Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1920, p. 3

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< THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : ~ PAGE 1HREE -T Rev. W. T. G. Brown, pastor of Pees Sydenham street Methodist church. The pallbearers were: John Tisdale, . $ -- W. J. Thornton, James Flanagan, PROBS: --Fair ; about same temperature. i (Continued from Page 1.) Leonard Chapman, William Pillar, : Drathnee H. C. Millican. The repre- {James Kinch. Intersngtit took place ye "Hi sentative party of the old unit was /4n the family plot at Cataraqul ceme- bh ~--should give you a prone" i fj completed with the appearance of the | tery. tion for your ailment. Under | well-known ot or the "21st ' stand that this prescription is "Nan," wh | yours to take where you will ' Wo rma Ne las public apjearance 10 BE OPENED | to have filled. Take it to your {| : a iaLS Prince v own Drug Store--BEST'S -- wi. a complete range of : a 4 'where constant care; accuracy > = 2 -- | c : : 2 an i Sensational Sales: = One. Day Only SATURDAY All women who economize will shop here to-morrow--the savings are remarkable. Seasonable merchandise marked at prices which make instant appeal. It means savings to you to shop at Steacy's. : . and attention govern the dis- ; na rice Parade. . | BETWEEN PRINCESS AND CON- iy | - Wl! @ cricket field the parade was V BU pensing of medicines, and al- { 1847 "Ml {drawn up in Hue on the t of the CESSION FOR BUILDINGS R MAYS under tha care of a graq- 1 { Roger S | color party and escort. Lisut-Col. H. | 4 Biskey Donates the Land--Public uate. | | E. Pense, D.8.0., M.C., who succeed- ent Will C i I Remember this when next J} 1! ed the late Lieut-Col Eimer W. Jones, Works Departm Charge | E your Doctor gives 'you a pre- . AND || D-8.0., in command of the 21st Bat-| City $1,300 For Dredging Two scription. i i | tallon, and who has been appointed | Slips. : g . 'i il OC. of the new unit, was in com- i f th a Take it to: i ty At the final meeting of the Boar | Communit il mand. Bvior to the handing over the of Works held on Wednesday before g I oh [pawns {espouded 10 the Sommand, the summer adjournment. a numbar ¥ 1 he '"Best" {fl MAKES OF SILVE | marched, in slow time, in front of the 9 AmpartAnt Batters Bs aptoalt a FLATWARE paras, the band rng. [Jie7inK lof plans submitted 57 A. Blakey, Drug Store | These are both standard re {ade then formed into a square, the Snes of a block of Jaa; situaled Phone 59. ducts, and we should lke to | {colors being Ziseud on- the Wosted | Streets, which was subdivided Into : {ll show you the i 188 Was Faq thirty-one lots, provision being made p, |to officially hand over the colors. ing Prince: ? T. Best, Dispensing Chemist. lll The. "King's color" was handed to for a street connecting Princess and -- ; y ! | nimilpy Major E. B. Sparks (second Concession streets and lane in the {in command of the new unit), and ear of the lots. T mY {the "regimental color" by Major H.|Darrister, an re the bar, . fli D. Wightman, M.C. In turn, General | Ro¢r, appeared before the board wit i! 5 : y y Mr. Blakey and asked that the pro- | Hughes transferred them to the bear- bdivisi h ll| ers of the local battalion, Lieut. W.|Posed street and subdivision of suc lll B. Ferrier and Lieut. B. O. Smith. |® Valuable property be approved. ind fl! The warrant officers and non-com- that drainage, water and gas be put missioned officer serving with the in. The application was granted, sub- ject to the terms of the local improve- : | ji | officers on the color party were i | ] ment law. A name will have to be eeley Jr * M.0.D.0. | COM. W. Gu MeCullagh, MM, found for the new street. I ot "Newest Summer 8 Fashions in 4 Wash Dresses SPECIALLY PRICED Fashioned in:-- Figured Voiles Organdie White Voiles Beach Cloth Muslins , Ginghams In endless variety. Priced $7.50, $8.50, \ $9.00 up to $44.95. SSL A B.-Oross and Serge. J. B. An Spplication was yecsived from I General Hughes, at this juncture, | Queen's university asking for the | responded to a request for a few re- | transfer of a PoRtiun a1 Se. dead end ll 'marks. He spoke briefly of the proud of Frontenac street of ice street history of the old 14th Regiment, | {0 complete the stadium plans in con- which, he felt, would not be lost |Sideration of the transfer by the ll | sight of in the reorganization, link- | University to the city of the portion || ing with it the traditions of his Can- | of land that blocks the junction of adian expeditionary force unit, which | Toronto street with Earl Street. It he asked the officers and men to | W88 pointed out on the plan sub- || prize very highly. He stated that it [mitted that the University already gave him a very deep sense of pride [owned all the vacant land bound by to say that the colors, which were | Albert, Union an@ Alfred streets and that the piece of land shown as Fron- i | presented to the 21st Battalion in Reon in the early months of1915, | tenac street that was reserved with ll had not on any occasion been stained | the object of continuing Frontenac I] by the actions of that unit in its ser- | street down to Alice was of no value | vice with the 2nd Canadian Division, | to the city and never would be, while, | The parade then reformed line, the | on the other hand, it .was a matter colors were moved into their position | of"importance that Toronto street be 3 In the centre, and the parade "march- | opened (down to Ear] street. After ed past" General Hughes, and return- | due consideration the board approv- ed to the armouries via Bagot, Prin- | ed the application. 4 cess and Montreal street. T. M. Asselstine, of the Kingston Among those who witnessed the'| Motor League, waited upon the board ceremony at the cricket field were [and requested that parking signs be Lieut.-Col. R. E. Kent, Lieut.-Col. B. | placed on ill streets where parking W. Browne, D.8.0., M.C.; Capt. Allan | could he done, and also that signs ¢| Cockeram, D.8.0. (Windsor), Major | be placed on streets entering the on tor | A L. Johnson, M.M. (Belleville), | city so that drivers might be inform- Hatlet Ne. a fer|Mgz sr Nickle and J. M. Farrell, one |ed of speed regulations, etc. The od olmt ot y leading | of the trustees of the 21st Battalion. | board promised to give his reyuesy chemists. NW. 5. For a distance en route to the | prompt consideration. Clere Med. Co Haverstock Re. N50 2 armouries the battalion marched to ( Communications from John Mec- London. On ia on Brit. Gevt. Stamp | pipe music of Piper Nelson and | Kay, J. S. Asselstirie, the Wormwith _-- te ine packets. Drummers MHlican and Murray. A | Piano Company, James Third, Hoop- lérge degree of the success of the | er and Slater, William Noble, Francis il ceremony was due to the work of | King, William Harty and Mr. Irish RSM. T. F. Jordan, M.C,, D.C.M,, | were referred to the city engineer for regimental sergeant-major of the old | action. as well as the new battalion. Lieut. An application from the Allen E. 8, Webb was the representative of | Theatres, Limited, for permission to the Toronto club at the ceremony. erect capony over the entrance to eens the new theatre was approved. LAID TO REST. A letter was read from Non. Dr. -- Red, minister ah pubis otk, os A . 1}]| Late Margaret Ethel, Daughter of | reply to an app! Irom the city . What about your mason work? Major McManus. for the dredging of {he harbor. The . ' | The funeral of the late Margaret | estimate quoted by the minister was % : Ethel McManus took place from her | $9,100, $1,300 of which was charged Have us repair your chimney. parents' residence, 270 University Jor aredging the slips at the Sout %t HHA 1 i ' FRENCH FOULARD SILKS UNDERWEAR AT SPECIAL Reduced. PRICES 100 yds. only, of French Foulard || Ladies' Vests-- Silks, reduced for a quick clear- 25c., 35c., 40c. up to $2.50 ance--a variety of patterns and | Children's Vests-- colors. : 18c. up to $1.00. Reg. $8.00 a yd. Sale price $5.75 | Men's Underwear-- :.~ Reg. $5.50 a yd. Sale price $4.15 50c. and 75c. a garment Reg. $5.00 a yd. Sale price $3.69 | Boys' Underwear-- Reg. $3.50 a yd. Sale price $2.76 50c. up. HT Er Bargain Prices in Hosiery ! 300 pairs Ladies' Black and White Cotton Lisle Stockings; in all sizes 81 to 10. Sold reg. at 50c. a pair. Sale Price ..............39¢. pair Children's Black One-in-One Ribbed Cotton Stockings; in sizes 5} to 10. Regular 50c. a pair. Sale Price ...............39¢. pair 200 pairs Ladies' Black and White Silk Hose; reinforced heels and toes: regular $1.00 a pair. Sale Price . . . .85¢. pair 150 pairs Ladies' Black, White, Grey, Brown, Silk Hose; excellent quality ' and worth reg. $1.50 a pair. Sale Price ....... . $1.09 pair Monarch Silk Hose--reg, $1.75 Sale Price $1.49 | Monarch Silk Hose--reg. $1.50 ..........Sale Price $1.29 | : White Summer Skirts; Summer Blouses : 100 White Cotton Drill Skirts; special value at 150 dainty Voile Blouses, in all sizes 34 to 44 ; $3.00 each. . one style only. Sale Price ............$248 | Sale Price .............$1.48 60 only, White Gaberdine Skirts; Novelty Belts 200 smart Voile Blouses, in three different and Button Trimmed. Good value at $3.50 each. styles; round necks; etc.; all sizes; worth $2.50. Sale Price .............$298 | SalePrice ...........s $1.98 George Van Horne, Thomas McCor- {to Principal J. G. Ettinger by mem- mick, Bert McCullough, Reginald | bers of the cadet corps. Sarg: Meine ion Eisen means) Steacy's - Limited L. 0'C Mr. and Mrs. R. Sin- e . clair, the officers at the Armouriss | Donovan Clark Series Borer ed OAT j| Major and Mrs. C. Turner, Mr. and | Arthur Andrews with gold medals for Mrs. E. H. McGowan, K. Waterhouse, shooting {{Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson (Detroit), theft sill in i {jaunt and uncle; Ladies' Aid, Chalm- | and cake was served. A great deal of v ; ers church, Dr. and Mrs. Glover, sub- | tne credit, of the affair was due to KINGSTON EVENTS ordinant staff, the Armouries; MT. |ihe Parent-Teachers' Assoc 23 YEARS AGO. avenue, on Thursday afternoon to . i h PI h 1 | Sesarayui Os (Dr. R. J. |to be filling up with a deposit from a Ison, pastor of Chalmers Presby- [the sewers that empty at these Repair the Plaster that fell off the wall. terian church, officiated, and an es- | points. The minister contended that gore a 3 Jormed of aval o> dus, the condition of the slips was due to 3 he pal rers were G. McPherson, | the sewers and that the city should Replace your old walk with a new one. W. McDonald, H. Cramley, B. Vince. | vay Tor the 'hatdoing." Sheuld r= D. Mathews, = Wilion. The Starch upon the letter was deferred pending : . 1! was w u oral tri-| the visit of the board in company Put in your foundation. §§]| butes from numerous friends and ac- | with the engineer to the poinfs men- : l| "Wreaths: Major ana Mrs. w. 7.|U2%% ho has th . | reaths: T an Ts. a F. Pound, who the comtract Do your plastering, McManus (father and mother); | to supply cement for the season, ask- Capt. and Mrs. D. Thomas McManus | ed approval of the addition of one Ww. d n ki d f Pl « (uncle and aunt); Mrs. J. L. Wilbur, | per cent. to his invoices to cover the edoa nas o astering and Mason §/ St. Catharines; Mrs. J. H. Green, | government's excise tax. = This was : Kitchener; Mrs.. W. H. Cameron, St. | regarded as inevitable by the board work. H}| Catharines; Mrs. F. D. Wilson, To-|and accepted. : }i]| ronto; Mrs. E. Roff, Orange, N.J., The engineer was directed to have 1 k . ded i all Haters alor dud Sat. Me the ridges reduced on University Al 5 I anus; Ca u ge, A.F. and | avenue and to take up the question work atten to promptly fi}{ A-M., Ancient Frontenac and Cats- [of the paving of Johnson street at {]| raqui Chapter, R.A.M.; Naval Bri- [the upper end. It was also decided {| sade, the Army and Navy Veterans, | that during the summer the office of Womans' Auxiliary, Army and Navy | the engineer will be open during the | McKELVEY &BIRC LTD it Ve piiow. Mr. and Mrs. A. King 2 mom hour. : | ' Mia ills . . he board adjourned for the sum- e Jil Cross: Miss Ph and Master | mer, subject to the call of the chair- Daniel McManus (pousins of deceas- | man, Ald. Th: A ws m omias Angrove, should ed). 'Calla lillies: Capt. and Mrs. BE. W. Sworgonsy a. PHONE 287. - - - » » BROCK STREET Skinner. OO) \ s Hi Basket---Samuel! McCullough and NCANT REPEATED THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE family. By the Pupils of the Victoria Public iH = Sprays: Mr. and Nirs. W. J. Elliott, School. | r. and Mrs. W. H. Sawyer, Mrs. and | The concert given by the pupils of Miss E. Benn, Miss Jessie Dyde, Miss | Victoria public school some time ago H. W. McKay, Miss Edna Parkin, | was repeated at Grant Hall on Wed- Mrs. D and family, W. J. Spen- | nesday evening before a very large senior third class Macdonald audience. The children were trained school, the Misses Newlands (lillies by the teachers. Dean Coleman act- |j of the valley), Mary J, Tierney, Bert [ed as chairman. Vince, the Misses Davey, Capt. and | A special feature of the programme | Mrs. M. J. Morrison, Harvey Miine, | wag a presentation of a signet ring EE OM ER SAA Sil Con. Millan has six entries for the WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS leather soles. Our price tub race to be held off Folger's whart $3.00 A meeting will be held to form an angling club in this city. "HIT ANV BOOTS--lea ther soles. price Barnum & Bailey's circus will be v . AS Our ray some | in Kingston fhe latter part of the - $3.50 Calor Soretas Sas rented our ERT, suite' wien. oi pecs pera House for a Bee VELOUR CALF O A contest with Sergt.-Major Kelly, of ; Batu, $8.50 Beds and Bedding : street at night, and residents are r ; "howling" for the pound keeper to 9 You will find our stock very complete and prices very res- do his duty. : a ohn JACK JOHNSTON'S "the prices of goods purchased to-day. Ta : Ontario' Phoge 231) . i. - 70 Brock St : HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR HOOVER SUCTION. : : SWEEPER ? : ¥ ' < > > If mot, arrange for demonstration at a shop on his far * General Ting Kima. Director of)pelicy, 'that sum. shouid Mst five y e : hin the Department of Aeronautics of | years. the Chinese government, has outlined] Mrs. L. BE. Johnson, Brockville, a big program of development in|anneunces the engagement - of her aeropautics for China. daughter, Nettie Almena Clarke, to ) 'There is over $7,000.000 in tbe |Harry Wallace Gray, son of Mrs. be 386. | Canadian Patriotic Fund mew. For | William Gray, the marriagd to take them, post-war relief under the present place in June. . i - » 5 & ¥

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