x RDAY, JUNE 13, 13s. Sunday Services in Churches Union Street Baptist Church-- ¥. J. K. Fairful, pastor. Evening te, 7 p.m.; Sunday school and classes, 3 p.m. Everybody wel- St. Andrew's--Rev. John 'W. Step- minister. Serviced 11 a.m. and 'Pp.m., conducted by the minister. hgers always welcome. St. Paul's--Morning prayer, 11 Hock. Preacher, Canon FitzGerald. inday school, 3 p.m.; Evening pra- i 7 o'clock. Preacher, Canon Fitz- d. ne el Hall, New Orange Building PPer Princess Stréet--The usual va istic service, Sunday evening o'clock. Two. short gospel ad- 8. Popular gospel hymns, Wed- » evening, eight o'clock, pray- praise and preaching. ncess Street Methodist Church . J. A. Waddell, minister, 11 preacher, the minister; 7 p.m., ther, Rev. B. H. Clarke, of Tor- 3 Sunday school, 2.45 p.m.; Ep- bh League, Monday, 8 p.m.; meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. 1 Church , 10 a.m., Bible class; 11 a. "Journey of Life"; 12.15 p.m. school; 7 p.m., "The Image Bed," Monday, 8 pm. Young e's Society; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Ir meeting. Rov. A. W. Brown, tor. . Street Methodist Church-- . J. D. Ellis, pastor. Public wor- at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday ehool at 3 p.m. The pastor will pach at both services. Morning "A Review of the Conference," ming Topic, "With Companions Dut of Doors." Seats free. Everybody come. QOooke's Presbyterian Church, Dek street--The minister, Rev. W. lor Dale, will preach at 11 a.m. d 7 p.m. Sacrament of baptism at ing service. Sermon subject, ming, "A Message from Canada to he British Isigs." Visitors are cor- Hally invited to all services. Sunday oc! at 11 am. and 3 p.m. Bible at 3 pm. St. Luke's Church, Nelson street-- . J. de P. Wright, M.A, B.D, or. Second Sunday After Trinity. 1 a.m. morning prayer; 2.30 p.m., day school and Bible class; 4 p. , Holy Baptism: 7 p.m., evening pr, Music--Anthem: "Still, Still -{ subject, "How Saul Became Paul"; TH TTT ar nmr AHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG' | atrata that the people are rapidly | drifting into"that condition of mind {in which they are disposed to over- | look wrong-doing on the part of the | | wealthy and powerful. In other { words I feel that there is a grave With Thee." (Speaks), Mrs. Horton | danger of one law being recognized | and choir. Special collection in ald | for the rich and another for the | of Kingston General Hospital. . I am hopeful, however, | -- . this is but a temporary lull in the | St, James' Church, corner Union | public conscience, and I am further and Arch streets--T. W. Savary, rec- | hopeful that the time will soon ar-| tor, the rectory, 152 Barrie street, 8 | rive when all the people shall be | am. Holy Communion; 11 am, | held to strict accountability for thelr | morning prayer and acts, and when men who accumulate | 3 p.m. Sunday school; i shall be subject to the same ostrac- | ing prayer and sermon. Sermon sub- | ism now suffered by poor men who-- | ject, "When Men Pronounced the | sonfetimes through force of circum- | Death Sentence Upon Themselves." |stances--violate the laws of the land. - 'If we hope for 'the advancement First Baptist Church, Sydenham | of our civilization, we must insist up- and Johnson streets--Rev. J. S. La- lon the same standard of morals for | Flair, pastor. 11 am. Rev. B. H.|the rich as for the poor, and every | Clark, field secretary, Canadian Bro- | departure from this standard should | therhood Federdtion, will preach. |be met with stern public condemna- | 2.45 p.m., Bible school; % p.m. ser- | tion." man theme, "Peace at a Price," the| These quotations are from men | pastor will preach, Bright, helpful | whose names are household words. | services, in a cool, comfortable | They stand as representatives of the | church. | sreat mass of toilers who cannot give | | clear expression to their opinions. | reat wealth -by questionable means Fro-Nis "travel record and "give him= | traveled over 30,000 miles, a total Prince of Wales Makes New Record as Traveler By Trip to the Antipodes HE Prince of Wales, who is making a yisit to the Anti- podes, . Yl have added something 11K 23,000 miles self the distinction of being, for his age, easily the most travelled prince in all history. His tour of America last autumn, including visits to Washington and New York, covered fully 17,000 miles. Between August, 1919, and October, 1920, the Prince of Wales which works out at am average of nearly 100 miles a day, spread over the whole fourteen months. In addi- tion there were literally hundreds of public functions crowded into ths First Church of Christ, Scientist,] What do the workingmen think, | | then with reference to the church re! | ceiving tainted money? They think | {as variously as men in other walks |of life. There is no universally ac- | | cepted opinion among them. But jin this they all agree--the church | | must wot 'hondi thé donor." | HOW THE POOR LIVE. | Interesting Street Life Seem In OM | Londen. | The street markets of London are | | among the distinctive and pictur- i | esque "'sights of the town" to which | | curious "rubbermecks" from foreign | | parts pay special vigits and homage. | | There is nothing in the world quite ! { like them. The open-air markets of the con- | tinent, i Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday school at 9.45 am. Service, 11 am.; sub- ject, "God the Preserver of Man" Public reading room, same address, open every afternoon, except Sun- day, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially invited to the service and reading room. Bethel Congregational Church, Barrie and Johnson streets--Pastor, C. Patterson, 76 York street. vices, 11 am. and T p.m. The YM. C.A. Evangelistic' Band will have charge of the evening service. Spec- ial evangelistic singing. Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Prayer service, Wed- nesday, 8 p.m.; Junior Endeavor, Friday, 6.45; Senior Endeavor, Fri- day, 8 p.m. All are invited. Sydenham Street Church, Metho- dist--Rev. W. TyG. Brown, minister. ister will preach at both services. Sunday school ' and Bible classes, 2.45 p.m.; morning class, 9.45 am.; Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. All are welcome. St. George's Cathedral--Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., dean and rector, 78 Wellington street, te- Sunday after Trinity. 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 a.m. morning pray- er. Preacher, Rev. W. E. Kidd. 3 p. m, Sunday school; 4 p.m., baptism; 7 p.m. evensong. Preacher The Dean. f WORKINGMEN AND "TAINTED" Money) By the Rev. Charles Stelzle. "Does the acceptance of gifts from 'wealthy mea who are under public suspicion hurt the church among rkingmen ?" 'What do workingmen think about 2 Undoubtedly the church re- Celves large sums of money from men who are 'under public suspicion." 'When I put the question to a pro- minent labor leader and editor in the he replied vigorously: "Not tainted money, but talmted men-- that's what I object to. Tainted money is rot. Do you have to figure out the history of every dollar to find out whether it is tainted 6r not? Money has no character. Money isn't tainted. It's mien who are tainted. It wasa't the thirty pieces of silver at betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ; it: was Judas Iscariot." Said a vice-president of the Ameri- can Federation of Labor: "All money is tainted to a greater or a less- er degree. I cannot see how the Sccéptance of money by the church from millionaires can be harmful. 'It setms to me that there is too much sentimental sophistry among those who 'denounce tainted money. It will be used some time and in some way. Better that as much of it as possible be used now and used for the pur- Base of making the world better. erwise it 'may help to make the Pplutocracy stronger than it is." . 'This is & matter of practical ex- | pediency, not one of Said another. The money should not be destroyed simply because it can- | mot be returned to its original own- ors, It would seem to be the wise thing, therefore, to get it back as Rear to them as possible. What bet- way is there that giving it dir- to the people?" is expression of opinion seemed typical of most of the leading mea whom I consulted with respect to the matter. But there are some very decided opinions the church receiv- | Ing "tainted" money. "Let the éhurch absolutely refuse mere theory," i | to accept gifts which were obtained | by questionable methods," said one, | "and she shall rally about her the | great mass of men who are honestly | seeking leadership in the perpiexing moral problems of the day. The com- mon man worships the heroic. Ex- emplified in the leaders of the church he would follow them to thb death. Only too commen: is. the impression existent among workingmen that the church is a weak, flabby thing, afraid to grapple with the difficult, every- day things of life. The church has the reputation of being engaged in clesically conducted pleasure excur- slons to the skies, instead of fear- lessly facing the great twentieth cen- tury social problems which are non- fronting workingmen." A Minnesota author sent me a magasine article he had just written, which contained the following: "Has wealth become so dominant in the church as to trifle conscience? It is a matter of no moment whether the church sets the seal of its ap- proval upon methods that are con- demned by all right-thinking people? Can there be any doubt whatever that by receiving the brazen offer- ings, the church publishes broadcast that it condemns the evil that is shown of all men, and bestows upon the giver a cloak of respectability that is not properly his? {1s it not true that while thus dealing a wicked blow at individual and business in- tegrity and fair-dealing and at democratic institutions, these apolo- gists are likewise undermining the church for the interests of which they profess to stand? Oh, for great- er earnestness of purpose in the falt- ering, and greater strength for the weak in this grave erisis!™ Said a representative labor editor on the editorially: "The acceptance of such a gift in- volves the constituents of a church board in a relation implying honor toward the doamor." And that is the phase of the sub- Ject which meets with the harshest criticism among workingmen. Not pt money has been received, but that the church is honoring the men who gave it. * Another writer said: "The acceptance of such a does not 'make restitution.' should not fool other exponents of science = yet Ser- | Services 11 a.m.'and 7 p.m. The min- | lephone 2156. Rev. W. E. Kidd, M:] A., MC, curate, 7 Wellington street, | telephone 869w. June 138th; Second | | China, in ancient, remote, and un- Europeanized quarters, is anything | like the same interesting fulness | and variety of perfume to be en-'| countered, { Take, for instance, the New Cut | between Waterloo road and Black- friars road, Lambeth, on a Saturday hight, The flaring naphtha lamps ch thelr characteristic incense. The whelk and tripe and troiter em- poria, the fried fish and eel-pie restaurants, the hot-potato oven, | and the '"'places within the meaning of the Act," which represent the Ritz and Berkeley of the poor, all con- tributed lavishly to the many-scented bouquet of odors. " ®, girls, tell us what you want and you shall have it," lustily cried the fish-merchant, slapping his Wares across each other as | it to demonstrate their recent liveli- | hess. "Food prices are going up, but | ours are still coming down," yelled the potate vendor. "Now the beer's weak try the onions," appealed another mer- chant; "this lot's going stronger than ever." And the people laughed and chaffed and cheerily chaffered, much more gully than they do at the | Bond street shops. | Ten thousand of them are said to | pass through this bit of a street be- {ween seven and eleven on Saturday night. The market has been theres years. part do mot seem frightened. "On, they've tried to do it before," said one merchant, who had been in the street for yours, father had been there before him; "but they dursn't do it acrorst -us. We got ts same as other people, and we going 'to stand it." Another merchant, who had served hls font 2 France till the be- ginning , expressed the ; od-apirit Asner of the Shank Hil tek Pr gill i t 392% ghik shice f =E : i i i i : f id exile 1 a highly detailed itinerary. | minute. | ceedingly trying railway journeys to | undergo; first along the transcontin- very brief periods of "gest" during It is the prince's custom to com- plete such an itinerary every time before he sets out on a journey from England. Every day of his Austra- lian tour is mapped out to the last Thus he will have two ex- ental line from Western Australia to Adelaide, and a week or two later from the South American capital direct to the heart of Queensland. Each of these journeys will occupy four or five days. In order that the prince shall be enabled to see as much of Australia as he can in the time at his disposal with a minimum of inconvenience little regard has been paid in arrang- ing this itinerary to the somewhat tender susceptibilities of the Austra- On the other hand, however, the prince has not been slow in deciding a sartorial point which was agitating the minds 'of Premier Hughes and many fellow Australians. Mr. Hughes had cabled to England to ascertain whether military men tending func- tions should dress in khaki on all oocasions or wear full regimentals-- dress or parade uniforms. The prince immediately inquired what was the existing order in Aus- tralia, and he was informed that the instructions for the use of khaki had not so far been countermanded. Without hesitation he' intimated that khaki would be the ceremonial uni- form of himself and the 'military members of his staff, and that rule will of course be followed by Aus- tralian officers. After leaving Sydney, the Remown will proceed to bany, a Western Australian port, which, nevertheless, is the most suitable for a ship of the Renown'z dimensions, and from that time onward the prince will do the whole of his Australian trip overland, picking up the warship again on the day of his departure for England. Sudden Sleepy Fits. Narcolepsy is a nervous disorder sharacterised hy sudden fits of ancon- -roliable Growsiness, the sleep lasting only a short time. Dr. Charles S. Myers, who was consulting psycho- logist to the British army in France, describes in the London Lancet a cure that he effected by a sort of mild hypnosis, during which he explored the victim's mind and induced him to raise from the sub-comscious mind memories of certain terrifying experi- ences and place them before him in the conscious mind. The experiences were interesting-- --horror produced by the dying cry L of an orang-outang he had shot; wit-. nessing the murder of a Chinaman and fear that the murderers might kill him, too, because he knew tou much about if. Dr. Myers learned from this case that the narcoleptic attacks were de- pendent upon & tendency to revival of repressed memories. The amnesia or loss of memory of the dreadful experiences was immediate, probably because the sudden strong emotion roused by them induced a change of personality, the man passing into a sort of somaambulistic state, on pass- ing Out of which he repressed all recollection of the events therein. + When thes-, memories were restored to full comsciousness the relief was immediate. Dr. Myers has been struck in this and ether cases by the utter absence of emotion during the return of the lost memo- ries. In explanation of this, he sug- gests that "it is the unpleasant, not the emotional, component that is di- rectly repressed or inhibited, and that the resistance against revival ex- presses the inability to admit the ui- pleasasit, not the inability to face the emotion." Electricity From Sunlight, An interesting suggestion about the "power of to-morrow" is made by a writer in the British Nineteenth Century. He looks forward cheerfully to the day when all our electric power stations will be useless except for museum purposes. Admitting that there are difficulties in the way, he thinks that they may eventually be overcome, and that we shall derive our electricity direct from sunlight. When that takes place, industrial supremacy will be transformed to tropical couniries. Meanwhile, Sir Charles Parsons, the famous turbine inventor, has renewed his suggestion of finding unlimited sources of power from the heat of the earth by dig- ging a hole eighty odd miles deep. British scientific imagination is clear- ly in a very active condition. -------------- Patience. "Is your boy Josh patient and per- severing?" "In some respects," replied Farm- or Corntossel. "He stands in line for an hour, if necessary, to buy a ticket to a picture show." "Bombay duck" is not duck. It is dried fish, and a great delicacy with the English residents im India. - J Standardize Tires. Tires soon will be manufactured in standard sizes, according to the plan of the Rubber Association of America. This will be effected through co-operation of tire manu- facturers, rim makers and car build- ers, and will do away with many odd sizes that are on the market nowadays. PAGEELEVEN 600,000 Children A Destitute in Serbia PARENTLESS- HOMELESS-FRIENDLESS FUND NOW OPEN COMMITTEE: --Mayor Nickle, Brigadier-General Ross, C.M.G., M. P. P.,, Dr. Edwards, M. P., Gen. Macdonell, RM.C., Rev. R. J. Wilson, D.D., Rev. W. T. G. Brown, Rev. T. W. Savary, Rev. J. 8. LaFlair, Messrs R. J. Rodger, N. B. Steacy, J. M. Hughes, W. F. Nickle, K.C., J. G. Elliott, 8. T. Hill, H. K. Hill, J. F. Rowland, The Standard Bank, local treasurer. Subscriptions may be sent to:-- J. F. ROWLAND, The Standard Bank, Local Treasurer. Please Foward Your Subscription We offer, subject-- Town of Trenton--51%, Bonds Due any year from 1920-1988. Price-Rate to yield 6.40%. Also a few City of Kingston--49, Due 1924. Price to yield 63% %. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. " The Home of Good Investments" 237 Bagot St. Manager. Phone 1728. H. J. Bongard, INGSTON MILLING Ltd. Foot of Brock Street, Kingston Our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by electric motors with current generated at Kingston Mills, ? WE MANUFACTURE: -- | HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED CORN MEAL, GROUND CORN, GROUND OATS, CRACKED CORN, GROUND FEED, BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. Our Products are good and freshly made FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS = SN scraper for -- I'he Colombian government will [% EERE 3 An electrically driven nd six young natives of that coun- castings does more uhiform work than hand tools in one-eighth th: ry to London to study radio tele- graphy. 3 OR a ! " wy 3,000,000 2800000 2,600,000 2400,000 2200,000 2,000,000 /, /, /.400.000 / 200.000 .£000.000 800000 400000 200000 ly be secured by building COMPANY LIMITED time. *) YE RN Sb | EIN N ) TARE The permanence that goes hand in hand with economy our national highways of Concrete. -------