *That 1s why on many peo. | ns Braman ode. R, Santwrleht CORN TGRIOUR, GRANULATED CORN MEAL, GROUND | | ple past nriddle lite die of pneumonty, | --- A clean start for the day! Out of CORN, GROUND OA'YS, CRACKED CORN, GROUND FEED, [1 Cough Syrups seldom a. much | J. Angrove W. White . : . BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. ii | 800d because they upset digestion. A. W. McMahon T. Lambert your bed and shaved in three minutes. Our Products are good and freshly made || Any doctor knows that a much more W. H. Dyde G. Lawes Thi 3 A Raz 1 FOR SALE BY GROCERS li | effective treatment is '"CATARRH- | J Elliott Dr. R. E. Sparks S 18 utoStrop or service. ALL OZONE," which heals'and soothes skip. .18 skip. .12 || the irritated surfaces of the throat.| pg series "B" of tne dopbles, F. Easily stropped, easily cleaned-- In using Catarrhozone you do not Ni . take medicine into the stomach | Era ftw H, Nestyian bv. 13 nothing to take apart or unscrew. ---- [|you simply breathe into the throat, won from E. Williamson by 11 to 10 ; The only safety razor that sharpens {|Rose and lungs rich piney balsamic UC. i 7. R. e vapor, so full of healing power that au by Yodeias won fom W. R itself. aw ry ime {| colds, catarrh and bronchitis disap- | ! pear almost instantly. . i Duriag Strawberry time we will have fresh berries arriving {| The germ-killing balsamic vapor The Resolute's Commander. Your travelling equipment is not dally--at lowest market prices. mixes with the breath, descends Charles Francis Adams, 2nd. the 3 A Domestic and Imported Frults of all kinds. through the throat, down the bron- | man at the wheel, who tried to complete without an AutoStrop Razor chial tubes, and finally reaches the | steer the Resolute to victory in her 2 : deepest air cells in the lumgs. All first race in defense of the America's Any dealer will demonstrate the ' . t thed with rich, , | Cup off Sandy Hook, is ch rized : FRUITLAND Bien Stn, rich, FAP C0 OF Suna Too. Surat ad AutoStrop Razor to you, guarantee [{$yrup the affected parts could not yachtsman. satisfaction, or refund of purchase ALLAN MASO UD, PROP. {be reached and harm would result | He has owned more than a score 848 Princess Street. : ¥ : : Phone 904 through benumbing the stomach {of yachts and has sailed nearly 100, price. with regs nN small and large, and some of these -- TE ------------ 3 A Catarrhozone Inhaler In your have been the best, boats of their 00=c 1 w - pocket or purse enables you to Stop | class in America and the world. Only $5. : omplete with strop-- ork has already begun on =| India will enter six athletes in the a cold with the first sneeze. Large| Mr. Adams is treasurer of Harvard twelve blades in an attractive assort- Stropping University of Washington's stadium Olympic games, three of them being [size costs $1.00 and su | i 3 Vals : 2 : pplies treat-| university and a member of the cor- 3 : Which will rival Yale's famous bow! marathoners. ment for two months, small size 50c: | poration, a director 1n many com- ment of cases to suit any purpose. Ichiva Kumage will represent | trial size, 25c; all storekeepers and [panies personal charge of Japan in the Olympic tennis tourney. druggists. {trust estates amounting to many mil- AutoStr Safety Razor Co Limited {lions. Years ago he became known w op y - | to yachting associates under the nick- AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Canada name of "Deacon" and some of them ; 2 still call him by that name. * in seating capacity and arrangement. It will seat 60,000, | California Bids for i 1924 Olympic Games California is ready to raise the | $300, 000 necessary to cover the ex- | | Penses of the Olympic games in | | 1924, according to the Pacific coast's | | quota of Olympic athletes, arriving | | at Boston. | The team made the trip east on | the same train with returning poli- | ticlans from the San Francisco con- | vention and, of the two parties, the | athletes, especially in their training | Wierqsed Ion station platlorms at | the various stops, attracted by far | the greater attention. ! The < Pacific coast candidates for | the Olympic games are bent on bring- | ing the Olympic games to Los | Angeles. | ---- | Forest M. MeoNoir, of Houston, | Tex, has been chosen a member of | the American Olympie trapshooting team. 188 Princess Street. ame ; SERVE ; WHEN DO YOU Ph 735 : 4 2 WE TAKE X-RAY FICTURES : WOULD YOU i WORK EXPECT THEM of troublesome teeth.