Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1920, p. 5

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Austin's Drug Store Moth Balls . Meth Flakes Off of Cedar Liguia Veneer Saniffush Formaldehyde Ammonia, . Emerpthing -: atasming..and h 1 Suse or Er In sn old hat look mew. w--Diamond Dyes. ; wDy.ola Dyes Sunset Dyes. --Rit Dyes. Es =Tintex Dyes. i Fer fine fabrics, use Rit Flake | Dyes. For removing isk staiss, ' we recommend Taylor's 5 2 i | STUDIO | "There is but ONE TIME| to picture the children--AS THEY ARE TO-DAY. 92 Princess St. INE DAIL1 BR111SH Estimates Given. O. Aykroyd & Son and Builders 21 Main street. Phone 16870 ERNE minum We Have n Stock | | Just Arrived Campbell's Tomaw Soup - Campbell's Vegetable Soup | Clark « Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distribrtors for Red Ruse Frat . WR. Hokae & Cn. i iL x > Tlenmsa Wn # EA? has corner Johnson and Welling: ton Streets, Kingston. Te» phone 361. It pays tosave "Your Newspapers, Magazines and | scrap material--we are paying food prices. e YOU MAY NEED for water or fencing or a Pipe Call on us. © tent for next summer. L. Cohen & Co. Phone 836.837. 267-278 ONTARIO STREET And all kinds of Ornamental 'Cement wark. : cor. of Charles Patrick atreets. PHONE 730W. Mgr. H. F. NORMAN 1500 $1500 TH MATTRESSES Don't throw away your Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new. Get our prices. ~ Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2100w oa Fresh SPRING VEGETABLES CHOICE GROCERIES Prompt delivery. _ 216 DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 - It Pays to Buy Zour Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafi's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade, wi 's B Jelly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale at: Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets. License Ne. 8-20149 Phone L844 Removal Notice I wish to make known te my customers and the public that om MAY 1st, my Jewelery' and Re- pair Businesg will be located st 267 PRINCESS STREET in mere convenient premises. G. W. LYONS Jeweler and Watchmaker, Kingston and Vicinity WHI Has Left For New York. Mrs. L. Whalen, Aberdeen avenue, has left for New York to visit her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Clarke. Boe tn om i Back From His Visit. George Reeve, Russell street, re- brother et Fall River, Mass. "XY" Wants Old Papers. Please save your old papers for Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary. Systematic col- lection. Phone 450. Summer Resorts Filling Up. Summer resorts along the river are, fast opening for the seasoa, the exceptional weatier taking city re- sidents to the lake and river earlier than usual. Return to Standard Time. A largely signed petition will be presented to Perth council asking it standard time. To Comsider the Matter, A committee of the Belleville Coun- cil will investigate the matter of es- tablishing and erecting an incinerator for the disposal of garbage and re- port at a subsequent meeting of the council. They Should Carry Lights. 'There has been discussion relative to the proposal to compel all vehicles to carry lights after dusk on the streets. If autos have to be so pro- vided, why not horse-drawn outfits? Accepted a Call. Rev. M. L. Hinton, Campbellford, has pted a call to Hastings after the present comference year. The ac- ceptance is subject to the approval of the stationing committee of the Bay of Quinte Methodist conference. Onrrier Shot. A carrier pigeon came to a farm about nine miles north of Brighton, and a cat killed it. The bird had an enamelled metal leg band bearing the name '"'Derby" and the number 61; also another number, 413. It is pot known where It came from. Elect Officers of Pres al. At the annual meeting of the Brockville Presbyterial held in Kemptville, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Hon. president, Mrs. John Dowsley, of Prescott; president, Mrs. G. A. McNish, Lyn. Now for a Change. , Warm weather is here, and now is the time to secure men's light- suit; also union suits in white or cream at above prices. Prevost clothing house, Brock street. Road Construction Cost. The total amount of money spent on the provincial highway in Leeds and Grenville so far is $214,146.10. Of this amount the counties are call- ed upon to pay for construction and hajstenance thirty per cent. or $64,- Banns Published. On Sunday the banns were pub- lished in St. Peter--in-Chains church, Trenton, for the marriage of Miss Lauga Meraw to Wiliam Shoniker, also of Miss Eva Choinard to James McLean. Industries For Smith's Falls. The Tay Knitting Mills of Perth, T. A. Code, proprietor, will estab- lish a branch at Smith's Fally. A building on 'Market street hak been acquired, and will be prepared at once for the new industry. A new button'factory is also locating there, to employ fifty persoms to start with. A. H. Ireland Retired. Alexander Henry Ireland, brother ge a turned Wednesday after visiting his, weight underwear in balbriggan or | natural wool, at $1.50 to $2.50 per | of Frank C. Ireland, of this city, on the occasion of his retirement from ithe office of superintendent o branches of the Canadian Bank of € atiPol Tonrarerce " recipient of a silver tea service. He | was in the one office for thirty-two years. ! | Change Vessel's Name. The steamer New Island Wander- er, well known on the river and re- cently sold by the Canada Steamship Lines to the Sinncennes-McNaughton { Limited, Montreal has changed its| | name to Jeanette., The New Island | | Wanderer was at one time a pas-| 'senger vessel in the service of the | Folger Brothers, Kingston. ! Not Making Recovery. Miss Isabella Code, who is remain- ing in Athens until after the mid- {summer examinations, visited at her new home in Smith's Falls, and re- | condition is causing his friends] | much' uneasiness. . | Record Price For Hogs. Hugh Macdonald, Renfrew, paid what he thinks is a record price for hogs, when he gave one farmer a cheque for $175 for two animals, and another one $150 for three. One of {the last bunch weighed in the neigh- | | borhood of 500 lbs., and had it' been | ! sold singly it would have brought its |owner about $95. Factory For Gananoque. The Pan-American Rubber Co. of | Watertown, Wis., which is establish- ing a branch of its business in Can- |ada, had decidled to locate in Gan- | anoque, and has purchased the W. J. { Gibson building and property on Mill ! street for that 'purpose. It will | mean the addition of about twenty | families in the town at the start. Oral Examinations. Twenty-four men, twelve of whom !are Queen's students graduating in | medicine, finished the' written ex- laminations of the Ontario Medical } Council on Wednesday at Grant hall. | {The oral examinations continued till | |to-day. Dr. J. F. Sparks is the pre- {siding examiner. Three Years in Pen. By ringing the changes on cus- tomers' payments, Sydney Grocick, chiet accountant of customers' ac- ¢ounts for the Toronto and Niagara Power Company, managed between | May 25th, 1918, and January, 1920, | | to convert to his own uses $6,571.- !94. He pleaded guilty at the sessions and was sentenced to three years in penitentiary. May Return To River. . !. 'The river steamer, The Thousand Islander, may return to St. Law- rence river service, according to rumors afloat in the river section. | The boat was placedin operation up- {on the lakes during the war when ex- cursion trips lost popularity. The , vessel is now at Detroit, where it was operated last yedr by the Canadian Steamship Comipany. Back From the War. Mrs. Muriel Simpson, who served as war nurse in Horton Hospital, Surrey, England, during the war, has arrived in Belleville accompanied by her sister, Miss Jessie Pulker. Both ladies are guests of their brother, Bert. Pulker. Mrs. Simpson married a Canadian soldier, a patient under her care at Horton Hospital, and she is on her way to Saskatoon, where he resides. Go To Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McNeil, Afex- andria Bay, N.Y., were taken to the Brockville Hospital. Mrs. McNeil was but recently returned form the hospital where she had been for a number of weeks for treatment after a severe illness. Mr. McNeil who has not been well for some 'ime was taken with appendicitis, 'fiureday and the doctor advised that he be SPARKS CIRCUS HERE. Large Crowds Witnessed The Per- formances on Thursday. ' The Sparks world famous shows exhibited in Kingston on Thursday giving two performances and inaug- urating its appearance with a splen- did parade. Every feature of the Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and our bread. It is mighty table and highly nutri- cious, It contains just the proper food units building and just Ng ody. taste-qualities to emcourage a great exhibition was presented in the street pageant which left the circus grounds at 10.30 a. m. The Sparks circus has always been noted for its fine display or horses and this season tango and shimm dancing horses' were seen in the equine numbers which include Caes- ar, champion high jumping horse of of marblesque statue horses and Epg- lish cetter dogs in life-like portray- | als of the works of noted sculptors. Other prominent features are the Captain Cassell seals whose grotes- que maneuvers range from acrobatic feats ®o the more modest playing of musical instruments. Then there were the elephants in- cluding Big Zula the skyscraper elephant. Each herd was worked entirely by lady trainers. Incidemt- ally th the world, as well as three groups! A SINISTER STREAM. Chicago 'River is ) - Hiding Many Chicago, June 4.--Belief that the Chicago River, which runs through the heart of Chicago, lately has be- come a sinster element in crime, was expressed by P. W. Hoffman, county coroner. He made a survey of re- cent deaths of unidentified persons and said he would consult with John J. Garrity, chief of police, to devise means for either ending an epidemic of suicide drowning for a departure in the method of disposal of murder victims. # During the last few weeks an un- usual number of bodies have been taken from the river, Mr. Hoffman said. In several instanres the bodies bore evidences of foul play, while in others the action of the water had Iendareq definite conclusions impos- sible. Prince Edward Won't Erect Memorial. Picton, June 4.--A strong depu- tation representing various romio- was made tho mt We aken to the hospital as soon as pos- ible. It is hoped that an operation an be avoided. Advised Te Curtall. = R. Tannahill, manager of the bank of Montreal, sent a communication to Belleville Council advising that body to curtail its expenditure on street paving and other work, in- cluding $100,000 for a mew public school. The comunication was the cutcome of a loan of $380,000 until debentures could be sold. The Coun- cil has decided to reduce the propos- ed expenditure to a considerable ex- tent, Not Sufficiently Specific. City Solicitor Masson, Belleville, has given his opinion that the appeal of ex-Mayor Walmsley against the assessment of that city for 1920 is null and void, as it does not comply with certain sections of the Assess-, to rescind the motion on daylight ports her father, Rev. G. Code not iment Act, and it does not set out | saving and change the hour back to regaining his health, and his serious | specifically any assessment that is| too high or too low, but simply states | that he appeals against the whole! assessment as being too high. The | assessment tuis year is $1,700,000 in | excess of last year. . Atlantic Seacoast Resorts. Portland is thomed on the hills overlooking Casce Bay 'and its sur- roundings are filled with attractions for the summer visitor. Among! these the seashore takes prideplace. | Among the favorite resorts for Can-| adians are Falmouth, Cumbreland, Cape Elizabeth, Willard Beach, Scar- boro, Prout's Neck, Old Orchard, | Kennebunk and Yerk Beach. The | Grand Trunk have just issued a hand | some illustrated publication which is | filled with information and contains | a list of hotels. A copy may be had | free on application to J. P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A, G, T. Ry, Kingston Ont. Victorian Order of Nurses. The, Victoria Order of Nurses'| Committee met Tuesday evening with | a very large attendance. The Nurse's! { report showed 235 visits having been | made during May. Religious de-| rominations: Anglicans 10, Roman | Catholics 9, Methodists 7, Presby-| terians 1. Donations: cheque from | Girls Fellowship Club of Y. W. C. A./ for welfare work and a canary bird from Mrs. Lawler, University avenue | for one of the invalids in the dis-| trict. The, nurse in charge of. the| Child Welfare Station reports 137] baby visits during the month, and| 30 visitors. which goes to show the | increasing interest being taken In| this good work. We are adding to our Planing' Mill equipment, a new large Woods Planer and Matcher, specially designed te manufac- ture hardweed flooring: S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Fuctury and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, RINGHION. Out, Office Phone 068. Factory 14.8. Too Late Don't have your Florist tell you that you have left plant ing out too late. Resolve to have beautiful home surroungs ings by ordering your require ments now." . A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. SWZ, 8 IS lily ZS lina White Buck, Patent, Brown and Black Kid. Sizes 3-5 .....$2.25 Sizes 53-74 ...$3.75 The Victory Shoe Store We Manutactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Company, Limited, Montreal -------- --~---- MAHOOD BROS. Agents Victor-Victoles. are always pleased to demonstrate Victrola and T. F HARRISON CO., LTD. 229.231-233-235-237 Princess Street. / 'VENETIAN MOON This vocal rendition Yor, big & the A - 8 SLE Seeley. Tobs wil "His Master's Voice™ Record 216158 Popular "His Master's Voice" Vocal Numbers: PES 3 =. - for r 9 EE Tn There's a Typical Tipperary Over Hers ---- 3 When You and I Were Young. All on 10.4nch double-sided, $1.00 Any "His Master's Voice" dealer will gladly play these and the other June records for you 113 Princess LAS e oo Victor Records Phone 90. F. W. COATES i

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