-- | | BATURDAY, MAY, 29, 1920. RAND McNALELY'S OF Sho wing BOU NDRIES NEW and gi SUMMARY OF PEACE TREATY PRICE =}: - =--A T-- ZAHA EAER ED lr IS R. Uglow & Co. UR eyes have been QO vroverty called the windows of our souls and age is the curtain that darkens them. When years of use or strain and neglect have so weakened the eye- muscles that they no longer accommodate the retina with the proper focus, an optometrist should be con- sulted. We will give your eyes a thorough examina- tion and if you need glasses we will prescribe the proper ones for you. J.J. The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone 699. KINGSTON, J. BARRETT PLUMBER Plumbing and Heating Repair Work a Specialty. Address 443 SYDENHAM STREET Phone G88, i SES JUST IN POCKET MAP ving 35 CENTS CC ES NOX A COLD TABLETS cure for LaGrivne, > speedy adache. Neuralgla, a col xative. Breaks up 1d Flu, b mild re. Get the genuine, a all drug stores. 25¢c per box mold at Best's Drug Store. Coughs, "Gifts that Last" The Bride's Silver IN STERLING we carry the following patterns: the Fran- cis; Chippendale, Norman and Victorian. IN SILVER PLATE, the fol- lowing patterns: Community quality, The Patrician; R. Wal- lace quality, The Hudson and jogue. Vegas above, always in stock, be had in complete cabi- can or in individual pieces. nets, Kinnear & d'Esterre TENHCRNS ST. Marriage Licenses Issued. a a PNA Cc. 8, KIRKPATRICK Issuer Marriage Licenses 36 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. Rebuilt Tires stand the test and wear just as long and go just as far as new Tires. GET ONE AND SEE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY New Tires and Acc MOO essories of quality. RE'S . @ Specials Men's Mahogany Bals, Rubber Soles and Heels $5.75 Women's Erown Calf, Chocolate Kid and Black Kid Oxfords TO REQUIRE THE PASTEURIZING OF ALL MILK. Before the Milk Producers' Associns tion Will Aid in Eestablishing a Central Milk Depot. There is no prospect of the estah- lishment of a central milk depot and pasteurizing plant in. Kingston this season, 'and possibly not time to come. When interviewed on Friday, J. L. F. Sproule, president of the Milk Producers' Association ot Frontenac, stated that the committee appointed to investigate and report upon the proposal of members of the Kingston Board of Health had not been able to make a recommendation. The reasons for _this were that Kingston had not a sufficient popu- lation to warrant the establishment of such a plant, and there were no by-laws to prevent independent milk dealers from opening routes for the | sale in competition with the as- sociation. If such a law were in force, the question might be one for serious consideration. | There were other aspects of the | case, too, that made it impossible to | undertake it at the present time. The | farmers of Frontenac are engaged in supporting severaM co-operative en- | terprises, and until they have been { able to make these pay and find suc- {cess in the co-operative system, they {do not feel that they should under- take further large financial obliga- tions. They are now running a co- operative store on Market street, have a livestock dealers' sales asso- ciation for the marketing of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. It is possible, however, that in the near future, if given the support of the city, a com- plete dairy plant might be establish- ed to the profit of the farmers and the benefit of the citizens. COLORS OF 21ST BATTALION TO BE PRESENTED TO PRINCESS OF WALES OWN | The Ceremony Is To Take Place on the 3rd of June at the Cricket Field. On the morning of the 3rd of June | an event of importance will take | place on the cricket field when, at | 10.15 o'clock, the colors of the 21st Battalion, C.E.F., will be officially received by the Princess of Wales' Own Regiment. This will be a unique | ceremony, in all probability sthe first THE DAILY | += for some | BRIT |SPLENDID RACES | ARE BILLED FOR KING'S BIRTHDAY { , On Thursday, June 3rd, the Driv- |ing and Matinee Club will { first races of the year, and possibly ISH WHIG 1] hold its | Hour of The best Tarte eVents of the | | season will be pulled off. {bc the 2 {both 'open events, | along with the named c¢ ss for senior and junior Lawrence Amateur Baseball | League .in Kingston is also a feature |event, and is attracting a good deal There will | 30 trot and pace and the | three-year-old and under colt vace, | The game. opening the 1 : | of interest. The programme is a ban- | {ner one, and will be full of real live | sport for all. Some of the local horses receiving | | final preparation were Laura Point- Dscena, | | er, Penalty, Lady Goldie, Bernard McKinney, Alvardo Queen, | Victor Forbes, Exaltum, Lady Tom- | bo, Goldie, Brino Baron, Judge Mur- {phy, Jr, and a number of unnamed | colts. |CAPT. A. E. BAKER ROWS, THOUGH BLIND The Toronto Star says: There fs at | least one form of athletics in which {soldiers blinded in the war can par- | | ticipate, and that is rowing. A score : | {of Argonaut oarsmen were more than | astounded on Sunday when Capt. E |A. Baker, an officer who. lost his |sight while serving with the Can- |adian corps, was guided to the stroke {seat of a four and stroked the crew for a short row. Capt. Baker learn- {ed to row on the Thames at St. Dun- [stan Institute for Blinded Soldiers { England, and is now Government re- | presentative at the Department of |Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment, Ot- |tawa, but js expected to become con- {nected with Pearson Hall, Capt. | Baker merely took his seat in the | boat, waited until the other three {men had turned the boat, and then | commenced the stroke, showing apt- | ness. It was the most remarkable sight witnessed in rowing circles for many, many years. BASEBALL ON FRIDAY, International League. « R.H Baltimore .. .. .. .e (ICTSeY CUY ..» voiniu'sivs E. 312 1 615 2 | National League, | First game: | St. Louis .. .. .4 .4., (Chicago ,. .. .... |. Second game: | St. Louis v vein JOINCRZO +. + vu vi vu. 1 | Philadelphia [New York .. .. occasion on which colors of an Expe- | | ditionary Force unit have been hand- ed over for custody to the unit which represents it in the active militia. There are three parallel cases in this military district, the re-organiza- | tion of which have been affected dar- | | ing the tenure of command of Major- | General V. A. S. Williams, C.M.G., | Three of the service units of the Eas- tern Ontario Regiment are to be per- | petuated in Ottawa, Peterborough { and Kingston battalions. The 'Royal | Second" (1st Canadian Division) is perpetuated in the active battalion of the Peterborough Rangers. (the cld 57th); in the active battalion of | the Princess of Wales' Own Regi- ment, (the old 14th) the 21st Battal- ion of the 2nd Canadian Division is perpetuated; while the traditions of the 38th Battalion (4th Canadian Di- vision) are perpetuated in the active battalion of the Ottawa Regiment (Duke of Cornwall's Own). Prior fo the recent re-organization, the Otta- wa and Kingston regiments were rifle units, but, in order to fittingly repre- sent the two overseas battalions of infantry, they have been changed in- to infantry. On the king's birthday the escort for the colors will be composed of ex- officers, N.C.O's. and men of the 21st who are not at present members of "the local regiment. This personnel will also include members of the Bat- talion clubs of Toronto, Ottawa, and Peterborough as well as dome from other outside places. A parade of the local unit will receive the colors. Following the ceremony on the cricket field and the return of the parade to the armouries, the meni- | bers of the local battalion and all | ex-members of the 21st Battalion { (resident and visiting), will be serv- ed with refreshments. It is desirable | that the event will be over shortly | after the noon hour in order to allow those who attend to be free for the attractions in the afternoon. From a recent report, it is pro- bable that the handing over of the 38th Battalion colors to the Ottawa Regiment will take place during the month of June. 'The next parade of the P.W.O.R. will be on Tuesday evening, wher the escort for the 21st colors will also parade. The W.M.S.. of uf. The Woman's Missionary Society of Cataraqui has done very satisfac- tory work during the past year. It has thirty-two members, seven of whom are life members. The society mourns the loss of one member through death, namely, Mrs. John Ward. The sum of $203.25 was sent | to the branch treasurer, which is an increase of $21.25 over last year. In { addition to this, it raised $40 for the school at Radway Centre. The officers for the ensuing year are: President, Mrs. B. Kish; 1st vice-pre- sident, Mrs. J. Cooke; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. J. Gibson; recording sec- retary, Mrs. E. Cooke; corresponding secretary, Mrs. P. Ward; Strangers' secretary, Mrs. J. Gibson; treasurer, Mrs. Kelly; organist, Mrs. W.. Cooke; superintendent of systematic giving, Mrs. Kelly. Paul Painleve, former premier bt France, arrived yesterfay at New York en route to China. M. Pain- leve heads a'French fraternal educa- tional mission to China. Bulgaria's crops for 1920 promise to be the greatest in the history of the country, adcording to dis- patches from Sofia. Manager J. I). Fieming of the Toronto Haflway «Company stath, that he would apply for a board at conciliation to deal with the new wage demands of the company's men. H. H. Dewart demanded an In- vestigation into the purchase by the late government of the Seymour Power Company. H. H. Engel, leading merchant in Hanover, died in his fifty-third year of rheumatism and pleurisy. & {Boston .. .. ... | Brooklyn .., .. | Pittsburg vr wales | Cincinnati ie American League, 3. | case of fift {New York . | Boston .. 0 | Chicago .. Cleveland os { Detroit .... St. Louis Washington .. . 1 Philadelphia .... 1 tion of 25 per cent., in the Tribune of the "MODESTY and VANI nal frame. collection as the above. of the painting, and is Art Gallery. By was granted framed in Size 5 ft. by 31t. 7 in. portrait KINSKIL Size 4 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. A few choice Copper Plate period, 150 WELLINGTON STREET "SYBIL," after GIAN FRANCESCO BARBIERI, GUERCINO DA CENTO (A.D. 1500), from the original 10 SPEND ~ $85,000,000 IN BUILDING OPERATIONS IN THE CANADIAN WEST. Fifty New Bank Branches, Twenty- five Churches and Ten Hospitals and Hotels Are Among the Build- ings to be Erected. (Canadian Press Despatch) Winnipeg, May 29.--The 1920 building programme in Western Can- ada, for which it' is estimated $85,- 000,000 will be spent, includes the building of 50 new branch banks, 25 churches, 60 public garages, 10 hos- pitals, hotels and institutions, 10 millg'and factories, 3 packing plants, 8 power development schemes, Can- adian Pacific Railway docks and sta- tion, technical school at Calgary, universities at Saskatoon and Edmon- ton, 10 new ships at Vancouver and { Victoria, and an irrigation scheme at 2 | Sumas Lake, B.C., which has already | been commenced, and which will re- claim a vast acreage of land, costing of 2,000,000. These figures were giv- | en out by A. R. Whittemore, manager | of the MacLean Daily Reports, Ltd. | Toronto, on his return from a two | months' tour of the west. Speaking of bpilding trade condi- tions, Mr: Whittemoge declared that | there is not much likelihood of prices lin the trade coming down this year. | He has figures to show that in the ¥en basic building ma- | terials the prices have advanced 108 | per 'cent. since '1914. Manitoba's programme is well un- der way, and it 'is expected that 800 houses, 40 schools and 10 ware. houses, involving an expenditure of $25,000,000, will be erected. In Winnipeg and environs 600 houses and 14 schools, costing approximate- ly $4,500,000, will be erected, it is expected. IMPORTANT SALE | OF PAINTINGS | AND ETCHINGS I have the honour of offering for IMME- DIATE Sale the following OIL PAINT- INGS and ETCHINGS, at a special reduc- thus affording an ex- ceptional opportunity to secure a .choice work of Art at a low figure. surnamed Uftizi, Florence, Handsomely framed, and in excellent condition, bedutifully mellow ed by age. Size 4 ft. by 4 ft. 10 in. From the collection of a well-known, deceased, titled gentleman. " after LEONARDO DA VINCI (A. D. 1452) from the original in the Sciarra Palace, Rome, painted by M. Minghini, Rome. In fine condition, origi- Size 8 ft. 2 in. by 3 ft. 5 in. From the same A large seal, said to be the offi- cial seal of the Sciarra Gallery was attached to the back in my possession. RANDOM SHOT" after SIR. EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. (one of this great artist's most pathetic subjects). original was purchased for over ten thousand dollars, by a resident of Bury, Lancashire, and presented to the City The of the Corporation, special 0 and in view of the fact that | was returning to Canada, I special permission to make this copy, which is virtually the same size as the original. I believe it to be the only authentic copy om this continent. Massively swept design, with full gold burnish. tian Range in dis- "PETAWAWA" from Headquarters, showing Gun Range, and head of Lake Alumette, with Lauren tance, painted by myself, on the spot. Fine old massive frame, regilt. Size 4 ft. 5 in. by 3 ft. 6 in. : of "KASOE," Hungarian patriot, In excellent condition, and massively framed. painted by C. 6 in. Now on view at my Studio (over Dr. Spark's Dental Rooms). J. LOXTON RAWBON, Artist and Restorer, KINGSTON, ONT. P.S.--Specialist in the restoration of Oil Paintings and Engrav- PAGE SEVEN Communion Footwear : The young folks taking their "First Communion" on Sunday next will be proud of their well-dressed feet if their footwear comes from this store. --Strap Shoes for the girls. --Oxfords and Laced Boots for the boys. PRICES REASONABLE. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE WHAT A BETTER HOME MEANS TO A WOMAN Home to a woman, is the one place of greatest importance---wife, mother, daughter spend nine-tenths of their time in the house--surely that is reason enough why you should make the home as attractive as possible. JAMES REID "The Busy Store With Large Stock" Phone 147 for Service. PURE ICE CREAM OUR Ice Cream has been the BEST in KINGSTON for years and will contniue to he nothing but PURE CREAM and FRUIT FLAVORS used. This busi- ness established nineteen years. MOIR'S and GANONG'S CHOCOLATES always on hand. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Auction Sales |(Croccont Wire Works Fencing, Guards, Baskets, JF borders, Wire Work of all kinds Flower factured by:i-- * PARTRIDGE & SON, 62 King Street West. Phone 380. Resldence 915w, Make me prove it. Phone 1721 or 1428. Choice Fruits of all Kinds. Pineapple season is now o n. We have them; all prices. Fresh Bananas, Oranges, Grapé Fruit, Apples, etc. We make a specialty of F resh Spring Vegetables. FRUITLAND ALLEN MASOUD, Prop. 348 Princess St. Phoue 904 STILLANOTHER CHANGE WE ARE GOING TO THE CORNER OF BROCK AND BAGOT STREETS. PAR- TICULARS LATER. ~~ CRAWFORD & WALSH | Tailors