Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1920, p. 15

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The Duly _ British Whig KINGSTON. ONTARIO. SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1920, . SECOND SECTION. YEAR 87: NO. 151. In the Automobile World Close Throttle, Then Shut Of Ignition. There seems to be a widespread idea that it is good practice to open We regret that our misfortune, in having such a dis- 2 [to buy a twelve cylinder limousine astrous fire, has caused some inconvenience to our cus- on a four cylinder salary. Buy ac- ! THE AUTOMOBILE A NECESSITY. Ea Timdr sie pay 55 " buying, use according to your needs. tne 4 [That is, purchase a car within the | the throttle wide just before shut- limits of your purse but do not use| ting off the ignition. The theory Is this fact is that the farmers of On- it, or allow it to be used, every min-| that the engine in turning ove) (after the spark has been discon- tomers. The work of reconstruction is being pushed, however, and we expect to have our repair shop back to When one considers the increas- ing popularity and, usage of the auto- | tarfo, as a class, are the greatest | i. of the day, unless you find it 2 mobile at the present time it is both | users of gas-propelled machines and absolfitely necessary If you have | tinued) will draw in a heavy charge @musing and interesting to remember | conveyances. Thus the very man | hofse, do you run it around the|of 2as which will facillate future that, no further back than 1903, the | who had offered the strongest obhjec- country all the time and allow the | starting. i The theory is not only unsound, its old state of efficiency in a very few days. Our battery department has been taken over by a most reliable man, Ontario legislature was seriously con- | tions to motor cars and who fought rest of the family to do so when you 7 In about | but the practice is actually harmful sidering what would have almost @mounted. to a ban on motor cars. [There were then only about 200 cars 48 this province, compared with about 150,009 to-day. The figures show Plainly how "astoundingly rapid the bwth of the automobile industry jas been during the intervening fif- fen years, The conquest of the air | during the war was only a sequel to the conquest 6f(the motor car, as the whole thing depended on high power. ed engines of light weight. , Nowadays the automobile is a ne- cessity. No sane person can class the automobile of the medical doc- tor, the motor ambulance, the fire truck or the police van as luxuries and unnecessary expenses. Every one of them does something to facili- tate the preservation of life, law and order, and accomplishes its work in half the time and with twice the efficiency of its predecessor, the horse and buggy. In the case of one Ontario practis- ing physician, he claims that his car @aved one hundred and one lives since the time of its purchase. Is anyone going to set a price on hu- man life and call this extravagance? It cannot be so termed in any case because the utility of jhe auto is in- . creasing more with & ch year of its life. One of the grel.est proofs of their introduction tooth and nail, are now the greatest users of motor cars. Automobiles are a monument to the constructive and inventive prow- ess of the age, a portrayal of thé manufacturing achievements and progress of the world, They make man independsat of time and place' 10 a great degree, and so multiply the time that is his own. There fs an automobile built for the needs of almost everyone. In time the auto- mobile will be as indispensable as the horse. You may buy anmutomo- bile for about the same price as a good horse and buggy and the cheap- est car will give the mileage of a long line of fine working horses, The automobile eats nothing and costs nothing 'except when it is working. it unites the family and gives the younger generation an opportunity to share in the pleasures and the con- versations of their elders. It brings motion and happiness to old age. It takes one to the country, to the seaside or to the mountains. The joys of the city are within the reach of the farmer; the city-dweller may find peace and quiet in the country through its instrumentality. It is the servant of man, a friend and benefactor 'to the entire family. If you have not an automobile at present, get one. It is not necessary ms THIS SALES CREW HAS THE PLAN FOR SELLING SPARK PLUGS A crew of ten salesmen: of the of specially trained salesmen are all Champion Spark Plug Co., of Cana- | Vanadians, and that the Champion da, Limited, has just completed an unusually successful campaign in the city of Montreal. Their work dur- ing the past two weeks has, been of more than passing interest, owing to the fact that the methods adopted represent the last work in modern, intensive merchandising, The campaign was inaugurated with a zone meeting and dinner, which was held at the Old Colony Club at the Windsor Hotel. J. B. Waldon, territory manager, gave the representatives an address on Cana- dian conditions and the selling points of their Pproduct--Champion Depend- able Spark Plugs. A more elaborate address was given by B. W. Ruark, the sales instructor of the company, on the subject of "Intensive Selling Plans." It is interesting to note this crew Spark Plug Co., of Canada, Limited, vecently began operations fin their new factory at Windsor, Ont., and it is therefore an all-Canadian comp- any with an all-Canadian organiza- tion. is similar to the intensive advertis- ing and selling campaign in connect- fon with Champion dependable spark plugs, which are covering Canada from coast to coast. The salesmen work in 'conjunction with advertising service cars, which bring advertising matter and display help to the deal- ers. This is the oily company in Canada utilizing such effective means of dealer co-operation, and that this fuller co-operation is worth while is proved by the very successful results attained in building up and increas- ing the sales volume of Champion spark plugs. J Then You Get the Most in Economy and Service for the Least Investment. t Come in and see the different models. All are fully equipped. VanLuvenBros. Show Rooms and Garage: 34-38 PRINCESS STREET The campaign conducted in Montreal tire of it ? Certainly not. a week you would have no horse. The car will very likely run as long as you will but'the expense for up- keep is running at the same time. As for the extravagance of motor cars, there can-be no extravagance in that which preserves life, saves time, gives happiness to so many or takes the old people from their se- clusion, Kingston has become a busy auto- mobile centre within the last few Vears. Five or six years ago one could almost count the cars in town on his finger. Any youngster on the street could tell you who owned cars and which were the largest and fastest. '""Tom'" McAuley created a semeation by running his car for the wholé of one winter. People were amazed at a machine that could stand the weather and the snows of | Canada. Then, gradually at first, | started to take a hold on the people of: Kingston. They became quite | common among those citizens who were generally admitted to be fairly well off. - Now, in the year 1920, al- most everyone has a "flivver" of | some description. There are about | 2,000 cars of all makes and sizes In the dity. | Roughly that means one car for every dozén people, and the market | is by no means exhausted or flooded i as vet. (Unless Sir Henry Drayton cooks up another budget like this last one very soon, Kingston should have about 2,600 cars in 1920. This means | a tremendous business, keeping these cars supplied with service of all kinds. Gasoline, drivers, spare parts, accessories are needed. To take care of this business we. have ten gar- ages and accessory shops in the city whose advertisements appear in this issue and will make very profitable reading for the car-owner and the prospective huyer. If there is any information you need relative to au- tomobiles, their. care, cost, or any- thing else, you will find the names of | the men who will will be glad to tell you, in to-day"s automobile ad- vertising. 5% CANADA A LEADER IN CAR OWNERSHIP Canada is the second motorized country in the world, being in- ferior only to the United States. In 1919 there was a motor car for every twenty-szx people in Canada. In the United States there was one: for every twenty people, The third on the list was England, with a car for every 268 people. That means that Canada has ten times as many cars per capita as Eng- land. It is also very interesting to note that, in the provinces of Canada, Ontario leads in the number of cars. In 1919 Ontario had 139,288 cars as compared with 56,402 cars in Saskatche- wan, which was the next high- est. These figures do not include motor-cycles, which number in- to the thousands. It is noticeable that Ontario operates nearly one third of the cars in Canada: This is largely due to the more thickly popu- lated centres prevailing and the general adoption of the motor | car by the Ontario farmers, | The low figures in Europes have for their causes the exceed- | ing poorness of .the working | people and the popularity of motorcycles. Stylish Bodies in Demand. "It is only natural that since the | most important problem in the early | days of automobiles was to make a machine that would run, more at- tention should have been paid to the mechanism than to the body." says Geo. W. Parks, president and gen- | eral manager of Chalmers Motor | Car Company, of Canada.' 'Dut to- | day the public is accepting the | chassis as a matter of course and | | looking with more interest than ever | at the appearance, comfort and | quality of the body. "Any product that depends for its excellence upon style represents production problems that are very difficult to overcome. Being largely a matter of atmosphere style can- not be governed by concrete speci- fications. "Many manufacturers who buy their bodies outside have had the disappointing experience of approv- ing a desire on paper or even in the form of a sample body, only to find that when the production bodies came through they the style element which made the sample so attractive. The indefin- able something which gave the body its character was missing. "We came to a realization of this many A890, and for th ea 80! we al ar own bodies. he pro element has always been under our direct control, and we have exerc ed a supervision of quality Impes. gible in the case-of bodies built | outside. This year, we are mount- ing the finest bodies we can build | on a chassis of proved worth, thus | offering the public & combination of body and chassis--beauty and utility - eX ~--of like excellence. starting systems as are installed on modern cars are fully equal to the task of starting the metor. it is impossible for the cinders of an automobile engi "pression for a longer period than two and a half or three minutes. The cylinders may contain some gasoline vapor which, with the cooling of the engine, condenses into globules of gasoline, leaving the cylinders with more or less pure air at atmospheric pressure; but these globules do not in starting. engine without a load is very harm- ful in itself, tending to loosen the bearings and other parts through vibration. Always close the throttle before! shutting off ignition. aid Jos oz, antuaily harmful so that we now feel that we can give you any line of ser- vice whic} is second to none. Second, to hold -com- Blue Garages, Limited H. M. FAIR, Manager. Third, to race an Phone 567. ian Vast Organization of go Qian New orkerr ir building, of Je. 1 obil, The mammoth, new, up-to-date plants in Oshawa are now working on large production schedules to fill orders placed when the new Canadian " Both the Seven-passenger Thorobred and the Oldsmobile was first announced. » Speedster models possess those daring lines Demand for good cars is great, and the of cemstruction, and are finished throughout demand for the mew Canadian - built 'to a standard hitherto not attempted in Oldsmobile grows apace as dealers get their Canada. Both models are amply powered sample cars. Write or wire for literature with the famous Oldsmobile eight-cylinder and name of nearest dealer where the motor. A four-cylinder Economy Truck com- new Canadian-built Oldsmobile can be pletes the line. A new epoch in the manufacture of Canadian quality motor cars is ushered in with the advent of the new Oldsmobile. THE NEW FACTORY AT OSHAWA WHERE THE THOROBRED., SPEEDSTER, AND i E TRUCK MODELS ARE MANUFACTURED. . 'OLDS MOTOR WORKS OF CANADA, Livrren ONTARK Local Show Rooms : - STEWART MOTOR SALES, 207 ' Several good territories still open for wide- awake dealers. Princess street, Phone 1818, Kingston, Ont.

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