Save Against the "rainy day" CA A, some day, when illness or old age takes away one's ability to earn, is rightly distasteful to the Canadian mind. The simplest, surest way to offset this is to open a Savings Account and add something to it every week. Come in and we will gladly explain. Bank of Nova Scotia A. K. LYSTER Manager Kingston Bransh x Capital - « - « § 9700000 Reserve Pund - 15,000.000 Resources - - = 230,000,000 The thought of being dependent HI PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND No. 1 BANNER SEED OATS weiCariond Seed Cora om the Cob. LOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. United Farmers' Co-Operative Co, Ltd. "CASH AND CARRY" | I ; } i i i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG yon of Whithy } Bq 2 ¥ i I i i il v8 ; I} } i " ol ! i f HH 2 i | a] I | i ; | : i | | it i i : i 2 i : i th I fs bh | sil Hi | i Hs ir i ; i { : I ii i il i: : i i | E i § ¥ t i | phi: * : Hl 4 HH ryt : bi ith gf pit fi: rl if it ; iF £ I : J fi ; is 1 | i i | i i I i; | k f iv . oh ti Hiatt E e E I i i fie FERTE i! ! i ji 7 'We have everything that you need in | the way of RUNNING SHOES. i . Nome » M 2 B » . A Children's from ............ $1.00up | 2 EERREl | | | { | | Ei RUSSIAN INDUSTRIES oT ay ES FIOIT iture Includes Over Salaries. London, June 4.--The offical | organ of the Russian Bolshevik Gov- ernment reports sn estimated deficit for 1920 on the operations of mat- industries of 23,756,700,- 000 rubles (a ruble ix nominally 50 cents), ordtan to a Berlin des- patch to the Exchange Telegraph Compa ay. The expenditures Include 56,650,- 000,000 rubles spent on officials' sal- aries and on oi of the in- rganization dustries, 14,393,000,000 rubles lost | Ls owing to production cost exceedingly Light uj your Philip Morris Navy Cut --Puff ' --Puff Kon me smoke in your mouth. It does not parch --nor burn --nor irritate, . The sweet taste of pure Sun-cured Virginia Leaf, free from adulterants, Compare it with other Cigarettes Philp Nox ¢ Ca Lined Landon. New Vick Mantied, Cairo Josugiahind 1920 by Tebaooo Producis Corperation, Limited TO RECLAIM LAND And Hope It Will Be the Best in the Province. (Canadia- "2s Despatch) Saskatoon, Sask., June 4.--Survey for reclamation of several townships of what the government engineers' believe can be made the best lands in Saskatchewan, will commence soon in the Moose Range north of Tisdale, states G. F. Horsey, of the reclamat- ion services, de . | very soom. Mrs. SUNBURY CHURCH UNION Likely to be Ratified----Flow of Milk is Good. Sunbury, June 1.--Theé township council met on Monday. A large number of appeals were considered. The executive of the township Sab- bath School association was called for Monday evening to arrange for the convention which will be held in the Stone church on June 15th. . The continued dry weather is hav- ing a serious effect on the crops. The flow of milk keeps up well. The cheese factories have commenced to make cheese on Saturday evenings. Quantities of good whey butter are being made and a ready sale is found "itor it. A large number of the resi. 'WAS | dents are going to take in the circus and other events in Kingston on June Mrs. Thomas Ritchie, who was operated upon in the Kingston Gen- eral hospital some time ago, is pro- gressing very well, and it is hoped 'that she will be able to return home George Webb is spending a few days In the country with her mother and sister, who have § TITER] AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES For taformation and rates apply to J. P. Hanley, C. P. & T, As G. T, Rall way, Kiagstos, Ontare,