THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Lic GRAND Ly gt ge sponsible ather Derscn in my Rome. Soom his TO-NIGHT and "C* Battery, RCHA, Petawawa SAT URDAY Camp, Petawawa. (Signed) J. H. BLAND. Figesto Seory Pauly AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, 10 is = & y ; ET " " ~ Twrvi, drsisere bousenord Tur] [ra ENED ie. & word. yh god | FOUND Becutive insertiof ha ALLEN, the \uctioneer, WANTED, A GOOD, LARGE, TAILORS® | : 2 UTO TOPS, BNOCKYULLE, Bs, Jurther - ot aor. 26¢; an shares for second-hand LAL machine. 211} A ROSARY, ON WELIAN TON We have the Plate Glass Lights for be seen and blank Car Own 80 cantar TT Nelson street. | street. between yiiiam and tack Curtains, all kinds. 3 . : ! Earl streets. COVERED Tor Broo roman ; De or Mued "at ors Tas thre rates y ey rg 'HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE | have, same by calling at || A COVERED TO eg Soy, JIN Soon Dian ton. a condition. ERBON, ve that knock from your Unequalled as a Drama of ressur bright, airy rooms. in good | AUTOMOBILE = MARKER, NO. Apply 210 Princess Street. HELP WANTED, mo - urning the carbon Jocality, Apply Box L-3. Whig Of- | Ota Be mn po at . Mite S ore -- Bee | Jae1s mY ar any a OFFICR Duk. QUARTER CUT we , 192 Age an wer of St. - first class oon: on. Will sell | WANT, HOUSE ABOUT $4000 calling at §51 Fg abt RATE, 50 CENTS PER CYLINDER | Endorsed by all the leading welfare WOMAN FOR CLEANING: APPLY Al- st wilouy north | | A BRACELET, IX GRANT HALL . Steacy's Limited. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP workers and the Woman's Council side Princess Street. Apply Box | cdnepaay evening ot 43 PRINCESS STREET. PLY TO J-21, Whig Office. # Victoria's Sone. Que er may AVE same AlTRESS WANTE 1 She British-Amaritan Hote RUNABOUT CAR (ONE SEAT) FORD ing property om poling oF 0 GENERAL SERVANT; GOOD WAGES. preferred. in good Seagision; 4. & G. Ettinger, ONE Ea CAR, on =) monthly payments. Address Victoria Sehool . Apply 13 Averdoun Avemue Z-12, Whig Office. . ("a Apis Sit GLOVE MONDAY Wales PA Saw top; don A WOMAN TO WORK KiT- night on Bannie street. Own- 'When Jou, want Snamithing or ~ chen, Apply Frontenac 3N THE WANTED a5 BUY FOR CAS tA | 5 kind of sheet metal Work, wi °, modern improvements; st Un AGE aT DE reef oh MMER MOTHER'S HELP; HIGH WAGES. AP. by oe not Svar a 000, Ap- L LADY'S GOLD ) RING, WITH A rr OT rR ADM re ok Ser ne rerew | Ply Mrs. Clark, 125 Centre street. 9 roche fSinests mret. 4 Apply tod. K Carroll Kponci, | a --. work a specialty. | WARD MAIDS FOR KINGSTON GEN- ee UPRIGHT - PIAN A WATCH, ON THE NIGHT OF 56 Brock street. neon, on Friday, Automobile " - eral Hospital. Apply to the Matrom. for cash or In part payment of how the fire at the Blue Gara .. EIGHTEEN F onve ~ : . Wn, may have same oor y, fs or y HOSPITAL ORDERLY, APPLY DR. say Limited, 131 Princess street. proving property on calling ha, - a - - tm, TO CONTRACTORS Macheson, Kingston General Hos- WANTED TO BUY, ROUSE ron ss. | gt 293 Alfred Street, or phon- Dry : 3 S00; must have three piece batnii | , Sif of Lonpy SATURDAY ™ 5 : A GOOD, STRONG BOY OR MAN FOR pierre o}1980 cash; Inside car) Ane afternoon Owner ay hive . SBR ta Taste; Bulk tenders will be received at the Direct from Princess Theatre, Iriver. Apply 310 Johnson, after Stic { cane ao DEY Street, food ba Erie Price $5.600. Thomas office of the undersigned (where plans : after § p.m. Toronto SEWORK. WANTED-=MEN NB BOYS To PAT- dw obtained 8t] and specifications may be seen) up to HOU h ereh nepactar. 12 o'clock; noon, on Saturday, the 13¢h - 1s. - Gardiner, 68 John. Hei hair cut, 0c. se" Shave: Toc FOUND, {XNIULES snvER. inst, for the several trades works re- son stree § Ps On Anyone 8 dading anything and Formate oy 2% Prin * Post Oiee's Inspector. | suired in making certain alterations to MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. ock Street. wishin ch the owner may ons Stes. the bullding, corner of Princess and Apply in the evening to 305 Uni: WANTED TO LEASE, BY MARRIED | | 40 #0 ru epating he advers. | | SETS, a0ANOES, 2 hn. Bagot Streets, in this city, for the To Sune, Two on ground Hoot: must be vem: | tsement wifi be printed ta this supplied' ole" rrank wo roun oT; us cl - Royal Bank of Canadas. WOMAN Iv WASH AND CLEAN B any good repair: all con- | Col 0a of cha re. Bet tie Socile. 219 Bagot street Phone x to Mrs. x A 15. Ap. | Lowest or amy tender not necessarily poly Veriences. Possession June Pp clude lost dogs. cattie, horses, y Rankin, 18 Rideau stro ply Z-1, Whig Office. etc. These, if lost. may be ad- '| | NEW BRICK HO ® 'accepted. or Mademoiselle BOY TO MAKE HIMSELF GENERAL. RET RL vertised for in the "Lost" column. with ain RK WM. NEWLANDS & SON ly useful after 4 La and 34 on Satur- Cooke, office pi Ww. days. Apply Wh Tenia Architects : : : 258 Bagot Street \ FREE TEXAS OIL ge § ANTER- LOST. n EAM YACHT, : A GIRL mL Te CLERK ' oream parlor, NIE ested in oll leases, se: for nap A 5 BY J of Bully Grena FI Fin Bt er oy CT Nd y Wit a and pear - + It ground to suit the require- JiR. WO! loway Company, 34 303 Main street, tng. "Finder kindly return to 366 Quick 4 ale. James' XK a He St MEN TO CLEAN WOODWORK. ments of your eyes will give Fd A Stewurg oa Steamer St. Fort Worth, Div relief from the glare of the A Rollicking Comedy of Canadian . negss = AND PAPER | MOXDAY OR TURSDAY. Aina con. sun "Soldier Lif 000! GENERAL; GOO AGES AINTIN HANGIN taining about eight keys. nder : Mail | Contract in France. reterences required. Appl ae kindiy retura 0 Whig Office and " - Livingston, 183 Barrie Street. | WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR receive rewan Nothing can mar a day's LAD TENDERS. ihe Tecaved 2 Written, Staged and Acted by Veter So Papsrhanging done, drop a card te | --------r = WoL TsLAND stance tox K-10, pleasure or a spin in the coun- Ottawa. until noon, on he a"! » ams of the Great War. hands and fitters. Tete SATHE eA Mountesr, 84 Arch Street. village or on ferry boat, a lady's | ONE NORDHEIMER PIANO USED Al tty more than sun headaches. Juiz. 1008 for he oonvagner Hix ' : Machinery Co. Ltd, Brighton, Ont. : AL Born Wh woh TC Finder ith SE one ais prectioslty on . ¥ or Tou Years, ix times per week. on PRICES ....\........25¢ to $1.50 DEN? Tones Jehye or oie ICI, gr Enquire Plano Departm R #They remove the frown. + 3 A MIDDLE. AGED PERSON NISHING " TE Please leave at enking' store. irs Fans x pay Mment, *, Rural Mail Route No. 2 Beats now on sale. Ider] As a Dri Come in and ask to see them. from' ne Postmaster General's plea- Re elderly lady. Apply 237 Broek St. Sfiee 268 Princess Street. Phone OPEN-FACED GOLD-FILLED TRAIN.| MEN AND WO MEN'S SLoTHIN wErinted nodces Sonsaining further for Taw oftice : 800d houts and sal-| DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. Lake Es i 3rd, 1920. sar bests: Buy rices format conditions ary; references re uired. Appl t lingt tree!, over ward offere Finder Please retyrn R. J. RODGER |i: 3 GRAND Sr a | Cid RCT TY) SEACIN EREEARSL ER Smith's Fa Poet OM AN ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, » A MA A or ] WE HAVE YORWALE all Ds oF. NERS ets ' female. Reply in own hand. TO LET. good Furniture AN EXPERIEN toh, ear Sharbot pecialize RIENCED STENOGRAPHER inan's watch, at or mear gt ¥ boots; buy all kinds secon writing giving 4 ay to B ARCHITECT : 1 RI ry ivi Hi o Box Sioves. Aay pe having » d Sliversmith iO. RNS 00 GORE we Jeweller Post Office Inspector's FURNISHED BEDROOMS, 7 POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCNI. adil Ni ole Brig Office, . "Where the 1s on the Kingston, May 20th, 1920. CHOIR ' LEADER FOR COOKE'S rest. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers 333 Prin t Ph 3 ek : - A or mesure Ring Jaton. 'BEDROOM TO LET, 81 LOWER AlL- Soraer. of Brock ang Wellington eee ee Valk - C.L stree " ALE--128 GOOD, DAR A woman may have to spade the sic. to R. J. Diack, 251 Al- freq Sioge to College and K-. PA AL Lawrence, Yorterwont tions, garden while her sporty husband MATINEE WEDNESDAY fred 'Street. ROOMED UNFURNISHED FLAT and Lewis counties; . ; counts his spades in the. game of t of th GIRL FOR OFFICE WO STEN. PouR ML ary! Apply' 33 Pine FOR SALE. New York State, dor sain Send 4 easino. Return np deinen of the STaphy not necessar be Mreet, DESIRABLE STONE COTTAGE AT 81 Hc Rosetn nig Yo 3 ¥: --e---- O Say the least, the 'other cheek" | It depends upon the man with his Hi the Year quick and accurate at Ngures. & State FURNIS ND UNFURNISHED Charles Street, containing six large is not at all popular even |hands on the handle whether the . ES Boarrience and SHLLY expected, End aPartments. Apply 230 jooms and large yard. For particu. | SOLID STONE MOUSE AT 88 Vice. kthe Lord's followers. new broom sweeps clean, or not. F. STUART.-WHYT x & O Barrie Street lars apply on the premises. toria Street; Jarge lot 66 x 132 By ~ -~ ° ms; 4° rooms; ENGLISH PANTOMIME A HOUSEMAID, WILLING 70 80 TO| biksr CLANS ROUMS AND BOARD; BRISCOR TOURING CAR, REASON. ughts: gaa for" cooking! = onuntry Sor Tals ® a improvements; centrally locat- able price, . Terms can be arrang iece Bach; Sis00, ants ed. Apply 243 i street. ed. Apply after § pm. at 93 York §1308 can aan Re Carroll Agency, - roc treet. _~ in to Ww. a Red F. Nickle, Rm ADY LARGE ROOMS; UN-| -- ee I rt Se led: gay, Moahtetions; light; | ONE BICYCLE IN GOOD CONDITION; | USED CARS AN TRUCKS $0] also rubber-tired runabout buggy. Gna, Ronen, rd You Sariands Yray Chas. R. Webster, 33 Brock strget. MOTOR BOAT, 235 FT. TENT 1 hh 1 With Same Great Cast amd Chorus h Noy ~ small writing ds yy ROAD a. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ONE UP ply between § and 3 p.m, to 5 Jee PRICES: one downstairs; with use of Queen sireet., : ; AlAs iy : 4 kitchen. Apply 476 Brock street. Evenings /95-50-75-81.00 81.5045 | § TWO CHEAP TTT TWO WAG- i Se Gl > Mat oi... y 2.50-75¢ and $1.00 ead TWO 8 FURNISHED ROOMS; 4 A LARGE gons, one driving horse, one heavy SH eran A oom sitting roo with work horse. Apply 30 Plum street. » i \ Hiden priviieges No. . Garrett Phone 2126J. The Autoglass Automobile Goggles : i reet OY Oe -- | King street in 1 A DESIRABLE LAT oF Foun on yertible pody, artillery iehsts A as Ri aE bY 1 A ve ge, y rooms, ov uroy upholstering; good condi- reet, three an ect co rta convenience; location, $3atral; for tion. Apply 243 Universit: half stories; desp lot; private The only perf ly. ' mfo ble, au Spare partiulars, phone No. 1353J. > y Ave. wayia Je pia: a hot alr furnace; . i . eds of omen afe earning EIGHT R. I. REDS, ONE COCKEREL, ran TRortuhity to ventilated, automobile glass that can be THURSDAY, FIIDAT, SATURDAY SRE poseming and Srosheting TT i vy LELUASIIRD HT R. 1. REDS, eet | nie shares Bride elt: y mor. erel: a ' . "dotite hens and one coc supplied by Turuinhed rooms: Dent Toon A 35 Partridge Wyandotte Chicks _ Street. . . . a '® : ground with your eye glass prescription, WM. S. HART rE 7 wen. Rend Sample | | ply 118 Hart strvets of phone 2010) 38 Partridge | Wyandot -- J > o y ; vis & Co. Dept. 35, STORAGE FOR FURNITUME, CLEAN, 4 {hated and tested. making it the safest goggle to wear for THE EVER POPULAR ve. Toronta. gov. Sig rooms; your gn Tsk 52 | 7wo rURE sRup JEmsEY cows, Conmicy CUD special Wo years of an. - Quean street. Phone 516; res. 989w. pat 4, aig ang new A reshen- R ant 3 : 3 .. te ff those who need glasses for vision. , a Apply in the evening to gM. An:| Maxw | TEACHER WANTED. Cea im Bets Se Tei | Abohy inthe syening to | operas 2 gL Loe If you drive an automobile, nvesti- John Petticoats' 54 ri Publie: soncer. ioe ro oir et tere 2 Felock alr SEVERAL BUGGIES, TEAM AND : \ ] commence Sept. 1st. Apply, stating hoon until 7. single harness; ny heavy Singer e the Autogl "They are wonder- tlary and quanfcations, i0-C. A. pos ae ' ' gat oglass. ey 4 HIS LATEST SUCCESS Baker, Moscow, Ont. ia ng Tha ri siecerte (her, worth View if uke i for » > rT. - { huly comfortable and efficient. 4th EPISODE AGENTS WANTED, lame ht Rousekeoplug: vo let at 198 of that wonderful wild &nimal serial : @ street. - Phone Terie . ly at Clark's Grocery, corn ld 'Hood THE VEIL ROTEL, 3 BROCK| fins and 2 dn streets, ad Shean, aout street; possession on the 1 15th Inst. ck. god gat ht ght Urelivers * Brin rt 9 ¥ Tce sn, 1910 MODEL; com ove u PORTRAIT TR tra see 3A ART. Painted; four new tires; cai : State mount of a r A rrr v= i The Lost Gi : praca! Ets ow ave, th ine ® liadtica sear ve ber ed and Sogl rp Rn veg ith oP impet; A Rn s =~ ol Ul oe Ht EVI wp Gh | SERGE | eras « Reous, merov > prices. . $3200-BRICK VENEER er te new ling. | TWO, THREE, oR i A HALF DOUBLE House ox ERA snd suble: sorts, nS ares ey Ao a ann Co., Toronto ooking keepin: 3 bed gr three or Suchen; °a : provem ht "8 sirest. Phone 1131F. 10 and mand Smmer litchen; deep fo0-| THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY His Latest Laugh Maker ! Z N WANTED. aie cash 3K Carrot Cae. the corner ot Pr g POSITIO FURNISHED HOUSE. on I Bron tran Carrel Agency. ; sess , tors aad firey A MIDDLE-AGED WOMA? ~ ae fe Co pitviieges: a pune; athe ~~ ave ne. 308 8 Albert st Pole Daunery. 'Apply Box C4, on only Ta gate rén tia child soLID {PRESSED BRICK Hovss ox Se Jor quick sale, at, rear, four bedrooms Fadi ane SITU. ACANT TWO ASONED proany APARTMENT, ece i stat ry laundry ATIONS ¥ iy for Sn oo balance HS MA CTIO NURSE DESIRES x cooking Sud rd ment. $5600. 7. $3008; PRACTICAL NURSE DESIRES Cand tments, r month, Carroll shsency, of aa or position as 5 - i ] Viet sibartmenta, er mont ed] Garr nurse 60) Toh! i one nd arte p.m. Order Coal now for June and July de-. livery. an Coal and Wood sales strictly spot "HEE