Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1920, p. 2

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' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG * RHURSDAY, MAY, 27, 1920. -- ee /A DELIGHTFUL CONCERT INCIDENTS OF THE DAYQ§-- En EC I sa Save $1.20 by Subscribing now to the 'Designer and the Woman's Magazine " On July 1st the subscription price to the Designer and Wo- man's Magazine will be increased to $2.00 per year, 20c. per copy. A special rate of 80c. per annum is offered fora few davs for - magazines called for at our Pattern Department. The Designer has been combined with the Woman's Magazine, making it the best Woman's and Home Magazine on the market to- day at any price. : % Phone Your Subscription To-day to 919. LATE JUNE MAGAZINES McCalls, Pictorial Review, R ed Book, Blue Book, Wide World, lustrated World, Adventure, Popular, Snappy; Green,- Top-Notch, Smiths, Macleans, Romance, Popular Mechanics, etc. - The College Book Store Telephone919 Open E | epione Agent for TIP TOP Tailors. venings ll GIVEN BY THE KINGSTON SYM- LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF i PHONY ORCHESTRA GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer lo the Readers of the Whig Get out in the open and enjoy the | | Which Is Composed of Sixty-Eight fi | Volunteer Players--Audience at | the Grand Was Charmed By Prof. Telgmann's Orchestra. fresh air. a ! | The annual concert of the King-| The shady side of SHE will be { , hat has crowded some of those days. ! SI08 'SYiaPHSH) Seshestse 0% W: Swaine, piano tuner, orders at been eagerly looked forward to by i Ffriends HL ny was given in McAuley's, or Shone:364w: marker. i} | the Grand Opera House on Wednes-| _ The police have the ay ging 10] | day evening and it proved to be a No. 130932, and a lamp belonging | delightful entertainment. Composed some person. have Jour of sixty-eight volunteer artists or-; * is the time to ha uF] ganized and trained by Prof. O. F. piano tuned. We carry two eXpent | Telgmann, this orchestra is undoubt- | tuners and will assure antiie sa | edly one of the finest in Canada to-| faction, C. W. Lindsay, Limite pe | day. Two of the leading violinists,| John Alexander, who ar Hoa | Misses Mignon and Norma Telgmann, | for some time in the Gene al Hoople | rank with the most accomplished tal. is now Sauvalescing a wire Th | players to be found anywhere, a as a sitfeier from inflam i ing spent their lives in acquiring the rhe . 2 | Bh an of their instrumcats and cul-| Judge Coatsworth in the Seasiond, | tivating a genius which was early | Toronto, sentenced John Ld us) | recognized by the musicians of King-| three months in jail. La Ras! : | ston. Many of the plavers are pupils | previously found guilty by a jury o | of Prof. Telgmann who conducted receiving stolen automobile paris, | the orchestra, and its achievement Amardale; 2.05%, owned and reflects the greatest credit upon him. en by Oliver Hawkins, Wolfe Island, Every number on the programme won his first race of the season at was rendered with consumate skill, | Picton on May 24th, when he took while the instruments chosen gave the free-for-all class in straight such perfect balance and richness of héats. i | harmony that the.effect was amaz-| Rev. Mr. Wood, Toronto, is in the ! ingly brillant. The first ;number | city .in the interests of the Christian | was an Overture, "Titus" by Mozart | Brotherhood and to put on 'a cam-| and was a fitting introduction to the | paign for the children of Serbia, who | masterpieces that followed. Among |are in dire need. NE thi pigces that might be particularly, M. J. Freeman and G. F. Smith, | mentioned were the beautiful waltz Elgin, motored to the city to-day to | 'Nannette and Dainty Butterfly," see the former's son, Charles, who | (Loesch); comic symphony 'The! recently underwent an operation in | Toy" conducted by Master Arthur the Hotel Dieu for appendicitis. i Telgmann; Concerto "Vivance- | Kingston Collegiate Institute Largo" (Bach) by Misses Leslie Tay- | cadet inspection at the Cricket Field | lor and Norma Telgmann; Intermesz- | to-morrow afternoon at three o'- |} zo, - "The Egyptian and Indian|clock. Gen. V. A. S. Williams, in- Dance," Symphone No. 8 (Schubert); | spector, Friends and parents are re- | ji Giosonda "Dance of the Hours" |spectfully invited. co th (Ponchchelli); Sweet Sixteen, a ba-| A citizen was charged in police | chelor's dream (Telgmann). In all | court, on Thursday morning, of pass-| of them there was evidence of the! ing a street car on the wrong side, I 157 rms 2 2 Absolute Security f/ Ir- 4 & Er PHONE 603. Our Van will call. John McKay, Limited FURS. ; 149157 Buock St Kington EEL Si a ARERENENEASERNNENENNNAYG Our Tires and Accessories GIVE SATISFACTION Why? Because back of every success is a reason -- we're a ' 'Success in the Tire and Accessory Business. THE REASON IS THAT FIRST--we sell only what we know to be the best obtainable. NEXT---we don't figure that because a man owns a car he will stand for inferior Tires or Accessories, and we carry only the best. A Complete stock of CORDS, FABRICS and TRUCK TIRES. We can supply TRUCK TIRES ON SHORT NOTICE. GET GASOLINE from our latest and most-up-to-date VISIBLE Gasoline Pump: S "To get the Miles per Gallon, get the Gallon First" SUDDABY'S TIRE SERVICE Phone t Cor. Queen and Wellington Streets | a magnificent success. Master Arthur! = EEE - | Christmas, d ny ! UC Christmas, a lad of fourteen years, HAGENB! WALLACE CIRCUS | gave 4 euphonium solo, "Tae Min- | strel Boy," that was greatly enjoyed, ' A - t VICTROLAS | and Angus Orr, baritone, sang "The | It Will Spread Its Tents in Kingston |} | Pipes O' Gordon's Men", in fine voice. | on June 10. i fs the time to get you~ lawn : . i I MASTER'S YOICE RECORDS i h f the great mower ready. Don't wait um- | Mrs. Telgmann, eldcutionist, gave Advertising car No. 1 0 til the grass 1s ahead of YOU. } is | three dramatic selections very effec-| Hagenbeck-Wallace circus spent to-|y All makes repaired and | tively, that were much appreciated. |day billig the coming of this jg sharpened promptly. 5 { The orchestra completely filled the | circus on Thursday, June 10th, just g : | spaciow8 stage and all of the young | two weeks from to-day. In another | | ladies presented a beautiful picture. week car No. 2 will be here. It has § J. Mn PATRICK | They were dressed in white and each | been announced by the advertising|} 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 2086J. | wore a beautiful {large red rose. manager, J. C. Donahue, that no! eran ora ~ THOMAS COPLEY Their work is an inspiration, as| banners will bg tacked on the build- | Telephone 987 i showing what can be accomplished | ings this year. Asked the reason of | , {in music by patient study and or-!this policy he remarked: ; { | ganization. The poise and bow work, "This method of advertising has particularly in the front row, was! been discontinued by the big circuses, | Y perfect, and the response in changes though the small ones of ten > e time dove in (he carpen. antien gy 4m Be given on all kinds -r fra and wew work; ales hard. i floors of all kinds. Al | of movement faultless. The conduc- | twelve cars, continue to tack. tor had perfect control and consider- | reason for this change of method by 'teceive prompt utitention. Shey Queen Sireer. SE a EE -- ene ~ Oy é Risks highest degree of training and the! but after the magistrate had heard | y audience which was for the most the evidence he dismissed the case. part composed of Kingston's music| The case in police court on Wed- lovers manifested the keenest appre- nesday, over which there was a like- | z <- | ciation by prolonged applause. Never | lihood of a perjury charge being | in thé history of Kingston has their | registered against a witness, has | { bean such a splendid musical organi- | heen settled by the man who was | zation or one that so justly merited | charged with being under the ifflu- , the praise and admiration of the citi- | ence of liquor, being fined $10 and | | zens. costs. i The concert was in every respect ( i Marquisette, in White, Ivory, Cream and Ecru. A big range of Ready-Made Curtains in Scrim, Voiles, Net, Lace and Point Arab, A beautiful range of Bungalow Net; nice fine quality; 36 and 45incheswide .............1........c...e.50c yard and up. A big showing of Marquisettes, Cretonnes, Shadow Cloth,- Linenettes and Reversible Cretonnes for Side Curtains; in pretty combination of colors to match any room. ; A nice display of Poplins, Armure Cloth and Velours, in all the pretty colors for hangings. Victrola No. VI, $57.50, mahogany Sold on Monthly Payments. MAHOOD BROS. {ing the size of the orchestra, this|the big shows is that there is nothing | Ji 3 ' 3: 3 | reflects credit upon the individuals that enol the beauty of a city more | §i A big range of Rugs In Tapestry, Brussels, Balmoral, Velvet, | Everyone of whom knew his and her | than these rags. The big cirsuses/ | part perfectly. | have realized that after the banners | ------------------r | remain on the walls for several weeks | R : | they become faded and raggy with APPEAL TO GRADUATES | the result that they hang there to] | the disgust of the property owners from. A big stock of Linoleums, Floor Qilcloths and Feltol, in a ~ WELDING We de all kinds of Welding, Brazing and Soldering of Machinery, Auntomo- biies, Farm Implements, Meta] parts, Carbon burning and steel cutting. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 Princess Street. $1200 -- Princess street; rooms; lot 47x117. $2500--Division Street; Nos. 2683 and 265; 6 rooms cach; B. and C.; gas. $3000--Montreal St.; stone; 9 rooms; B. and C. | 400--Johnson street; new brick: 6 rooms; furnace; B. and C.; electricity. JUST ARRIVED! A cargo of fresh mined Coal. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. -- St; brick; ® rooms; hardwood floors; hot water heating. BUILDING LOTS. In all parts of city, $200 up. Easy terms. Make a start for a home, and be exempt from taxes on building for § years. McCANN from --~ i] New Orleans has the largest and most modern cotton warehouse in lithe world, with a capacity of 424, 000 bales. ' ARE YOU <ONSCIOUS OF. WEARING GLASSES ? Glasses ¥/ Properly fitted, yours should never remind ou of their presence. t takes skill to fit nose- guards so that they will feel comfortable, easy, and hold the Glasses in place. ~~ WE FIT SHUR-ONS The Nationally advertised Shur-On mountings are one of the best nose-guards made, when the p type is select- Sp eS this ion that experience is required. You will be en- tirely satisfied if we fit them. 1.3 Assis 42 Kang 8. . | never removed by the circus. Queen's is making an appeal to her | 01104 has also been the direct cause graduates to complete the amount re- | t deaths. In attempting to quired to build the war memorial, | 2. Ma0Y deatas. pling which some months ago it was decid- ed should -take thé form of a stu- dent's union. Nearly $350,000 win | fallen, eithér being killed or receiv- be required, of which the staff ana | 128 serious injuries," ! their performances is known ta sacri f th acritice of these dead .comrades everyone and this advertising is un- must be fittingly remembered. The name of Queen's, moreover, is as- sociated with its engineers, its bat- teries, its general hospital, its field ambulance, the 253rd battalion, and with the hundreds of men who serv- necessary. i lous 'years: should be remembered. The majority | ProSram offered is unrivalled. of suggestions favored a student's' Union which would become g centre | Provide is a downtown ticket office of sacial and re¥gious activity for the | Where seats can be obtained on cir- undergraduates. {cus 'day. The location will be an- The Jnion, would contain, first of | Bounced later. all, a room dedicated to the memory | '? of the university sons of the Great! 3 War, and having among other mem- | to ma ic Raifway gacailge orials a complete roll of honor. The cas 000 increase $676 oo. building would also coptain a dining | : : . : 4 hall, a debating hall and rooms for | the Alma Mater Society, the staff of | the Journal, the Y.M.C.A. and other | agencies of student life. It is felt] that provision should also be made for the women students. i GETTING THE BUILDING READY FOR FACTORY Charles A. Eaton is Preparin for the Manufacture g of Cutlery. i Charles Albert Eaton has been en- | gaged in fitting up an office in the cereal works building, which the city has been authorized to purchase for a cutlery factory. He has a quantity of machinery consisting of lathes and stamping machines ready to install, but before much can be accomplish- ed the ovens and other cooking ap- paratus that take up a considerable portion of the first f1¥6r will have to be removed. The building is well ad- apted for factory purposes, and Mr. Eaton is letting in more light by op- ening the wall at the ends for win- dows. He is planning to have the work pushed forward and operations underway at the earliest possible mo- ment. * ' SHOW HORSES ARRIVE Sevea Added to String of Sir Qlifford Sifton. Seven valuable jumping horses im- ported from arrived at Mal- lorytown for Sir Clifford Sifton, who will keep them at Assiniboine Lodge during the present season.' The ani- mals, which will later appear at horse shows throughout the country, were purchased at Rugby, England, by Sir Ciifferd. . 4 nts? nt -- "Headquarters for Headwear" { | i i i I Therefore this circus will not be undergraduates; already, have SuDd-| \ anging bannersyon. the - walls of | scribed over $30,000. { Bust builds Th + ' The list of slain totals 179. The | Pusiness buildin 8 merit «of | It is said the perform-| {ance this season surpasses all prev-| The best of talent has | been brought from England and with | the headliners of this continent and | ed in other units. That work also [he Sreatest of wild animal acts, the | A feature which only big shows | | remove the dirty rags from their buildings, the property owners have | | Axminister and Wiltons in all sizes and a beautiful stock to choose pretty range of patterns to suit every room in the house. wman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" : NOT TO LIGHT THE RIDEAU i OWING TO THE SMALL TRAFFIC AND EXPENSE | The Waterway's Danger Spots Mark- | od With Posts--Movements of Ves- sels In the Harbor. The department of canals has de- | cided that the Rideau canal will not be lighted this season. For years ! the canal has been lighted all the | way from Ottawa to Kingston. The | man who had the contract to light | the Kingston section of the canal lv- {ed at Brewer's Mills, and used to | come up in the morning and take | down the lanterns which were used | to give light and then return in the } afternoon and place the lights out. | These lights have been a great con- | venience to marine men who have { had occasion to travel on the river | after dark. In many places if it were | | not for the lights it worild be impos- sible for boats to travel. It is under- | stood that it was the intention of the | department to mark off the canal | with posts similar to those used in i marking bad spots in the harbor. The | department has two reasons for dis- continuing the lighting service. One is that there are very few steamers travelling and the other is the heavy | expense. ! The City of New York, is in dry- | dock, being overhauled. | The steamer Maplebrook, from | Port Colborne, en route to Moatreal, | passed down last night with grain. i, The steamer Belleville from Tor- onto, and bay ports passed yesterday | on her way-to Montreal with freight. | The steamer City of Ottawa, from [| Montreal, parsed west with freight. | The steamer Maplegreen passed up | yesterday from Montreal to Port Col- { borge. , | The steamer Maple Glen, which ran | aground at Brophy's Point on ler {way up the river on Wednesday | morning, was released by the tug | Bronson, and the only damage she sustained was a broken rudder stem. She was towed into Kingston on 4 ON UNIVERITY AVENUE «son A detached dwelling, with Hot Water meating, Fire Place, Hardwood Floors, Good Cellar and Yard. For a limit- ed time for ... \ The premises lately occupied by the Catholic Army Huts on King Street, whole or in part. Possession can be given at once. Wednesday afternoon and went into ithe dry dock of the Collingwood ' Shipbuilding Company for repairs. Eastman Kodaks Eastman"s Brownie Cameras. ' Eastman's Films and Film Packs Eastman's Azo and Velox Paper Eastman's Photographic Sup- plies of all Kinds, Mahood's Drug Store

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