5 FRIDAY, JUNE, 4, 192. THE DAILY BRITISH {== ; WHIG D A soe Sealed Packets Only. Never Sold in Bulk. Removal Notice PATTON'S DYE WORKS Formerly known 2s Montgomery Dye Werks Has now moved to 349 Princess Street Now ready for business. All kinds of Cleaning and Dye- will be carried on 8s form- M. F. PATTON, 214. Py in| erly. Phone wh a re in) PT RELIEF for the acid-distressed stomach, try two of three Ki-M0IDS Miter meals, dissolved on the tongue -- keep your stomach swest--try Ki-meids--the mew aid to digestion. = MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE AUTOMOBILE AIRING "= Ford Cary speciality. Genuine Ford parts. | race' shop Tom. Ree 15075. THE LIVER i | | } | | \ i IMINATING the | \\ FRE PN AANA s. . | Ernest A. Bergerson, Windsonr, and officers of the Ontario license board, has entered suit for twenty- five thousand dollars. ' Phones No. 47 and 780. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK *s 6% GOLD BONDS o | Due May 1st, 1090--Prics 09.08 ana toca o 5 5%. : "nterest payable May and November. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. : "The Home of Good Investments" Phone 1728. - - . . 237 Bagot St. 'H. J. Bongard, Manager. A campaign 10 :belp these ehild ren will be opened fn Kingston and under a strong, local Committee in co-operation with Csnadian heod Federation, Watch the papers day by day for particulars Shoes For Men WE ARE IN A POSITION TO PLEASE the man who aims to be a natty is is the Oxford season and our styles eE rd in the fashion world, Our Working Boots for Men and Boys are 'dependable Shoes, at a reasonable price. ie Avisit will convince you. _ Steve J. * Martin § Who was shot by the border police hi 5 E The "Baggage" in the Cab _ enay ByARTHUR RENWICK O'HARA mete (Copyright) "Yes," said Engineer Martin, as he finished oiling roand on the 629, as she puffed and panted fn the siding, walt ing for the seuth-bound express, "T've worked for this company for ten years. I've only takea one lay-off, and I've | only been fired once, and that wasn't for overlooking reckless rum- ping, or sleeping while on duty, but for carrying freight in my cab." "Defrandin' the corporation that far bishes you your bread and butter out | of its just dues, eh?' remarked Con- { "A sort of | ductor Watson jocosely. bitin'-the-hand-that-fed-you business? I'd never have thought it of you, Mar tin" i) "They couldn't fire a man fer that nowadays," said the section boss, who } | Was an arrant "dynamiter." "We've got to have a hearing. An | official's got to have a reason for firing | 'a man besides not liking his style." "It's a good thiag for the companies, toe," remarked Conductor Watson, whe had lately passed thrugh a mest trying | "Investigation." "It keeps 'em from losing many a good man." "I was mighty scared they was goin' to, make up their minds to lose you when they had you on the carpet last month," drawled the engineer, with | twinkling eyes. "Well, anyway, T hadn't been loadin' | my caboose with freight," retorted the conductor. "Was you movin' your household goods ia your cab, whem they caught you, old man?' "No, the freight I happened to be | carryin' didn't belong to me," he sald placidly. "It was the very choicest Pessession of my Areman, Johnny Rhodes. "One night, when I was hustita' round, gettin' the emgine ready on a short call, Johnny came to me and sald: 'Martin, I want you to promise me that you'll carry something te Santa Barbara for me.' "'All right,' said I, carelessly, going OR with my werk. 'Remember, I'll hold you to your promise if it takes your scalp,' he says, and then I noticed for the first time that he was considerably stirred up about something. * 'See here, young man,' said L ping short, 'bave you been stealin' and now expect me to help you smuggle your loot out of town for you? I asked m. " 'Before God, what IT want you to Carry belongs to me and to mo one else,' said he solemnly, "Well, then, jump arownd and fill Your rod cups and stop this nonsense,' I answered, rather cross, for we were late. " 'Swear that you'll for me, Martin' he begged, lookin' wild-eyed dnd " 'Oh, go on. Tl do it to get shut of you,' I said at last. "With that, he gave my hand a bone- crushing squeese and rushed off. I didn't lay eyes on bim again till we were just ready to pall out, and then Tl be blessed if be didn't beip 4 young Woman fate my cab and install her on his seatbox as evol as you please, "Right then a bit of gossip flashed danghter and Mat the young lady had something more than just & falat Nkin' for him. "Johnny was a pice young fellow, steady and industrious. Me showed mighty plain that he come of good Stock. Of course, he Was poor, or he wouldn't have been shovelln' coal on an engine, but he was a Sane boy--the best fireman I ever had. "But when 1 had a look at the young lady I bad to own up to myself that he had some excuse for puttin' eur jobs In jeopardy, for Miss Barbara Maye Yas about as handséme as they make em. : : i Hy $ : 7 i if i i} a, Hi g ¥ : " £- : : 8 §.8.5. 3338 - - ] Lappe hill Hy H i] i £5F ie gf : f ; g g f : "°F 1 . . COAL, ana then sec uy greasy old can- vas grip en top of that. He was shov- elin' coal for all he was wortli, when the superintendent poked his head inte She cab. "Well, he looked at his would-be son- In-law's back and snorted He was achin' to find fault. Anybody could see that. "'You handle your ¢oal-piek Ike it | was a croquet mallet,' said he, after | he'd observed Johnny's maneuvers for afew minutes: . = "Yessir," sald J meekly, breakin' up coal for dear life. "Finally, he says to me, 'What makes you keep your cab Iumbered up this way, Martin? It looks like some clut- tery old woman's bedroom. Now what in time Is that bundle over there in the commer? Do you carry your whole wardrobe with you? You must be quite a dude.' " 'Ob, that's just a little baggnge I'm a-carryin' down to Santa Barbara for a friend of mine, said I, quite uncon cerned, with the cold Sweat tricklia' off me in streams. ! Sugars for a friend, hey! he sputtered. 'And was your friend's bag- &nge tes precious to be trusted to o of the company's cars? Well, I'l} have you know you can't cheat the com- pany, that gives you your bread and butter, out of its freight. You can't your cab and work on this read. May the flends fly away with friend's bag gage! I'd kick It out of the cad for a cent.' "Well, he stormed and staved arenad | | for full ten minutes and that plaeky little girl huddled up under the slicker, never moved or made a sound. I don't believe she felt the reMef that Johnny and I did when hér father finally went storming back to the comch. "No, sir, she came out from under cover, drew a long breath, straight. ened the bent feathers en her hat, and set her hair to rights at the little min ror we kept hangin' eppesite the water glass, as cool and compesed as If she'd | growed up In a cab. - | "Well, I s'pose we made as good | time as usual that trip, but it od | to me that we crawled along the rafis | like n tortoise. At every stop Super: Intendeat Mayo paid us a call and give me a chunk of his mind abeut my | friend's baggage. | "The young lsdy was sure same. She was the coolest of the three. "When we pulled into Santa Barbara | the hind brakeman told me that the su. perintendent wanted me to come te his office right off. "'l can see our finish,' said he, lookin' sick. : "Of course I wasn't surprised when the superintendent handed me my walkin' papers, but I was mad clear through. "Johnny and Miss Mayo insisted on me goin' with them to be married, sad after gettin' fired by her father, you Bay reckon it was ~~» satisfaction to { | carry something | make a chirity baggage wagon out of |" der. ere is nothing more wholesome . and delightful than doughnuts or crullers ightly made. Their rich, Fifi oh i i i 7 i i i i: i tl Hi i i : Ih ; 1 i si i | | i : | | i i i i BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure MADE IN CANADA Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the NEw RoyaL Cook Book and sprinkle lightly with pow- dered sugar. Crullers : tablespoons shortening cup sugar _ '- 3 egus Cream shortening: add gradually and beaten together flour, cinnamon, and baking powder; add half and mix well; add milk i HI : hi! New Ro | Cook Bri ns Theos ad recipes. A ROYAL BAKING POWDER OO. SM. Lawrence Bivd., Montreal "Bake with Royal and be Sure" me to go. TY euly v...aed thet he had half a dozen girls, and that I counid help| 'em all elope, I told my wife (hat I enjoyed Johnny's weddin' mere then I did my own. "The. old man was heppin' mad when he found out how they had give him the slip. "It was nearly two years before the o'd man thade up with 'em. Not nadfi Mister Rhodes, junior, ceme along. They give Rim his grandpa's. full name, James Burton Mayo, and that sort of melted him. Hegoouldn't hold out against the kid. "As soon as the superintendent took them back inte his favor they showed their gratitude for my share In thelr weddin' by werryin' him till he put me back to work, and I've been workin' for this read ever simce." 'I'l bet you was pretty eautions tbeut carryin' extra baggage In your cab for a spell," remarked the section boss, who had been an interested lis- tomer. "Was shy about even carryin' a cold lanch 'with me," agreed Engineer Mar tin cheerfully. "Ar T wenldn't have tote a runaway bride In my englhe cab--not even If she was elepin' with Mr. Superiptendent Mayo himself." Her Own Version. A little girl in Coamecticut, aged two and a half years, was allowed to 80 to church Christmas Sunday on conditjon she would net talk out leud, but éomid join in .the singing. The first hymna happened to be "Joy to the World," sung to "Old Antioch." She recognized the tune and felt her op- portunity had come. But the only words she associated with that tuae were mot the words of Isaac Watts. This made no difference, and the con- gregation was convulsed to hear a high, childish voice ringing clear above the voices around her: "There was a man In our tows, and he was woa- dreus wise. He jumped into a bramble bush and scratched out both his eyes I" Repecially effective was the repeat of the last line when, Instead of hearing: "And beaven, and heaven and mature sing." they heard, "Ang scratched, and seratched out both his eyes."--Philg. d4#iphia Public Ledger. GUATEMALA REBELS | i SENTENCED TO DEATH First Time In Years "Traitors" Have i Given Legal Trial, a Guatemala City, Guatemala, June 4--After a trial by comrtmartial se- ven prominent in the bonibardment of the capital in the April revolution have been sentenc- ed to death before a firing squad, They are J. Claro Chajon, command ing general of pr Jose Reyes, department ¢ ahdant; Miguel Larrave, Sub-secretary of 'War; Man- uel Leon Arriaga, Carlos Leon Regil y Galan; Felipe Manquez and Gilber- to Mancilla. The prisoners were given & legal trial, this being the first time in 22 years, or since the incumbency of the late President Estrada Cabrera, that persons charged with a high crime Were granted thatprivilege. The hear a ing was public, as required by law, and took place before a great gather. ing of people in the court yard of the residence of the ex President. "The Milk that saves the sngar* hi - ol why B iis - . } » . A can of Eagle Brand is in units of nutritive value one pound and quater of pee The high food value of Eagle Brand is not delicious fla will show Try Eagle it gives to all fa the Honk. b to-day. : ic lon "Borden's Recipes - ry : For sixty-three years the standard food for infants has been Eagle Brand. 'THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED the proof of the flavor We will stad it to soups to delicious - MONTREAL can be tised in making little cost. your cooking. The proof of economy you free." TEN ph -- ' I! to 19 eggs or is the new in the eating. and