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Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1920, p. 1

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I All Taxable Lines of Men's Wear Reduced 30 p.c. Collier's Toggery itish Whin FRIDAY, JUNE, 4, 1920, = The Daily B LAST EDITION XEAR 87: NO. 141. KINGSTON. ONTARIO, .. ROLORS OF THE 21ST BATTALION, C.EFF. _ COBOURG DISTRICT _ : PLEDGES {TS HELP To Make the Prohibition Vote Decisive--OCo-Operation | mee | JIS] COLORS CONTINUE es | CREAT! se Somer OFT CONTROL IN Poisoned se Needles on Army Officers | ~--City is Thrilled. (Canadian Press Despatch) Budapest, June 4.--With twelve {army officers in hospitals in conse- | quence of having been pricked by poi- soned needles, and a number dead, it | Is believed that the Bolsheviki are | | attempting to create new disorders | during/ the period of uneasiness at-| tendant upon the signing of the peace COUNTY N ULSTER AREA treaty. The city is thrilled 'with ter | .| ror at these outrages which are com- ¥ WOUD BE A SUR | | mitted at night when the officers are | THE ELDERS TO LIMIT | going about on duty, and particularly OUTLINED IN THE IRISH BILL THEIR TERMS. | hen they are in crowds. Order is | BEFORE PARLIAMENT, -- { being kept by mounted police and | bs Rev. Dr. Robert Campbell, | squads of soldiers armed with hand | Sir Horace Plunkett Says That the 'Montreal--Report of the Com. | 8renades, pistols and rifles with fixed Sinn Feiners Would Likely Ac- pe Upon Co-ordination. bayonets. py i cept The Dominion Offer. [Canadian I Pespatch) {Canadian Press Despatch) oh De to ad- NEWSPRINT MAKERS Belfast, June 4.--As the result of The Sian Feln-Nationalists Alliance Wins in the Eicgtions. friends the temperance people have at Ottawa is the member for Edst To the Active Battalion of the Kingston dent of the Privy Council. Mr. | egimen Rowell asked upon behalf of his or- | NOR L ganization for the official endorsa- | tion by the Methodist district meet- | ing of the forthcoming referéndum | campaign. A resolution pledging the Cobourg district 'to co-operate ; coming vote on prohibition a large |AT THE CRIOKET FIELD ON and decisive one, was carried unani- THURSDAY MORNING. mously. ; Some of the rural fields want |Brig.-Gen. Hughes Handed Over the a closer co-operation along lines of | Colors--He Commanded Original Inter-denominational work looking | gig' And Was Long Associated --_-- i -------- to possible' church -union between | With Kingston Regiment. An event unique ip military life in Princess of Wales' Own Regi- Dutham, Hon. N. W. Rowell, Presi- in every way possible to make the ; churches in the district, and a com- | the present policy of appoint- ders of the church for life and | 'consideration of the report mittees on co-ordination were SEE SIR H. DRAYTON Told Government Insists That Requirements of Canada's Papers be Met. {tion it has maintained a hold. upon the county and district council elec- |tions, the Sinn Fein-Nationalist al- liance has secured control in County Tyrone for the first time. In addl- County Fermanagh by a majority of tf events at the morning's ses- | . 0 Of the Presbyterian General As-| Ottawa, June 4.--The conference » Rev. Dr. Robert Campbell, | with the newsprint manufacturers 1, presented the report on the | @nnounced yesterday in the House of Ti Commons took place in the finance Dn of limiting the term of eld- minister's office. "and it was agreed to allow the | gir Henry Drayton told the manu. Ist method of appointing them | facturers the government was much In. Dr. Campbell sald ft was [disturbed to find that knowing the on elders to suggest limiting in be of tive per cent. of the daily newspaper 559. The keenest interest was taken these elections because both coun- ties are included within the Ulster, area outlined in the Irish bill wow fore parliament. The feature of 4 |the elections generally in northern Ireland was the ascendancy gained by the Sinn Feiners over the followers Redmond. Would Accept Dominion Offer. agreements made last fall, twenty- terms, and declared that elders much right to limit the terms 'clergy. © proposals of the committee on prdination when adopted will have ching effects 'on the present It proposes Away with the present board of and to establish instead a board of forty-eight members Awa from the existing boards, with Irman, chief executive officer, adminis and treasurer. 5 ge of Canada were facing temporary suspension owing to inability to get newsprint paper, although willing to pay current price for export to foreign countries. He said the gov- ernment would insist upon the domestic requirements" being sup- plied, particularly as they represent only fifteen' per cent. of the total production, The situation is still regarded as very serious and the publisaers af- fected are remaining in Ottawa fcr further discussion. Tha publishers are emphasizing the point that the total amount of newsprint necessary to the continued existence of twaonty- six daily newspapers affected reports less than two per cent. of the exports of newsprint and that they ask for ro favor regarding prices. The pub- lishers state that the great majority {of the mills are keeping their Cana- London, June 4.--8ir Horace Plun- kett, leader of the:Irish moderates, most of whom have been Southern Unionists, in a letter to the London Times yesterday says: "While the British Government persists in ignoring Irish facts, the Sinn Fein effectively is taking over the executive and judicial functions of the government of three-quarters of Ireland and virtually possesses treaty 'powers. Time is with it and the tide. "Six months hence, it might refuse the Dominion offer. I firmly believe, {though I capnot speak for it, that it woilld now accept. Of this much I am certain: If Great Britain and Ulster jointly offered, and the Sinn Fein accepted, the status of a self- governing Dominion, Ireland would no longer be cursed with the Ulster difficulty, nor England with the Irish Received by the Kingston ment on Thursday merning at BELIEVES IT U.F.0. DUTY To Act in Advisory Capacity. to Gov- ernment. Toronto, June 4.--**This board of directors of the U.F.0., assembled in Toronto, declares that while they re- pudiate the charge 'that there has been any attempt on the part of their executive to dictaté to the govern- ment, they 'at the same time believe it their duty and insist on their right at all times, to act inn advisory capacity." The above from & resgitition pass- ed unanimously at the session of the executive of the U.'F, 0. places that body's position in regrd to its re- lations with the political end of the farmers' movement in mo uncertain light. The meeting also went on record as adhering to the view that a U. F. 0. member of the houfe of commons or legislature wuo disagreed with his riding executive should resign as a matter of duty. i; The meeting endorsed the action of Secretary J. J. Morrison with re- gard to the circularizing of U. F. O. clubs and members of the legislature to Impose increased sessional in- demnities and the civil' service super- annuation bill. Incidentally Mr. Mor- rison was also given an imtrease in salary. the Cricket Field. mittee was appointed to prepare the | way for 'a fuller discussion of the question. . The Forward Movement was cre- dited with providing an inspiration : which has greatly benefited church |MOTning of the King's birthday. MARTIAL LAW If the Present Conditions in Ireland Con- ", flisue Much Longer. 5 FORECAST Wo MORE BAI | ESHIPS| long proscribed sport of cock-fighting | 18 returning to popularity in Ireland. | { With the Irish police otherwise en-| gaged, secret | place all over the country and are be- | {ing attended by big crowds willing to | rise prosecution for this breach of ARE TO START FOR QUEENS. TOWN ON FRIDAY. There Is No Sign of Abatement of |t . Sinn Fein Attacks on Government of Posts in Ireland. inforcements to Ireland, movement of additional troops was imminent | to-day. } The battleships Valiant and War- spite have arrived at Plymouth, | | killed and wagers amounting to £2,- London, June 4.--Despite the re- 000 exchanged hands. The spectators cent despatch of strong military re- present were Dublin and Limerick. | $80,000,000 to Be Spent in the Gal work in this district this year. The missionary givings showed an n- | crease of more than $400 over last] |"year. | THE IRISH INDULGE IN COCK-FIGHMTING This Long-Proscribed Sport is Being Attended by 4 Big Crowds. London, June 4..--The ancient, but meetings are taking he law. At one recent meeting in the coun- y of Meath five pairs of birds were from Belfast, Cork, THE PULP MERGER, ineau Valley. i Ottawa, June 4.--An expenditura | Canada up to date was the 21st Bat-~ talion, C.E.F., color ceremony, which took place on the cricket field on the In accordance withetha recent re- organization of the old 14th Regi- ment | Rifles), which is now an' infantry {unit known as Wales' Own Regiment," the traditions | of the 21st Battalion, CB.F., are per- petuated in its active battalion. representative parade of that (Princess of Wales' Own the "Princess of A bat- talion proceeded to the cricket field, where in the presence of a large num- ber of ex-members of the 21st Bat- talions and citizens, the colors were Landed over to. the local unit by Brig.-Gen. W. St. P. Hughes, D.S.0., for so many years actively associated with the 14th Regiment, and who or- ganized and for a log period com- manded the 21st Battalion in France. The event is recordsd as a distinct success. The combination of the tra- A tlh where it was said 1,200 marines and more than 1,000 members of the { Devon regiment would embark :for Queenstown on Friday. | of $30,000,000 is to be made in de- | j veloping the pulp and paper industry | { in the Gatineau 'valley, as a result of | | the merger by which the properties | {of W. C. Edwards & Company; Gill ] dian customers supplied and that the presgpt crisis has been caused by the attitude of a very sma!l minor- ity. The Hearst newspapers also have a representative in Ottawa inter. question." The significance of this letter lies in the fact that Plunkett in touch with all shades of opin i Irish life. There is every indication that 5 the newsprint supply. viewing the government regarding It is under- stood the annual consumption of newsprint for the Hearst newapapers is 200,000 tons, a snbstantial por- 6h I» ade, in Odnad Faaep nd NCIAL ROADS -- 4 ARE NEEDED FIRST For Development of Rural Dis ct--Can tri adian Highway to Follow. Winnipeg /June 4.--At the annual England is rapidly coming around to the Dominion solution. RECOGNIZE MARRIAGES. .R Rej to Allegas |" of om af We, 30 Scr voile Toronto, June 4.--The Catholic Register, in this wéek's issue, reply- ing to Rev. J. C. Speer's allegation that the Roman Catholic church does (not consider Protestants properly wedded, says: "This is an utterly false statement of fact in & matter about which the Rev. J.. C. Speer could get first-hand information in a two-minute talk with a priest by tele- | hours, eight barracks in four coun- There is no sign of an abatement | mour & Hughson; the Kipawa Com- of Sinn Pein attacks on military bar- | pany, Limited, and the Ticonderaga | racks and other government posts in | Pulp & P up under the ownership of the Riord- | on Pulp & Paper Company. | nouncement to this effect was garrisons were succesdful in repelling Ihe 2 > Ireland. Within the last thirty-six ties were. attacked, and. although the all assailants, the attackers, oper- '| ating in bands of two or three hun- dred, used rifles and bombs with effect and set fire to several of the buildings through the use of flaming i petrol. | 4 Latest estimates place the number | of barracks and government build- ings destroyed since Easter at 400. The Lomdon Post to-day predicted | thread has advanced 100 per cent. | Detroit stores have practically ex- | hausted the supply, and there is no { more coming in." aper Company, are linked | An a Thread Price, Doubled 3 Windsor, June 4.---White cotton n price within the past few weeks n Windsor, the reason being that Ordinary thread, og ay Yon Food LIEUT.-COL. H. =F Last Commanding Officer of the Lop Battalloni C.E.F,, and now comman the Kingston P.W.O. Regiment, whi RCHES OF THE EAST phone, He would not treat Hotten- | tots with so much disregard. of truth." & The Register points out that matri- mony can be administered by lay people and that the priest and minis ter are merely witnesses. "The canonical laws of the Catho- | that sold here a month ago at retail { for 5 cents a spool, is up to 10 cents | today, and only a limited supply is | obtainable at that price. A further | rise is predicted by dry goods men. To Be Solemnized in Canada. New Haven, Conn., June 4.--Mr, that the government might yet have received 'the 218t colors on Thursday. to declare martial law in Ireland. Imports of arms from abroad by the Republicans are expected. The military commanders 'hope to prévent their landing, or if landed, their dis- tributions. Ne. =i en and Mrs. William H. Taft announce RAIN ENDS FIRES ° [the engagement of their daughter, IN NEW BRUNSWICK Helen, to Frederick Johnson Man~ y S---- ining. Mr. Manning is an instructor The Prayers of the People |» history in Yale University. He "*anadian Press Despaicn) DULD QET TOGETHER {meeting of @ Canadian Good Roads | Association fast night the question of West They Do," Says "Baptist Minister Before Qeneral Assem ditions of Kingston's rifle regiment since 1856 and the traditions and honors achieved by the 21st Bat- talion during its four and a half years of active service is considered difficult, if at all possible, to excel in Canada. This was one of the points made by General Hughes at the cricket field and by ' Major-General Sir A. C. Macdonell, K.C.B.,, C.M.G., D.8.0., Colonel F. W. Hil, C.B, |a Canadian highway came up in the bly. form of a recommendation of the re- solutions committee that the associa- J wa, June 4.--At the meeting _ the Presbyterian: General As- tion urge upon the dominion and provincial governments co-operative yesterday Rev. Mr. er, of McPhail Memorial rch, BRIG-GEN. W. 8. HUGHES action to bring about an early plan- lie church were recently gathered in n spoke on behalf of the Bap- : Original commander of the 21st Bat- talion, C.B.F., who presented that fight- ing unit's colors to the Kingston P.W.0. Regiment on Thursday, the matter was referred to the exe- Register. "Methodist ministers sutive gommitice, the view Of many could save themselves from public Bt Borat, oeat, 28 RR Chon? fri 1 So ning of the scheme. After discussion, and arranged in a code," says the "church, and extended a hearty and reading this code, No. 1098 of 8 to his brethren of the pulpit, Presbyterian church had been intellectual arm of the church, and was still Hv- gg the to that fine saying. Mr. Farmer rather deplored veness of the Church of to come to the building of necessary roads in the various provinces for the development of the rural districts. Advocates-of the proposal urged that the making of the plan would not en- tail any jreat expenditure, and that it would give the provinces some out~ line to work upon. this code states that if a couple have entered into a marrige engagement, and are so situated that a priest cannot be present at the time fixed, and they would have to wait a whols month for his preseace, then said couple may contract valid marriage gland. The problems with which By were faced: could not be solved I they refused lo. So-apatate, There L & movement in Quebec, which 'aimed to crush out Protestant- They must have a greater Their Angliean brethren had 'am sick and tired of the ex- way in which they behave 8 part of the countty," he said. est they get together." was decided by the assembly it no action be taken onthe ques- of subscription to doctrine and (Canadian Press Despatch) : iis, June 4.---Rebellious tribes- THE WORLD'S TIDINGS Tidings From All Over Told named a special committee to deal with the subject of soldiers' insur- ance. has inreased the salarfes of the Col- leglate Institute teachers by $200 @ sion on Egypt is ready for presenta- th IN CONDENSED FORM In a Pointed and Pithy 'Way. St. Catharine's City Council has Owen Sound Board of Education The report of the Milner Commis- before lay witnesses, "Here is another quotation from e Code : = * 'Non-Catholics, whether baptized or not, are under no obligation to observe the Catholic form of mar- riage." (No. 1089). -- ARMISTICE CONVENTION. Signed by the French and the Turk- 'ish Nationalists, . (Canadian Press Desvatch) Paris, June 4--An armistice con- vention with Mustapha Kemal Pasha, chief of the Turkish Nationalist forces in Asia Minor, has been sign- ed at Beyrout by Baron Robert De Caix, secretary-general of the French High Commission there, says Per- tion. The Foreign Office awaits tinax of the Echo de Paris. This step, French Moroes have yielded t authorities there ani accepted hia Cabinet authority. ted An oaditithn of peace Former King Constantine of hine gunk captured from French | Jreece, in-an Interview, feclared his . | belie at he will again be ca meats Ix 1914 have been sur to the Grecian throne. judéred and the port of Kanifra % a 4 : The Buffalo express, botind for i 3s Desh blockaded Sings 1914, ion on the Boston and Albany x Railroad, jumped the track. No one was ont Montrez! Tramways Commission Hontroale.ly "~Two monks of ; the Laval Rapids, when t overturned a boat they ing from. They were Broth« ns Leo, fifty-seven, ther -Plerre, aged ha Rrinciple of arbitration In its recent. ference with its employees. ~ Young women students in the home economics department at the ty bf Texas are learning how to Cut the cost of feeding a family. Dr. Manuel Gondra, an Minister to the United States, will succeed Jose Montero as President of ay, a8 a result of the recent Hon. N. W. Rowell will receive ¢ of Canadian minister Es ng to & prominent close - to Washington, ac Conservative has accepted, it is understood, the |eral extending a cordial v invitation to all golf players to make | use of the Rivermead course. = which was taken five days ago, is an said to have been necessary because the French are compelled to regroup too widely scattered forces in Syria, Is 85 But Plays Golf. Ottawa; June 4.---Robert gamble, secretary of Ci 'the Rivermead Golf ub, wrote to the Presbyterian Gen- Assemb "Although I am Sighty-five years old," said Dr. Campbell, clerk, "1 enjoy a gam: wice 1 move that this invitation} be thankfully acknowledged. was done. w week. Rev. Dr. Chown At Washington. Washington, June 4.--The hope that Canada and the United States will be drawn into deeper sympathy and closer co-operation 'for the fu- ture safety of the world' was expres- sed on Wednesday by Dr. Samuel D. Chown, General Superintendent of the Methodist Church in Canada, in a Convocation address at the Ameri- can University here. Dr. Chown was introduced by Wil- liam Jennings Bryan, who declared that the United States and Canada remained rivals in honorable effort to excel in example. The ideal js one thing that cannot be restrained by tariff laws or custom officers, he added. Wilson Sees Movies Daily. ashington, June 4.--President Wilson during his illness has become an ardent movie "fan." Hardly a day Bas passed, since he recovered sufficiently to leave his bed, that he has not witnessed oné or two reels. The President shows a decided fond- ness for comedy, and at least one good one is given at every perform- 08. + Mr. Wilson also likes good detec- tive films, just as he likes to read good detective stories in books. Of- ten, also, but not as often as the comedies and detective stories, a drama is thrown on the screen. Answered--Situation Gen- in. Yale, and was until September, 1919, a first lieutenant in the field artillery of the United States army. The marriage will take place in Can- ada in July. " erally Under Control. St. John, N.B.--June 4.--The prayers of the people of morthern New Brunswick have been answered and rain .for which they have inter- was a member of the class of 1916 Doctors' Charges Too High. Hamilton, June 4---Hamilton la- ceded has fallen, and, for the pres- ent at least, has conquered the fires which menaced a large portion of New Brunswick. While every able- bodied man in the districts affected was working night and day fighting the fires, other residents gathered in the churches and appealed to the only Power on which they could depend for relief from the danger which threatened them and their Property. Light rainfalls which occured during Tuesday night and Wednesday morn- ing aroused the hopes of the fire tighters, and Wednesday afternoon a heavy downpour lasting for two hours occurred in Restigouche county where the fires burned the fiercest. During the eyening more rain fell and other parts of the province also received a sufficient dampness to bor circles will lead in a drive against the big boost in doctors' fees an- nounced by the local association. H. J. Halford, well known local labor leader, declared that the new charges which become effective today "are infamous." He pointed out that la- bor favored state medicXY care and he declared the matter would be threshed out in the Legislature, Fifty new doctors are said to have come to Hamilton within the past six months. Killed Young Woman and Child. Ottawa, June 4.--While sitting before the stove in the living-room at the home of Wilbert Park, Fallow- field, during the passage of a terrible storm, holding the infant son of Mr. be 900000000000 sb00se enable those engaged in the work to bring some of the worst fires under control. The tire situation is reported greatly improved om all districts of eastern Canada and Maine, and it is believed that the worst is over, ------------. ---- - Briquettes Cheaper Coal. Ottawa, June 4.--By the first of August the lignite briquetting plants established by the Research Council to fit for use the coals obtained at Souris, Man., and at Estevan, South- east Saskatchewan, will be produc- ing. It is expected that 30,000 tons will be produced this year at a cost much less: than anthricite. Coal From Harbor. De Fo Sas Genoa, June 4.--Italy is so short of coal that 3 SOmpany has been dredging out of harbor the pres- cious mineral that has fallen over- board during years of coaling o tions in Genoa harbor. This reclaim. ed coal .is selling for the equivalent of $120 a ton. | Because everyone seems to want to make a suitcase of him, the alli- is comparatively Edith Brownlee, daughter of J. H. Brownlee, North Gower, was struck child were instantly kiiled. To Take a Week's Rest. C.M.G., D.8.0., and others who spoke at the officers' luncheon at the Fron« tenac Club, . Major W. M. Nickle, M.C, (21st Battalion), latterly A.D.C. to Lieut.« General Sir Richard Turner, V.C., was in command of the color party and escort, the following being that personnel which represented the old unit: Liduts. BE. 8. Webb (Toronto) and F. C. Johnstone (Pembroke), carrying the colors; Lieut. A. B. Jones, M.C. (Brighton), CSM. A. Jarrett, C.S.M. F. L. Stephenson, Sergt. G. Harrison, Sergt, J. Black- burn, Sergt. H. Muspratt, Sergt. H. 8. Kerrison, Sergt. W. C. Bongard, Sergt. J. Kerr, Corpl. A. Pullen, Corpl. W. Murray, Corpl. Tayler, Corpl. Bums, and Ptes. A. C. Shane, K. Nicholson, W. J. Cox, W. Clifford, Wert, Cook and Brooks. The colors were "piped" to the cricket field by Pipbr W. A. Nelson, with Corpl. Drummer G. Murray and (Continued On Page 3) Cobourg Reverts to Standard Cobourg, June 4.--As no other and Mrs. Park upon her knee, Miss | {own between Toronto and Kingston has adopted daylight saving, Cobourg has decided to revert to standard by lightning and both she and the [time on June 7th. The town cousieil reached this decision at iis regular. meeting Wednesday afternoon. Melbourne, Australia, June ¢.-- The Prince of Wales, by the advice of his, physician, will take a week's rest after the Victorian festivities before proceeding to Sydney. He is due at Sydney on June 16th. | NEWS IN BULLETIN, The British commons will not grant police contralto the Irish houses, Three years will pass before any transference in the constabulary is made. Irish police are permitted to shoot in self-defence. ; United States resolutions on Ire- land are shelved for the time being. An auto was wrecked by a King street, Toronto, street car. Three people were injured. One may die. New substantial credits for Cent- ral Europe relief are made by the French chamber. Canada was ap- rT. proached, but no reply has been sent Have You Got Room for Two More Boarders ? If you can add two more boarders to your. number of paid guests, the additional rev enue will be almost clear profit, You can easily, locate desir- able people through the Want . Ad. Columns ol the British Whig. Phone your ad. to-day--de- scribe in an atiractive way the rooms you have for rent, the location of your home, the nearness of the car lines. There are many people in Kingston who will hasten to apply for the accommodations you offer, Dey Bish Whig yet. The credits are. m in the. form of raw i can 5 * * The Great Want Ad; Store

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