Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jun 1920, p. 17

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It just took thirteen days, or some Authorities say fifteen days, for Ros- sini to produce his 'Barber of Se- ville." His was the inspiration of the moment; As one: of Rossint's' biographers says "it was not for him te plod and philosophize in his music. His genius flashed and flamed." The list of companies Jyho are en- couraging music and musical organ- izations among their large forces of employees is growing. The big busi- ness heads see the advantages of music in keeping a satisfied, cheery, t group of mien and women in their factories, and are putting this belief to a practical test. . "The power of good music is this; you listen to it and something takes inside of your system. Try to ain it; you can't. But some good music makes you feel like Isughing; a nocture of Chopin makes you weep; & march of Grieg sets you tingling; a lullaby of Schumann puts you oy a state of calm; a prelude of Rachmaninoff sets your nerves on edge; some other music is the sure-fire love match which makes you want the only one in the world. Ordinary music can't do this; you hear it and it is gone. Oreat music . 'you hear and it stays with you, work- ing throughout your system and ; your heart beat faster and ~ setting your soul into ecstacies. Great music 18 . great because it has given much pleasure to many poople."'--Charles D. Isaacson. De Pachmann's Secret. When de Pachmann came back to America for his last tour, his friends - all noticed a peculiar ease and velvet like finish to his playing and also a force somewhat astonishing in com- parison with his previous perform- ances. The marvelous effortless ease with which he played certain running passages--passages which despite their resonance, seémed to rain out of a hand that was scarcely moving, astonished everybody. Know CASTORIA ; For Infants and Children InUse For Over 30 Years Plano, violin and other stringed ~ | «instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for converts ac opted. " 1216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325; SEE ing de Pachmann's eccentricities and also the fact that he had been absent from the concert stage for some years, his friends thought that he had hit up some new method OF evolved some secret system. . They asked him frankly for the secret o his progress--progress made in th: baffling matter of piano technic al the age of sixty-four. De Pachmann smiled and answered: "Secret? My secret is I work ike de devil eight hours a day at practice until I get it right." Those who heard him at work said that twelve or fourteen hours a day would have been nearer the truth. Music That Angered. It is not advisable to regard music purely as a soothing influence. Music can poison the moral constitution as well as the physical; it has power not only to sooth the-savage breast but to awaken the savage in the breast. After his defeat in Russia, Napoleon declared it was caused by the Russian winter and the Russian army music. He sald that the weird and barbaric tunes of those beastly Cossack regi- ments simply infuriated the half- starved Muscovites and they wiped out the best regiments of the French army. When the compositions of a Futur- ist musician were first heard In Har. lin, the whole audience was enraged. A well-known critic after atteading this concert wrote; 'I was miserable all the Afternoon, my nerves fretted and on the edge; there was no anti- dote for the poison but sleep. If such music making is to become ac- cepted, thea I long for Death, the Releager." At Vienna, when the Same music was played, the audience broke loose. Blows were exchanged and fighting became general; the police were summoned and the per- formers packed up their instruments and left the hall. It reminds us of an old Scotch woman who, when told that a certain anthem she dis- liked was written by King David, said, "Noo I ken why it was that Saul threw his spear at the lad who was playin till him." - STUDY OF MUSIO Cultivates the Habit of Accurate A school trustee who was once op- posed to granting more time on the school curriculum for music study, but who now is heartily in favor of it owes his change of attitude to being shown the value of music pug as arithmetic, grammar, geograp or any other regular recreational side as an educational subject the same of music. The case of music is well put by'a school music supervisor who makes this observation: "While the main purpose of music education is to cultivate an emotional reaction for the beautiful, yet the intellectual! discipline which goes hand in hand with well-organized music study may easily hold its own with that devel od by mathematics or science. W. subject lays sush stress on quick ception? The young child is taught to think through his ears first. I wonder how many music teaghers a" realize that their success depends directly upon correct hearingd | feel that public school teachers have &'¥sped this truth much in advance [of teachers of plano and orchestral nefruments. After the child Aas : through his ears, then he is taught Waiting in precision, regularity form, restraint and control music has Bo peer. What demands more ac- curate, quick thinking than music reading? In mathematics the pupil he thinks is rhythm, and the mind must be alert. Music study which scores in Intel- lectual discipline as well as in emot- lonal reaction demands more time in the daily program ard beiter trained teachers than many, school systems now have, but as soon as we prove to school authorities the possibilities of music as an intellectual stimulus they will give it more consideration in the school program. The citizens of many cities through out Canada are realizing that one of the chief reasons why more musical treats are not available in their town is the lack of a suitable hall to ac- commodate a visiting band, orches- tra, chorus or artist. To hear a Lisst compbsition on the piano always recalls the fact that Liszt grew up with the sound of the music of Hungarian gypsies in his ears, sald a lady to her friend at a plano recital theyother evening. Pale Cheeked Women Told About Restoring A Rosy Complexion A few years ago the girl with pale, drawn cheeks scarcely knew what to do in order to restore her fading ap- pearance. At that time there was no blood-food medium made that really would put color and strength into systems that were more or less worn of out. To-day it's different. The blood can be quickly nourished, can be made rich, red, and healthy, All you bave to do is take two Ferrozone Tablets with a sip or two of water after meals. The effect is almost magical. Mothers, look at your children. Are they ruddy and strong--do they eat and sleep well, or are they pale, weak, arid anaemic? FERROZONE will rebuild them. Take your own case--is your blood strong and rich? Have you that old- time strength and vigor, or are you somewhat under the weather? FERROZONR will supply the strengthening elements you require. It is a blood-forming, nou shing tamle that makes every ailing person well. FERROZONE is a marvellous rem- edy, it contains in concentrated form certain rare qualities that especially | Ot it in cases of anaemia, poor color, thin blood, tiredness, and Ives of weight. Every day you put off using FER- ROZONE you lose ground. Get it to- day, sold in 50 cent boxes by all deal. ers. ---- -- | from the matrix. LINDSAY Player Pianos \ FE~HERE are many makes of Tre yer-Piance on the mar- dollar Lindsay Player- Piano is the best of all Canadian. opesc or made Player- a few r Player-Pianos which are being sold at. rch HE Lindsay Player-Piano for dollar is the big- gest value on the Canadian market to-day, bar none. That's There are and we will be very if you will give us the op- portunity to prove our claim be-. fore you decide which Player- higher p thereare many Piano to buy, i -Pianos which are : gong sold at the same prices as UR tati il Sl aan ves will EASTER ISLAND. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Mysterious Land Was Swallowed and Thrown Up By the Sea, It wah on Easter Sunday, 1723, § that the Dutch navigator Roggeveen iH discovered \ a previously unknown |§ island in tha Pacific, 2,100 miles west It | of the South American coast and close | | to the Tropic of Capricorn. i { He called it Easter Island, and |§ | salled arouad it but did not attempt || +a-landing, although much struck by |} {an extraordinary specticle that met | his gaze. 8 i At intervals along the shore he be- || held great platforms, on which huge I # | stone giants stood In rows, facing the HH sea, He saw them first and was last | to see them, for Easter Island there- | i upon: became "lost" again to naviga- |§! tors for more than half a century, |}! and when it was rediscovered all the | glants had been thrown down. | What had happened? Nobody will | over know. The island--wholly vol- | canic, thrown up out of the depths of the sea and 1,100 miles from nearest land---is the moat mysterious spot on earth. Its history is lost; the population it had whem Roggeéveen saw it had wholly disappeared at the time of its rediscovery, But the stone glants remain; also | the platforms of cut steme (more or less intact) on which they stood. One | of these platforms was 540 feet long, and on it were placed fifteen of /the | huge images, varying in stature from | forty to sixty feet. ! Most of the images wore crowns, | weighing two or three tons apiece, of reddish volcanic tufa. Some of | them represented females apparently, | and each ome was modeled in the likeness of the upper half of a hu- man being, the head disproportion- ately large. They are carved out of gray lava, and it is surmised that they were designed as portraits of royal or otherwise distinguished per- | sonages. The origin of the giants is no pus- | sle. They are found to-day on the island in all stages of the making, the quam; from which they came be- | ing located in the crater of an ex- tinct volcano at an elevation of 1,327 feet above the sea. There some of them may be.seon merely sketched out upon the rocky walls, while oth- | ers are in a state of partial comple | tion and yet others stand or le where they were left while in process transportation to the coast. In all, 555 of the statues have been remains unfinished in the erater. The lar, balf a mile in diameter, and con- tains a small lake that is alleged to be "bottomless," sounding lines 300 feet long having failed to reach Ap The rim of the crater is broken at , but the sup- oh, ,. and drawn by huadreds of men ong, The present selling prices of THE NEW tax lately imposed on Phono, N of 714%, also an excise tax of 10%, That made only an additional tax of 234 %, part part by the Greene Music Company, leaving Edison Prices the Same as before and our large circle of customers will be pleased to and records for them without an increase on the New Edison' for you, either in our comfortable special demon- ged scale of prices, and give you time accommodation to pay for it if SIC C0, LTD. The Home of Good Music, Princess St. This applies to both instruments and records, know that they cam buy their favorite prices that prevailed for the past few months. Wo would like to. demonstrate a stration parlors, or in your own home. found. The largest, seventy feet high, 2a) a soll at an unchan ofater is cup-shaped, perfectly circu- THE J M A ini. Rp wt NEERnER | bottom, i wes A inery, y Dosition is that they were lowered by nm te Glad, Gay Hour Edison 0oods Unaffected By Tax EDISON and Records will not be changed by the new On these lines the dealers have already been paying a war tax were abolished when the new tax became effective. of which has been assumed by the wholesaler and A A ON AN AN Ar AP AP AAA ra. Hea Aa? ttm one point, where a stream of lava |B .. . formerly poured through on its way aH : : 9 te the sea. It was through this gap IS] that stone images carved inside the orater were dragged. Their transpor- . tation down the mountain and to the Us Value A Store of "Quality" that enables you to get your merchandise at Lower Prices. Service e A HH bk BE i ik: | It is manifest that the skulls. i Apparently some sort of calamity | overwhelmed the island, wiping out entire MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Our range of Men's Suits are hard to beat. The young man's taste in clothes'is our hobby, and | the days : we have an assortment of styles and patterns worthy of your in- spection. Conservative models for older men in greys, brown, led with blue, etc., etc. Prices from $18.00 to $38.00 STRAW HATS In Panama and Heavier Straw 'Sailors. Prices range from $2.25 to $3.50 BOYS' SUITS In Tweeds and Worsteds: made up in Belted and Waist-line models. Bloomers with Gover- nor Fasteners. Prices for Satur- day from $7.50 to $14.95 (These prices are exempt from tax. No tax.) MEN'S FURNISHINGS Ties Knitted and Silks. Reduced $1.00 and $1.25, Fast colors, with collars to match $2.00 to $2.50 fe. | Eile fee] ; . § All our Ladies' Wearing Apparel must be sold. Now is your chance to get that new Dress, Suit orWaist. All greatly 'reduced. REE LH ii! 1 E g ¢fiss | if : i 5g 3 : i 3 £ 7 Es § LADIES' CANVAS SHOES In Oxfords and Pumps; in Cu- 'ban and Louis heel. Prices from $2.50¢0 $3.50 § 1 § | i {xi : 7 E : i § : gh 1 7 Ee : 1! i i ; £ : ' MEN'S BOOTS In black and tan blucher and long lasts; all reduced, CHILDREN'S WHITE SHOES In all makes; a treat for the little one's feet. Prices from $1.25t0 $2.00 | ct [ ip kei 4 al § EF £3 : ij i g W, 3 § is gd 4 1 it & a. hl g £ 2 ! | fl E : 1 - - . © ° ° is ~~ Louis Abramson, Do your shopping early and get your sizes in White Shoes, as' they are selling fast. 5 The Up-to-the-Minute Clothier and Furnisher. mn Heng long in the |tested to see wheather we can carry Irish raids continue. A barracks , and they [something of the same carnestness Fas burned in County Kerry, Several tested character and earnest- [into the necessary but monotonous | policemen were wotmed ""iring the Now peace is here we shall be | work of ily living. fighting with Sits Feliners. u et la,

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