TAKE CARE OF YOUR | i | the 21st colér party «nd escort, other -- ee -- FURS You couldn't replace them at anything like the price you paid.for them. Let us remodel them now, and put them in our storage vault until you need them next season. SPECIAL PRICES FOR REPAIRING AND REMODELLING : ON ALL ORDERS PLACED NOW "PHONE 603. John McKay, Limited Feet igpg " 149-157 Brock St. Store Closes at 1 p.m. on Saturdays, During June and July. Kingston eee Choice Fruits of all Kinds Pineapple season is now 0 n. We have them; all prices. Fresh Bananas, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Apples, etc. We make ar specialty of F resh Spring -Vegetables. FRUITLAND ALLEN MASOUD, Prop. 348 Princess St. Phone 904 mmm -- With a blow out fitted with x an 3,000 miles. Cost less han than $2.00. Have you tried one? J. R. C, Dobbs & Co. Tel. 810. 41_ Clarence St. * THOMAS COPLEY T 987 Real Estate 4800--Montreal » t 3 stone; 7 and § rooms: B. C.; gas; fet and large lot and outbuildings. "$1200 -- Princess street" ¢ rooms; lot 47x117. : - $2500---Division Str., Nos. 238 and 285; 6 rooms each; B. and C.; gas. $4400--Johnson St., new brick, § rooms each; furnace; elec: _ trieity. $680 9 rooms; hot water heating; , . hardwood floors; electricity. $3000--Montreal St.; stone; 9 rooms; B. and C. 8t., brick, street; Sonne VICTROLAS WASTER'S VOICE RECORDS JUNE RECORDS Make That Trembome Laugh, Fox. Trot; Deenakh, Fox Trot -- 216145--81.00. Venetian Moon--Fox Tret; Rose of Washington Square, Fex Trot=--216147-§1.00, Oriental Stars, One Step; My Sahara Rese, Fox Trot--318100- sree. > ' Geod-Bye (Testi) MAHOOD BROS, Evan Wil. General meeting FRIDAYS, at 8 p.m. IMPORTANT BUSINESS MEETING June 4th All aN requested to tend . is the time to get your lawn mower ready. Don't wait ua- til the grass is ahead of YOU. All makes repaired and sharpened promptly, J. I. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 3056J. It may be true that you are more moral and better than the other fel- low, yet still not good enough to 'brag abont. ' "hens Srsssnaveawe . HATS -........... Waren sWasaniiaiinibanse £ Fords eestrasanen - Sete eantany teenaw (lf Col. W. H. Craig, Major ENTERTAIN. AT LUNCHEON FICERS ARE HOSTS. day -- War Reminiscences Are Recounted by Several of the Com« { manders, local and visiting ex-members of the battalion and members of the active battalion of the Princess of Wales' Own Regiment wers served with re- freshments at the armories and greet- ings and reminiscences were ex- changed by officers and men of both 'corps. At 12.30 o'clock the officer com- manding the P.W.O.R. and his of- ticers entertained the commandant of the Royal Military College, General Sir Archibald Macdonell, General Hughes, Colonel Hill (representing Major-General J. H. Elmsley, C.B., C.M.G., D.8.0, G.0.C., Military Dis- trict No. 3), Lieut.-Col. Browne, Col. F. Etherington, C.M.G., Lieut. EB. del. Greenwood, Major W. E. Kidd, M.C,, Mayor Nickle, J. M. Farrell, Warden Ponsford, and several visiting ex- officers of the 21st Battalion at luncheon at the Frontenac club. Before calling upon the distin- {| guished commander of the 1st Cana- dian Division the commanding officer of the P.W.O.R. remarked that, though the 21st had been fortunate to serve in the 2nd Canadian Divi- || slon, they had always realized that {| there were other good divisions in {|the field and that there had been no doubt that the "Old Red Patch" {| was one of them. General Sir Archibald Macdonell, || acknowledged the welcome extended {[to him, and prefaced his remarks with some humorous comment on the fine feeling which had existed be- tween the 1st and 2nd Divisions in France. He went on to say that the time of service was not over with the War, and that the spirit of sacrifice and service was required in Canada to-day. There were many signs of a reaction to extreme individualism and self-seeking. The commandant of the R.M.C. pointed out that the hard work of militia officers and men Was neces- the C.E.F. overseas and to perpetuate the ideal of service for one's country before personal prosperity. The Prin- cess of Wales' Own Regiment had on this memorable day made history by being the first unit of the Active Militia of Canada to complete its re- organization and to consummate that re-organization by absorbing tle tra- ditong of the 21st Battalion, C.E.F., as symbolized by its Colors. General' Hughes was next called on, and spoke of his fond feeling for the old 14th Regiment (P.W.O.R.) which he Mad and expréssed his or for so long. at being presen on this occasion. He felt that the Colors of the 21st Battalion, which had been honored by over four years of war service, would be worthily borne by the Princess of Wales' Own Regiment, with its sixty years of splendid reputation in the militia of Canada in peace and war. Colonel Hill, representing the G.0.C. of the district, expressed the regrets of that general officer at be- ing unable to be present on account of hig absence on duty. He referred to hi friendship with Sir Archibald when they were both brigade com- mandbrs in the 3rd Canadian Division and felicitously expressed his sur- prise at the commandant's references to the 1st and 2nd Divisions alone, dian Corps, without distinction of divisions, became one of the "finest and that the best method of perpetu. ating their work and glorious tradi- tions was by the ng on their sary to maintain the reputation of | GOING AFTER THE SPEEDERS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | POLICE DETERMINED THEY WILL | PUT A STOP TO PRACTICE | Hee Court on Friday Morning. -- | |" Other Cases Before the Magistrate. The Police are determined that OWHEFS of automobiles must cease | After the reception of the colqrs, driving at a rate faster than twenty || | miles per hour in the city. As a re- | sult of the good work of Police Con- | stables Campbell and Fred Clark, two | men were found guilty in police 'court {on Friday morning of exceeding the | limit and each gave the city treasurer | is and costs, the option being' ten | days. . The men were caught on Princess street, between Division and Univer- sity avenue, on Friday afternoon, One man denied he drove the car up Princess street on that day, but the constables said that the car, which was. driven by a man employed at a garage, where the car had been left for repairs, went up Princess street on Friday afternoon at 5.15 pm. travelling at the rate of twenty-se- ven miles an hour. The court made it clear that the owner of the car | - Al jl | After the Color Ceremony on Thurs- | Two Offenders Were Fined in the Po- was responsible. The case of the second man was settled out of court. He came across with $5 and costs. The third case will likely be heard tomorrow. Capt. James Ferguson, owner of the schooner Abbie L. Andrews, sunk hear Soward's wharf, was before the court, on the charge of disobeying a summons. He explained that he was at Oswego, N.Y., with the steamer New York, and was unable to get here in time. When asked by the court if he was going to give the sun- ken"vessel to the city, he stated that he had made every effort to remove the wreck. He had taken off the masts which were an obstruction to navigation, and believed if the hull was left in the present location, it would be a help to navigation, as it kept the steamers which came in at the wharf, from running on the rock. He told the court that he intended to pump out the hull and remove it up the bay, so the case was enlarged for | one week. | Two young men, who were gather- | ed in on the charge of drunkenness, | were before the court. One man sald he got a bottle some time last spring, { and left it under a sidewalk on Un. fon street. He was taxed $10 and COSts, The second man, who was caught by Constable Leslie Clarke, while at- tending the circus on Thursday night, told the names of his chums, so the case was enlarged for a day. -------------- Are Given Credit. H. W. Newman, sacretary of the Eleotrical Merchants' Association, and Edward Beecher, president of the Electrical Workers' Union, are vole- ing the sentiments of both the mer- chants and members of the union, when they state that credit is due the members of the board _/ arbitra. tion, namely, Ald. C. J. Graham, Ald. T. B. Angrove' and ex-Ald. Charles Anglin, for the satisfactory adjuet- ment. of the differences between the merchants and the union, the board's terms of the agr nt being carried out to the fetter. © i 8 cAI Night Sale. Five hundred pineapples to sell at 15¢ each at Carnovsky's. He emphasized that the whole Cana. I fighting forces the world had known, Spirit in the active militia of Canada. || Lieut.-Col. R. E. Kent, who is re- tiring from the command of the th Infantry Brigade, in favor of Lieut.- Col. H. J. Dawson, C.M.G., D.8.0., Spoke of his regret at the loss of the old name of the unit, but he did not doubt that much had been gained by the perpetuation talion and its traditions in the new Princess of Wales' Own Regiment. Colonel Etherington, who com. No. 7 (Queen's) General i , one of the units which crossed the Atlantic with the 21st in 1915, spoke of his pleasure at being present, and wished great snccess to the militia unit entering upon this new period of its history. . Mayor Nickle was called upon and remarked that hie would always have & warm feeling for the 21st Pat talion, the first infantry unit for War raised in this city. .He expressed his desire to co-opergte in anything to perpetuate of the 21st But- || the past three On Frida and License -- | f lI ~~ TEN BIG SHORT STORIES ers have ub 'The New Cosmopolitan Now on Sale we Recomm THREE BEST SERIALS i n obliged to reduce their editions owing to the paper shortage. /Secure your copy to-night or Saturday to avoid disappointment, SATURDAY BOOK AND MUSIC SALE Popular Music ............. vo dina rnieierv sin a Popular Copyrights Two for a Quarter . Ninety Cents Each tesla' eevee eTeinta stele 0 olen MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS OR OVERCOATS Hundreds of satisfied customers have these suits. Two expert measure, 5 TIP-TOP TAILORS been delighted with Tailors will be here Saturday to take your The College Book Store Telephone 91 9 Agent for TIP TOP Tailors. Open Evenings EY \ An Attractive Display of Summer Wash Goods A \ We have an elegant display of Summer Wash Goods, which: we are offering for your inspection; in all the pretty patterns and plain shades, that make dainty Summer Dresses or Blouses, These are the very newest and must be seen to be appreciated. An elegant range of Imported Voiles in large and small designs --a host of each to choose from that make dainty summer gowns. A classy range of Ginghams, in plain colors or plaids, that make very serviceable as well as dainty dresses. A big stock of plain Colored Voiles and Organdies. These are very new and make attracfive Summer Gowns. A big range of Ladies' Silk and Lisle Hose and Summer Vests to choose from. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" Public dance, Garden Hall, to- night, Stuart strost--brick, all CORVORIONOSS ... .....n wm +c $5600 Victoria Street--frame, extra lot and stables oem on $3200 Seyton Warburton is home from a |} business trip to Toronto, W Swain o, tuner, orders at Medulers, or w. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford and daughter, Barrie street, have return- ed a trip to Buffalo, Rochester and Toronto. . months in that city. f morning, C. R. Webster William Me- Lake, to Cor. Johnson and a - For Spring and Summer ner wear, we have a choice lot of Mole and Fox Neck Pieces