THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1920, ec ee -- --= PLAY BRILLIANT SUGOESS ctr. rooms CY OO PLAY BRILLIANT SUCCESS 2. is essentially a rollicking Samm» | ET S The lighter tone is provided large- ly by Mr. Green, a bumptious young | ---- Hour S So---- subaltern who has just joined a fight- in Which Local Talent |ing battalion and taken over a pla- WE WILL OFFER AS FOLLOWS AT SPECIAL PRICES PAGE FOURTEEN "FI-FI OF THE TOY SHOP", AT GRAND FRIDAY NIGHT Productos toon of old ti hom he attempts H >, 1 0 mers who he t Take Part Delighted Big Audience | 2 teach how to soldier in the Bek- --Play Will Be Given Again To | hil) manner, Brigadier-General Wel- night. . lington Montagu-Smythe, a pompous, | --"Fi-Fi; of The Toy Shop," 'was pro- | blustering old dugout; Abel Drink- | duced at the Grand, by a large com. | water and Jarge, the lost soul, and pany of artists, on Friday night, and | his companion, a Kentish lad, with | ['was a brilllant success. From the ris- Hawkins, the platoon grouch, also | ing of thé curtain to the end, every unconsciously do their bit towards feature delighted the auglience, and |relieving the horrors of inspection produced warm applause.' | parades and wiring parties. Miss Daisy McCammon, as Bonnie, | ; The four acts of the play are in- the Toy maker's daughter, acted her terspersed with snatches of song, | part perfectly throughout. She is | French chansons, English ditties and | wandering through the woods, near | Canadian trench-parodies. | her father's shop, at the close of the | = This play, which is an entirely or- | {day and is overtaken by the Sand- | ginal production, strives chiefly for | man who puts her into a magic sleep. | realism and a faithful portrayal = of | She dreams a wonderful dream, the life actually lived in France br] | wherein the bisque and wooden' crea- |#e Ptbr Bally Infantry. This com- | ions of her father's shop, come to | pany plays a special retusa engage- | life and many strange adventures be- | ment at the Grand Opera House Wed- fall her and the toys before morning [nesday, June 16th, for one night | light seatters the charm. These inci- | Only.--Advt. | dents, all of them beautifully stag- | |'ed, are the entertaining features of | At The Strand. the whole production, which is most | In order that a number of scenes | elaborate, no less than fifty children in "Teeth of the Tigers," the new representing fairies, mm WIT We never do things in a half-hearted man- ner--but in a determined way. 20%, Discount \ OFF EVERYTHING IN OUR STORE It is your buying opportunity. Don't think awhile, but act now. Later may be too late. \ All sales for cash. No approval. No, ex- change. Goods marked in plain figures. xe e Livingstons 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" Stage -at-one time; being on the Paramount-Arteraft picture center- » | ing Wroun##fhe latest adventure of | Miss S. Douglas, as Aurelia, 'the | | the Strand Theatre next Monday, | Witch, secures entrance to the toy i shop, and with. her magic salts, | { brings all of the inanimate toys to | | life and Fi-Fi, a Parisiene doll, be- | comes the central figure in the carni- | | val of fun that follows. The part was admirably performed by Mrs. Anita | McBride, whose singing was greatly enjoyed. The chorus by Lieut. Tin- | heart (Harry Shaw), Fi-Fi., Prince { Lollypop (A. G! Kerr), Captain Bar- | nacle (H. D. Hill), Loosey, (Miss Jennie Wilson) and Ink Spot (Miss { Ethel Sutherland), was beautifully | rendered. There were besides, the Ja- | Panese doll, Dorothy Grant, clowns, | | Arsene Lupin (which is coming to Tuesday and Wednesday, might be absolutely correct as to atmospheric detail, permission was secured from Police, Commissioner Enright of New York ity to sketch the. interior of the office of the chief of detectives at Police Headquarters. A member of the art staff of the studio was assigned to the work. It so happen- €d that it was the day after the com- mission of the bomb outrages by the 'Reds" in several cities, and the | chief's office was the busiest place in | New York. The artist sat in the ante-room vainly awaiting admit- J. Paple and D. Bradley; Talking | tance while detectives and reporters Doll, Mrs. T. | Vera McCammon who sustained a Morris, Dolls Head, | rushed in and out. It began to appear certain that he { difficult part, Bo-peep, Mrs. Hubert | was not going to get in, so with pad | Horton, Aurelia, the fairy, Margery | and pencil concealed under his hat! | Newton, a Reciting Doll, Marjorie | he sketched part of 'the room each | Lyons, and The Man in The Moon, | Harold W. Shaw with Mrs. McBride time the door was opened, changing his seat as the progress of his draw- TTA IHR Anderson Bros. Limited Saturday Specials Butter Fresh sweet Whey . . . .. 2,000 tins CHOICE PEAS ...... 14c. tin 500 bars PRIDE LAUNDRY SOAP 9c bar 375 DOZEN RIPE. 'Bananas Per dozen sreeseniiin..30c., 40c., 50c.. Spring Lamb Cut to order--Chops, Fronts, Loins, Legs. Mint with orders. : Cataraqui grown Cabbage, Asparagus, Green Onions, Spinach, Radishes, etc. ® Phones: Wholesale Department 1767, Retail Meats, 458. Grocery Dept., 459, vanes B30, acted a courtship scene on the moon | Ing required. One corner of the | | and sang very effectively, This scene | room he could not see, but by tak- | was exceedingly pretty. Lloyd Spargo | ing a line on the building across the | as the Sandman performed an im-| street he discovered that he could | == portant part in an acceptable manner, | finish the sketch from there. Gain- while W. Bowker .as Tackhammer, | Ing permission to enter, he complet- the toy maker, was well adapted to | ed his task just {n time to receive | his part. The jumping jacks, animal | Commissioner Enright's polite re- | | toys, china dolls, paper dolls, letter | grets that he could not receive him dolls and bridesmaids all came upon | that day. Moral: All the good de- | the stage and gave beautiful exhibi- | tectives aren't on the police force. | tions of drill movements and danc- | --Advt. . | Ing steps. They were beautifully at- | tired and gave a pleasing charm to | At Griffin's. the whole performance, | To-night will be the last chance to While Fi-Fi flirted with the Man | see Thomas Ince's super-drama, "Be- In The Moon, and was carried off in- | hind the Door," in which Hobart to the Milky Way, she is brought | Bosworth interprets one of the back by Aurelia, the fairy, by means | strongest roles of his long career. { of her telephone communication with | 'Behind the Door" is unlike the | the stars, and one of Bonnie's great | Usual run of the motion pictures of | { anxieties over the confusion that her { to-day, and its novel and stirring | { dolls have brought her is removed. | Story cannot fail to thrill and fascin- | | The garden in the fairyland scene | ate all who see it. It is the tale of a | Was well acted by the little girls who | coward who fought like a man, of a | all showed that they were well train- | traitor who proved himself true, of a ed. | great love, a great wrong, and of The play is brought to a close with | vengeance--behind the door. It is | an elaborate wedding scene and cho- | Gouverneur Morris' stirring Joan rus in which Fi-Fi and, Tinheart are | of love, strife and adventure, at sea, the principals. Here Bonnie is awak- | Played hy Hobart Bosworth at his | ened by the fairy as the Sandwfan'va- | best and a fine supporting cast; in- nishes, and she depicts faithfully the | cluding' Jane Novak and Wallace awe and wonder left by the strange | Barry. "Behind the Door" is a re- events that happened in her dream. |markable photoplay produced by a The Jumping Jacks were, Lloyd | famous producer, who enjoys a repu- Goodman, Stewart Wilder, Ernest |tation for making big dramatic pic- Callan, Kenneth McCutcheon, Harry | tures, and this one is said to excel Blomley, Bobbie McFarlane, Clair |all others in dramatic realism, and Reeves, John North, Wilfred Scrut- | vivid portrayal of modern conflict of ton, Garland Bailey, Wilson McMa- | emotions. Be sure and gee this won«t hon. China Dolls, Dorothy Gra g, | der picture, also the fifth chapter of | Isabel Lapeer, Helen Driscoll, Mabel | "The. Lost City," which is yoom ind | Bennett, Margaret Zigler, Kathleen | with interest from start to finish. McCluskey, Marie Clancey, Ruby | To-night is t! ¢.'ast opportunity, don't | Buell, Margaret Phillips, Barbara mis it.--Advt, Merchant. Dorothy Hughes, lie | om AC Are ---- | Hughes, Caroline Hutchins, Bioie | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR | Beard. | | Animal toys: 'Arthur Sutherland, | Roscoe Arniel, Lester Guy, Kenneth | Robinson, Jack Watts, Arnold Fair. | IL 1 s: Patricia 8 8, . Letter Blocks atricia Sowards Market Square, Kingston i Bertha Allen, Beatrice Reid, Marjo- i ; Mak Cat ne mn sn. rie Lawlor, Mabel Angell, Kathryn D Y IMORANDUM. Bee top of Page Three, righ: hand | Murphy, Queenie Gimlet, Christine | Keeley. Paper Dolls: Ann Prager, Margerie | corner for srobabilities. Forsythe, Dorothea Sands, Ida Sout- . | hall, Bessie Driver, Beatrice Cunnard ie MARRIED, 20 | | Sara Sipman, Nora Elsbach, Esther TN ON aLIa--On June Sth. 190} y 4 ee. $I o e yt | Susman, Ruth Gamble, Grace Hors- West 107th St. New York, by Rev { fall, Maime -Baiden, Annie Forbes, Father Tighe, Miss Pearl V. Soles, { i i ¢ " daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. James Muriel Porter, Ethel Pringle, Gladys ananolr. ana, Mis. Jamas . . Timmons, Sherbrooke, Que. Bridesmaids: Hazel Storms, Anita MACK--CHAPMAN--At Rochester, N. | | McMahon, Hilda Stanford, Mary Wil- |, Y.. on June 10th, 1920§ at Parsells | son, Bertha Wilson, Gertrude Ray, Averiue Baptist hurdle lise Vora | IN 3 Noam : 2 Chapman, daug . | Nellie Storms, Mabel Fowler, Alice Mrs. Sidney 'W. Chapman, former. | Goodman, Alice Patterson, Eileen ly of Kingston, now of Rochester, | | Goodman, Eileen Goodman, Solo | N.Y. to Rev. Noble I. Mack, pastor | Dame, Marjorie Thompson of the Fora, Baptist church, of y tur * Smethport, Pa. | ithe play was given under the A | MCKANE--ENRIGHT--In Cobourg. on | pices of the Great War Veterans of | 2 - June 5th, 1920, by Rev. T. J. Saw | Kingston, and was rehearsed and | ers, Mary D. Enright, of Cobourg, | HHI ---- HATTIE ---- IY J ~---- IRIN BT INH TRI | TONIGHT | staged by John P. Allen. to Clifford James McKane, son of| { _"Fi-Fi of the Toy Shop," wil be Kiogaten Wrs. W. G. MoKane," of | | glven at the Grand agaip tonight, A At ccc inary HATA 600 PAIRS PERFECT BLACK SILK Stockings At the lowest prices these qualities can be bought for today nt, oun $1.50 and $2.00 pair They are all a fine, perfect grade Hose, and reinforced at soles and heels. Hosiery FOR EVERYBODY TO.NIGHT A splendid sale in the best makes. Hosiery for mo- ther, sister--for father--for the youngsters -- all at prices that mean real values and real savings. To-Night Men's Silk Socks ....... .. ...$1.00 to $1.50 pair Men's Lisle Socks . . .. . . «+++. ..30c. to 60c. pair Children's Cotton Stockings . . . . ...40c. to 69c. pair Children's Summer Socks | . . .. ++. .35¢. to 60c. pair Women's Lisle Stockin ++0v a. 75¢. to $1.00 pair Women's Cotton Stockings 35c. to 50c. pair TO-NIGHT BEST QUALITY NOVELTY Lf LON SALE TO-NIGHT | 800 Pehman's Best Quality Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers For Men, in long sleeves, short sleeves; knee length and ankle length. Stockings ee ----------| 2 | JUST RECEIVED AND ox DISPLAY In Fancy Clock and the New Drop Stitch at very special prices to-night. John Laidlaw & Son, I td. | Fr DIED. | CONNELL--At Cushendall, on June 12. . 1920, Catherine Green, beloved] wife of the late Thomas nnell, | ea aged 94 years and 4 months. . residence, Cushendall i | ' ternoon, at 2 o'clock (new time), to At The Grand. . Frank Keenan, the popular char- | acter actor of Pathe productions, will . {appear at the Grand Opera House, urday, June 12th, 1920, Mrs. W. J. | Monday and Tuesday of the coming Houghton, nee Verna Germaine. week in the most powerful screen | Funeral notice later, Rae 328,75 produced, "The Ward | PAMSAYIn Enterprise, suns sun |Z Aflame." The story of how a big Wife of the late George Ramsay, ] Cataraqui Cemetery. invited to attend. (Motors). HOUGHTON--In Buffalo, N.Y. on_Sat- | == Friends and acquaintances ek man in his home city fought the urg. Jrsachises of Bolshevism among the a Dg men, makes a picture that + Is without equal. It treats of a tre- Ropers og emory SL. Em Annis mendous modern problem from a | Mrs Thomas Ballard, who died June point never used before, and it is| 13th, 1917. IN MEMORIAM. lr. and done so vitally, so intimately, and {QM for the touch of o vanished hand, Joh such bumanity, withal, that one | A the *uid of u a Rg is apt to lose sight of the consum- mate art in fashioning the theme, in AME S RE ID taking to heart its tremen mus J The Old Firm of Undertakers. achievement. There will be a num- CESS STREET ber of other reels of splendid comedy, | 25% Prag i50. TRIN Anbainc Nt weekly news, and other subjects, and this, together with an excellent musi- cal programme by the Grand's or- chestra, will make.a splendid bill for the mm two days of next weex.-- "Mademoiselle of Bully Grenay." "The P.B.1." or "Mademoiselle of Bully Grenay," shows a little bit of Flanders with love among the ruins and Boghe spies a la mode. The in- trigues of the German agents on the one hand with the flirtations of Julia and the love affair of Suzanne on the other form the vital theme of the HG T pungrat ef il wines From Sar vase SIMI RR == Monday The last day you can get Ladies' White Ox fords and Pumps for MR