Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1920, p. 3

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bs ¥ ] { WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1920, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE THREE A YOUR DOCTOR ~--should give you a prescrip tion for your ailment. Under- |} stand that this prescription Is } yours: to take where you will to have filled. Take it to your own Drug Sto -BEST'S -- Where Constant care, accuracy and attention govern the dis- pensing of medicines, and al- ways under the care of a grad- uate. Remember this when next your Doctor gives you a pre- ~ scription. Take it to: The "Best"' Drug Store | 1. T. Best, Dispensing Chemist. lyse -have.a complete range of Rogers 1847 || AND 'Community MAKES OF SILVER PLATED FLATWARE These are both standard pro- ) ducts, and we should Uke to show you the OROMWELL and PATRICIAN Patterns. Against After Regrets by Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr, 1.00.0. | The optometrist of today to de SMITH BROS. ~~ JEWELERS Clere Med. Co., Haversteck Lendon. See Trade affixed to genuine What about your mason work? Have us repair your chimney. Repair the Plaster that fell off the wall. Replace your old walk with a new one. Put in your foundation. Do your plastering. We do all kinds of Plastering and Mason wrk All work attended to promptly. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. W. A. MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Department. BROCK STREET THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE nani d.. NW. 5, By »PHERAPION" is on Brit. . A packets. eet Twilight | a] A I common with other i Canada, will make a charge of $1 i! ior inserting an engagement, mar: riage or reception announcement. . * . | On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. | Balfour Mudie, Gananoque, were jj surprised by two motors full of li | Kingstonians, who took advantage of jthe lovely weather and moonlight to run down to the Island City. They || were given a very warm welcome, and | bridge tables were soon in feadiness {for a game. Delicious refreshments || brought a very happy evening to a clase. A * . | Mrs. Charles Abbott returned to ll | Peterboro on Saturday after a pleas- ll | ant though short visit with her aunt, | Miss Macaulay, King street. li Miss Bella Hutton, Barrietield, has ll | gone to Watertown, N.Y., to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. Sydenham McGill and Miss | Amy McGill have taken rooms at 63 ll West street. Miss McGill moved in to-day, and will be joined by her | mother, who is now in Toronto, later ll! on in the month. | Mrs. N. C. Polson, sr., and her two fi | daughters, Miss Jessie and Miss Una, ll} King street, expect to leave to-mor- {| row for Montreal, where they have taken a furnished house till Septem- ber. N. C. Polson, sr., went down a couple of weeks ago. - » . Miss Gladys Sword, Kingston, spent the 24th of May with her parents at Gananoque. Herbert Horsey, Ottawa, who was en || pension at Mrs. Efa Dennison's, King || street, left on Monday for Toronto, while Miss Mildred Horsey went over to Bartiefield to spend a couple of weeks with Rev. A. O. Cooke and Miss Constance Cooke at "The Rec- i| tory." | Mrs. H. Betts returned on Monday || from Ottawa, where she was visifing ll | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stothers, and is §i| moving into her new house, No. 63 West street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Farrand Pringle and two children, who were the guests of the Rev. A. 0. Cooke, "The Rectory, Barriefield, returned to their home in Montreal on Saturday. - » * Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Everett Bird- sall have returned from Birdsall, | Ont.,, where they spent. the past month at the former's home, and are with Col. and Mrs. R. E. Kent, "Som- ersky House," King street. » * a - J. M. Duff spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. H. R. Duff, Princess street, and left on Monday for To- ronto. On the eighth of June he ex- pects to sail for Jamaica, B.W.I., with several other Bank of Commerce men who have been transferred to the Bri- tish West Indies, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lyster, Gore street, have taken a cottage at Sydenham Lake, and with their fam- ily will spend the summer there. - eo ® Mrs. Jack Hoppes, William street, has returned from Toronto where she spent the past month visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pound. . - ». Miss Aileen Folger, Sydenham street, returned on Monday from the Old Country, where she spent several months with her brother and his wite, Col. and Mrs. Karl Folger. Major and Mrs. G. Garnett Greer, who had Mrs. William Claxton's house on King street for the winter, are now with Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Garrett, Johnson street, where they will be for the summer. Mrs. L. M. Armstrong, who has been visiting Mrs. Henry Essyell, in Kansas City, for the past month, is now the guest of Mrs. J. Shepheard in Toronto. Mrs. William Claxton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Wood, in Montreal, returned on Tuesday, and is again in her house on King street. Mrs. Wood and little daughter, Helen, expect to come up dater on in the month to spend the summer with Mrs. Claxton. S . Dr. J. Dwyer is expected to arrive from New York the latter part of the week, and will be the guest of his mother, Mrs. Dwyer, Johnson street. * . - Lady Cartwright and the Misses Cartwright, who occupied Mrs. R. lf| Vashon Rogers' house on Barrie street during the winter, went down Hil! to their summer home, "The Maples," {| on Friday for the summer months. Mrs. Hughson has gone to Peta- wawa to join her husband, Lieut. Beds and Bedding You will find our sonable. We have been stock very complete and prices very rea- a large stock for some time and . Hughson, of the Engineers. Mrs. Valleau, Ottawa, is the guest || of her daughter, Mrs. James Stewart, || Gore street. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Klugh, Bagot || street, are spending a short time with {| Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Klugh, Arch street, where Mrs. Alfred Klugh is slowly gaining strength after her re- {cent illness. : ' Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor, MOTHER! Calor up of Figs" ret @--Whig;-in- papers all over! [Queen's Residence, expect to sail for | England on June 11th, | Dr. and Mrs. James Cappon and Miss Alice Maénee, who were pas- i { sengers on the Rotterdam, which ar- {rived in New York on Sunday, re- | Em ------ | es | turned to Kingston to-day, after a de- | lightful winter spent in Italy. and | France. Lady Markham and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington street, left yesterday for Ottawa. Mrs. J. A. N. Inglis and little daughter, Patricia, arrived yesterday from Outawa, and will spend the sum- mcr at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Klugh's house, Bagot and Gore streets. Mrs. Paterson, who has been with the Rev. Charles and Mrs. Masters, at Kings- ville, arrived by the evening train, and will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Inglis. » - » Miss Grace Williamson, the Misses Jeffreys-and Miss Kathleen Parsons, all of Montreal, will attend the Royal Military Ball Mrs. Drysdale and Miss Lena Drys- dale, Westport, are visiting friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wing, King- ston, spent the week-end with Miss Effie Ripley, Westport, - - * Miss ' Helen Meek, University avenue, has gone up to Toronto for a few days, Miss Amy Des Brisay, who has been attached to the hospital in New- market, has been transferred to Kingston. Mrs. T. W. McGarry and her chil- dren are spending the summer at Calabogie. - » - Rev. Samuel Sellery and Mrs. Sel- lery, left to-day for Toronto after a pleasant three weeks' visit with their daughter, Mrs. C. E. Taylor, Johnson street, Mrs. Henry Price, who has' been with Mrs. George Hazlett, Frontenac street, for some time, left Tuesday for Montreal. Mrs. Robert Edmunds, Ottawa, is expected in town to spend the holi- day with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. P, Chown. . Miss Dorothy Grant, Belleville, 'is spending the holiday with Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Sparks. . . Mrs. Ellen Kane, Westport, an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Ellen Rose, to Michael John Joyce, Detroit, Mich., the mar- riage to take place early in June. - - » Mr. and Mrs. Johnson street, announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Hilda |M., to Jack T. B. Sampson, son of | Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sampson, Toronto, the marriage to take place quietly in June. Opening dance to-night at the Yacht Club. (Continued on Page 8.) I ------ gr ------ PARADE OF CIRCUS. It: Will Give an Open Den Street Pageant To-morrow. Just the mention of a circus is en- ough to revive in us some of the old- time thrills of boyhood and girlhood ij When such a thing meant a whole day of joyous excitement and the re- velation of untold wonders. It is so long, or it seems so, since we had a circus here. that the announcement that the Sparks. circus would play here on June 3rd awoke the old ex- citement in us. From the comments passed ow it in other towns, this ag- gregation is no false alarm, but a good, old-fashioned show. The tents of the show will be pitched behind the Depot school on Montreal street, and two perform- ances will be given, one at two o'- clock and one at eight. The horse show and menageries will be open to the public for one hour before the show commences. The big parade leaves the grounds at 10.30 in the morning, and it is claimed that its length is almost one mile, which ought to satisfy the kids of the city. The Sparks circus brings with it a great many special attractions along the line of clever trained animals. They an elephant which walks about eighteen miles a day, and which, with other 'pachyderms, performs a great variety of amazing stunts. The famous trained seal troupe of Captain Tiebor has been se- cured by the Sparks people, along with a host of other entertainments of a similar calibre. One of the out- standing feqtures of the show is the beauty of the lady performers, whose fame has spread throughout the country. Dr. Beacon's Golden Wedding. Orillia, June 2.--Dr. and' Mrs. A. H. Beaton celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary of their wedding yesterday at their beautiful home, Peter street north. A reception was held from 4 to 7, and hundreds of friends called to offer hearty congratulations. All|S the members of thelr family were home for the occasion, as well as all their grandchildren. Both Dr. and Mrs. Beaton are enjoying the best of health, and in spite of advanced years, the genial doctor having passed four score, they are still fresh and vigorous. A. B. Beaton, barrister, and Dr. D. B. Beat- on, Toronto, are sons, and Harry Nimmo, Editor of The Detroit Satur- day Morning, is a son-in-law. Dr. Beaton was for more' than thirty years Superintendent of the Ontario Hospital here, and for long years has been sen an elder in the Pres- Sidney McCann, who were the guests | [Or "MF and MrE JSR. McCann, | E. W. Mullin, | § omens | Friday Morning, 4th June, PROBS: --Thursday, mostly fair; cooler; showers. The next British maf} for England (and Europe via England) 11 am. will close at the Post Office on STORE OPEN THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 3rd, FROM 9 am. TILL 1 p.m. I your share of these Thursday morning only, all thrifty women--prices at | at less than to-day's wholesale cost. argains for Thursday morning only. . - June. 3rd, Celebration Sale 11] we offer many attractive savings for Get RT 4 3 } ww A - Mapiaiane '0000 0p TT, last 150 Voile Blouses Reg. price $2. Sale Price $1.48 Exceptionally smart styles; lace trimmed; all sizes-and made of good quality Voile. While they . Sale Price $1.48 Another lot of Ladies' Voile Blouses; 3 styles to choose from, round necks and reg. $2.50. . . . Sale Price $1.98 ---- Ear ={% 4} 35 only, Gabardine Wash Skirts: belt and button trimmed; special at $3.75 25 only, Skirts; good quality and sold reg. at $3.00 Summer Wash Skirts ct --_ Al A {7 7) special quality White Sale Price $2.98 White Cotton Drill «+++. .Sale Price $2.48 Ladies' Panama Hats 50 only, Ladies' Panama Hats; 1 SEB.) stat regular at $1.50 up to $3.00 all shapes and sizes; priced Sale Price 98c¢. HOSIERY i IAHR GI HERI ity for $1.00 a pr. GLOVES 100 Kayser White C Gloves; all sizes; $1.25 a pair . .. 100 pairs Ladies' Navy, Black, White and Brown Silk Hose: in sizes 81 to 10; regular $1.50 pr. ++s+eeeee....Sale Price $1.09 150 pairs Ladies' Black Cotton Lisle Hose; in sizes 81 to 10; reg- ular 50c. ...... Sale Price 39¢. 150 pairs Ladies' Black and White Silk Hose, excellent a Sale Price 85¢. worth to-day . Sale Price 89c¢. Ladies' White Silk Gloves; all sizes; double tipped fingers and very special . .. . Sale Price 75c¢. YS' JERSEYS in plain and combination colors. Sizes 22 to 32. . . Sale Price 49c¢. isette 6 only, Ladies' pure wool Sweat- ers; sizes 38, 40, 42; to $8.50... .... reg. $6.50 Sale Price $3.98 TERRY TOWELS 150 only, Colored Terry Towels --good weight and sold reg. 35c¢. each . ...Sale Price 4 for $1.00 PILLOW COTTON 150 yards of Circular Pillow Cotton, 46 inches wide; 'extra heavy linen finish; reg. $1.15 a yard cesses. .Sale Price 75¢; MEN'S SOX ' 200 pairs Men's Black Cotton Lisle Sox; sizes 10, 104, and | I; reg. 45c. ..Sale Price 3 for $1.00 FLAGS in all sizes and priced specially meses... 124 to 40c. PLAY SUITS Just the thing for small boys; all sizes, 22 to 32; all colors _ . Sale Price $1.75 Steacy's . Limited Asked for Their Names, London, Ont., June 2.--The Lord's Day Alliance is showing signs of acti- vity in this city. Last Sunday the purchasers of Sunday papers were re- quested by the police to give their names and addresses. This move, no doubt, is part of a campaign which is Canada-wide, as last Sunday a number of druggists in Windsor, who had been warned several times, *| were summoned to appear in the tablet was unveiled. The tablet bears the names of fourteen Bancro and later during the great war. The tablet is of polished mounted on an oak frame, un- der a royal crest surmounted by the flags of the allies. The memortal Police Court for selling cigars souvenirs on the Lord's Day. a MENS SUMMER FOOTWEAR WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS-- leather soles. Our price '$3.00 WHITE CANVAS BOOTS--Ileather soles. Our price $3.50 See our VELOUR CALF OXFO RDS, rubber soles. Our price $850 SHOE STORE a. § i . 3 70 Brock St own Lived With Broken Neck," Parry Sound, June 2.--Louls Con- tin. an Indian of the French River reserve, suffered a dislocated neck. ia 2n scident on Fecbruary 15 last Wegquimikong, Manitoulin Island, and lived until yesterday. He SE JACK JOHNSTON'S Was erected by the Womeh's Insti- Phowe 231) Cu 1 _ are able to give you the advantage of low prices compared with rehased to-day. tute, Bancroft, Ont. the prices of goods pu . HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR HOOVER SUCTION : SWEEPER ? If not, arrange for demonstration at ey Fo Shrinkage in Output. Edmonton, Alta, June 2.--A con-

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