Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1920, p. 18

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE EIGHTEEN In the Automobile World RETARDED SPARK CAUSES OVERHEATING truck drivers* should that when the y in the road, from no 'ap- parent cause, the first place to look Newest Notes Of Science Por Sensi chickens a- Texas n= huiltaerossow-river- gorge -Tndiay Jentor has patented a miniature guil- | 395 ep and more than 1,600 government is experi- ith compressed tuif as a coal substitute. An automatic device has vented to keep railroac eléaned and lubricated. Six varities of semweed are used by the Japanese in the manufacture of table isingrlass. adjustable and readily reground made of Nigh speed steel fea- a new lathe center. +Seuth Australia hopes to bechme a producer of radium as it has discover- ed deposits of uravium. 72 A coin in a slot device has been in- vented for checking hats, coats and umbrellas in public places. . Experimenters hawe found that sisal hemp can be grown profitably in the Italian colony of Eritrea. . Surrounding an indirect lighting fixture that has been patented is a cle to hold growing plants. Silk sausage casings, coated with A chemical preparation that makes them elastic, are a German invention. % The world's highest dam will be i Remodel That Old Style Ford Car - With a Patented De Luxe - STREAMLINE HOOD ONLY $17.00 * Adds Wonderfully to the Appearance, Value and Efficiency Covers the Brass Radiator. Eliminates the Bunty Appearance. Hood is the ve and exclusive outfit for placed on the market Mask dg well rounded: perfectiv plain on top, ade rather low, leav- streamline from dash r utficient louvers vomen and office workers an adding machine that resembles and is worn as a bracelet, has been patented. A school in which instruction in rowing boats is given on a shallow tank has been established in a don store. been in- switches inflated with an automobile tire pump has been invented for use with beach chairs. The Pacifie coast of Costa Rica produces a species of shellfish from which a rich purple die for silk is oistained. This year is the centenary of the discovery of quinine, of which more has been used in the world than any other drug. Railroads in Italy are experiment ing with lignite, peat and the: latter mixed with other substances as lo- comotive fuel. & To protect persons from moving machinery an iron fence has been in- vented, made in sections, that can be erected anywhere. An English poultryman is the de- signer of a motorcycle sidecar in which a large number of eggs can be safely transported, Basket bibs for babies to catch dropped food as well as protect their Arkansas inventor. French plans for new railroads in Africa contemplate the expenditure of $300,000,000 in fifteen years on 18, 000 miles of track. Hogs fed by automatic machinery gain weight faster than those fed by hand, according to University of Mis- souri experimenters. An English scientist is the inventor of apparatus that photographically measures and records vibrations of buildings or machinery. For men who take long walks a cane has been invented with a top that unfolds and forms a wicker seat when a user wishes to sit down. Experiments are being made in Japan with ginseng with a view to maturing the plant in less time than the six years generally required. The drawbar pull of a tractor can be watched at all times by a driver by the use of a mew spring device that records the work on a dial Body Steel, twice at about t. with a nice jet ft ing enamel. Order Now to Aveold Delay. Fits all Ford Cars previous te 1917. In ordering state year of car and 1 « COW! or flit dash. Easy to put on. Full instructions with each Hood. MM you wish te sell your Car put on one and the sale i» half made. THE BURROWES MFG. CO. TORONTO. THE GRANT "SIX" airplane wings and other moving ob- jects are measured and recorded by a new machine of French invention. To make an electric stand lamp of any vase is the purpose of (a new The most beautiful, economical and com- fortable "Six" sold at so low a price. SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDE- Overhéad Valve Engine with balanced Crank Shaft. Exe cess capagity, cooling, oiling, and Electrical Systems. Double-Decked Seat Springs With Adjustable Front Seat. 46 IN. CANTILEVER REAR SPRINGS. 20 MILES TO A GALLON OF GAS. 900 MILES TO A GALLON OF OIL. J. W. MARTIN, Distributor The Car of Dignity Without Extravagance. , Agent McCormick Truck and Tractors and Republic Motor. Trucks -- Two of the Best Trucks on the Market. LERGY STREET ---- i -- 110 C : Kingston Lon- A pneumatic cushion which can " clothing have been patented by an | Vibrations of automobile frames, | lamp socket with three spring pro- jections from its base to emter the vase, A Swedish ' inventor's windmill drives an electric gemerator by lift- ing a two-tom weight to the top of a tower, its deseclit actuating gearing. A new electric light fixture can be Tung om furniture OF Stood On any. level surface and the lamp can be adjusted at several heights and angles. A governor invented by a French- man to regulate the temperature of electric furnaces depends for its ac- tion upon the expansion of mercury | by heat. | So that a man will not have to hold a telephone receiver in his hand while waiting for a call to be answered a short megaphone has been invented inte which receiver can be placed, amplifying the sound of the voice i Teseiver When it Som ye treating shly mi cheese with alternating electric currents for 24 hours an experimenter in Holland apparently gives it all the properties of age. An Indianapolis man is the inventor {of a lathe for grinding automobile | valves in which the centering js done | automatically by placing the valve | stems in the machine. From a single river Mauritius ex- pects to get emough hydro-electric power to electrify its 120 miles of railroad, light its eleven towns and | ups Rs industries with power. | gh a baseball bat will break | under a blow if its grain is not - | fectly straight, it will sustain a | nearly three times as great as a steel | bar of the same weight. {| Of Austrian invention is a rail €leaner for street railways, consisting of a frame to be mounted in front of a car, equipped with scrapers that fit | over the tops of the rails. | For scraping all sides of the flues | of a hot-air heating Blan a Michigan | man has invented a cleaning tool with | a jointed handle, the motions of which | can be controlled by a user, |. Geologists have found that Africa | contains less coal than any other con- | tinent and that of the 57,000,000,000 | tons estimated to exist 'there the | Union of Sedth Africa has about 97 | per cent. | After a person has given his flesh { a dry rubbing with a new brush the brush can be connected to a bathtub faucet to provide a shower bath, the water being sprayed from the midst | of the bristles. To give sun bath treatment to his patients a French physician has in- ! verited a bath house equipped with a | lens that follows the motions of the | sun and concentrates its light at all | hours of the day. | Among the devices for cleaning automobile . windshields in ' rainy weather is one equipped with pads saturated with a chemical solution which, when rubbed on the glass, pre- vents moisture accumulating. Using the overhead trolley system on main streets and storage batteries { elsewhere, electric cars that will run | on ordinary roads without rails will be used to handle freight in and { around Shanghai. | After 4 dozen years of éxperiment- | ing an Oregon inventor has perfected | an automatic device for coupling air- brake and heating hose between rail- { road cars without requiring trainmen | to endanger their lives. Instruments installed by scientists when a huge reservoir was built in New South Wales have recorded { earth quake movements, dislocations | and earth tides due to the weight of | 80,000,000,000 cubic feet of water. A new commercial painting outfit | of the airbrush type includes a paint container that can be carried P a | man like a knapsack and enables Td {to carry an unusually large supply | of paint wherever he wishes to go. | Freight vessels with interchange- able hulls and sterns, the former | carrying the cargo and the latter the i propelling machinery, are a French- | man's idea for reducing transporta- tion costs, one stern serving for sev- eral hulls. | For automobiles that take lighting | current from the magneto that sup- | plies ignition there has been patented | an automatic short circuiting device | to give a car one bright headlight in- | stead of two dim ones when running slowly. A French inventor's non-actinie {ama for photography uses a tablet | composed of platinum, lithium or | strontium, asbestos, magnesia and | alumnia, which is heated in an alco- | for the cause of trouble is in the fuel tank. On a recent occasion of a sud- den apparently causeless stoppage of a truck a conference of five passing drivers got nowhere, and finally a hol flame until it glows, when the flame is extinguished. An inventor of a silencer for fire- arms has designed a silent apart- ment house' in which the windows ways would be and. air for ventilati passed through spiral that the fuel tank was empty, It frequently happens in making re | be | truck stops | \ Passing motorist made the discovery . SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1020, ~ ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: cheap; first class coadition, 298 BAGOT STREET Phone 1804w, AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ord Cars a specialty. Genuine Ford parts. 37S BROCK STREET Shop 1039. Resa. 13377. ducts enclosed in a chamber. built of TSOUNd deadening materials. Flowers 'are more fragrant when the sun is not shining on them, it is contended by a French scientist, be- Dairs-and-adjustments--to-the motor truck that a stud is found that has become frozen in place. Such a stud may be removed by screwing on two nuts and turning the lower one with cause the oils which produce the per- wrench. The upper nut arts as a fume are forced out by the water jock ang permits the lower one to pressure in the plant cells and this is | py)) the stud around. diminished by sunlight. | It is vitally important to trim cuts | &s fast as they appear in the solid tire To Clean Reflectors. {Ifhis is not done the torn rubber Do mot try to elean the headlight | ,. "flag" as it is called, catches as the reflectors with an ordinary cloth, be- | wheel revolves and the cut is rapidly cause you are apt to, scratch the| enlarged. To stop a cut enlarging on highly-sensitive surface and do more. the edge ©f a 'tire it should be b harm than good. The best Way t0| ed off vith a sharp knife. 256 bevel polish them is to first sponge them | The car owner should keep in mind off lightly with a soft wet cloth, 50 | that ane of the most prolific causes as to remove all loose dirt. When dry | of engine overheating is driving on a take a piece of dampened chamols retarded spark. The cause is obvious and dip it in jeweller's rouge and | the explosion taking place when a then polish the reflector with a spiral | maximum of the cylinder wall is un- or circular motion starting at the cen- | covered i tre. You will be surprised what a dif | Bstead. of the minimum, as | is the case when the ignition takes place at upper dead centre, the pis- | ton being at the top of its stroke. Linseed oil mixed with a small ference clean reflectors will make in the light reflected upon the road: Look at Fromt Wheels. amount of The average car owner is quite/ aq likely in the desire to give the rear | wheels all the attention they need, to forget the front wheels. Now, the graphite is recommended a lubricant for door hinges and latches, which seldom receive atten- Lion in this way. Ordinary cylinder of as a tendency to run, which is front wheels should be given careful | not desirable at this location because inspection at least once a month, | the clothes of passengers are likely particularly these of the type fitted | to come in contact with it. with ball bearings of the cup and | The addition of a little pure flake cone type. The cones wear Tapidly | gpaphite to the lubricating oil is a because they are. subject to heavy | help to motors that have seen some stress in travel. | wear. Only pure motor graphite - should be used. It forms on the met- al surfaces, reducing wear and filling cause | UP scores in the cylinders. Squ Brakes, Wary brake linings may i the heads -of the rivets holding the! Ee ~ linings fo the band to strike the he Bicycle and Work. dram. This brings the squeak when Merchants and manufacturers are you apply the brakes. To correct NOW building bicycle shelters in con- this, remove the bands and sink | Pection with their factories and ware- the rivet heads below the linings, | DOUses, because they realize that the or, if the linings are too thin, renew | ™en Who, live outside of the vicinity them. ; | of their work and make daily use of | bicycles do a better day's work, and From Jail to Auto. are most emphatic in stating that the From jail to the motor car, is the | Stimulation exercise of bicycle riding title of the latest play in which Sec- | iS the cause. retary of State Hugo, of New York | Men and women, boys and girls hs been asked to take part. It's who make daily use of the bicycles, feal life too, for Hugo says he has | either for pleasure or work,are unim- received a letter from a prisoner in | preachable Witnesses to these facts, a New York penitentiary asking for | 20d the idea is growing fast as over a licensé so that he may. use his | thirty thousand enthusiastic cyclists machine as soon as he is released. on the Island of Montreal can testify. ----------r-- Don't Slouch at Wheel. Spurts do not Mean Speed To start your machine with the) ye driver who rides along at a ease and Frace De oaaalY Db keep | regular rate of 22 to 25 miles an your motor in good shape, it is .im-| . portant to sit up at { hour gets more out of his car, both the wheel. | > Slouching brings with it, jerky | in speed and mileage comfort, than starts, he who is constantly spurting and which mean abuse to the | ' , motor, clutch, transmission, letting down. Besides, sp: ng does axles | 3 and fires, Besides are you really | 20 help the engine or transmission at ease while slouching at the wheel? | #27" So Cyclists Say. It is a certain fact that judicious bicycle riding is one of the best of all round exercises: it stimulates the ap- petite, is first aid to digestion, quick- ens the eye, makes the sense of hear- ing more keen, in fact vitalizes the entire system. . "Please" Expensive. Careful estimates by the United States postal authorities show that the insertion of the word "please" ple $2,000,000 annually. { Save Blowout Shoes. f By placing a piece of inner tubing | between the blowout shoe and the | casing, the life of the shoe can be considerably lengthened. The rub- ber relieves the friction between the two fabric surfaces. Smashed Hub Caps. | Smashed hub caps should be re- placed immediately. Otherwise they permit dirt and grit to enter and wear the bearings, while grease js | cozing out. ! -------- Moon Nearer Earth. With the aid of the world's largest telescope recently installed at the Mount Wilson observatory, the moon | has been brought nearer the earth | than ever before in history. Folding Drum. A folding drum for orchestra mu- sicians has been invented-that is ex- tended to full size by hinged ribs | \between the heads. | Mike and Ike raced up the pike Mike withdrew to fix a shoe ment. To test the grade that beckoned, | i And Ike dropped back to "second." | Built in Coneda by skilled Canadian Workers and Canadian Capital poyD's GARAGE 1» snocx TIEET AND J. WILKINS & SON, VERONA" -"DORT Eco increase custal ooservers hsve commen in the number of due Cha extra); TEREST : - Gray~Dore Ace, $255 exten on the standard. Grav-Dorr Motors, Limirzn he Liability-- 'Security against Joss resulting from per- sonal injury, or death caused by the owner. ship, maintenance or use of Automobiles, Collision-- i in telegrams costs the American peo- i ji MAXOTIRES Are an establi shed fact. YOU NEE D THEM. Why not get them now 2, TT STANDARD VULCX NIZING COMPANY 354 Ontarie St. Res. 104 Queen Sgreet. A. NEAL, Manager errr ». Cer Sr e-- et A GREAT BARGAIN "CRYSTAL" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE ..... . $150.00 " Worth $175.00. One only at this price. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC 00 = ' y NEERENRNEEOREENERE Our Tires and Accessories GIVE SATISFACTION Why? Because back of every success is a reason -- we're a Success in the Tire and Accessory Business. THE REASON IS THAT FIRST--we sell only what we know to be the best obtainable. {NEXT--we don't figure that becaute a man owns a car he will stand for inferior Tires or Accessories, and we carry only the best. A Complete stock of CORDS, FABRICS and TRUCK TIRES. 'We can supply TRUCK TIRES ON SHORT NOTICE. ! GET GASOLINE from our latest and most-up-to-date VISIBLE Gasoline Pump. "To get the Miles per Gallon, get the Gallon First" SUDDABY'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 1088 H Cor. Queen and Wellington Streets na - Why Is The Velie So Dependable? Ask any Velie dealer-the above question if you wish to Jearn real car values, He will show you desirable Chassis fea« tures, many of which you perhaps did-not realize were so ime portant. KENDRICK & VANLUVEN (Distributors) Phones 1888 and 81, Satisfactory Repair Service at 378 Brock Street, Over Half Million Automobile Accidents In One Year Actudl figures show that day and night:-throughout the year one-automobile accldent™haps pens every minute and, strange as it may seem, 75 per cent. of these accidents happen to cars travel. ling less than fifteen miles an" hour. ~~ Accidents are not always due to recklessness or carelessness on.the-part-of the driven, ; Any one of 'numerous things may happen to the most careful and cautious driver, For instance, a blow-out (witness the recent fatal accident from this cause), that causes you to swerve into a passing car, or a slippery roadway or a brake that refuses to act at-a criticalymo- You assume a responsibility from the moment you commence driving a car and-1¢ fs~only Justice to yourself that you should be protected and not "gamble with fate,'? Property Damage-- Security against loss resulting from damage done to the property of others (Legal actions, groundless or otherwise, and their heavy atten dant expenses, assumed by the Corporation), Fire-- Security against loss from damage to auto- mobiles as the result of collision with other ob- Jects, Theft-- » y Phone 68-874w. , Becurity against 108s or damage to automobiles caused by the train being in collision or wrecked or burned. Security against loss or damage to automo- biles from fires of every description, Security against loss or damage to automobiles and their equipment by theft, Transportation-- conveying vesssl or railroad All the above forms of Insurance may be secured through our office, J. K. CARROLL, Agency

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