Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1920, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE EIGHT --_-- + eg In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features : WELCOME RELIEF | FROM ECZEMA | on Gg ls SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, washing and storage. ARLE. Lor. "Sale; cheap; first class condition. 38S BAGOT STREET Phone 1884w. a, Removal Notice PATTON'S DYE WORKS Formerly known as Montgomery Dye Works i Has now movéd*to' 349 Princess Street This Brand is your Safeguard for Tea Satisfaction, "Refuse Substitutes' -- charm. They never stop to think that "Used in Millions of Tea-Pots Daily' if a woman has a beautiful complex- ion that it might be more or less doe- fo tored provided her smile seems sin- K ¢ere and flattering. They will write Sonnets to their sweetheart's eye- brows that have cost "sweetheart" almost as much pain as a surgical op- eration in shaping them. They will speak of crimson lips and beg for a kiss while the woman fears to grant the request lest she leave the shape of those lips upon the face of her lov: I expect all these thoughts are what a man calls 'catty' ana I pre- sume they really are so. I know it was only when I began to look ugly myself that I began to have them. However, after donning my black and while negligee and tying a broad green ribbon about my naturally red \air I felt as though I were looking all the time and use it secretly. I have had other men call attention to the glorious tints in their wives' hair when to a woman who knew the fine points of beautifying it was henna in- stead of nature's bronze. To myself 1 said, "smart woman," instead of "beautiful hair." : Ae Men Gullible Creatures. en are the most gullible of ctrea- tures when it comes to beauty. They think they admire beauty in a wo- man, but what they really admire is Are Men Gullible? For a long while 1 sat there enve- loped in unhappy thoughts. Suddenly I became ccnsclous that the whisti- | ing had stopped in the bathroom and {I knew that<Johti was shaving. Then | came a voice in happier tones than | those he used before going in to his bath. "Katherine, will you please 4 open my grip and bring me a silk New esdy, 3 a incus, Dye- g | shirt, collar and my brown tie?" Ing will be carried on as form. 440 | ' I hastened to do this and thrust it erly. In the door. As I did so I caught a Phone 216 © AT erteoen. Pld of myself in the long mirror | at thé other end of the recom. I did look very forlorn. I decided I would | try to make myself a little more pre- | sentable. In my wardrobe Wag a new | and very good looking 'lack and | white mat€rnity gown which I never | bad worn. I went in to my dressing room and closed the door just as I " "Pruit-a-tives™ts alsosput oping | . f heard John commence to whistle trial sise which sells for 25c. Eas : . iy ol Before I had finished he came out SAGE TEA DANDY i into the other room and called me. 1 knew by his voice that he was per- T0 DARKEN HAR fectly happy and at peace with all -- the world. It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring 'Comfortable In Mind. ol aud ® I wonder it other married women Hatr. For Information and rates appiy te - J. P. Hanley, C. PF. &@ T. AJ G. T. Rall IN tn. i . . Beth these favoritesremedies .are sold byrdealers at 50c. a.bex, 8 for Modporsenton reosipt.ofiprive by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. NGSTON MILLING COMPANY, Ltd. Foot of Brock Street, Kingston Our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by electric motors with current generated at Kingston Mills, WE MANUFACTURE: -- " HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED CORN MEAL, GROUND CORN, GROUND OATS, CRACKED CORN, GROUND FEED, BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. Our Products are good and freshly made FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS Ei HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES We have everything you need t5 help you clean house, By using our Brooms, Brushes, .Cleapser, PUlishes, etc., you will "be abls to clean house with very i little trouble. ¢ i a v have found that husbands have a way of making themselves perfectly com- fortable in their minds when they have made their bodies comfortable. tions under the compulsofy pas- teurization by-law should be carried on, ' question of pasteurizatibn of milk, instructing Dr, Hutton, health of- ficer, that in the meantime prosecu- You cam turn gray, faded hair a large majority, declarea ror a ref- The City Council of Brantford, | beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night if you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur - pound" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage TeaRecipe, impproved by the addition of other ingredients, are sold an- nually, says a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van- ishes and your locks become luxuri- antly 'dark and beautiful. A This is the age of youth. Gray- Daired, unattractive folks aren't wagted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a days. Edward Valpas, editor and leader of the Finnish lalist party and of the Finnish revolution, in 1918, has been sentenced to prison for life. He was tried on the charge of high treason, i War Bond Interés Coupons and C a erest, eques Cashed Free. The Loan whatever for the service, If you have not a not use your interest This Bank ? oo @,. Arden Branches, J, Parham, Verona and Sub-Agency at Mountain Grove. . Merchants Bank will cash all Wee! coupons or interest cheques when due, making any charge Savings Account, why [money to open one with , Established 1804, «eH. A. TOFIELD. Manacsr. W. McClymont, Manager. * Open Fridays. t Boxes to rent at Kingston Branch. Wherever tea Is liked to-day, 'you will find the favorite is always LIPTON'S. 600,000 Children Destitute in Serbia Watch the papers day by day few I John can go to his bath in a very Dasty frame of mind and come out a perfect angel. That is, if he doesn't drop his collar button under the chif- fonier and is able immediately te find the tie he wants. Since I have been married I have been very careful to see that John's clothes are laid away in perfect order in his bureau drawers, and yet when he is where I am he never fails to say to me: "Katherine, where did you put my shirts?" or whatever else he may be wanting to wear. It seems to be easier for him to ask me that ques tion than to use his brain a little and remember where they always are. "Katherine, Katherine, where are you?" he called. "I'm in my dressing room for a moment," I answered. John came rushing to the door, 1 was very glad I had locked it because do want privacy when I am dress- ing, something which John can never understand. I have always bélieved that a woman never should disclose all her toilet secrets to any one, least af all to her husband. I have had men remark to me on the glorious color which their wives' complexions always displayed. Know- ing that the color was rouge I under- stood immediately that that man's wife was clever enough to use rouge | Told in Twilight * (Continued from Page 3.) Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street. entertained informally at tea on Mon- day afternoon in honor of her guests, Mrs. Berteau and Miss Fraser, of St. John, Newfoundland. The first of the June teas will be held at the Country Club on Satur- day afternoon next. ; . - . * Mrs. Jacob Jones, Lanark, is In Kingston visiting her daughter. «Miss Marjorie Porter, Buffalo, is spending some time in Kingston be- fore returning to her h me. Prot. J. K. Robertson, wife and little daughter, Kingston, are in Perth, visiting with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson. Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming and Miss Margaret Hemming are going to To- routo to pay a little visit to Mrs. Hemming's daughter, Mrs. G. S. Bow- erbank, and Major Bowerbank, in Brunswick avenue. - » - » ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delzel, Brock- ville, are spendiag a week in King- Ston visiting her relatives. Mrs. J. B. Barry Athens, Is gpend- ing a week or se in Kingston with her daughter, Mrs. L. G. Earl, a Patient in the hospital. Mrs. Hartshorn has returned to Peterboro from an extended visit in Kingston sad Montreal. Migs Leah Rea, R.N., Rochester, N.Y., is spending two weeks with her mother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Losee ana little daughter, Josephine, Deloro, Ont., were in Co 80 about June 5th, on a three months' business tfip for the Deloro Smelting and Refining Co. Miss Mildred McQuaid, Ordnance ' - LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents--Try Jy! - a ee better. In fact, I was a little ashamed that I bad gone to meet John with- out paying more attention to my ap- pearance, . "My but you're good to look at!" exclaimed John as I opened the door. "I can return the compliment," I answered with perfect truth, for John was almost {deal as far as physique and face were concerned. He came toward me and for the first time since I had seen him took me in his lized how much he was influenced by physical attraction. I was very glad that I had decided to stay away from him down here in the country until after the baby was born. He seemed to be thinking about the same thing, for he said, "Well, are You going home with me?" "Better to Stay Here," "No," I answered, "I think it is Detter for me to stay down here." "Well, I'm sorry for I will have to 80 back tonight, girl." The name "girl" made me. very happy, for it was the first time John had used Jt to me in many months. His next question, however, dis+ pelled my bappiness and I was sure I was going to have a disagreeable quarter of an hour. Tomorrow--Where: Frien dship Ceases ve street, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fitzgibbon, of Watertown, N.Y. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Hugh Walkem have moved to Dorval for the sum- mer season. Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Perth, 1s the Sryanising secretary of the Dominion .0.D.E, * Miss Kathleen Low is in Kingston to remain for a short time before re- turning to Toronto. Mrs, McKee, Toronto, her daughter, Mrs. Gordon beft street. Prof. Iva Martin has gone to To- ronto to attend the Toronto Univers sity convocation. Lieut.--~Col. and Mrs. G. E. Kidd left the beginning of the week for Ottawa, where they will remain until they sail for Europe on June 12th. Dr. Kidd expects to spend the next six months in Edinburgh, taking a course of study. - * » Andrew Sword, whose position is at Oshawa, spent the 24th of May with his wife and family at Ganan- oque, R. R.. PF. Harvey, Upper Union street, returned on Saturday from Ottawa, where he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan O'Brien, at thelr summer coftage at Britannia. - - * is visiting Smith, Al- Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Arthyr Evans, Wellington apartments, returned last week from Montreal. Mrs. Frank Nash came up to spend the week-end arms and kissed me. And the I rea-}- erendum before the people on the Do you know that millions of people who ye Blue-jay keep entirely free from "IF. - , ended by a touch. Ifacoma itis ato A Blue-jay pi Se or a drop of liquid Blue-jay is applied. The com pain stops. Soon the whole corn loosens and comes out. . Themethodisscientific. Itisgentle, easy, sure. Old-time harsh treatments are sup- planted by it with everyone who knowsit. The Scie BAUER & BLARK, Liuited whi its qu gist sells Plaster or Liq ntific Corn En corn. "on millions of feet nowadays Itis made by a world-famed laboratory, ch.every physician : It is now applied to some 20 million coms a year. troubles are fast disappearing. You can see com corns and them? ods which are heey toes) Try this -day method. See what it dose a You will never forget ick and gentle action. Your drug- Blue-jay. Blue:jay uid der Chicige Toronto New York sad Aled Products with them, and has returned to Montreal. Miss Catherine Fairlie, Brock street, returned last week from Mont- real, where she was visiting her bro- ther and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Fairile. Mrs. Goldie, Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brymner, West street. Everett Townsend, 134 King street, left on Sunday to spend a week at hig home in Tremton, N.J., and be pre- sent at his deughter's marriage, which is to take place to-morrow. Mrs. John Webster, who has been at "The Rectory," Barriefield, re- turned on Saturday to Hamilton. . Every flakeTh every put * be good enough for your to eat. Thatiswhatiis guaran muse by my signature on every "Wax tite" package of Kellogg's Toasted Com Fl

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