| FAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, MAY, 29, 1020. HOW TO "GAIN FLESH Remarkable Statement of -~Woman Who Was Nothing but Skin and Bones You have heard the old adage, | "Laugh and Grow Fat", but this woman tells of a more reliable method. She says: "I was nothing but skin and bones -- was weak, nervous, rundown--could not sleep, and was unfit for work. Threa doctors had failed to help me. One day I saw VINOL advertised and commenced to take it, and I really believe it saved my life. I have re- ained my strength, flesh and ealth, and everyone is so surprised to see such a change in me in such ~ ® short time." The reason VINOL was so suc- cessful in this case is because it contains the tissue buildi and medicinal elements of cods' livers, aided by the blood making, strength creating properties of tonic iron, beef peptone and hypophosphites. Thus in a natural manner it in- treases the appetite, aids digestion, enriches the blood with thousands _of red corpuscles, and imparts 'strength, health and . vitality to every organ, muscle and tissue of the body. - Physicians recommend Uruggists guarantee it. it and HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES We have everything you need to help you clean house. By using our Brooms, Brushes, Cleanser, Polishes, etc; you will be able to clean house with very little trouble. C. H. PICKERING 490-492 PRINCESS STREET , Phone 530. Removal Notice PATTON'S DYE WORKS Formerly known as Montgomery Dye Works Has now moved. to 349 Princess Street Now ready for business. All kinds of Cleaning and _Dye- ing will be carried on as Yorm. erly. M. F. PATTON, Phone 214. Proprietor. FIRST YEAR I'What Shall I Be? r Farm Tractor Expert FRANCIS ROLT-WHEEZLER One of the most 'important de- velopments in farming nowadays is the use of the tractor. Progressive farmers realize that one man with a . tractor can do as much work as two men with four horses, and the cost of the gasoline is much lower than the labor of the extra man and the feed and care of the four horses. That tractors are not more widely used is largely due to the fact that the farmer is not a machinist, and tractors, like any other machinery, need to be kept in order: Withal, their mechanism is simple, and any boy who can learn the ins and outs of a motor car can soon make him- sclf well posted on tractor types. f Many a farmer will pay well to have some valuable piece of machinery put into repair, and while some agri- cultural implement firms send repair men, not all of them do. { A young fellow can make a con- nection with an agricultural imple- ment firm and--either on pay, or on his own--can make an arrangement with all the farmers in. the district to keep their machinery in repair. Many a man who has refrained from buying tractor machinery because he is not a machinist would be glad to invest if he knew the machine would! be kept in order. A youn fellow, who was a tractor expert, therefore, could not only get pay for his work, but, probably could sell a large num- ber of machines, securing a big com- Right enjoy good health. The secret of good health is chiefly to maintain nor- mal activity of the stomach, bowels, kidneys. liver, skin BEECHA One excellent Express, or Farmer's Wagon; 1% inch gear and wheels which are al- mest new. A snap for some- Ji body. Also one milk wagon re- [ii built. Splendid value at the price. McNAMEE & SLACK 84 QUEEN STREET PHONE 117W, G.Hunter Ogilvie Representing: RYAN, GRIER AND HASTINGS, Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange. Insurance and General Broker. ---- 281 King Street 568) & 1087 ~-Dairy Butter. ~Fresh Maple Syrup. ~All kinds of Oleomargarine | Billy Bumble Bee Loses Some of His li| Bee was the mainstay of the meadow. Don't throw away your ol Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Lo. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w aad ~ noted Cincinnati genius, mission on his sales, | As the increase in agricultural pro- duction is one of the valuable things for the development of the United States and Canada, a tractor expert would not only be getting a com-. fortable living out of his job, and be out of doors most of the time, | he would also have the feeling t he was helping along the good his country. . Monda Yard of oSiuea Sun * with a two-for-a-cent. Conceit. Billy Bumble Bee .certainly was a conceited old fellow, In Billy Bumble Bee's estimation Bill Bumble When he darted toward a flower castle everbody else went about their own business. None stopped to ques- | tion his right, no matter what they { thought down deep in their hearts. Billy Bumble Bee was Billy Bumble | Bee, and the sooner folks knew it YOU'LL LAUGH! | CORNS LIFT OFF Doesn't hurt at_all and costs only few cents Some men put on perfecto style it SCHO SATURDAY, LETTER - FROM. UNCLE SI. ons uv thir *s from dyin hits the long trail haiff growed yet nd_there are others st everythin will taik care u s sik the its yer own falt fer bein s Mirandy is in a class by 1} : She always is perdictin end uv yer days is neer an th 1ddy cood d ve often what im her ez she hed warr bout thet there dyin stunt I rekkons, tho, ef Mirandy thot you wuz agoin to die, then there wood be a fite start then an there tween her an the old man with the hay sithe hooked in his whiskers. Ez fer me, i believe in swattin a fly wen you sees it, but i dont go out uv mi way lookin fer sich things. Yurs trooly, UNCLE SI Heard on the Football Field. Dresden: look at them hug .the mud! How will they ever get clean? Admiral: Huh! What do you sup- pose the scfub téam is for?--"The Pageant." ! Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Shrieking and shouting, 'High prices must fall;" But kiddies found wher'er they went, All day suckers were still one for a cent! ) * Teacher: An abstract noun is the name of something you can think of but cannot touch. Give me an ex- ample. Cullerton: A red-hot poker.--"'The Bowen Prep." T.F.: In 1776 Washington threw a dollar acréss the Potomac. A.R.: And now he could not make a five dollar gold piece go half that far.--"'The Tech," Jim: Do you know, Mortimer? Alice: Oh, yes, he's a bookkeeper Jim: I know it. He's had one of mine for over three years.--' 'The Round Table." . Safe. "Mary, don't play on with your dirty hands." "It's all right, auntie," said Mary. "I'm playing on the black keys."-- **Schurzone." the piano Not a Knot. She: How is Myrtle gett with her knitting? Jacky: About ten knots an hour.-- "Westport Crier." ing along Clarence J.: What's the difference between capital and labor? /.; I lend you five dollars; 's capital. If I try to get it back, 's labor.---*'Commerce."" 00000000000h! Do you know what they do with ferry-boats when they're lated? No, what? Dock 'em, of course.--"The Hab- the better off they were, so Billy { Bumble Bee gave them all to under- stand. He buzzed around the flow- er castles as if he owned the very ground they stood on. "My voice is louder than any others 'of tre bee family, so why shouldn't I be boss!' buzzed Billy Bumble Bee. And if he 'happened to stop at a castle door and found another bee there he always made a terrible fuss about it. One day as' he sailed over the meadows Billy Bumble Bee spied a tiny bee trying to make the keeper of the Primrose Castle open 'his beautiful yellow doors. Billy Bum- ble Bee roughly pushed the little -- ER 1 "I'll See Whether They Defy Me Or Not!" fellow aside and buzzing loudly rap- ped three times on the castle wall. Not a sound came from behind the closed doors.. Tiny bee snickered, and Billy Bumble Bee grew se angry that he almost shook the castle walls down. He made so much noise Busy Ant stopped her work and ran up a blade of gmss to see what the trouble was. "For shame!" she cried when she saw Billy Bumble Bee shake the doors of the Primrose Castle with his great, heavy feelers. 'Don't you know you're not wanted if they fail to answer your first knock." "How dare any one close their gate to Billy Bumble Bee!" exclaim- ed the angry bee. "Castlekeepers or. any one else! I want to enter this castle, and I'll get in if I have to--" . Here Busy Ant laughed so merrily that Billy Bumble Bee shut his mouth real tightly and gave the Primrose Castle doors another wild shake. "I'll see whether they defy me or not!™ buzzed Billy Bumble Bee, "My dear, great, big, foolish fei- Try Freezone! Your druggist sells a tiny bottie for a few cents, suffi- tient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the 'toes, and callouses, without ome |particle of pain, soremess or 'irrita- tion. Freezone is the discovery of a low!" laughed Busy Ant. "Is it really to get a sip of honey that you ,Insist they open the closed doors. or is it just to show your authority?" "Both!" buzzed Billy Bumble Bee, shaking the castle doors once more. "Then," laughed Busy Ant merrily MAY, 29, 1920, - what th ,| very glad, "better save your strength, for Prim- rose Castle never opens her doors be- OL BRITISH WHIG Attention" was expla ------------ ¥ank--Over in America we've got a lilac bush fifty feet gh ommy---I wish I could lilac (lie like) that.--'The Tech Prep." The Tiger. Pe r- Tabby says I am her cousin, Jealous little cat! I've a coat that's bright and tawny, Shiny as a new silk hat! Grace have J] in every muscle, Folks don't dare tell me Scat!" Ever gleaming are my eyes, Keen with hunting 'neath mid- night skies-- Rather makes me want to shake the hussy That claims Tiger's kin to com- mon pussy! "Go, The Old Education. The children were telling a visitor ey studied at school. 3 aid the- eldest, "get reading, spelling and definitions." »> "And what do you get, my little man?" said the * visitor, addressing the littiest one, whe had listened in a bored way while the others recited their lists, "Oh, I dets readin', spellin' spankin.--Minneapolis Tribune. and He Cleared It Up.. The vicar was addressing children at the village school. "This morning, children, I pro- pose to offer you an epitome of the life of St. Paul. Now, children, can anyone tell me what an an epitome is?" There was an awed silence The word had paralyzed the youngsters So the good man went on: 'Epitome, children, is in its sig- ication synonymous with synop- the Pencil Fwister -------------- ------ Can You CnanGE This PAIR oF Boy TROUSERS INTO A BASERALL PLAYER ? " fore sundown. Can't you see the | sign, 'Open from sunset to sunrise.' | But there, of course, you didn't see | it. One never -gses things they | should see when they are angry," | and Busy Ant started down the blade | of grass when Billy Bumble Bee stop- | ped her. "1 admit I was too angry to see the sign," buzzed Billy Bumble Bee, | "but can you tell me why the keeper | of the Primrose Castle sees fit to close her doors against us daylight folks?" "Because of the intense heat of the sun," replied Busy Ant promptly. "Her walls are of so delicate a | shade she fears they might fade in| the sun's glare, so she keeps open | house for the night folks. It's no more than right that she shout | There are plenty of daylight flower castles for you meadow folks." 'Certainly -- certainly," buzzed Billy Bumble Bee, and without an- other buzz he flew away from the Primrose Castle, feeling terribly ashamed of himself. It not only belittled him in Busy Ant's and Tiny Bee's mind, but it took away a good portion of Billy Bumble ~Bee's con- ceit, of which the meadow folks were | A . Seven Sentence Sermon. | The only way to reach' a man is to = near to him with your love.-- ortland Myers. - LI A man has only as much religion as he can command in the time of trouble.--Andrew Fuller. . * » * N Never set your tired feet On the by-path of retreat. ~--Sam Walter Foss. * J . - The scientific spirit means the habitual determination to see straight, to report exactly and to give an absolutely honest reaction upon the situation in which one finds him- self --H. C. King. " - * And whatsoever ye do, in word, or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, givin, s to God the Father through Him.---Col. III. 17. * - - Joy is a partnership, rief weeps alone; Many guests had Cana, Gethsemane had none. ~--Frederick Lawrence Knowles. ee - Do today's duty, - fight today's temptation, and do not weaken and distract yourself by looking forward io things which you cannot see, and could not understand if you saw thém. --Charles Kingsley. "S-S-suffer little children to c-come unto m-me--'"" and then after a long, thoughtful pause, he added triumph- antly, and don't you big folks stop em." Fig v aT [What Shall I B Answered for Boys Insurance Saleswornan CAROLINE M. WEIRICH The changed conditions brough! ab6ut by the vote and the war wi enable girls to enter the insurance business on. more equal terms with men. The greatest opportunities are with life underwriting companies. There is not' much experience or training necessary. A notebook and the company's financial statement, together with an understanding of the different policies sold by the company are all that is necessary for an agent, Personality is what counts. The 8 is to be able to get the biggest thin confidence of the prospect. Aftes a x personality; come initiative, tact and | energy. | There are more uninsured women than men. It is true that a woman agent can approach women amd sell insurance more easily than a man. Married women usually advise their husbands as to the amount of in- surance they should carry, They are, therefore, in a position greatly to aid an agent in placing insurance on the lives of their husbands and sons. A mother is an ideal person to see when trying to Place insurance on a minor. Here again, it is easy for a woman to approach a woman. A few of the large insurance com- panies have opened women's depart. ents, in charge of girls. The heads f these departments are those who ave begun at the bottom and have worked their way up by hard work and perseverance. Any position through which one gains a knowl edge of insurance terms and prin- ciples may serve as a stepping stone, he occupation is a healt y one, not confined within four walls. An insurance agent is her own mistress, and her time is her own. No salary is offered. The pay comes from commissions on policies written. Re<> turns from the first few months may be meager, but if successful, they tre cumulative. An efficient sales. woman can, eventually, make several thousands of dollats a year , (Monday--All Sorts of Fingers.) GRAND TRUNK AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP | LINES | For Information and rates apply to J. P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A.. G. T. Rail | LIT NZ CPEROS EUROPE From Quebec Te June 9, Victorian, Liverpool Je 16, Emp of France L'pl July b--viotonria, Laverp't July 14--Emp. France Lp From Montreal Te June 8, Scand"n Smtn. Ant. June §--Metagama Liver] June 13--Corsican Liver June 19--Melita Liverpool June 23--Sicilian Glasgow June 25, Gram'n Smtn. Ant. June 26, Scotian Havre Lon July 3--Minned'a, Liverp'l CANADIAN PACIFIC, SERVICES Street, REGULAR sxRVIONS AONTREAL--GLASGOW May 29 | July 3 | Aug. 7 Cassandra June 12] July 17 | Aug. 21 ..Saturnia N. ¥., GLASGOW, (via Moville) July 3July 31jAug. 28 Columbia NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL JURE I. ian anes ras ka Vestris July 3lAug. 7|Sept. 11 ..*K. Aug. Viet. N. Y.. Ply, Cher, and Southampton June 24{July 29/Sept. 2 Caronia N. Y., Ply, Cher. nad Southampton June 23{July 28|Sept. 1 .. Royal George N.Y., CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMP'N June 181July 17/Aug. 14 ....Imperator July 3 Mauretania July 31{Aug. 28iSept. 25 ....Aquitanis N.Y., PATRAS, DUBROVNIK, JURE B ide cura rai akan Italla * via Queenstown. or SANS Bantf ho IML] 054 TNE Bo ORNERAL AGBNTS #9 KING STREET EASY |S Beaver Board Red or White Cedar Shingles It will'pay you to see our stock of Shingles before buying elsewhere. Always a good stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. Victoria Street OOS RAS = --- ~~ A GREAT BARGAIN "CRYSTAL" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE : 2 . : iii Worth $175.00. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co. 345 King Street - - . One only at this price I your wife became a widow to-morrow, where would she turn for the regular income you have always provided ? What money would she have left after she has paid doctor's bills and funeral expenses ? Could she meet the mortgages and taxes Or give your children the comfort and education you have planned for them ? Would the money left bring in i if i ? Would she know how to % in SoM: [ncn a be haunted by the knowledge that her small capital is dwindling > Did you ever consider a Manufactu Life Monthly I come Policy? It will BIC Tri ry month as long as she lives. Let us tell you alt the valuable features of this sensible, thoughtful, economical, well-eocured policy. The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA M. G. JOHNSTON, Branch Manager Kingston, Ontario. Complation of this coupon Ploces you under wo ebligation: ----a XII P20 yen under me ebligation: 1 would like particulars as to a Moathly Income of or + payable to my wife. LL -- pins yun. Special Notice We regret to announce that owing to contingencies which have developed entirely beyond our control, we will be unable to occupy ourspremises at 186 PRINCESS STREET for an in- definite period, presumably July 1st. In the meantime, we will be glad to serve our customers inthe best possible way, direct from the factory at 536 Princess "KINGSTON MATTRESS (0. Phone 602w, JUTE BAGS WANTED We will vay highest prices for all kinds of Jute Bags. Get In touch with us. A. SPEIZMAN 80 QUEEN ST., KINGSTON SPRING CLOTHES For Men And Young Men "SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 (All prices between) BEST WEARING CLOTHES VALUES - TWEDDELL'S One