Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1920, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Sw WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1920, eee eee er | man ana wife, Peterboro, at Capt. SYDENHAM THE WINNERS i : | Freeman's; Harold Ryan, Wolfe Is- . From The f|:.2 tno st min, o = vu a fo tr, 1m oe . qs | parents; Mrs. Reynolds, "Kingston, unty Ball Game. . {son and wife, Toronto, at Lewis Sydenham, May 29--Sydenham in- a ecla 1sts Ss | Boyee's; Y. Haggerman and wife, [augurated the opening of the 1219 ® 8 h 3 [ Rosedale, at Wesley Babcock's; Dora | inter-county basebait league by winn-+ THAT there are Ph icians who specialize on Infant ailments you know. All y . | Camipsall is able to be out for a short | ing a burlesque exhibition of base- 8 |drive. Mrs. Conway, . Collins Bay, | ball from Yarker by the score of 21 * Physicians understand Infant troubles: all Physicians treat t} It is his { visited her children here recently. [to 17. Both teams used two pitchers i { : - ht : FRONTENAC PITTSFERRY. niet Tie gine called in he profession, 'his duty, to know human ills from the Stork to the Great Beyond. | May 28.-- ful y was | first hal? of the ==At. the timel, . : i 3 Y i a ier. or rawines spurek rere Ee Fax testes. or fhe" But inr-serious cases he calls in the Specialist. Why? He knows as every d } 3 embers at o t : : Jo ying Nay 2k I to It the elghth Y foe ne s | Mother knows, or ought to know, that Baby Is Just a baby, needing special treat- {May 25.250 STATION. fers are la large audience "The Farmerette." | Sydenham got off to a great start | ment, special remedies, through seeding. Among those who | | 1® Parts were taken as follows by [in the second when six runs were re- . . : N i ired | [auendug, sho "funeral ot the late |GEEe dia EY rr on | Sisteredcbatyre tho side was retired. | Can a Mother be less thoughtful? Can a Mother try to relieve Baby with [ae or Davi og Grautord | Myrtle McMaster and Bessie Lane. Dak and broke into the score column | a remedy that she would use for herself'? Ask yourself'; and answer honestly! ' : WA Rev. W. E. Long acted as chairman. {by scoring three runs. Yarker hit | : Crawford, Joseph Warren, William | : : | Kimberly, 8. C. Bourk and Josie H. |S0l08 were sung by Miss Bessie Lans | back with interest in the fourth when Always remember that Baby is just a baby. And remembering this you pens Sumdny" win "aior| 5L5; Also 8 recitation was Even Dy | nd heen: aetna Up ie ingles | ember that Fletcher's Castoria is made especially for Infants and Warren. | i b | 2CLS; Als a recitation was given by | and three doubles, In this innings qfombo) apeat Sunday WHE; Miss Miss Norma Orr. The proceeds |" Art" Lee replaced Koen and ens |p re home after visiting | 2Mmounted to over forty-seven dollars. succeeded in applying the brakes. In Children. [friends in Westport. Mr. and Mrs, | After the play, a dainty repast was | their halt of the fourth, Sydenham 3 oved ar came within one of tieing the score . (served to the performers and the . : ' ior have Yee (ho Shar. other members of the class and their | by registering four runs. In the fifth i - Watch Friday Ss rented a house from Miss "Maggie | friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Yarker secured three more, and \ again Sydenham did the come-back , i re n ry or. - = bls da bib a - de ba aX Top pop John Millions. Mrs. William Brash Bourk. Born to MY. and Mrs, George |} returned home after spending a [stunt with four runs and tieing the Paper | England, a baby girl. |tew days at the parsonage, Ganap. score. In the sixth Yarker got three McDONALD'S CORNERS {oque, with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 7 E. | runs again, 'but this ended their scor- for | May a9 A baby girl has come to Long. Miss Glaflys McMaster is [visit- Ing until the ninth, the runs in that brighten the home of Mr and Mrs. ing friends on Wolfe 18nd, Mine inning, however, being thrown gt. | - |E . Wi land, is|Sydenham put th ice i : A. Webb d daughters, | Eva Henderson, Wolfe 8 y e game on ice in Special f {2. Duntep, A re) ay a ghter, [visiting her grandmother here. Leslie | their half of the sixth, scoring six | and Mrs on Dr. Hagyard Henderson and Miss Norma Orr, who | runs. In the seventh they added one cement. | coant the Rank. , Kingston | motored to Wolfe Island on Satur-|for good measure, Koen again took un spent the week-end with ngston The E friends. James Griffith has gone to Say, have Fetupned bone, DE P up the hurling and was much stead- ! . i. | wor seague has again organized | ier, Yarker bein; unable to get a run | | Lanark, where he has secured a posi- | ball team for another |off his oven Bg 4 { . A. McDonald has gone to Car- | the basket [en ABs A summer. Mr. and | Year, the first practice being held on On Saturday, June 5th, the Syden- {Mrs. J. Closs and children spent Sun- | Friday evening. {ham team takes on the fast Lakeview rasan club of Kingston, and it is bound to > BEE day at J. Legary's; Mr. and Mrs. | fd f |] | Stanley spent Sunday with the lat-| be a 'good game. : | ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William | Iho teams: n c he P - A : | Gilmore, Elphin. A number from | ydenham: Koen, p, 1b, ss, Har- Topansiiinel i {here attended the funeral of the late per, 2b, A. Lee, 1b, p, ss, Roche, cf, A odie Rood ty Heded AR AY \, ARAN | | Mrs. Jackson, Watson's Corners, Sun- Stevenson, ¢, Woodruff, rf, Young, a ¢ 9" [i ackson | 3b, cf, Babcock, If, R. Lee, 1b, Fox. : ; Advertising by the use of large space, the huge sume : i 3 | -- ton ss, Blakeslee, 3b. RS i of money have placed on the market, have put perhaps, il MALLORYTOWN. Yarker: W. J. Dunn, p, cf, Dolby, a es many articles that teday have been diacarded, i admit, VENNAOHAR. May 29 --Mrs. Ruth Snider has May 31.--Mrs. Raphael and son | 1p, Warner, c, Woodhouse, ss, O'- . De May " b engaged to teach 8.5. No. 8 till | Gordon, Ottawa, are spending some | Mara, If, ef, W. B. Dunn, rf, Smith, orl) . the Sen engag Miss M.| time with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Raph-| cf, p, Babeock, 2b, Holland, 3b. If. Opi Fletcher's Castoria: modest in all its Saja may win for a time, but ° a {| | the mid-summer holidays. 112 Princess E. Ball, assistant city clerk, Kingston, | ael. Mrs, A. W, Mallory is spend- : By innings: R. H. B. n ' HOT {spent a few days visiting her mother, ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs.| Yarker...... .00383300--17 23 8 {Mrs. N. J. Ball. A number from | C. W. Mallory, Kingston. Mrs. W.| Sydenham . . .06044610--21 23 § mislead a ma or a. ¢ . . p {around here attended John Rosen-| A. Guild has returned home after Phone 1372j | around funeral at Denbigh on Tho spena 4 a few weeks with her : , on ; {27th. D. J. Flake, Lavant Station, |daughter, Mrs. Barrigan, London. Sy 3 . everywhere, and their daugh tog ters, now mothers, speak jas through here yesterday buying | Mrs. M. E. Purvis has returned, after ; frankly, , enth y in | piss, hogs, veal calves and milch |an extended visit with relatives in i Speak of as a friend that 3 Jean Fiwtilu's Castorfa, cows for foreign market. Miss Nora | Washington. Miss Mae Green, De- to lovingly brough comfort, cheer and | Hughes, teacher at Rose. Hill, is a troit, Mich., is visiting Mrs. W. IL smiles their littie-one. week-end visitor at 'her parental | Mallory. N | for home, Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes. 3 : Rena 3 Mrs. Wellington Holmes visited her POOLE'S RESORT. sister, Mrs. J. H. Yomans, Tweed, May 28.--Apple orchards are re- last week. J. W. Johnston, Wensley, | splendent with snowy blossoms, giv- 1s a week-end visitor at his son's, | ing promise of a bounteous crop of 4 : =? nates 8 £ S PR SS HOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT 18 AROUND EVERY BOTTLE oF FLETCHER CASTOR Alex. Johnston. Miss Leta Bebee has | fruit this season. Miss Gertrude Scott ; returned to her home hare Shon, | Sent the week-end under the paren- R spending the last winter in Hamilton, | tal roof, Junetown. Mr. and Mrs. "ay SS A ne she had a good position . [Ford Davis were Sunday guests of | [SENS : NTREAL, 2. QENVINE C ALWAYS Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Poole, Caintown. 5 | + PARHAM. Alfred Salter has purchased a Ford pL - 0 ¢ Bears the Signature of May, 29.--Mrs. W. D. Bertrim, ac- | touring car. Walter Williams is hav- . Lan, I S ay companied her daughter, Mrs. Genge | ing a, kitchen erected. Among Victo- 4 to Verona, where she will be under | ria day visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. the doctor's care., Charles Ottis is in| Wilson Burnham and children, Ellie, 3 3 Parham. Alex Howes has returned to|and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Salter and p 7 ey : # Oshawa. The funeral bf the late Mrs. | son, Escott, at Alfred Salter's; Mas- 3 3 Howes was held at her home on Tues-| ter Harold Poole, Caintown, at 8. 3 vil ou -- rg | » SNE] ARNON RCSA ARRAN and son are at her mother's, Mrs.| daughter at J. T. Week's; Mr. and per Ib, Snyder's, Verona. A number of men | Mrs. S. A. Guild, Mallorytown; John g \ { from here attended the raising bee | Root, Yonge Miils, at W. Williams; w at Frederick Kirkham's, Wagarville.| Mr. and Mrs. Buell Dickey motored -. Mrs. M. Storms is at M. Cronk's; Mr. | to Brockville yesterday. Bre 4 ir and Miss Brown and Joyce, Mrs. M. ) Ov Wagar and children at Frank SEELEY's BAY. ] RPL 2 lf BS Sa ¢ | Wagar"s; Mr. and Mrs. Minorgan at May 31.--William Moroughan is d : Choice, Steak, Pork, Lamb and oa - 4 Ww. Bath; Mr. Adams at the Bertrim [erecting a new garage. Farmers in| poNAR LAW: : : | . Warm Weather [2:0 xr same ai the seririm Er iit ater hei A"207% 18 BONAR Laws DAUGHTER ENGAG- - ER ' if Choice Headcheese, Sausage brings out the pretty flowers with | well attended. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mc- {and are now busy planting potatoes | ~The engagement of Miss Isabel Law, their fragrant odors, which at- |Cumber have been ill with measles. |and corn. W. Kenny removed back Jie Desutitul Ett of RL Sion. An. aa hdl 20e. per Ih, Ella Card is home from Verona: Win- to his old residence. _ Ernest Collin- Frederick Sykes, Controller toed Sr NC h tract everyone. nie Clow is home from Kingston. gon has gone to Oshawa having se- Jenetal of Civil 'Aviatioh, has Just been il QUICK'S VWESTERN MARKET 9 Mrs. Frank Wagar is in the city. cured a good position there. Mrs, | "Pnounced. Seely s Perfumes George Moore is not improving very N t Re. | MEAT . wr much. Her conditon remains about ews of Charleston. - \ by | 112 CLERGY are made from real flowers and we MCLEAN. the same. A. W. Grey, M.P.P., at- | Charleston, May 30.--Mrs. J. Phone 2031, ime L.--Ralif Is much needed In | tondeq the Masonic Banquet hers | Webster attended the W. A. meeting \ one 3011, this vicinity, ag the fires are doing a h t a h = SEE {lot of damage to the pastures. There Lore Js Jhuns AL might, A apelin) Mrs. T. Foster and sons, Brockville, | gas quite an exciting time here one | yoy held in the Masons hall last Fri. | Were Sunday visitors here. Mr. and tollet water and sachet. | day last week , As Samuel Sills, Wag- day evening. Dr. Annie Young = JieD. Hefferman and Mr. and Mrs. | * 4 | arville, was passing through with his o Lt: > _ | M. Hudson, Glen Morris, were here | 3 nCo-o0 - me foe team his horses got frightened and government Seager, pe rel on Sunday. Miss Amy Spence is re- } Kingsto perative * (ran away. The waggom went over district meeting of the Institute is|'UrBing to Lindsay to resume her ; f So : Id | ciety, x 9 his legs. He got quite a shaking up, to be held here on Jume 23rd. Miss| OTK as a nurse-in-training, , Mr. Prouse S Drug Store 2 his leg a badly Bust | William Bessie McTear, of the rectory board, Huries Slack hus been a sufferer for Phone 82. Bo CR Aer Bs is over Is visiting friends here. neck' Mie morro He the : =Dairy Butter. |at W. Asseltine's doing some carpen- TPO arrive today from Lake Placid. It ~--Fresh Maple Syrup. Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks [ter work. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. May 50 hs YORY: friends of|iS rumored that Cedar Park hotel ' --All kinds of Oleomargarine : Telephone 489. Deliveries daily, always on hand. Willis Asseltine and Miss Eleta Assel- will open thi . Miss Josephi . - pen this week. Miss May Lati- tine and Henry Asseltine, Long Lake, went as SL ICAS, Who undu, mer was taken seriously ill on Friday ) Closes at 1 p.m. W. pmorning but is better. Miss Jennie rs B. 0. Sar, Manager. at John Raycroft's on Sunday; D. 7 Hecht, Arden, spent Sunday at Rich- <g Test Jo Paul Hospital, Brook Palmer, Atlantic City, is at A. Bets- ard Beverly's; . George Beverly at is getting along nicely. Harold Tag-| fords. L .Botsford, Bedford Mills, George Smith's on Sunday; Mr. and gart been motified that he was_a Sunday visitor st his home : Mrs. Frank Smith and family, Harry successful in passing every examina- | Bere. Rain is badly needed here. spoonful Reng Smith, Victor Kirk, and Eddie Ball at tion in his first year course in Miss Mary Johnson is visiting friends means William Smith's on Sunday. Queen's University. Miss Teresa Mo. | in Portland. | ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Cann was a Brockville visitor over on ' i HARTINGTON. the week-end. Miss Beiva Cusisy | President Wilson will likely cruise well--because i . : Ford Com 8 apecirr/IRING May 28|--Seeding is finished and | Kingston, is visiting her uncle, D. A. | fhrough the Isthmisn Canal and up | Ford parte, om planting is in full swing, as corn is Curtis, Wardrobe House, Mrs. (Dr.) |the coast to San Francisco, in time : you | 378 BROOK STRERT grown quite extensively for fodder.|R. R. Barker is visiting 'friends at | for the Democratic national conven. | a a result of its purifying, cleansing proper- Phones: Shop 1080. Res. 13873, Mr. and Mrs. Boucher, visiting Mil- | Newboro and Portland. 'Mr. and Mrs. tion. . ties. =But--remember thers is oaly ton Cloakey, have returned to their | Harold Rice, Collins Bay, spent Sun- EN . "FRUIT SALT"--ENO'S. Don't be per- home in Gananoque. Mrs. Daniel |day with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Scott. John Hewitt Drowned. Ered to buy worthless imitations. Kinemon Is at the General Hospital, (Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wing, Kingston.| Brockville, June 2-oThat her ENO'S--at your Druggist's. Kingston, with her daughter, who is | spent. the week-end with Miss Eftie | ¢ldest son, John, had met a tragic Prepared only by seriously fll. Mrs. George Brown is Ripley. E. E. Mulville, who is at-| death by drowning in the Saskatche- . "108 Coaning at Newburgh, and Benjamin [tending St. Michael's College, To-|¥an River at Edmonton. Alberta, 4. €. ENO, Lid, "Frei Salt Works," LONDON, Eng. Campbell at Wolfe Island. Everett | ronto, is in town to spend_the vaca- | Was the information conveyed to Mrs. Soke Ageats for North America Huffman and wife at Moscow: Delos tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Mary J. Hewitt, of this town, last HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO. LIMITED Leonard, Cobourg, at his fathers', C.|M, E. Mulville. John McDonald, To- | evening. No particulars. were given 10 McCAUL STREET, TORONTO Leonard's; Ella Collins, Kingston, at ronto, spent the week-end at his | other than the announcement that he | | Mrs. Fred Denison's; Rella Jeffery, | home. Miss Stewart spent the holi- | was found drowned on Thursday, the spending a week with Salome Goslin, | day at Pakenham. : 27th. » at Kingston, last week. Mr. and returned home Monday. Ross Free. "ANDERE" TS vr -- COZEMA 55 Stops Hair Coming Out; | tiem X. 5 u L; TE ADOLPHUSTOWN. Sans Doubles Its Beauty. May 29.--A number of local sports aN 7 attended the horses races in Picton, \ May 24th. F. Vaness and Miss Bdna Magee, Enterp the good work started. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Magee and Mr. and Mrs. George Magee visited Mr.| - : White Buck. Patent, and Mrs. Keesh, Deseronto Road, on Sunday last. O. Robin, Belleville, Brown and Black Kid. called on friends in the locality this | y : week. Miss B. Hawley, Napanee, was : Sizes 3-5 .....$2.25 a week-end guest of Miss Magee. > The Sik le crude Jew" M Sizes 54-71 .s .$3.75 Ethel Bruce and Mrs. John Mages. LG : pe? The Victory Shoe Store At . Prague, Slovakia, gran President | . Thomas Masarak amnesty to A i ne all polices site, 3" | : COMFORT esnionsse lar i

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