Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1920, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG husin's Drug Sore |, 2 ve oe || Kingston and Vicinity | Roofing C ters : 5 Meth Balls and Bullders Moth Flakes 21 Main street. Phone 1670 Ofl of Cedar i : i : Liquia Veneer Caught A Monster Pike, oque was awarded.a "Term Scholar- | company, regarding an article which | Recently arrived a car of Brantford As- En gt { Sanifiush | , Mrs. Gus. Beecher, King street, |ship in the Department of Painting| appeared in the Whig on June 5th, | : Formaldehyde caught a twenty-two pound pike|and Sculpture. which statéd that a member of the phalt Slab Slates. These are 4 in I Green Ammonia. { while trolli ff the La Salle Bridge, Toh -- r f steamer Cataract had been x 3 y MATTRESSES Be ug oft the [a Salle Briase Body Identified. Srensten for selling a bottle of liquor ||| Shingles of a color that will not fade. They Everything for cleaning and Thursday nighf. The fish measured Y femigating--in house or stable. 46 i ior he body of the man found on the | «w v tigated ak 4 lendid oof d pular hat | nches in' length and 14% inches The body of n We have thoroughly inves m ea an = . iam : = shore=cithe=river-néar--Broekviie ame " says a Tet ter Tron te Mont=TH} . Sp I = are very-po GCOLORITE makes an crm IE EI a at ii EE prea a Don't 'throw away "your o.8 one week ago has been identified by | real Transportation Company, "and --D a Dyes [| Miiuemen 1 t Closing for the Season. Thomas Comstock, of Gananoque, as| find that the reaport is without foun- | S & CO. amet Dyes. ! Hs Seagate aliids sa 1} The theatrical company, "Little | that of his adopted son, Joseph Com- | gation." | eo & » + «Rit Dyes. rig our prices. : | Red Riding Hood," which made such | stock, who was drowned on the night ~--Tintex Dyes. a hit at the Grand recently, closed | of May 15, near Grenadier Island, Cow Suffered Electric Shock. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellingtons for the season at London, Ont., Fri- | by falling from the tug Wyanoke. A valuable cow belonging to John Streets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone 66. Factor Rit Flake | rm ome vine ink stains, Frontenac Mattress Co | day night. The company had a most | Since then he had not been heard | Redden, a prominent farmer of King- | Phone 14> | . | sccessful season. of. The victim of the accident was | ston township, whose farm is on the | we recommend Taylor's Ink Braner. 17 BALACLAVA STREET | RE 24 years of age. front road beyond Portsmouth, is Want More Rain. suffering from an electric shock re- Phone 2106w Farmers in the city on Friday, Portland Store Entered. ceived in a recent storm. Mr. Red- ' { | stated that they would like to see' The general store of Albert Gal- | jon Aid not know what was the mat- | {a lot more rain., The country will | 1agher at Portland was entered by|i.; with the animal when he found it| | stand a good deal of it. It the rain [burglars one night last Ruhr Whe suffering and after) administering a | ! ight away, there is every indi- | 800ds "7 | restorative he summoned Dr. G. W. It Pays to Buy Your j Somes 70 oved. The th d | ' ays t ) | cati t : 700 removed. e eves entere XC ' / ! | Drug Store | on of good crops. through a window vifthe tire. org Bell, who diagnosed the symptoms as i Ts eT i bly due to an electric June, the fashionable season for weddings, brings thoughts of did. not appear to be in search of Jutisiaken ¥ Fever anion A not glad that there is » | - MARKET SQUARE Gr And M Kiddies Were Glad. 0 : 0ceries eat Chairman Mills and some of his|Mmoney, as two or thie unlocked N d pi pe! | collegues on the Board of Educa-| drawers containing several hundred A $50,000 Bull. No ee | tion arranged to have the classes | dollars were untouched. There is i he burglars. Alcarta King Sylvia, $50,000, two | to send out of town for that Bride's Bouquet-de-lTuxe§ | dismissed early on Thursday, so that | RO clue to th Bars o months.old bull, sired by Carnation | "HOLTON'S DO IT RIGHT AND REASONABLE. | the children could view the circus c fo ] | < A Queen's Graduate. King Sylvia, which was purchased: R J. Shales & Son parade, and the children were greatly. _ ,., Broskxville Recorder sayk: [at" the St. Paul, Minn, pure bred] A. D. HOLTON e - -" ; | Pleased over this action. rit Des : : ' -- Dr. Stanley F. Leavine, of Elgin, | Holstein-Friesiag catle sale by A. E. | 280 PRIN . : . THE MARRISON STUDIO 71 PINE ST. { Now for a Change joined the medical staff of the On- Hardy, of Brockville, has reached | CESS STREET : . Ww. 588 and Get Prom { , tario hospital here as an assistant | Watertown. cartra King Sylvia's : Res, 2080W, | hans 1 " 1s Tm Weather is Neve, and mow physician. Dr. Leavine was recent- | father sold at Milwaukee, Wis., two | NE TIME | is the ti t hen' ht- | There Is byt ONE Delivery a i gr iB hg _ ly graduated from Queen's Univer- | years ago for $106,000. He was a to picture the children--AS natural wool, at $1.50 to $2.50 per |Sity, Kingston, and for some time |product of the Avondale farm of | | 1 a we past has been an interne in the King- | Brockville, to which his son-now | DAY. it: ; : THEY ARE TO- juli alse union Riis J» white of ston General Hospital. During the [ goes. The carload left St. Paul Sun- | Princess 81 clothing house, Brock street. | ZH Xi reay Nodieat Corner. 2° | Ehren metgne vera tor: mee Il SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 1818w. 2 c . DD YOU EVER TRY --rr i : Canadian Army Medical Corps. Chicago freight yards for twelve ® % ------ 1 S---- hours. The cattle lost some flesh in | Rebuilding Blue Garage. | Until further advised, and subject to change without notice, To Be Inducted. the long trip, but were in remark the price for COAL ill be: * Lt Wagstaft's Ginger Marmalade, The debris caused by the re- Rev. V. O. Boyle, M.A., formerly | ably god condition upon their arrival. | Ww = Ph le Mar de, || fire at the Blue Garage is being of St. George's cathedral, will be in- Sets emer -- Stove Sed tinea vase wd nteleleTela $1 5.00 Wagstafi's Bramble Jellly. t | rapidly cleared away and workmen |gucted as rector of the parish of A Race at Clayton. | , ? We also have a full line © | are already repairing the elevator. Lansdowne Rear at Christ church, An interesting motor skiff race! Egg Pees ea seine aes aalelee aed $15.00 ¥ liabl ki f Marma- + ANd finer relia Js iol 0 rar | The 'owners intend building the side | Athens, on Wednesday evening, June | was run at Clayton between boats! N t $15 00 . ave ~ | walls of the third storey higher and | 16th. Archdeacon ©..G.. Dobbs, of | equipped With A-epiinder Ford cr | REE vein evan saree sais ei alate . putting on a flat roof. : Kingston, will act as the bishop's| eines of 20 horse power. Six skiffs | Pea oy $13 50 y commissary and the Rev. A. F. C.|entered. The course started at Clay- | Eee ant See ' Bon Marche Grocery Sweet Peas in Law Office, Whalley, M.A., B.D. rector of St.| (on park bay, then up to aT el Carrying 50c. extra. Cor. King and Kasi Streets. In J. B. Walkem's office on Clar-| Peter's church, Brockville, will | point. back to the deck again going | PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.D, ence Street aweet peas are growing | preach the induction sermon. Canon over the coarse twice. John Webber | i \ Liconss Ne. 8-27240 In a large box at the front window | J. W. Jones, secretary of synod, and | went over the coarse firat winning Just Arrived Fhone 1846 | and have attained quite a height.| Canon W. F. FitzGerald, M.A., rec- first prize, a handsome {silver loving , Possibly the veteran lawyer has ator of St. Paul's ehurch, Kingston, cup, given by Perl W. Davendorf, of | Campbell's Tomato. Soup potatoe patch somewhere in the rear | will also be present to assist in the | walertown Oharles Church was sec- | Oampbell's Vegetable Soup of his office in the interests of great- | ceremony. After the service the .con- ond to come in winning the. fire er production. gregation are having a reception in extinguisher given by the Clayton | \. Clark's Tomato Somp ree the basement for Rev. and Mrs. V.| Motor Boat Company; Mr. Zaring of | '. Vi ble 5 Awarded Scholarship. O. Boyle and the visiting clergy. Gananoque, came in third; Orin | At a meeting of the School of " - Percy, fourth; Nelson Longton, fifth; | Distribrtors for Red Ruse Tea~--the Try our Special Black Bulk Tes, Fine Arts at Yale University, New Report Without Foundation, E. J. Wright's boat became disabled It is our policy not only exceptional value for @0c. a Ib. Haven, Conn., to judge the work of The Whig is in receipt of a letter | quring the race and did not finish We recommend this to you, for the year, Stering H. Reld, of Ganan-| form the Montreal Transportation | going around the coarse. | 0 Keep pace with Fash. Good Tea i W, R. McRae & Co. {|= Sms fo | Emr _ We = vance; to be always first | for medical siucents to become uc- TOE AO SECRETS OF HEALTH TREATMENT IS ANTIQUE. or Tetiuul stu ents tv hecuibe a to SHOW Yh Bow apt wa | Dr. C. K. Clarke Speaks of Insane In| °08¢ Of Psychiatry. Thus they are common in footwear fash- By DR. L. K. HIRSHBERG | Ca able to take advantage of the labor- 5 210 Division St Phone 545.0 § | | AB, M.A, M.D. (Johns Hopkins ' nada. atory service of the hospital, of the ons. ? Universit ) { That the people of Canada have | X-ray department, and afford men- y | so far been criminally, remiss: in their | ta} facilities for the training of spe- | cial nurses. The A y reatment of the mentally diseased The fact, too, that acute This nn his b i out a owileat WOMEN'S LOW TT | DR. A. W. WINNE Does Sucking Its Thumb Really | Hy prejudice and apathy, is| cases can receive immediate and > » b $ fiattessmmmtetese-------------- ) Harm Your Baby ? | one of the serious charges made by | thorough treatment, without suffer- HEH. deni REGINSKIN OXFORD and PUMP, Welted There is a widespread foprension Dr. C. K. Clarke, president of the| ing the stigma attached to going to e--the only and most correct to wear. . : v GE 1 ak Ontari unsupported by facts, that a baby | National Committee of Mental Hy-| an asylum, is one that has no end of DENTAL SURGEON 2 0 Trout must by all means be made to stop | 8iene and Dean of the Faculty of | therapeutic value. (3) Hospitals for J H S ] d & B : uther all 10. and Whitefish, Fresh || sucking its thumb. Observations | Medicine of the University of To-| the insane should be built with no Had just made by Prof. David Fairchild | Tonto. Dr. Clarke has been in nearly | other end in view than the better Sea Salmon, - and published in the Journal of | every asylum for the insane in Can-| ment of the individual patient. The Begs to annourice that he ~ Heredity come with pleasant shock | ada and exprgssed the opinion that | reaction against extravagant asylum han To Welling: dock, 'and to those parents Whose children are | the condition of the public asylums | building is founded on common JHE HOME OF GOOD SHOES or J Kingston. Tes. thumb-suckers. . was not anything to be proud of. He! sense." . Streats, id Is thumb-sucking, baby's "first bad | 8ave the opinion that as in the edu- Dr. Clarke says that some of the ton phone 36%." Do oo Fi } Co habit," to be abolished willy nilly | cational system the individual had | Ontario Hospitals for the Insane arc mimnion * as soon as possible? Here is what | been overlooked, patients were herd-| a credit to the province, and Whitby Prof. Fairchild says: ed together, and staffs were not pro-|{ 28 an institution is admirably "How," asks he, "is it to be ex-| Perly qualified. equipped, as is Rockwood Hospital ° Canada Food Bory License plained thate these (thumb-sucking "Hospitals for the insane should | at Kingston and the Eastern Hospital babies) when still too young to im-| Rot be built with any other end in| at Brockville. His chief point is that @ itate what is going on around them | View than that of the betterment of | prevention is not regarded as the It pays tosave and without being taught, acquire| {he individual patient," he said.| "sine qua non," and early treatment 4s what many doctors and dentists de-| 'Many provinces A have apparently | in psycopathic hospitals is not pro- M an . Youre . = clare to be a very bad habit, Baby | Proceeded along the line that when! vided for acute cases. Until this is scrap material--we are paying WwW. tches d Cl ocks J| mud-wasps, which hatch after their | they have built highly ornamental| done, regardless of the responsibility Wood - prices. a an mother and fathers ard dead, know | and extravagantly constructed insti-| of the municipality which has ordi- ea Repaire', how to build their complicated mud utions, hey have zd00e Shei duty. BUY heen uade the Scapegoat by Yor Sort ds h 3 for water or fencing or & nests without being taught. Are we| I am firmly of the ef that if more| Wily politicians, reforms will not oO Pipes for water o n ly sure that this human habit thumb-| money were lavished on building up| come. He insists that the Govern- ¥oprmg an ummer wear, we ave 2 tent for next summer. Call on us. ey . holo x sucking, which has appeared success- | Staffs of proper size and ability, more | ment shou dly face its respon- : . G. Ww LYONS ively gemeration 3 2p] gentration in| ®Micient administration would "be sibility and show that it is really choice lot of Mole and Fox Neck Pieces L Cohen & Co. . very young babies, is not of similar | Secured." what we all hepe for, a Government pu ; are guaranteed for ome year. instinctive or hereditary character? Anyone familiar with the require-| of action rather than promise. 20120 ane B3tas REET Call or 'phone and your or- "If it is hereditary, it is beyond | ments of even a custodial institution "It there are particular provinces dor will be promptly attended || question injurious, and does it cer| At the present time, knows that the | that should be commended, these are to. tainly produce protruding teeth and | medical staff should have at least| British Columbia and Manitoba. "ome Note change of address: flattened thumb, and does it arch| ome well trained physchiatrist. for | Winnipeg has taken the lead, while - wm || "Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. the roof of the mouth, or are these | ®ach one hundred patients, an ample | Ontario has fallen out. All through ® 9 8 fei by the West psycopathic hospitals "of ur ier S changes merely coincidental with the | Staff of trained women nurses, a staff habit? Are we confident by employ-| Of occupational therapy experts, a| the latest type are being built. I have Ing forcible means to cure the habit | social service department, proper se- always believed in the virility and constructive ability of the e__. oh 1 grea | we do not run the risk of affecting | STegation of different types of dis- : Factory Camping the child's emotional or moral nat.| ease, well-equipped hydro therapeutic | West," said Dr. Clarke, "aud when '78 BROCK STREET, . _ Makefs of sdollow Damp ure--of making it secretive or even | and physio-therapeutic departments, | asked to assume the directorship of Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Necessities untruthful? Should not: the habit| Work shops, gymnasiums, and other | the Canadian National Committee on _ Bills, Lintles, and Drain Tie, 2 be cured by the ridicule of a child's| Outlets for the purpose of winning | Mental Hygiene, frankly said that if . also Grave Vaults. . peers on the playground--by its own | back the diseased to health, These |Our work was to succeed we must . And all kinds of Ornamental Many things are needed for self-control? , are only a few of the things required, | §ot the co-operation of the West. . Cement work. the camp, and we suggest "It this habit is hereditary, are| and yet how many of the so-called | The people there are unhampered by © Factory: cor. of Charles and : not others of the same nature? And| hospitals for the insane have them? |a host of traditioms.that keep back s Patrick streets, should we not, in our discipline of | WhY the staffs are generally appoint- | the East." : = latum, Cold Cream, Vanishing Cream, | children, differentiate between the| ©d With the idea that the physicians > (In tubes), Toilet Rolls, Colgate's habits of Imitation and those which iL tempt to a the impossible, and A Difference. rie) r ¥ravelling Set, Grape Juice, Lime | 2T¢ Inherited? 0 give these amiable gentlemen jus- Pt ® " According to Dr. Alexander Gra-| tice they make the effort with a per- Ow MALY SSrvAnis. does. your WwW th - -- Juice, Horlick's Malted (50c., $1,| ham Bell, the mere acts of a tinacity that does them credit. POE [mother keep?" asked the lady who e are nearing e $3.75). could produce no such effect as the| "Public institutions, such as|>2ad Just moved into the neighbor- "| Protrusion of the teeth. On the con-| Asylums, are peculiarly the stamping | 00d. ° Ne tepliea little Janet; . PHONE 730W. ! Mgr. H. ¥. NORMAN teeth in, not out. who have net only enunciated, but It is rather curious that Mr. As- Sucking the thumb is such an | Practiced the dictum that "to the |quith, like Mr. Balfou "has lost his instinctive actign with very young| Yictors belong the spoils." Superin-|chance of becoming the "Father" of £ ewart . ( children that it'is probable that most | tendents have rarely been selected, | the House of Commons. There are i : 4 babies, if not all, indulge in the habit | because they were accomplished [still a few seniors of the new mem- WILL SURPRISE YOU. ; during the first year of life. Some | Phychiatrists, but rather because |ber for Paisley at Westminster, men i people have protruding teeth in ad-| their political applications demanded | who were elected prior to 1886, when . 0 e g $15 00 $15 00 Get your supply early. Bet- trary, with a partial vacumm in the | §Tounds of the needy politicians," a & ; ter sure than sorry. mouth, the atmospheric pressure! ays Dr. Clarke, "and the staffs are : F EET a ue | BE Gn i BE ie unnimng : COME IN AND HEAR IT! ult life, and if you examine their past | and received ition. Now to be | Mr. Asquith entered Parliament, but : § ° history it is probable that most of | Quite frank, of these superin- | in course of time he may become the : A. G. Williams them sucked their thumbs in infancy. | tendents have admirable men, [oldest M. P. 1 STREET Here we are apt to jump to the con- , but it is not However, the fourteen months dur- ' am WELLINGIoN : clusion that the sucking of the| Possible to acquire a knowledge of | ing which he has been out of the An thumb was the cause of the protrus-| Fsychiatry and institutional manage- | House have deprived Mr. Asquith of n ion of the teeth, in spite of the fact| ment by divine inspiration. the prospect of helding this honor- that will be at once perceived by Dr. Clarke instanced the military [able title, just as the few months be- 3 ] ; those who know anything about at-| hospital at Cobourg, as an institu- [tween Mr. Balfour's defeat in East DOLLARS mospherle Bressure that the act of | tion where, due to methods of treat- Maichnier asd Jus slacticn for the Ww, b - » t : 3 5 suction could not possibl a y distinetion everythi tha u need in i 5 ay such Sect. y produce would et A ana ' ' fron he eid ty ; We nave ng yo YOU SAVE Sl ° that suction could pro-| "What are the requirements, then, NN ES dues a Sptesding action in the Eh for the iwodsl 4 treatment of the in- Undeniable Evidence. the way of RU ING SHO * : ; us as the very common | S9Re recognition of the| Charlie and his three sisters had ; : ee R. and Mrs. Hearty Ap- | | notion that sucking the thumb fact by provincial governments that | been to visit a relat 'the eoun- ' 's--Boys'. Misses' : petite, it's high time ® child to become cross-eyed. | while the care of the insane io their | try. ta . ve 1 the Women's--Men ga ' with 32 2 Acquainted a -- responsibil La a toove. Jet the| "Well." asked the father, upon the : , rishing, con ring, ** y food qualities of our bread. It is esotimated that industrial al- stitutions should be in the he m oa. Fo ge Was your Children's from "ae ee eT eet $1.00 up It's the proper sort of food cohol can be manufactured from reputations | Charlie's face lit up with delight ! for your children and "'pass- Waste sulphite liquors of pulp mills reproach. at the question. . : ' the-bread-please" will be- in Canada at a cost of not more than come a slogan of your happy forty cents a gallon. ' Production of , meal hmes If you remember Julpihe pulp in Sanaa smounts to compl psychiatrist, well- tnd A : to order ] ons a day an it in- ' . : ssn paz ae : = JENNINGS ry : 2 The sulphur-dioxide fumes escap- PRS n ® " he eral ial" af Juste round apan with n es in the Sudbury re- ose : : Japan's trade the Phill STREET gion of Ontario are said t 4 y ersi is increasing rapidly. piney KING 0 amount to / S00 lung a day. a? Satistactory ; . ou amount of J saving sulphur has} a islands in 1918.1s shid yet been devised. ; $30.000.000.

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