. PAGE SIXTEEN Clothes bois isnt rs are Arta, For the Youth With a Yearn for MANLINESS For that critcal mo- ment when he dis- cards his knickers for his first pair of lop§ pants. Special uits A | Livingstons lB ventive medicine and public health; Anderson Bros. Limited Good Values Fruits CHERRIES, STRAWBERRIES BANANAS, 30, 40, 50c. dozen New Vegetables Home grown Tomatoes, Cauli- flower, Cucumbers. SPECIAL ! Beets .....8 bunches for 20c. Carrots . ...3 bunches for 20c. Cabbage, solid crisp heads Wesssssnncanses SC.al Corned Beef Yearling Lamb THE DA J NEW SEVEMYERR COURSE IN ARTS AND MEDICINE AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY A Number of Vacancies in Medical Professorships--Straight Six Year w Medical Course. wesc With: the opening. of the. Queen's | combined | This seven medical school a new . course will be iatroduced. course which will require years. The degree of bachelor of arts is to be conferred at the completion of the work of the fifth year 'of the combined course. For the degree of doctor of medicine the student must take in addition the fifth and sixth years in the regular course in the medical school. The degrees of B.A., and M.D., may thus be obtained in seven years. Students o enter the medical school this year will be the first to commence on the six-year 'course. Last year those who entered only bave to take five years. As yet i is impossible to say who will compose the staff of the medical school. When the session closed a humber of vacancies occurred on the staff. Among the positions which were vacant previous to Principal Taylor leaving for England, were the rofessorships of clinical surgery; fanatomy, (which was formeriy held by Lieut,-Col. G. E. Kidd), pharmac- ology, vacated by Dr. Asselstine; pre- pathology, and assistant Professor- \ ship of physiology. 1 At the present time Principal Tay- {lor is in England trying to secure | suitable men for some of these posi- | tions. 10 CANCEL MLK LICENSES |OF VENDORS WHO GRAZE COWS ON CATON'S PASTURE. {Board of Health Takes Action at | Special Meeting Friday--Applica- tion For Rag and Bone Shop Was Refused. Mayor Nickle presided at a special meeting of the Board of Health, which was held at 11 o'clock on Fri- day morning. Also present were Dr. William Morgan and Dr. A. R. B. {| Williamson, medical health officer. {Dr. G. W. Bell, milk inspector, and Sanitary Inspector William Carson | were also in atiendance. Action was taken in regard to cows which graze on Caton's pasture. The | water there has been found to be | contaminated, and the milk inspec- | tor was instructed to cancel the li- | cense of milk vendors who allow their cows to pasture there. | The board received a petition from | citizens living in the vicinity of the | site on Montreal street proposed for the establishment of a rag and bone shop. The board placed itself on re- cord as being opposed to having such® a shop established in the residential section, and decided that the permis- sion asked for be not granted. Theatrical At Griffin's, Viola Dana, in "Dangerous to Men," her newest Metro picture, scored a big triumph at Griffin's last evening, when this entertaining pic- ture was Shown for the first time. It is the most ambitious production of Miss Dana's career and in the role of Bliza, the school girl, who is thrust at the age of eighteen Into a bachelor's house, where although she has taken every précaution to make herself "safe" from men, she sud- denly finds that she has the power to make herself '"'dangerous," she has an ideally suitable role. The role of Eliza tests even.the unusual ver- satility of Miss Dana's varied ex- perience, and she. has 'scored her biggest personal success in it. In aa- dition to the above fascinating pic- ture, we are showing a Sunshine comedy "The Great Nickel Robbery" that certainly proved to be highly enteriaining to the audience last evening. The ninth. episode of the "Lost City" is deserving of special mention. Gredt wild beasts of the jungle are again in play in this epi- sode, while the herpine meets fresh dangers at every turn, and the che max will make you hold your breath, Altogether it is one of the most en- tertaining programmes to be seen in Kingston.--Advt. Sommerville-Butler Wedding. Thursday morning, July 8th, at St. Mcry"s Cathedral, the marriage took place of Frances, daughter of Mrs. Mary Butler, to Richard J. Sommar ville, formerly of the C,E.F., only son of Fred Sommerville, Rev. Father bridesmaid, wearing a navy taffeta frock with large maline hat, and wore crimson roses. Herbert Law ILY _ NC { Bowing on Queen's Green The following games were played at the bowling green last night: P. H. Richardson H. Graham T. Frizell, W. Linton Skip) 14... (Skip) 17. Dr. Knapp A. B. Kingsbury R. H. Crooker J. A. Lemon C. Sleeth E. Williamson R. 8. Graham W. M. Campbell (Skip) 13. (Skip) 16. J. Angrove W. Paterson A. W. McMahon J. Chatterton W. H. Wormwith F. S. Evanson (Skip) 14. (Skip) 9. The following games in the doubles were played: In Series "C" W. R Givens won from R. Stevenson by 15 to 13, and in Series "D" W. H. Wormwith won from G. Vanhorne by 14 to 10. : Havana Red Sox Play ' Here Saturday Afternoon Baseball fans in Kingston are as- sured a good afternoon's sport when the Havana Red Sox, the colored | nine, play the Triple Links at the cricket field tomorrow, July 10th. The game is called for 3.15 p.m. Ar- rangements have been made to bring the Buffalo Prospects to Kingston on Friday July 17th, to play one of the city teams. Although the Mercantile League teams play on Friday even- ings, the Prospects cannot come any other evening as they are playing at Ganarfoque, Wednesday and Satur- day. Is LL TT Reversible. A bright office boy scored one on his employer the other day. The youngster had blundered over some- thing, and the boss was giving him a lecture, "If I made mistakes like you I'd never be where I am," he concluded. "Yes, sir," replied the lad prompt- ly, "but if we were all like you you wouldn't be where you are, either." Boston Transcript. Raspberry Jam. Edinburgh Scotsman. Pickle manufacturer -- People don't want tomato seed in ketchup, } s0 we squeeze out the seeds. Inguisitive Friend--And what do | you do with the seeds? { Pickle Manufacturer--Put them | in raspberry jam. Makes it look more natural like. | 0 1 OE From Home. Inquiries were being made on Fri- day morning concerning William Mitchell who has been missing from his home at 103 Bagot street, since Monday morning last. For many years Mr. Mitchell was engaged as a printer, and is well-known around the city. A complete stock of rubber belting | at very low prices, Lemmon & Sons. Russell Pillar, Chicago, who with his wife and family has been visiting in Kingston and Gleanvale, underwent a ful operation at the General Hospital for hernia. A complete stock of rubber belting at very low prices, Lemmon & Sons. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS Market Square, Kingston DAILY MEMORANDUM. See top ot Page Three, right hand corner for probabilities. ¢ First Baptist church choir moonlight excursion, Monday, July 12th, 7.30 p.m. Ammar MARRIED. FRASER--AYLSWORTH--In Kingston, on July 7th, 1920, at Sydenham St. Methodist church, by the Rev. John Bedford, Odessa, Mrs. Emma Ayls- worth, to Marcus L. Fraser, both of Ernesttown. SOMMERVILLE--BUTLER--On Thurs- day, July Sth, 1920, at St. Mary's Cathedral, by the Rev. Fr. P. J. Keany, Frances Mary, daughter of Mrs. Mary Butler, to Richard Joseph. son of Mr. Fred Sommer- ville, both of this city. DIED. --Suddenly on Monday, July Sth ALLRBN- 3 1920 John AMen, beloved husband of Sotaleen Allen, Sharbot Lake, FARGO--At the Hotel Dieu Hospital, on July 7th, 1920, Genevieve, be- loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barriefield, formerly o'c Sacred Heart, Woife Island, where a solerun requiém mass WAS Sung for the repose of her soul. FOLGER--In Kingston, 'at his late resi- dence, ewater, July Sth, 1920, Howal dney Folger, beloved husband 'of May Eloise Folger, in|S his 53rd year. Funeral (private) will take place Sat- urday afternoon at 2. o'clock, from his late residence, Edge- water. MAGUIRE--In- Chicago, on Jul: 1820, Harry Maguire, eldest won of Mrs. C. Maguire, (formerly of Kingston) in hig 48th year. IN MEMORIAM. In loving Willlam Sutton, who departed this July" 9th. 1919. YH oh he thant Besned and gone, Since we laid our t and father "A few short years all is o'er, Heaven's gate BRITISH WHIG 74 Sh Three Specials FOR SATURDAY MORNING 10 O'CLOCK 300 Yards Only ~ White English Voile A beautiful fine weave, most suitable for the Dress or the Blouse; would be considered splendid value at $1.00 yard. 40 INCHES WIDE. SALE PRICE 65c. YARD 50 Only Children's Wash Dresses This lot consists of Ginghams, Checks, Plaids and Plain Chambrays. Every mother of a child at the age of 2, 4, _ 6 and 8 years will be interested in this tirhely offering. Reg. price $3.25 to $4.00 each. To clear Saturday $2.25 EACH "135 Dozeti Oily Pillow Slips § } These are made from a good, stout, Canadian Cotton and are well worth in the regular way 60c. each. WIDTH 44 INCHES. SALE PRICE 45c. EACH PLEASE NOTE--No telephone orders or charges accept- ed for the above Specials. ohn Laid aw & Son, Ltd Men's Oxfords A VERY FINE SE LECTION OF Men's Black and Brown Shoes, Round Toes and Pointed: Kid and Calf Leather; mostly Slater make. Choice $7.97 Lockett'