Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1920, p. 18

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THE DAILY BRITISH = NGS FOR OUR READERS PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST i POSSIBLE FORM. 1 a -- {The Whig's Daily Condensation' of | the News of the World From Tele | graphic Service and Newspaper | Clippings. a te Two fishing protection tugs have | reached Lake Erie. | The government is asked to con- | tinue the wheat board for 1920. The full text of the Peace Treaty {| reached Constantinople by courier {on Saturday. The second annual Industrial Con- LATE AFTERNOON NEWS. | Now that -the budget debate is ended, members are talking of gett- ing home by July 1st. Taxation sche- dules are expected to come up Fri- day. The whips say that three weeks should finish the session. President Wilson on Fglday, ap- pointed a committee of three mén to settle the wage controversy between operators. Commissions award is to | be made within sixty days if possible. A large number of men armed with bombs and rifles attacked the polite barracks here at Cappaghwhite, Mun- ster, Ireland, Friday morning. The court house adjoining was set on fire EUR pr Lae a 7s {4 of o The Late Martin C. Kellogg. Martin Cram Kellogg, aged ninety- HY | two, passed away at the General Hos- the -anthracite coa] miners and the | teh ye gd--tie~fu + | took place from James Reid's under- taking parlors to Cataraqui ceme- tery on Friday, Rev. Mr. Roadhouse officiating. The deceased is survived by two nephews, one of whom is Al- bert Flynn, of this city. VHIG FRIDAY, JUNE, 4, 1920. RUSSIA SECURES OFFICES In Fashionable Bond Street Shopping Centre, London, (Canadian Press Despatch) London, June 4---Gregory Krassin, Russian Soviet Minister of Trade and Commerce, has secured offices in the west end of London and enters into posséssion on Monday, according to the Daily Mail. The premises are three floors of a commercial building in The Bold "street sHOPPIHE centre for fashionable people. The lease in- volves only temporary occupation. ORANGE CRUSH LEMON CRUSH Made from (Direct from California) ated Water. Syphon Soda. . Phone '304 for a case. An important ruling dealing with the collection of the luxufy tax {is issued to the retailer must give a sales slip showing both the prices and OFFICE: 294 PR INCESS STREET. DRINKS FOR SUMMER Guaranteed to equal any Drinks Made 'in Canada. Made from pure Fruit pure Fruit There is nothing added to the Fruit Juices but Carbon --r.Beltast Ginger Ale, Dry.-Ginger-Ale; -English- Ginger Beer. Thompson Bottling Works and a fierce battle ensued. The raid- ers finally withdrew. dh INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. tax. He must also collect the tax at the time of the sale. Local Notes and Items of General Ine terest. tn Alfred Maxam, tailor, M%itreal : street claims he was mistaken in 0} fo} | 1 | stating that he caught a 14 pound | = BESIEEE Cr] EEE maskinonge on Tuesday evening last. He finds that it was a pike. The Faculty of Education exami- nations commence Saturday in Con- vocation Hall, and continue until June 18th. Judging from the list of subjects to be written and the length of each examination, the modern tea- cher may be regarded as a walking encylopedia. In Jyvenile court on Friday morn- ing the parents of some children were charged with not sending them to school. The cases were enlard®d, to give the parents a chance to comply with the law. The cases were brought by Mrs. Easson, school attendance officer. 3 i eB Ae Le ee gS 2. Ee Announcement | | | gress is in session at Calgary, several on Page Four | | Buidiied atlending. of St. Catharines, jascidentally Xiiicd himself while | mp 'monster picnic he, at Har- | y . rowsmith by the local U.F.O. club on ' ||, 'Bave" Dye has been uncondition- Thursday was a great success. Dur- . . ! ally released by the Toronto Interna- | ing the afternoon there were a num- mn ii Hopal League Su 22 Years old. was | ber of five mifiute speeches. The prin. . . . | cipal speaker was A. A. Powers, 0 3 fatally hunt dotsioft vi down by a m0- | Toronto, and he was followed by oa dry Smythe, Labor | Mrs: Webster, one of the directory { s | of the U.F.W.O. for the province. W. | member Jor Seine Lancashire °0n° | G. Reld, president of the local club, i ancy), : . | presided and in a most pleasing man- ¢ The U. x °. S3ecutive at Toronto | ner introduced the speakers all of aver un elect oa, | Wt 2 orm : | whom proved very entertaining. Ot- IE atalion ypon ® DOL | her speakers were J. A. Kennedy, of Dan Gallery, ex-alderman of Mont. | Bedford, 'A. Martin, of Addington, | real, states that he has reliable in- | Mr. McKnight, of Hinchinbrook, Rev. formation that there are 500.000 2 W. Stewart, of Harrowsmith, and | bags of sugar tucked away by specu- Parsons of Wilton. A Bue Same | lators in Montreal, and that he will a Jassball was Plased Teivees oe | give information to the Board of pa am as erona 3a Te ¥ {Commerce as to where it is hidden. yéen1am Hy a Score . | Walter Logan first Lord of the { admiralty stated in the British Com- | mons Thursday, that if an attempt | was made to use the Irish home rule | bill to establish 'an Irish republic | the bill would be suspended and the | { Imperial parliament would take the | | steps necessary to restore law and | order. { how to the whole of oneself.-- FROST THREATENED BN Boy, Yee une NIAGARA FRUIT CROP 3.8 Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self- control, These three alone lead life to sover- eign power. ~ * * is a small thing to a man whether or not his neighbor be merci- ful to him; it is life or death to him whether or not he ge merciful to his neighbor.--George MacDonald. * * U.F.O, Picnic at Harrowsmith, [oj ojfe----=30]{0j[oc=]{o)[] sy --o)o] | [= EE Continuous Production Cuts Costs Every time your machines are shut down for repairs or replacements your production costs take a jump. Machines and employees must be kept continuously busy in order to keep down these costs. Greater production is absolutely necessary to offset high prices of material and labor. Dominion Friction Surface Belting will increase production by stopping unnecessary leaks-- --_-- Children Injured. There were two automobile acci- dents on Princess street on Wednes- day in which little children were in- Jured. In both cases the children were taken by the car driver to the Hotel Dieu for treatment, and were able to be sent to their homes. In one case it was reported that the car passed over the child, but the driver stated that this was not so, that only the fender struck the child. She was taken to hospital, and upon enquiry being made later was reported in no danger, and that only slight injury was sustained. Armardale Defeated. « In the feature event of the races at Belleville on Thursday, Armar- dale, the local pacer, was defeated by Day Spring, owned by Mr. Parkes, of Belleville, in 2.113. There were four pacers in the race and Armar- dale came first in one heat. Wonder- Seven Sentence Sermon. [OJ] =] rm ------ | No man's religion ever survives his morals.--South. * * * Education is the knowledge 'of | But During the Night Prevented Damage Being Done. | | (Canadiar Press Despatch) 1t | Increasing Cloudiness --Tennyson. St. Catharines, June 4.--Grave {concern was felt this morning by fruit | growers in Niagara district, for the {fruit buds and vegetables had a very | narrow escape from frost. Increasing cloudiness after 2 a.m. alone prevent- ed thousands of dollars worth of Behold, God is my salvation; I will \ damage, according to a leading grow- er. Indications to-day all over the district are for the greatest fruit crop trust, and will not be afraid: for Jehovah, even Jehovah is my strength and song; and He is become my ful speed was shown by a Calgary horse. Armardale was handicapped by a heavy driver and only missed minimizing delays and shut downs, eliminating most transmission troubles and cutting power costs by pre. venting pulley slippage. Our belting experts without charge will help you to make your transmission belting cut costs and give continuous production. Wire our nearest service branch c as prove the claim. Dominion Rubber System Service Branches Toronto, Port William, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Calgary, Lethbridge, . Vancouver,3 Victoria, clog in four years, with the possible ex- salvation. --Isa. 12:2. * ception of strawberries, which re- . : quire generous rains this week to | In spite of the stars of the wise and x h f in. the world's derision, " SaYe tao rom ruin Dare follow the star-blazed road, --Edward Markham. - - * capturing the race by the narrowest margin. "Fanned" Twenty-Two. In the opening game of the St. Lawrence Amateur Baseball League at the Fair Grounds, Thursday, the pitching of Teddy Gallagher, the star southpaw of the Ponies, was the fea- ture. Gallagher fanned twenty-two men, a record in 'Eastern Ontario, and allowed six hits, three of them coming in the first three Innings. He walked two men and was never in danger. 5 Weather Notes. : dare follow the vision. Pressure is high over the Great Lakes and the w P®rn states and re- : : latively low from the Central States| The sweetest music ig not in ora- to the Gulf of Mexico. The weather | torios, but in the human voice when has been fine over the Dominion, ex- | it speaks from its instant life tones cept in Eastern Quebec and the mari- | of tenderness, truth and courage.-- time provinces where light showers | Emerson. have occurred. TOBACCONIST ALL KINDSOF FIREWORKS Special for the Holiday! 'MOIR'S and McCORMICK'S CHOCOLATES B80c. to' $1.50. 2069 Princess Street. --------JOJOIC----olo)ol & Our Native Binds. One of the most valuable assets our nation has is its native birds. The Whig's serial 'Love and Mar- Too mueh cannot be written in their | 77 0. 82 inadvertently omitted favor. Destroy them and in a few years | [0d8Y but will be continued on Sat- Halifax, ----ojo|t The independent man lays aside his independence now and then to solicit favors. i k _ 5 we r 23 s Saskatoon, ion Friction Surface Belting. "ye f= Opposite Strand Theatre. Carriage Repair and Black- . Smith shop, 54 Queen street, city; thriving business; big stock of material and tools. | Fine chance for right man. i jailing health reason for sell- J ing. i APPLY AT SHOP. PHONE 1217W. §4 QUEEN J '| woop Sewedin 5 Stove (BOOTH & CO., oot est O t Phone tJ Without Resting When you go to a physician to be examined for any heart trouble one of the first questions he asks is: "Are you short of breath?" Now, when the heart becomes af- fected there ensues a feeling of a choking semsation, a shortness of breath, palpitation, throbbing, ir- regular beating, smothering sensa- tion; dizziness and a weak, sinking, all-gone feeling of oppression and anxiety. On the first sign of the heart be- coming weakened or the merves un- strung Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy you re- quire. They regulate and stimulate the heart, and strengthen and restore the whole nerve system. Mr. Stephen Crouse, East Clifford, N.S., writes:--*"I suffered for five years with heart trouble. I could hardly walk from the house to the barn without resting as I used to get so short of breath. Doctors could not help me. My wife told me to get a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills xad I felt better alter taking them; three boxes made me quite well. I am now helping my son to work the farm, and can truth- the injurious Insects will bave multi- plied to such an extent that trees will be denuded of their foliage, plants and crops cannot be produced. There are more than 1,209 species of our native birds, and millions of individuals. As a result of the éxam- ination of over 50,000 stomachs of birds, they established beyond a rea- sonable doubt that birds are of eco- | nomic value, first in eating harmful | insects, their eggs and larvae. Second, in eating the seeds of noxious weeds. Third, in devouring field mice, and other small rodents that injure the crops, and fourth, in acting as scav- engers. While the economic value of birds should be kept in mind the esthetic value should also be consid- ered. Man does not live by bread alone. 1 4 : We should protect them. for their graceful forms, their charming beau- ty, their delightful melody, aud their Joyous activity. "In comparison with the United States, Canada continues to lead in the industrial of diembled Board of Voestional Bdu- a total of 32,204 men have training out of 41,813 men 0 had been approved. In Canada same period 48,366 men had urday. Miss Alphoncio Asselin, of Wel- land hed mysteriously disappeared. BE Ltt EE ---------- pp ------------------------------------. - a cd 3 ' § =| 0/00 0]EIE=) 00) Mens and Boys' Clothing 207% DISCOUNT Our 10 day 20% Discount Sale, at which our entire stock was offered to the public at a flat reduction of one-fifth off, was such a decided success that we are again giving those who did not benefit before an opportunity to replenish their wardrobes at present wholesale price. fully say I feel like a different man." Price 650c. a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- Every Boys' and Man's Suit in our store, with the exception of our Palm Beach line, is included. No reserve. Selfishness and sympathy are never found very close together. I A BATHING CAPS With the arrival of the warm weather you will be looking rd to the popular summer sport. Drop in and look over our lines of Bathing Caps.' The wide diversity of styles makes it possible for us 10 meet every demand. No matter what Dame Fashion may decree as correct, or even exclusive, It will be rep- resented in the various lines we handle. The colors and designs 8fe Varied enough to please every taste and are within the range of every purse. . 'SARGENT'S DRUG STORE QUALITY--COUR TESY--SERVICE. Corner Princess aud Montreal Streets. Telephone 41. ! PALM BEACH SUITS Cooling Clothing at re- freshing prices. $20, $22.50, $24.00 i ; Save the Tax. Buy Here Saturday ses see 2.0 $24.00 STRAW HATS Made in gland by Tress LF gland $3.00 to $5.00 No tax. | i i $80.00 Suits--less 20% ........ ... $85.00 Suits--Iless 20%........ ... $40.00 Suits--less 20%........ ... $45.00 Sults--less 20%. ....... ... $50.00 Suits--less 20%........ ... $55.00 Suits--less 20%........ ... This season, $50.00 has been a popular- priced Suit. In the regular way this Suit cost you $50.00, plus 10% luxury tax. Saturday you can buy one from us for $40.00, with no tax. i] i 52k i SUMMER TOGS White Ducks and Flan- nels, new Shirts and cool looking Ties, Un- derwear and Hose. PANAMAS Toyos. and genuine American Pana- E . 3 : Eyton Warburton Manufacturers' and Travelling P. O. Box 199, Kingston, Ontario. Cam ALL your out-of-town business be successfully. con- ducted by correspondence ? 1 cover all Eastern Ontario, Let 'me represent you at no espense to you, unless I conduct your -- I, mh rit] § f yielding F

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