Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1920, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, MAY, 26, 1920. ------ YOUR DOCTOR } --should give you a prescrip- tion for your ailmemt. Under- hgtand that this prescription is yours to take where you will to have filled. Take it to your own Drug Stofe== BEST'S where constant care, accuracy and attention govern the dis- pensing of medicines, and al- ways under the care of a grad- 'uate. Remember this when next your Doctor gives you a pre- scription. Take it to: a e----------------. of 'Wi ' Community MAKES OF SILVER PLATED FLATWARE These are both standard pro- The "Best" . Drug Store : Phone 59. IL. T. Best, Dispensing Chemist. 5 show you the | OROMWELL and PATRICIAN Patterns. i Wedding Yarviogs i Keeley Jr., M.O.D.0. | Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, | Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr,, 1.0.0. || | The optometrist of today to do good work must mot only be equipped with the best mechan- fecal apparatus but must have that knowledge im its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCF CAN GIVE. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. FHERAEISN I: N Ne NO. Neo. 1 for Bladder Catarrh. N N eo. 3 for kim Diseases. No. 3 for Blood and AI tees. Sold by leading chemists. Price in England, 3s. Dr, e- Clerc Med. Co. fiaverstock Rd., NW. See Trade Marked We! is om Brit. Govt. Stamp ine packets. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. Lendoen. »THERAPION" affixed to gen Why Not Farm in Your Own Back Yard Owing to the high cost of living, people will be putting in small gardens on their own prope r renting lots for farming rty o purposes. We have learned that garden tools will be in great demand this year and . have a larger assortment on sale every day. Malleable and Steel Rakes, straight and Concave Teeth. Five Prong Garden Cultivators. Solid and Socket Shank Hoes. Solid Socket Turf Edgers. Grass Shears and Garden Trowels. Our prices are the lowest and our tools the best of quality. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. W. A. MIFCHELL, Manager Hardware Department. BROCK STREET PHONE 287. THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE - ----------------c--] | ------ | it Beds and Bedding You will find our stock very complete and prices very rea- 'sonable. We have been carrying a large stock for some time and are able to give you the advantage of low prices compared with ' the prices of goods purchased to-day. ® > HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER ? If not, arrange for demonstration at - = | have a complete Tange offi | ence Mavety, | the week-end at their cottage at Sy- | denham and returned on Tuesday. | - - . !| mer cottage on Wolfe Island. || ing a few days || Bawden, Barrie street. i| borne street. . |! sister, {| Mich. a rere ve: two trometer crt Phone 9 TF. Hanison Co, Lid THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | 'Told In Twilight common with utheér papers all over Canada, will make a charge of $1 ior inserting an riage or reception announcement. . . - On Saurday afternoon a jolly pic-| nic was given by Mrs. G. Hunter Og- | at their summer ilvie, Earl street, where the cottage at Collins Bay, guests were all her daughter, Miss Marion's friends. It was an ideal ddy to be out-of-doors, and the country | in all its fresh green was looking very beautiful. After doing full jus-| | tice to the delicious High Tea, danc- ing was enjoyed to the music of a victrola, and a very happy time was spent by all, . T. C. Stark, Gananoque, lin, Alfred street. The King and Queen have returned to Buckingham Palace, accompanied | by Princess Mary, after a stay of over | five weeks at Windsor Castle. Their | Majesties are to be again in resi- dence .at Windsor for -ten days in June, and it is expected that next winter the court will be at the Castle during the month of January. Mrs. E. R. Canning Stephens, Wel- lington street, returned on Saturday, ! from Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. John Aird, who were the guests of the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock street, returned yesterday to their home In | Montreal. H. Horsey, Ottawa, Ww, J. Fair, | Miss Virginia and" Master Peter Fair, King street, motored up to Cressy on Saturday and spent the holiday at Mr. Horsey's farm. Miss Ruth Clark, Johnson street, has been spending a few days with Prof. and Mrs. Melvin, Albert street, before going down to Boston for a | visit. g Mrs. J. B. Mavety and Miss Flor- Princess street, spent Mrs. John Webster, who was visit- ing her brother, the Rev. A. O. Cooke, The Rectory, Barriefield, re- turned to Hamilton on Saturday. Mrs. King, Wellington, arrived yesterday to attend the W. A. meet- ings and is the guest of Mrs. R. Ray- son, Bagot street. Mrs. Coleman Hinckley, University avenue, left on Friday for Kansas City, where she will in future make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Eyssell. Mrs! 'Williams and Miss Williams, came down from Toronto to spend the week-end with Cadet Williams, R.M.C., and were at "Queen's Resi- dence," Earl 'street. - » Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Greenwood, Wolfe Island, have gone out to visit their daughters Mrs. Ugine and Mrs. Frank Reitzel, Waterloo, Ont. Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Earl street, have taken a cottage at Collins Bay, and with their family will spend the summer months there. Miss Molli€ and Miss Janet Saun- ders, Alice street, spent the week- end with Mrs. Johnston, Adolphus- town, and returned on Monday ev- ening, bringing Mrs. Johnston with them to be the guest of Mrs. Herbert Saunders for the W. A. meetings. Miss Clara Smith, of Amherst Is- land, spent Tuesday in the city, with friends. - - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Klugh, Bagot street, expect to leave this week for Ithaca, N.Y., where Mr. Klugh will take special studies at Cornell Col- lege during the summer months. Miss Norma Trotter, Johnson street, has returned from Belleville | where she spent the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kirby and lit- tle daughter, who have been the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Phillips, Johnson street, returned to their home in Toronto on Monday. Phillip, Hannaford and Gordon Dordieu came up from Montreal on Saturday, for a little visit with Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, West street. D. Robertson, Toronto, is spending a few days at the Chateau Belvidere. . Mrs. Cameron, Winnipeg, Is re- gistered at the Chateau Belvidere. Mrs. Judson Watchorn, arrived from Merrickville yesterday, to at- tend the W. A. meetings and is the guest of Mrs. R. Kilborn, King stréet. George Brooks, Barriefield, spent the holiday in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gorrie. Mrs. Dickinson, Camden East, is | the guest of Mrs. Herbert Saunders, | Alice street, for the W. A. meetings. Mrs. J. H. Berry, Montreal, is || spending some time with her daugh- || ter, | street. Mrs. Matthew Graham, Earl Dr. W. H. Rankin, who was the | guest of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ran- | kin, | Brooklyn, N.Y. Collins Bay, has returned to H. Tandy and Miss Lettie Tandy, King street, have opened their sum- Mrs. F. L. Barber, Picton, is spend- with Mrs. George * Miss Arlene Fitzgerald, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fitzgerald, Col- Wallace Elmer is the guest of his Mrs. Harold Grant, Flint, William J. Rochefort, Montreal, !| returned on Tuesday, after spending | the week-end the guest of his par- || ents, Capt. and Mrs. A. Rochefort. Misses Helen and Eliza Harte Oates, and Carmel! Donohue, Barrie street, spent the week-end at the lat- ter's home, "Riverside," Gananoque. Col. and Mrs. Andrew Macphail, and Master Jack, left to-day for Montreal, where they will be the guests of Sir Andrew Macphail, and be present to-morrow at the marriage of his son, Geoffrey Macphail, to Miss Dorothy. Garth. Early next week, Col, and Mrs. Macphail and son will leave for Orwell, P.E.I, where they will spend the summer at the old homestead. : - - . Mrs. Cecil Whalley came up from Brockville yesterday to attend the Il W. A. meetings, and is the guest of |! her sister, Mrs, W. Kent Macnee, «Notice--Herpafter;-the Whig, in engagement, mar-/| is the] guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Frank- | | contingwood street Rev. William Macmorine, Mrs. | Macmorine and children, Kars, Ont., { who same to the city to be present at the laying of the corner stone of Macmorine Hall, which took place on Monday evening, and were the | guests of Col. and Mrs. Alexander Macphail, Clergy street, returned to their home yesterday. Mp. anti Mrs. E. H. Pense and children, who spent the winter at Miss Kavanagh's, "250 King "strest, moved to-day into Col. 'and Mrs. Alexander Macphail's' house on Clergy street, which they have taken for the summer. i - James Fairlie, Springfield, O., spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Fairlie, Brock street, and re- turned on Saturday. John Molson returned on Monday to Montreal, after spending the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Browne, Kensington Place. Herbert Short has returned from a trip to the coast. Miss Catherine Fairlie, Brock | street, went down to Montreal last | Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Fairlie. After spending a pleasant holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Richardson, Johnson street, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig motored back to Toronto on Monday: S. G. Harris; Canadian Bank of | Commerce, has returned from Toron- | to, where he spent the week-end. | Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Minnes,-*'Hill- | eroft," moto; od up to Toronto on | Monday, takin with them Miss | Eleanor Minnes, Miss Jean McGrego® { and Miss Mary MacPhail, all of Branksome Hall. | Miss Claire Robinson, Albert street, has returned from Toronto, | where she spent the holiday. . - - | Mrs. H. Ramsay Duff, Princess | street, Mrs. Drake, Alfred street, Mrs. Snelling, Division street, Mrs, John Wright, Mack street, and Miss Mowat, Johnson street, went out to Madoé¢ to-day, to attend the meetings of the Presbyterian Woman's Mis- sionary Society. Miss Mabel Richardson, *Alwing- ton," who on the return trip. from Chigago and Minneapolis spent ten days with Dr. and Mrs. Bertram, Dundas, is expected home to-morrow. Mrs. Harold Kidd, Burritt's Rapids, arrived on Monday to attend the meetings of the W.A. and is at the Chateau Belvidere. Miss Cornell and her niece, Miss Ruth Connell, Spencerville, spent the holiday with Mrs. W, T. Connell, Arch street. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McCann went down to Montreal yesterday to meet the latter's mother, Lady Markham, who has been visiting in New York. They will all return to Kingston this week and be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCann, Wellington street. W. P. Wilgar has returned to Montreal, after spendi the holi{iay with Mrs. Wilgar and Master Billy, "Tintern Place." H. L. Sheppard and E. I. Gill mo- tored down from Toronto and were the guests of Mrs. J. M. Lanos for the holiday. S. - » Mr, and Mrs. George Spring an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Phyllis Fern, to R. Clarence Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winzlo Thompson, Ernesttown, tue marriage to take place early in une, Mr. and Mrs. George Spring an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Vera Grace, to J. Edgar Thompson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson, Ernesttown, the marriage to take place early in June. . . -. Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie, "River View," Kingston,. announce the engagement of their eldest daugh ter, Ada Victoria, to Harper Caul- field Gillham, Ottawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gillham, Aurora, Ont. The marriage to take place quietly early in June. Mr. and Mrs. B. <B. Sayer; War-' wick, N.Y., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Helen Ben- net, to Warren Jay Keys, "son of Mrs. Jay H. Keyes, Terre Haute, Ind., and 410} Riverside Drive, New York city. Miss Sayer is a graduate of Madison Hall school, Washington, and of the Sargemt school for girls in Cambridge and is well known in Kingston and vicinity having spent several summers at Battersea with her parents and with her aunts, Mrs. John Baxter and Mrs. R. J. Valir. The wedding will take place the mid- dle of June. © (Continued On Page 8) Advice to Dyspeptics Well Worth Following In the case of dyspepsia, the appe- tite is variable. Sometimes it is rav- enous, again it is often very poor. For this condition there is but ome sure remedy--Dr. Hamilton's Pills --~which cure quickly and thorough- ly day, and as time goes on improve- ment continues. No otfier medicine | will strengthen the stomach and di-| gestive organs like Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They supply the materials and assistance necessary to convert every- thing eaten into nourishment, into muscle, fibre, and energy with which to build up the run-down system. i Why not cure your dyspepsia now? Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills today, 25c. per box at all dealers. Phone 231] ! I 0 0 'Sufferers find marked benefit in a ~--" MEN'S SUMMER FOOTWEAR WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS-- leather soles. Our price $3.00 WHITE CANVAS BOOTS--Ileather soles.' Our price $3.50 See our VELOUR CALF OXFORDS, rubber soles. Our price > JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Sd PROBS: Thursday, fine and warm. ee mm TEER RETREAT Dou Save an extra 10% on all cash purchases by shopping here to-mortow, between 9 a.m. and | p.m. The largest and best assorted stocks of 'merchandise in Eastern Ontario to choose from. . g The most beautifully fashioned and best quality Women's and Misses' Dresses we have ever been able to offer at these pop- ular prices. | A large collection of Voile Dresses in the newest styles and colorings and of ex- tra special quality. Gingham Dresses Beachcloth Dresses Chambray Dresses in wonderful variety and priced $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $9.00 up to $25.00. The New Summer Dresses Priced $16.95 up to $44.95. ¥ "FRESH, CRISP. Blouses --Voile Blouses. --Pongee Blouses In NEW ! Attractive, decidedly wearable. Summer-time Blouses --Habutai Silk Blouses. --Crepe de Chene Blouses. ~--Georgette Blouses. -- Striped Voile Blouses. . all the newest styles and novelty effects, overblouses, etc. Priced $1.98 up to $35.00 Steacy's EE -------------------- Ii HOEORREERRERRRE EOE OREO TEED NEW SUMMER . Skirts! Exceptionally smart models, de- veloped in --Kumsi Kumsa + Cotton Poplin --Gabardine. --Habutai Silk. Wool Plaids. --Gabardines. --Silk and Cotton Mixtures. etc., etc. Priced $2.98 up to $45.00 - Limited SO JOO 0 EATS OARSROAA A J mm iY h ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBIRE REPAIRING Ford Cars a speciality. Genuine Ford parts. 378 BROCK STREET Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537J. Too many advanced ideas are ad- vanced in the wrong direction. | FURS For Spring and Summer wear, we have a choice lot of Mole and Fox Neck Pieces Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET, A ---------- 4 "-------- At +l wn. 70 Brock St would thing. Many a man hugs delusions who] pre homely girl can seldom under- why peopls think some mea prefer to em al | mashers.

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