Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1920, p. 12

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when she ran an Hon ® » is now open. Amateur work a spe- to compiete his pastorate in e church, and expects to leave for his new appoint- ston. SERBIA'S AWFUL PLIGHT CALLS FOR OUR HELP Every Adult Person in King- ston Should Give Some- thing to the Fund. (From Our Own Corresponde June 11.--The steamer Brockville took out a large excursion party on Wednesday evening, under the aus pices of the Ladies Guild of Ch church, for the first moonlight ex- cursion from this port this season. An hour was given at Alexandria Bay. W The steamer Brockville wags fairly | Relief well patronized yesterday morning | tu f excursion to King. that he r the Hagenbeck-Wallace cir- erie cus. A goedly number also went up | f by rail during the day and many more by antomobile. The Women's Missionary Society of Grace church met yesterday after- noon. A feature of the Proceedings was the presentation of a handsom parlor lamp to Mrs. (Rev.) . '8. Lennon for some time past president of the Society. At the monthly session of the Board of Education this week the following salaries were decided on for the ensuing year: Misses Mc- Quillan and Zivian to $700 'each; Misses Moore, Jackson, Kirke, Mec Nally and Brown to $800 each; Misses Berry, McCammon; Lake, Stevent.and Bews to $850 each; Miss M. M. Carpenter to $1,200, and Principal J. C. Linklater to $2,100; also $600 increase for the high school staff; Principal C.' D. Smith . : to $2,300; and. Miss Johnston, and | Ogdensbiirg, N. Y., June 12.--The Mr. Lewis to 330 each. Ble] libel action brought against the resents a total increase o "*""" | owners of the steamer Samuel Mar- for the fuming Jear High ' School shall of Montreal by the George Halr Staff has Secs appointed ge a posi- Coal Company of Ogdensburg to re- tion on the entrance examination | COVer for damages caused by the board CET he gee Sieber Lib : erty e a e w top So reine duce under the aus' harbor several weeks ago has been otor Boat Association was held in | 8€ttled out of court. The amount their new assembly hall last evening. guid Was in the neighborhood of Miss Jean Lutz entertained a num- ae ; - a ber of her friends at the home of her The Steater Liberty was lying at parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutz | the Hall derrick unloading when the Stone street in honor of her birth. | Marshall, bound west light, came into d on Tuesday evening the harbor for fuel. The captain gave oy Beal of Ottawa field secre- | the signal to reverse but either t ot the Retail Grocers Associa- | through a mistake in orders or fail- ary in t Wednesday ure of the engine to respond the Mar: Rio was a a Brock street is | shall rammed the Liberty amidships, orge '1 ye in Ottawa on | Cutting her down below the water Snaiding a le ¥s , = | line. The Liberty is still in dry Mrs. Kegan and son of Smith's | 40ck receiving repairs. Falls, are spending a short time with o ss with the former's sister, Mrs. William Fine Record for Barred Rocks. Richardson, Front of Leeds town- A barred Plymouth Rock pullet, ship. owned by James B. Holland, Clergy Rev. W. S. Lennon, who has been | street, has laid 195 eggs since Sept. In attendance at the sessions of the | 27th, 1919. . Montreal Conference of the Metho- Another pullet of Mr. Holland's dist church, in Kemptville, has re- | began laying on Dec. 3rd, 1919 and has 142 eggs to her credit. In May she laid four eggs in two days and in June two ©£ggs in one day. The Tourists' Photo Shop NEWBORO , British Director of who has just re- it to Serbia, stated a mititor-ot tan in Serbia suffering and that 35 per population had tubercul- 3 by the thousand are suf- h other foul diseases. > remember the awful suf- nd oprivation through. the war which 'has bred in dren these diseases. When ze they are suffering for without necessary food and g& and are neglected through care and medical attention. we deny them the help each one f us could send? Every adult person in Kingston could do something tp help their suffering.' The committee will be glad if you will end some help through J. F. Row- land, Standard Bank, local treasurer. Steamer Damage Case Settled Out of Court The demonstrator for Kellogg Toasted Corn Flakes Co., will be in the for about three weeks de- monstrating Kellogg's Krumbled Bran along with Waxtite Corn Flakes and Shredded Krumbles. Public expenditures aggregating approximately -$300,000,000 came before the public accounts committee at Ottawa, Friday. J. 8. Yeomans, his purebred Holstein Valentine, Violet. There was no session of the Po- 8. M. SWITZER, Photographer. Court on Saturday morning. etn ep a PR GS Collins Bay, sold city. Send us a roll of films. Get elt ay,, Sold sample of work and prices. AEF VIP Crecrbo - Sora Carers Star Owns Ranch -- Dorothy Gish As a Bride -- The Washburn Children -- A Studio Fight -- Does Thril- ling Stuats, HOULD there be a panic on the star market there is one very popular star who would not have' to wonder where her | Livelihood was coming from and She is Gladys Brockwell, the baby's mame, by the way, Is for Dwight L. Moody, the famous Evan- gelist who was the youngster's great uncle. Recently an lliness required that he be given a transfusion of blood and it was from his talented father many a farm- #r for every one of the animals on her place is the proud Possessor of one or more blue ribbons, and she has so many of them that she could easily hold a county fair right on her own spacious grounds needing no other en- tries than her own full-blooded live Stock. Miss Brockwell finds time to Supervise the running of her ranch despite her work at the Studies where she has just completed her latest fea. ture, "White Lies," adapted from the Rovel by Charles Reade. Bryant Washbum Bryant Washburn, Paramount Art- Craft star, finds his greatest happiness in his two young sons, Bryant IV, uni. known In the Hollywood, Cal.. ony as "Somnay," Washbura, Tha "Dwight" is that he received the Itfe-giving fluid. Louise Huff After her first picture, got her start at fifteen when peared in the Ingenue role in stark" om the legitimate that, and as leading very to Jack Pickford she was aes Varmiat," "Tom Sawyer," Bias Workers by sour INTETeFts"" Bie more than a year's absence from the screen Louise Hufr comes back as a Selznick star. She started "Dangerot's Para- | dise," the first week in May. Miss Huy she ap- "Grau- stage. She went into the movies shortly after young lady largely re- sponsible for the unusual success of and Dwight | such pictures as "Seventeen." "The { and others. | many Dictures E DAILY BR ITISH INDUSTRIAL ENSLAVEMENT | =~=csv=s . KEY For the Sinn Feiner: Jrange Lodge a -- at Calgary. Calgary, June 12-- es from every Orange Canada are attending the 1 annual Orange convention i here. Grand Master H. C. Ho A in his annual addres e of pro- gress the order had made during the Past year. He dealt chiefly with the plans for the 'Tuture, as regards the Forward Movement and other re- forms. The woridswide uns 'owing the war was. also a subject discussed. Anti-British propagasda in the Uniteq States was severely criticized by the Grand Master. He PROPOSED BY THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM, SAYS GOMPVERS. The American Federation of Labor Denounces It--Republi::inx Turn Their Backs Upon Labor, (Cana n Press Despatch) Montreal, June 12.--A congres- sional investigation into alleged "un speakable outrages" inflicted upon West Virginia is demanded in a resolution unanimously adopted here to-day by the convention of the Am- ; erican Federation of Labor. regretted that certain United Stat "The Republican convention has | Senators ang Congressmen have see turned its back upon labor and has fit to lend a willing ear to the Irish adopted a platform defiant in its de- | 8itators, but he was of the opinlo terse of the enemies of labor and cal. that following the presidential cam- culated to secure for them fresh | Paign, Americans would return to the advantages and greater privileges," | Same viewpoint, : President Samuel Gompers and Vice. At the concluding session of the president Matthew Woll, of the Am- | Grand Orange Lodge last evaning, H. erican Federation of Labor, declared | C- Hocken, M.P., of Toronto, was here to-day, in a statement presenteq | chosen Grand Master, with Toronto at the annual convention of the feq- | a8 the meeting plac: for next con- eration. The . labor declaration | Yention. of a platform as adopted, they asse "t- =" ed, "proposes an industrial enslave- ment and an abrogation of rights as precious as life itself." TOLD IN TWILIGHT. "GIFT OF A FIELD GUN TO QUEEN's UNIVERSITY G. Y. Chown has from Col. <> + + received word + Doughty, director of > es, Ottawa, 'thar a -M field gun, captured by the & gston, in + cated to + university nd will % reach Kingston shortly. Mrs. Fred Best, of Dallas, Texas, who was fcemerly Mrs. (Capt) J. Homer #®rman, of Los Angeles, Ca- lifornia, (nee Gertrude Matthewson, of this city), and her son Robert Forman, are visiting her father, John Matthewson, Simcoe street, Mr. Best is at present in Dallas, where he is district manager of the Buffalo Spec- lalty Co., and he will come to the city later on. Mr. and Mrs. Be t, married by the Rev. Fathe land, in Dallas, Texas, - * James Schales, 204 Frontenac Street, announces the engagement cf his daughter, Mabel, to Randolph Murray Fisher, son of the late P. A. Fisher, and Mrs. Fisher, Winnipeg, the marriage to take place June 22, at the home of Mrs. KE. Murray Thomson, sister of the bride-elect, 1221 Redland avenue, Moose Jaw, Sask. A. M. Snider, of Toronto, formerly of Odessa, is in the city visiting friends and renewing acquaintances. + + FOUGHT A BLOODY New York Barber With Revolver and Longshoreman With Knife, (Canadian Fress Despatch) New York June freio Caraccoiolo, a armed with ga revolver, Louis Viscopo, a lon IT a knife, fought an uneven duel lonely spot in East Fifteent; here last night until v been killed. The barber, covere blood and badly slashed aho lags and Arms, was captured by the police as he was running from the scene. Caracciolo, the police say, said the men quarrelled about a lo men's strike an each should retire to his recom and return to the sidewalk with whatever Weapons he possessed and fight it out. Granite House Open. The many people who look for- ward to a pleasant outing will glad to know that the w 1 Granite House, in Battersea, | in full swing. Everyth'ng has arranged in s dinners, as ng 11, are most tempting and delicious. A good summer is leok ed forward to, many rooms beiag al- ready booked -for this popular rezort with its beautiful lake and £024 fish- ing. -------------- Hotel Dieu Tag Day, The Hotel Dieu Tag day is meet- ing with splendid Success. Early this morning, at every strect corner, lad- les with tags and boxes awaited er | ------------------------ IT'S AN OBSTRUCTION A "Silent Officer" At Street Corners in New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. June 12.--A "silent officer" so called, used at Street intersections for traffic pur- Poses, has been deemed to be a tra- fic obstruction by the Connecticut Supreme court of errors in a decision just rendered. 'An automobile driven by an attorney collided with a '"sen- tinel". He and other occupants of the car had slight injuries and the mach- ine was damaged. A verdict of $3.- 500 against the city of New Haven Was appealed but it is upheld by the | highest court. citizens. Two ladies me- the steamer Kingston with the business men of Buffalo on board. In a few minutes all the tags were gore. mm - ~ -- ye TB. PP Vw Ce {Caton Brn mn" Forté, ) x | Benny Leonard, world's champion lightweight, dropped in Coast studio of Famous Players-- Lasky the other day just in time to see the big fight scene In Ethel Clayton's current picture, "All in a Night." The little champ, Who's a picture star him- self now, decided to give Jack Holt, leading man and one of the partici- pants in the scrap, some pointers. Miss Clayton is shown saving the champion from pumishment. "Don't hurt him, Jack!" was the warning she gave Holt. Dorothy Gish Dorothy Gish enjoyed the filming of her latest Paramount Artcraft co "Remodeling A Husbard" | more than any picture she has ever made. The reason for her happiness sister Lillian, star of herself, acted as Doro- -- Caper Brock wer director. Another reason was that Miss Gish had successfully kid- Dapped one of the mast popular lead- Ing men of the Broadway stage to play OPPosite her. He is James Rennie, who during the war served with the Royal 'Air Force as a pilot. and who makes his debut in the new picture. Hope Hampton Hope Hampton, wearing Czecho- Slovak costume. which she wore at the Beauty and Costume Ball given on the Imperator, on ome of its recent return trips to New York, for was that her SET5T] { Spa m pp £ _WHIG eT ---- BOARD OF COMMERCE MAY BE DISCONTINUED There are Rumors That mr. | I O'Connor Will Retire as Member. Ottawa, June 12.-- While Parlia- ment has not yet had time to digest the report of the Board of Commerce, the Government, so far as can be learned, has not Yet reached a de- cision in L-Quest-for -a-eonferemes WIth 3 view to deciding how the board . shall operate in the fiture, if at all, early developments are expected. In semi-official circles valent view appears to be the pre- Successor to Judge Robson, and that the board, rightly or wrongly, is extremely unpopular with Parlia- ment. While Mr. O'Connor, who expected succeed } chairmanship when Judge Robson retired, declines to be Interviewed, there are rumors that he is dis- satisfied with several ot first constituted. A decision by the Government is expected short and, in any event, the matter is likely to get consider- able of an airing in Parliament, Anxious for Full Inquiry Into Death of President Carranza 'Canadian Press Deapatoh) 0 Ci anxious for the fullest publicity connection with the investigation into the death of President Carranza, according to an announcement by the official press bureau last might. Re- plying to the request of an American correspondent for permission to accompany the investigating com- mittee, the bresident, says the an- nouncement, expressed not only his willingness for this correspondent to 80 with the committee, - but urged all foreign correspondents and diplo- mats to co-operate in the inquiry. ----------------_-- a The Canadian amateur golf cham- pionship will be held June 28th to July 3rd at Beaconsfield Golf Club, Montreal, 'it is announced by the United States Golf Association. Windsor, Sarnia and Chatham rep- resentatives gave evidence, before the - Canadian Waterways Commis- sion at London on Friday. John H. Stuart, manager of the Bank of Hamilton at several places until 1915, died suddenly. Opposition to the renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty is voiced by British residents in China. London is to be the Seat of the Intermational Suffrage Alliance. The' Allied Governments tentative- !y set July 5 as the date for the next ting. i Combs have been ruins of Pompeii Permanent Woman's found in the Lozzrire Zr" =) the benefit of the Hampton js tiger, which Seaman's Fund. Miss Seen carryipg a little toy is the Jatest faq 'in Paris. Pat O'Malley + Besides being leading man of Tee- ognized ARllity on the screen for a umber of years, Pat O'Malley has be- Come distinguished for his daring in performing spectacular thrills before the camera. He began thrilling audi- ences when he was nine Years old, ing stunts between acts OW he was traveling with. Played in pictures for regard to the board's xe . | SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1920, -- - er -- ee ee -- eee DRINKS FOR SUMMER Guaranteed to equal any Drinks Made in Canada. E CRUSH . .- Made from pure Fruit LEMON CRUSH . . Made from pure Fruit California) the Fruit Juices but Carbon. (Direct from There is nothing added to ated Water, . Belfast Ginger Ale, Dry Ginger Ale, English Ginger Beer, . Syphon Soda: EEN ~Phone-304-torwease Te "Thompson Bottling Works OFFICE: 204 PR INCESS STREET. BATHING CAPS With the arrival of the warm weather you will be looking popular summer sport. Drop in and look over 8 . The, wide diversity, of styles makes possible for' us to meet every demand. 'No matter what Dame Fashion may decree as correct, or even exclusive, it will be rep- resented in the various lines we handle. The colors and designs are varied enough to please every taste and are within the range SARGENT'S DRUG STORE UALITY--&C Telephone 41. JACK F. ELDEF 50c.~PIPES and POUCHES--50¢, These are worth do ble. Don't them! Only 2 doze to clear Saturday Drop in ace what we have--we here to please, MAGAZINES NEWSPAPERS SMOKERS SUNDRIES, ote. . THE NEW CIGAR STORE 269 Princess Street Opposite Strang "Paynter's Old Stand" MRS. JACK DEMPSEY IN THE UNDERWORLD Says Her Husband Struck Her Because She Didn't Make Enough Money. San Francisco, June 12.--M Maxine Dempsey made up her mind to make public charges that her former husband, William Harrison (Jack) Dempsey, <hampion heavy- weight pugilist, was a "slacker" when she received from him a photo- graph showing him as a shipyard worker in wartime, she told the jury In 'the United States District Court where Dempsey is on trial on a charge of evading the selective draft act. United States Judge M. Dooling ruled today that Mrs. Maxine Demp- Sey might testify to non-confidential relations in the trial of her divorced husband, William Harrison .. (Jack) Dempsey, world's heavyweight cham- pion, on a draft evasion. Yesterday the court barred Mrs. Dempsey's testimony as to their confidential martail rejations. Judge Dooling announced "there would be no gen- eral rule as to what-was non-confid- ential matter and © the questions - to San Francisco together. Here she practised her calling as a woman of the underworld, according to her testimony and once Dempsey struck her on the jaw because she did not bring him enough money to satisfy him, Mrs. Dempsey said that at various times she was in the underworld of Padico, Washington; 'Spokane and Yakima, Washington, and Cairo, Ill. Generals Francisco Murguia Fran' cisco L'Urquizo, Federico Montes and Juan Barrigan have been formally detained in connection with toe death which it gives rise to will be settled | of former President Venuatiano Car- as they arise." 'ranza. Mrs. Dempsey regarded her visits ef t---- with her husband and alone to vari- An embargo on the supply of cars ous parts of the country, for movement of bituminous coal in The defence was overruled when | carload lots to any Lake Erie port it objected to a question as to what | for trans-shipment by water except on a permit was ordered at Wash- Dempsey contributed to Mrs. Demp- sey"s support' from July to Novem- ington by. the interstate commerce commission, effective June 13. ber, 1917, during which period they Sir Thomas Lipton, owner of were separated, according ' to her testimony. She testified to having | Shamrock IV., arrived at New York on Friday, received a total of $60. She testi- { fied she returned to Salt Lake Ci thur T. Moore is appointed Chief ice o '6odstock, at Dempsey's request and they came of eH + N tail Ress 2h RE ue Ed HINT TO THE EVICTED ' There was an old woman who lived In 4 a shoe, And bad so many children she didn't know what to do; t "But these profiteer ts I'll not payt she declared. "The old shoe's good enough. If I get It repaired," Sabai i

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