Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1920, p. 2

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5 i THE DA FURS You couldn't replace them at anything like the price you LDbaid for them. Let us remodel them now, and put them in our storage vault until you need them next season. SPHCIAL PRICES FOR REPAIRING AND REMODELLING <¢ ON ALL ORDERS PLACED NOW. PHONE 603. t John McKay, Limited FURS. i Hi Tuesday. 1| INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NEWS AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Hotel Dieu tag day, June 12th. The bas fishing season opens next. Coal is selling at $15.50 a ton in ] | Brockville. W. Swaine, prano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phone 564w. Apply Maple 'Leat Fertilizer now. Dominion Chemical Company. The Belleville Orangemen are ar- ranging this year to celebrate the Glorious Twelfth at Madoc. Nellson's Ice Cream in bricks and at the fountain. Austin's Drug Store, Market Square. : | Mr. Busby, chief inspector of the department of customs, Ottawa, is in the city making an inspection of the local offices. Edward Walsh, proprietor of the | Central garage is in the Hotel Dien |] | hospital recovering from an opera- tion for appendicitis. "18 Walkem, K.C., has returned | from Ottawa 'where he attended a |] | meeting of the executive of the Vie- {torian Order of Nurses. ,. : i The steamer Br¥ckville ran a { moonlight excursion to Gananoque, | Thursday might. There was a good {number of Kingstonians aboard. | There was no session of the Po- i lice Court Friday, but the parent of 'a truant was directed to report his | attendance at school for one week. "149-157 Brock St. Store Closes at 1 pu. on Saturdays, During June and July. | ferent---DALY"S JAPAN, DALY'S BLACK, DALY'S COFFEE. At MA- | HOOD'S. | 'The baseball game arranged be- [tween the Triple Links and the Ha- |vana Red Sox of Montreal, for Sat- |urday has been called oft owing to circumstances unforeseen. Miss Catherine McKernam passed {away suddenly on Thursday at the residence of her brother-in-law, Dan- {fel Guiery, 98 Raglan road, where | she had made her home for some years. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We carry two expert Summer Footwear For all the Family White Canvas Pumps, Oxfords, Strap Shoes, Running Shoes, Tan Play Shoes, | tuners and will assure entire satis- Sandals, etc. { faction, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. ' F. fe Ell Walker, d ir- ALL AT MEDIUM PRICES. edging Be BL | Walker of Harrowsmith, Steve J. Martin |away in the Kingston General Hos- 180 PRINCESS STREET. | pital on Friday morning. The re- | mains were sent to Harrowsmith by | R. J. Reid, undertaker. | We wil rent you a plano, and at {ond of six months if you feel like | purchasing instrument we will allow | he six months, rental on purchase | price, and arrange easy terms on dal | ance, C. W. Lindsay | Lieutenant Colonel R. A. Bowie, M.D, C.M., of Brockville, has left | for Rochester, Minn., to spend a few Phone 2216. 'Shoes of Merit and Distinction" | weeks with his friend, Dr. A. L. Lock sna | Wood, D.S.0., formerly of Westport, FOR SALE Rubber Garden Hose Cheap. A. Shapiro 45 Princess St. one 1237 | hospital. | who is consultant, in thoracic surgery | HIS MASTER'S VOICE RECORDS {at.the Mayo clinic, and to make ob- JASCHA HEIFETEZ, Violinist | servations at the Mayo Brothers' Caprice, No. 20 y ' ib asd Nocturne in E. Flat 74616--82.00 Romance Late James Summerby. James Golden Summerby passed away on Thursday at his residence at Kingston Junction. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis. Deceased was born at Somersetshire, England, | seventy-two years ago, and was a | 13iiway man, being Grand ' Trunk ib akeman and conductor for years. | His wife died three months ago, and On Wings of Song 74583---$2.00 e, near Portland; lot a deau Lake, n | he is survived by two sons, Edgar, of | this city, W. J. of New Brunswick, about one acre with quantity MAHOOD BROS. =\ and two daughters, Mrs. Reid 'and irch; right 1 | ; of white birch; right in salmon { Mrs. Toppings, of Kingston. and white fish grounds. | A - Point on Loughboro Lake WANTS LARGER GRANTS Excellent site for summer cottage near Battersea; good fishing. Furnished residence to rent. 'McCANN Real Estate and Insurance 86 Brock St. Phone 826 or 631 For Sale On Grindstone Island RI- Decision After Making An Inspection. That old bug bear "The High Cost of Living" with things. Postponed [the Jrand jy the County Court i sessions, preside over by Judge owing to the production of | Madden, were compelled to give the 'FI-FI" (Incorporated) General Meeting | -- hii Grand Jury Comes to This | is forever playing hob | HL C. L. some attention. The mem- bers made their rounds of the Var- | ious charitable institutions in the 1¢ity, receiving government grants, land came to the conclusion that it {was time that the powers that be provide more money for these insti- tutions. "Owing to the high cost of living, | We would, ask that the government make a larger grant to these institu- tions," reads the report. -The grand jury also recommends an assistapt for the Home for the Aged. At this institution, Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin are in charge, but the jury is of the opinion that they should have an assistant. The jury reports fifteen males and twenty- two females at this institution. "We Are Ready" Here Is Your Straw WHAT'S YOUR WORRY ? Scores of styles; all new That like business, doesn't it ? 'We are ready to show them at any time. Great Ladies' Ladder Golf Competition. The lady members of the Catara- qui Golf and Country Club are fol- lowing the men's example and start- ing a ladder competition in which one can challenge the player above one on the ladder and if successful rise one place and so on to the top. The preliminary order on the lad- der will be decided by the best score by Bach player sent in between Mon- day, June 14th and Monday June 21st. Players with handicaps from Ba a. the others nine holes. 'Weather Notes. Pressure is now highest over the middle and southern States and low- est in Alberta, 'showers have occur- red at a few points in the western OLOSE AT 3 P.M. (Saturdays excepted) been fairly general in Ontario and Quebec. Eo CAMPBELL BROS. KINGSTON'S LARGEST HAT DEALERS. deal with the ten« year clause, adopted in the act of last year, which has aroused so much i WR ' The genuiness remorse may be questioned when it is not dis- played until deserved punishment is at hand. S / 4 The Teas and Coffee that are dif-! passed | Even the' members of ||} ratch to twelve will play 18 holes, DEATH OF 8. ANGLIN Board of Education Regrets | Passing of Former | Chairman. At the meeting of She Board of Education, held on Thursday night, | ithe following resolution was passed | | by a standing vote: i {Moved by Trustee W..M. Camp-| { bell, seconded by Trustee J. B. | | Cooke: | "That our Board deeply regrets | { the passing of Samuel Anglin, a for- | {mer member of the school board, | {and a prominent figure in the civic | {and business life of the city, a man | | whose life is indeed an outstanding | example of good citizenship. | | "His success in his chosen busi- | | ness proved him to be of great ener- | | gy, foresight and judgment, quali-| | ties which he manifested not only in this private business, but also during his twelve years' service on the board. "From 1886 till 1889 the late Mr. Anglin was chairman of the school | board, during whieh term he laid | the corner stone of_the then new | | RESOLUTION ON © "To the widow and family of the | deceased the board would tender its sincerest sympathy in this time of bereavement." rg Both the mover and seconder of the resolution amd also 'Chairman | Mills spoke very feelingly regarding ! the deceased. GOING TO THE WEST TO LEAD SURVEY PARTY W. Sidney McGann to do Geo= logy Work in Manitoba and British Columbia. . W. Sidney McCann, B.Sc. of King- ston, now connected with the geo- logical survey of Canada, is preparing to take a survey party to Manitoba, going later to British Columbia. He will be accompanied by Mrs. McCann, who was formerly Miss Joy Mark- 'ham, daughter of the late Sir Edward Markham, an admiral of the British navy. Mr. McCann {is a graduate of | geology. He served overseas with | the Canadian artillery and infantry. Last summer, Mr. McCann con- ducted a survey party in British Col- umbia. After his marriage in Eng- land, last November, he returned to New Haven, N.Y. to complete his course at Yale, After doing this, he was attached to the geological sur- vey office, at Ottawa. The Public Pleased Anyway. The proposed changes in the lux- ury taxation announced by Sir Henry Drayton are locally looked upon as adding to the confusion from which the merchants have not yet emerged, in spite of efforts made since the original budget taxation wag announced. The immediate ef- fect will be to slow down business till the people get definite informa- tion from Ottawa. But whatever may be the confu- sion of the merchants there is no doubt that most of the buying pub- lic are at the reduction pro- posed in wearing apparel and boots. Young Lady Breaks Her Arm. Miss Elsie Mackenzie, Division street, had the misfortune to break her right arm, on Wednesday last, while preparing the Y.W.C.A. "U- Auto Camp" for the summer season. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Rented, Not Purchased. It was stated in yesterday's issue that Charles Livingston had purchas- ed a summer cottage on the St. Law- rence. This wag an error, ag Mr. Liv- ingston has only rented the cottage. FOR INSTITUTIONS ||| I! most barborous acts committed in | this war, unsurpassed by the excesses Come to "The Hat Store" To-morrow for Your New Hat. Every conceivable kind of fashionable Straw and Pan. Bangkoks .......... "e (including tax) Fancy Hat Bands, 25¢, 88c, 30c. WE HAT EVERYBODY -- provinces, while thunderstorms have | BOYS GIRLS Come to "The Hat Store" to- morrow for your mew Hat, | George Mills & Co. 126 and 128 Princess Street ILY BRITISH, WHIG Central school. x Queen's in science and a post-gradu- | { ate of Yale university in economical | ll LITTLE SERBIA NAILED | Money Contributions Are Ask- I extent the neutrals prevented the full ll! country; there was none to see and ll} Inquiry states that "the Bulgarian FRIDAY, JUNE, 11, 1920 About The Tip-Top Tailor Suits In five weeks over delivered. Amoag these are th. every instance COMPLETE city have called tlie manager of 300 orders have been taken and suits Made-to-Measure at $27.00 have been e best known Doctors, Lawyers and business men of the city. In SATISFACTION has begn given. Several professional men of the this store and stated they found them equal to any $60.00 Made-to- Measure Suit they ever purchased before. IMAGINE THE They control over 50 stor . BUYING POWER OF THE TIP TOP TAILORS es of their own and over 150 Agencies. They buy the complete out- fit of several English mills, saving all wholesalers and agents' profits. Their cutters are the highest paid in the Dominion and work The British Government is being sold in the U. S. in Boston, Mass. continuously from 8.00 am. to 5.00 p.m. PRICES ARE COMING DOWN purchased for ten years the wool supply of Australia. The surplus At the last sale held May 31st, prices -were 35 lower than previous sales and less than 'one-quarter of the supply offered was sold. / With their connection with the Mills ered prices and their rall stock will comprise TIP TOP TAILORS will be the first in Canada to take advantage of the low- the best values ever offered in Kingston. SATURDAY BOOK AND MUSIC SALE Telephone 919 A school; in sizes from! less than cost to-day --now on display. Newman & | The College Book Store Open Evenings gent for TIP TOP Tailors. ; New Arrivals DAINTY SUMMER DRESSES in a beautiful range of Voiles and Ginghams; all very newest st yles; in sizes 16 and 18 years. We have just opened these up for your inspection, so come in and select yours while we have a nice stock to choose from. New styles in CHILDREN'S MIDDIES, in all white and white with colored trimmings; very neat and attractive: just the thing for 4 years and up. ....... .Each $1.75 and up. A big range of PIQUE and GABARDINE WASH SKIRTS; in all sizes. These are some we have had in stock and are selling at esteasesiiee aun... $2.25 each and up A large stock of dainty Summer WASH GOODS--by the yard --in all the new materials and all the pretty colors to choose from 'Shaw "The Always Busy Store" TO A BITTER CROSS ed to Relieve Distress In That Land. Little Serbia has been nalled to a 'bitter cross; neutral nations saw the sufferings of Belgium and to some fury of the Beast from ravaging that to hinder the unspeakable inflicted upon Serbia. nternational Commission of none crueltie The invasion was accompanied by the of any other enemy army." The report of the commissioner, in cold, dispassionate language, tells of wholesale murderyof men, women, and children; of women being tor- tured and violated; of men and wo- men being burned alive, of sick and wounded being massacred or left to | die. | The words of Premier Radoslavot!, {that "the Serbian state might exist again, but the Serbian nation will be dead," sums up the Bulgarian plan for the extermination"of the Serbian race. Relief must go to them at once. The Austrians and Bulgars have robbed the country of everything of which it could be robbed; to-day, the Serbs are destitute. : Lieut.-Colonel Alfred Stead, son |. of the famous journalist, writing in | the American "Review of Reviews" of December, 1918, telling of what he himself had seen, goes on to say: | "The' duty of the Allies is plain. They must be more quick, more ready in reconstruction than they were in aiding to avert destruction. There is need of every kind inf Ser- bia. The people are in as parlous a state of need as ever a shipwrecked crew on a raft in mid-ocean. There are no doctors, no medicines for the sick, there are no clothes, or food, 'every resource is lacking. "Systematic assistance is needed, and then study to recreate a out of a desert. 1 Doidble Brick Dwellings; finished lath and plaster; with B. and C. . "sess ssnsnces SRO0O Four Roomed Bungalows for nv 00 envi we oe oe $1000 BUY NOW. allowed to It is essential | that they should grow strong and leaven the whole mass of newly- liberated peoples, infusing them al- 80 with the true love of liberty which is ready to undergo.any and every sacrifice rather than lose freedom." Hundreds of thousands of orphan- ed children are there running wild, subsisting on what scraps and lack of proper medical atten- dance. They must be saved. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these My little ones, ye have done it unto Me." again control next year," Alderman John Blumberg declared. He said if Labor candidates were elected every dollar would be spent advan grants favored in the past would be discontinued." : Sometimes the "workman is worthy of his hire" principle, when applied to the minister, does not find a responsive chord in the hearts De- | of the congregation. A storage battery electric loco- motive invented in Switzerland for switching uses powerful electro-mag- nets instead of couplings for draw- ing cars. People with an inordinate desire to garden "Such a people who hold so high 0d 0 walincking ideals mast not be was hear themselves talk may say little que or nothing worth listening to. i

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