Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jul 1920, p. 5

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Distribrtors for Red Ruse Tea--the SATURDAY, JULY, 3, 1920. Austin's Drug Store NEILSON'S ICE CREAM In bricks and at the Fountain. It ig the kind that is different. SMITHING ~~ tinsmithing or metal work, L. GOMMER 85 York Street. Phone 1874w. Automobile work a specialty. ~~ We will have a fresh stock of --Huyler's Chocolates --Page & Shaw's Chocolates 3 a Fe hocolates on Thursday morning of this week. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ! CARPENTERING Estimates Given =UrAaykroya-aoon | Ci Ballders Phone 1670 and arpenters Main street. 21 NEILSON'S CAKE CHOCOLATE 67c. 1b. Take a Kodak with you eas yeur Plemie 1st eof Jaly, ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a specialty. Genuine Ford parts. BROCK STREET Ren. 878 Phones: Ship 1039. 13373. The Kodak Store ry mmm Cormer Ming and Market Square Kiagsten - Phone 230 | + ~ 4 - : i | : PUPTPPPRPPPES SPP - rere FRAREREANCERERARR THE MARRISON STUDIO There is but ONE TIME to picture the children--AS It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery r THEY ARE TO-DAY. | | ----, Phone 1318w. 92 Princess St. | We Have DID YOU EVER TRY Wagnstafl's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstail's Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstafl's Brambie Jellly. We also have & full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellleg for sale at Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Marl Streets. Adconse Ne. 8-3T160 Phono 1844 In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Sopp Clark s Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup | Good Tea { W. R. McRae & Co. | GULEDEN LION License No. 6-543. TEA Try our Special Black Bulk Tea, exceptional value for 60c. a 1b. We recommend this to you, for we feel sure yom will be satis- filed and repeat your order. FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division: St. Phone 545. DK. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON te announce that he has resumed his practice, corner Johnsou and Welling: ton Streets, Kingston. Tae'a phone 36%. -- ------ Watches and Clocks Repaired bry G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for ome year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to. Note change of address: 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. --- | It pays to save Your Newspapers, Magazines and scrap material--we are paying Keud prices. ! YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer. Call on us. IL. Cohen & Co. Phone 836.53 7. 267-275 ONTARIO STREET | Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod Dominion Fish Co. Canada Food Board License No. B-224¢ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE FIVE AAA APA mA Kingston and Vicinity Brighton Fire Brigade. At a meeting of Brighton council and citizens the fire company was re- organized Robert Taylor was ap- pointed fire chief. Hearty Congratulations. R. J. Reid, Princess street, is be- ing congratulated over the arrival of his seventh grandchild, a son having been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kinnear Reid. Pleasant Water Trips. The steamers of the Kingston Navigation Company are now mak- Ing regular trips to Alexandria Bay on Saturday and Sundays at 2 p.m. and to Amherst Island on T uesdayg and Fridays at 5 p.m. (city time). "Posties" on Holidays. Three of the local letter carriers are enjoying their annual vacation. They are John Allmark, George Lawes and Thomas Pickering. The ""posties' are allowed three weeks with pay, 'so the government is good to them. - - Death of John Delore. Thera passed from this life on June 27th, John Delore, at Stoco, after suffering intensely for a year. Deceased was forty-four years of age. He was born in Hungerford. He is survived by two sisters and five brothers. To Buy Pulp Wood. J. B. Kemp, Pembroke, probably the largest pulpwood dealer in East- ern Ontarlo, was in Eganftille en route to Killaloe. Mr, Kemp will purchase this year 30,000 cords and has already contracted for 14,000 tords. High prices prevail. Some Potatoes These Robert Hornbeek, R.R. No. 3, Har- rowsmith, has quite a record in potato, growing. His record includes the following Nine potatoes weighed nine pounds, fourteen ounces; nine- | teen potatoes weighed nineteen pounds nine ounces; one half bushel pounds. What About Your Order? i For a few days only we will sell | about thirty pleces of men's suit iengths, worsted and Scotch tweed, (regular prices, $50 and 65, whieh | we will make to measure for $40 and | guarantee first class fit. Prevost Clothing House, Brock street. | Buys Three Properties. | Morris J. Rothenburg, well-known { Clayton and Thousand Islahd junk | dealer, has sold his house and lot near the railroad track in Clayton, N.Y. to the Standard Oil company. Eldridge G. Robbins and Mrs. George E. Thibault have. also disposed of their properties to the oil company. He is Recuperating. Rev. Willlam Drummorid, mission ary on furlough from the Orient, is recuperating at the home of his brother-in-law, George Chant, Har- lem, Mr. Drummond was a friend | and neighbor of the late Dr. Omer { L. Kilborn, who died quite recently {in Toronto. They worked together in China: To Renovate the Grand. | When the Grand Opera House | closes after the performance on Sat- | urday night tt will remain closed for' | probably two weeks during which ! time it will be thoroughly renovated. The management will have some- thing really new, an exact replica NINA tN Nt NNN THE MAN ON WATCH If the members of the ministerial association feel blue on Monday morning, why do they not choose bev | A re ee rt ns "ag | arn me Kingston Cement , Products Factory | Makers of Holiow Damp Proot Cement Rlocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Graves Vaults. And all kicds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Sharles and Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr., H. F. NORMAN | ' Phome 21 Removal Notice | PATTON'S DYE WORKS Formerly known as Montgomerr Dye Works { | | Preserving | next winter. | them perfeitly e-- Season IS HERE AGAIN. | Use new Rings on your sealers. Fruit | F821 sport. is too dear this year to take chancos. We have pint, quart and "perfect sealer" rings--10c. a dozen | or 3 dozen for 25 cents. Presorve enough fresh Eggs for WATER-GLASS keeps 20c. a tin. Telephone your order. We deliver | promptly. Our motto: "Higher quality, bet- | ter service." Phone 82. (Opposite St. Andrew's Church) Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks sold here. ! Has now moved to 349 Princess Street Naw ready for business. AN kinds of Cleaning and Dye- ing will be carried on as form- erly. M. F. PATTON, a Proprietor, We Invite You replace your old Mattress with a new one, or have it renovated and renewed. We employ only scientific me- hods and skilled workmanship, hich guarantees satisfaction to all concerned. Just call 602w and our repre- "'gentative will call and offer a ractical Suggeation--and don't lorget to ask us about our "COMFY DOWN" THE SILK FLOSS MATTRESS You would like it. HERE'S an unusual 1 tastiness about the cake we bake that wil! please you and your family and your guests. The but- ter, eggs and milk as well as the fruity flavoring used in our pastry guarantee the pure wholesomeness of our baking products. LACKIES BAKERY HOME MA UE We TTC £ . KingstonMattressCo. 556 PRINCESS STREET any | People with Rudd Heaters ought { to be sure to turn their pilot lights ! off Saturday night. some other time than wash day for | their deliberations ? | If you cannot play baseball your- | self, hire someone to do it for you. | That is the way of Gananoque, where | there appears to be more money than | Gas users will have to bring forth teoal oil lamps or the old-fashioned | candle' to-morrow night, or go to bea In the moonlight. | The Tory headquarters appears to have been moved to Harrowsmith ,now that the Harrowsmith fair has | "gone, bust." { ---- | Those German guns have arrived | Prouse's Drug Store "TW OTHER Eo "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept ""Califormia™ Syrup of Figs only--Ilook for the name California | oh the package, them you are sure our child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on sach bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia." | of the latest interior schemes of the famous New York theatres and its | patrons will be enchanted upon the | reopening. sever Bh B Storm The storm at Beaver Lake o Wednesday, was one of the livliest ot the season. A number of Kingstoni- ans who were out fishing stated that they had a lively time getting in for shelter. The storm came up very suddenly. There was considerable bail, but there was no serious dam- age reported. . bY Appointed Editor, J. Alex McGregy>, former editor of the Peterhorough Regjew, has ac- cepted the editorship Of the Renfrew Mercury. The prominence Mr. Mec- Gregor has attained in ' Canadian newspaperdom will, doubtless be en- hanced under the inspiration of his fresh energy and new interests ana responsibilities Water is Assured. May Murphy, Smith's Falls, re- ceive word from Superintendent Phillips, of the Rideau Canal, re- garding the running off of water from the Rideau Lakes and was as- sured that the interests of the town would be fully looked after by the department. The council's resolve to put in stop logs on its own account has, for the present at least, been suspended. Enthusiastic Over Canada. Every year, about this time, F. H. Altland, Fleet, Mich., W. L. Lawson, Lexington, Ky., and G. B. Horns- town, Cleveland, Ohio, arrange fo spend a week's holiday together to | keep their friendship bright. Thie | year they came to Canada for the first time and gpent the week fishing at Loughboro Lake. They were de- | lighted with their outing and are enthusiastic over Canada. Called to Washington, Walter McLaren, brother of Mrs. H. J. Beatty, Pembroke, and who for | soma years has been professor of | | political economy at Williams Col- | lege, Williamstowh, Mass., | called to Washington by the U.S. |'government and appointed a member of the commission on foreign rela- tions, a position for which he is es- pecially fitted by having served for six years on the staff of the Japanese | government university at Tokio, | Japan. | Are Few Transfers, | Few transfers of St. Lawrenq: | river property have taken place this spring. Owners are apparently hold- | ER a RAS OH Tang wi n | With | John McKeown; secretary, Wm. Mec- has been | 7ty. | ing ' their homes, cottages and lots | | for their own use. There is growing demand for accommodations \ all | along the river and inquiry am | Clayton, N.Y., real | shows that | places. there are .no | | the season. Caught Fine 'Lunge, Willlam Bulloch, sr., Gananoque. and his sister, Mrs. McDonald, Mong - real, out fishing, were rewarded by landing a nico twenty-five maskinonge. The fish was | near the head of Findlay's- island. | Just a week previous Mr. while out alone had the good fortunes to land a thirty pounder. It cer- can still hold its own with any of the just in time to be trained on thar little structure in the city park that awaits its finish. This is the season of the auto "'he- | vamp" who drives down the main | Street and attempts to lure girls into the machine, Forewarned, no sym- pathy need be wasted on those foolish girls who respond. Is it true that the Woman's Council intends opening a "school of proper dressing for young women' in Kingston ? It's a pity that lightning does not uproot the dead trees in Clarence street park and also start the little fountain going, so that the downtown kids could have a drink. What ig needed at the penitentiary is not another investigation but to put the place in order. Only a man deeply interested in prison reform can tackle the job. The minister of justice, too, should be a man of 1920 ideas and not those of 1870 or there- abouts. .| Christian {a little more consideration their | "manners" would doubtless be bet- ter. It must be a living hell for a man who smoked or chewed tobacco to be deprived of that weed in prison. What is the use of talking about brotherhood when mien 6treams in the country for not only |through New York state. ee A A ter er A Aaa atacand) plenty of fisLe-but large ones as well. : Rifle Club Organized. At a meeting in Springbrook, 'a | jad Cedar Shingles from British Columbia and Quebec. The most serviceable roofing obtainable. All grades. The market value is now higher the following officers : ' Capt. | Inroy; treasurer, Ernest Eastwood; | committee, William Stiles, Simon Matthews and W. A. Bateman. It is given out that any person between | the ages of sixteen and sixty may { join the club. A good range will be constructed in Rawden township, and prizes will be given by the as- sociation. Creditors to Hold Meeting, A. final meeting of creditors of the Clayton Boat & Ship Building com- pany, Clayton, N.Y., a bankrupt, will be held before the referee in bank- ruptey on July 16th, when an ae- counting will be made $50,000 will be distribited among the creditors and for the expenses of administratiog The Clayton Boat tracts from the government for the construction of sub chasers and other | fast small craft, but the war 'was | ended before the project was well under way. Going Forward Quickly. Work on the splendid new wing which broke General Hospital is progress- 'ng favorably and is advanced to a Stage where some idea can be gained of the proportions of the new struc- ture. floor, and J. E. Poirier, superintend- ent of construction, the building completed early next year. Mts size is about 136 x 40 feet, of absolutely fireproof construction throughout, floors and other features found only in the most modern hospitals. 'will be three storeys high. To Begin the Campaign tee canvassers were appointed d about | & Ship Building conipany held con- | than our presesit prices..." 5 S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Fuctury and Lumber Yards, Bay and 'Wellington Streets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone 6. Factory Phone 1415. Wives--Sisters-Sweethearts Why not start this very day and make your wife, vour sister or swgetheart, happy by sending them a box of Holton's Fi They don't cost much, in fact, t hey don't cost anything giving of pleasure to others mea us anything to you. us today to make a selection for you. This is one you'll be proud to own up to: "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - - Phone, 661; Res., 2036W. wers. if the So telephone habit that FLORIST is being added to the Pem- | The wall is built to the first | hopes to have | and with sound-proof | It | At a meeting of the hotel commit- | to | | solicit subscriptions to the stock that | will be issued to build the hotel. | | They will begin on Wednesday, July | The list of names of the can- | vassers will be announced. The | committee feels it has a very large body of citizens behind it ready to respond, and expect to cover the ground pretty well within two weeks | at the most. is $200,000 and there slightest doubt but that the money can be found right in Kingston. There has been no adverse comment i upon the undertaking for a r\w hotel is the great need of the mo- ment here. Ferrying Automobile Tourists. The Cape Vincent boat has been busy conveying many automobiles to .and from the other side during the estate dealersThast few days. M. A. Parks of S ra- | vacant | cyse, N.Y., returned home Ju y¥ 1st Every cottage at Thousand [after a pleasant trip throu On- Island Park is said to be leased for tario. Morrison of Albert Capt. M. street, left for Oswego and Buffalo. | Gustave Cavin of the Locomotive works' staff left for a tour through | New York state. M. Y. Keyes re- | turned home from a motor. trip | through Ohio to Cleveland. Thomas pound | A: Quinn of Richmond, N.Y., arrived caught | July 1st to make an extended tour through Ontario. M. M. real crossed over to Cape Vincent to | make a tour through the northern | tainly looks as if the St. Lawrence |states. James Bear and his son re- | trip turned home from a motor Girl Hooks; Big Fish in Bay at Consecon | A correspondent writing trom Con- | secon sends the following story: | What fishermen of this locality de- | | | - If the prisoners were treated with { i who have committed ordinary mis- | | demeanors are shut up in prison and treated like dangerous eriminals ? |In the Lampman's opinion not | twenty-five per cent of the men in | the Portsmouth penitentiary should be there at all. Real criminals must | clare to be one of the largest fish ever caught in the waters hereabouts | was hooked by Miss Rose Cowper, of Gardenville, Prince Edwand county, in Weller's bay last Monday. While fishing with a hook and line she suddenly felt a tremendous tug on her line, 'She called to her brother for assistance, and by means of a spear and gaff they landed a stur- | geon the exact measurements of | which were 6 feet 2 inches long and | 2 feet 6 inches wide. The fish was | later valued at $25. Judge Robson, former chairman of the Board of Commerce, announced | that parliament having prorogued, he saw no necessity for carrying out wis intention of proceeding to Ot- tawa to take up there the Murdock controversy. | Everybody wants to see that all | gag burners and jets are turned off | the last thing Saturday night. If Strength Declines As Age Advances Follow This Suggestion So many women grow old before | their time, perhaps your wife or sis-| ter. A little while ago, buoyant, full | of vigor and activity--she enjoyed | life and imparted pleasure to the! whole family; but now in a few short | be kept apart, but there is no neces- [years she has faded and lost color | sity of shutting away from the world |and strength. She is just ready to| for five to ten years every man who [develop some disease that will fur-' | has committed some violation of the ther weaken and debilitate. { law. There are other ways of deal- ing with these men. Perhaps when the United Farmers get into power lat Ottawa they may make the | eriminal code a little more Christian | in spirit. . | --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. Detroit May Have 8-Cent Fares. | Detroit, Mich., July 3.--In an | amendment to its bill in the traction | fares case, pending in the circuit | court, the Detroit United Railways | gives notice that it will establish | eight-cent cash fares, or seven tick- {ets for fifty cents, on all non- | franchise lines, August 1st. i | The Ukrainian. government, head- ied by Simon Petlura, has moved {from Kamenetz-Podolsk to Lublin, south-east of Warsaw, owing to Bol- shevik menace. Be sure and turn your pilot lights off Saturday might, when you leave slore. Jour You re- member how it began, failure of ap-| petite, tired in the morning, found | housework burdensome, always ner- vous and a little irritable. It's a| shame to let her go down hill tur-| ther when you can bujld her up so! quickly with Ferrozone. The change this nourishing tonic makes in a weak woman is surprising. It gives great zest for food, increases appe- | tite and digestion enormously.: The blood gets richer and stronger and | adds new life to evéry organ in the body. A rebuilding process works | through the entire system. The first] week will show an improvement, and a month or two will fatten up the thinnest, most run-down woman you can think of. Take Ferrosone for| lost color, for nervousness, for weak- | ness--use it when run-down and feeling poorly--it will do you more lasting good, keep'you in better hefith, than anything else. Just as! good for men and children, too, be- cause Ferrozone is harmless and safe, 50c per box or six boxes for! + $4.50, at all dealers. \ SOWARDS COAL CO. Until further advised, and subject to ch the price for COAL will ba; Without uutice, $15.00 Stove vii. ionteinie Egg $15.00 Nut Sasa nie aie) (hans ake od DADA BAER Db En) $15.00 Pea fs + o.ajele Take AER $1 3.50 Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders 0.0.p, ®eleie inte Dine) srs sie sieieselnial (sieBakeinin vis ale inle *.8.0 se os cs ninslainle The sum to be raised | is not the | BROGUE OXFORDS Now that the Brogue Oxfords are in Vogue, we have a com- plete range shown in Brown Calf, Black Gunmeta) Calr, with low walking heel a very smart shoe for general wear, Also a semi-Brogue shown in Brown amd Black Calf, with military heel. PRICES $10.00, $11.00, $12.00 lerland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES Squire of | Bulloch | Toronto, and P. H. Bartlay of Mon- | FURS For Spring and Summer wear, we have a rhoice lot of Mole and Fox Neck Pieces Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET, Hot Weather Footwear For Women For Every Day Wear as Well as Sport and Recreation White Books =... +... . $3.50 to $6.00 White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords ; .. $2.50 to $4.00 White Canvas Rubber Pumps and Ox- fords...............$2.00t0 $4.00 'H. JENNINGS KING STREET

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