Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1920, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY, 20, 1020. we \ .THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Milady's Handbag -- ~------demands particular attention at this season, and just ° here we would mention their charming appropriateness where a gift to some fair June bride is" concerned. THE BAG OF MOIRE SILK, with handsomely carved silver frame, and the Lucille Vanity Case in brown, grey or navy are special favorites. -- Sm HADES NO. 27. | FAMOUS KINGSTONIANS Mrs. Adam Shortt, One of Canada's Leading Women. The previous twenty-five Famous Kingstonians whose careers were ketched in these articles were all men. On the suggestion of several | Kingston ladies it has been decided | to secure and publish, whenever pos- | sible, similar sketches of the careers of former Kingston women who have e well-known in public life and have devoted their lives to some wor- thy object with at success. > Famous Kingstonians Abroad 1 R. Uglow & Co. THIS TIME OF YEAR The dust is here. Protect your eyes with STEWART'S Goggles then you will have no fear. The largest stock in Kingston at your disposal. From 50c. to $7.00. lewacrt EXECCET Opp. Post Office. A ot NOX A COLD TABLETS A safe and peed cure for LaGrippe, Coughs, Colds, Headache, Nouraixia: Flu, a mild laxative. Breaks up a cold in a few hours. Get the genuine, at all drug stores. 25c per box. Sold at Best's Drug Store. ith such an idea in view, we were fortunate enough to secure the ma- terial for a sketch of the career of Elizabeth " Shortt. Kingston people, and particularly those connected in any way with een's University re- member Mrs. Shortt as a clever wo- man who, in addition, possessed the ability to utilize her cleverness for the good of the community and of the nation. She is also well-known to Kingston lovers of music, as she was president of the Kingston Musical club for seven years. The girls of Queen's who spent sev- eral of their vacations picking fruit Bag Tops We are showing the newest styles in FANCY BAG TOPS Square and oval shapes; in Tortoise and Amber finish. Also a complete range in fancy metal designs. Prices range from $1.75 w 'Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELRRS 100 PRINCESS ST. Marriage Licenses Issued. PLUMBER 3 and Heating - + Address 238 SYDENHAM STREET Phone @88, | J. BARRETT | What Are "Rebuilt Tires"? They are Tires that have the top tread worn off without a lot of holes through them, and scientifically rebuilt by expert tire builders. Our name is embossed on MRS. ADAM SHORTT can probably tell us in what sort of lace Mrs. Shortt, or rather Miss zabeth Smith, first saw the light of day, for she was born in the vil- lage of Winona, Ontario, some time in the year 1869. Fate decreed that she was to énter this world under the non-committal, name of Smith. Fate may also have decreed the rest of her career, but it might be judged that Elizabeth Smith has helped out Fate to some extent in that respect. After a preliminary education at a rivate school Miss Smith attended amilton Collegiate Institute. After her graduation from high school she came to Kingston and took up the study of medicine in the Royal Medi- cal College, which was affiliated with Queen's University. She graduated with the degree of M.D. in the year 1884. By her very choice of a pro- fession she showed her ability for leadership and her courage. In those days it took mo little of that quality which we might call "nerve," for a woman to enter the practice of the medical profession. She was not only determined to succeed in her chosen profession herself, but she was out to do her best to make the way eas- jer for women students to come after her. Because of this she was ome of the strongest supporters of the call for a se te course for women at the Royal College. : Due partly to her efforts, this resulted in the creation of the Women's Medical College at Kingston, in affiliation with een's. Mrs. Shortt has since written the his- tory of this college which was pub- lished under the name of "Historical them --that assures the 'customer of the very best of service obtainable. We use the best of stock and procure it from the best tire manufactugers in . ada. This process is a wonderful money- : saving proposition. Satisfaction guaranteed or money Bl cheerfully refunded. 3 | Thousands of satisfied customers. | MOORE'S . The Big Tire and Accessory House. | Heels : $5.75 Women's Brown Calf; Chocolate Kid and Black Kid Oxfords $4.95 1 > or Nl KINGSTON Sweteh of Medical Education of Wo- men 2» : For some time after her graduation 'Smi i Hamilton. on sanitary science in the Women's and | be rendered who leads Medical College. It was characteris- -tie--of- Mrs.-Shortt .that.she should. take a warm interest in all the stu- | dent movements and thus make her- | self beloved by her pupils. Profes- | sor Shortt became head of the De- partment of Political Economy some time after. Their home was always thrown open to the students of the University and many young and am- bitious scholars received fresh en- couragement from the social inter- course always available at the 'Shortt home. It would necessitate the filling of a large book to do justice to an ac- count of Mrs. Shortt's many activi- ties. She was the first president of the Queen's University Alumnae As- sociation, and president of the King- ston Y.W.C.A. for three years. The National Council of Women would feel like a ship without a rudder if Mrs. Shortt were to suddenly aban- | don it. She was first convenor of the; Immigration Committee of that na- tion-wide organization. Later she was made convenor of the Public Health Committee as she had devoted so much time and energy to the fight against tuberculosis. A few years ago she wrote an enlightening and | much appreciated pamphlet on the | social aspects of that disease. | Professor Shortt was appointed | Civil Service Commissioner in 1911 {and the family moved to Ottawa, | where Mrs. Shortt has been possibly | the leading .figure in women's , civic {and social wo For the past eight vears she has been president of the Ottawa Council of Women and it is probably in this, more than in any other connections, that her most im- portant work has been accomplished. For three years she was president of the Mother's Union of Ottawa, and for a time president of the Ottawa Women's Canadian Club. During the exceedingly hard times which directly preceded the war, Mrs. Shortt labored unceasingly to make conditions in the city of Ottawa healthier and happier. Due to her insistent efforts the mar. ket conditions in Ottawa have im- Jroved remarkably during the past ew years. From 1914 until the end of the war, Mrs. Shortt"s working days were twenty-four hours long. en the war broke out she laid aside all -in- terests but those which contributed to the speedy and victorious termina- tion of the war. She was one of the principal speakers at the first meet- ings called in Ottawa by Her Royal Highness, the late Duchess of Con- naught. After that she became the leader in all sorts of war relief, Red Cross and all work of that nature. As might be supposed, Mrs. Shortt is a strong advocate of woman suf- frage. Always keenly interested in public and political affairs herself, she would have her sister women rove their ability to use the full ranchise by a utilization of what is now allowed them to the fullest ex- tent. In her opinion every woman "ould have almost as great an in- terest in and civic affairs us she has in the management of her own home. It might be well to mention more about Mrs, Shortt's own home at this point. She is the mother of: three children, two daughters and one son. George Shortt, paymaster in one of the overseas units, is well-known in all circles in this city. He attended een's University for some time. e is now living in land, having married in the Old Country. Mrs. Shortt's elder daughter is also married and living in England. Her younger daughter, Miss rraine is at present taking a course at Queen's. 'Mrs. Adam Shortt is here, there and everywhere all in the space of a very short time. Her abilities as a speaker and as an organizer are in demand constantly. One day she may be in Montreal, the next in Toronto. One week from that time will find her in Vancouver or perhaps allow two weeks and she will be in Eng- land. No het woman 'in Jere possesses her or grasp of public and national affairs. No other woman in Canada has that clar- SEVEN DOLLARS Men's Brown Bluchers and Balmoral style Boots, with Neolin ] Soles and Rubber Heels . . ..... . i. crt cemcennn Men's Black Gunmetal Calf Bluchers; round toes; good, strong, double, Goodyear Welted Soles; all sizes; extra special value Men's fine grade Black Box Kip Bluchers, Goodyear Welted Soles; they are real good value; all sizes 6 to 1 |. Special '3 VEIUE ... iL cn of iets sini ox «visti wii wei | S400 foes » ofole (viein'cbalnele $7.00 ; se es eg alee «It Will Pay You to See These as Shoes Are Going to be Higher" ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE We hat children of all ages. It is common to hear people | remark about our : values. | STRAW HATS -- CRASH | HATS -- TWEED HATS--- TAMS. | Fairy Headwear for the wee tots. Bring the children along and try on some of our nifty styles. CAMPBELL BROS. The Children's Hatters. Alkali In og For the Halr Too much alkali dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough- ly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsified cocoanut ofl shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very A Isic] mo -- | pememy a WHAT A BETTER HOME MEANS TO A WOMAN Home to a woman, is the one placé of greatest importance---wife, mother, : daughter spend nine-tenths of their time 'in the house--surely that is reason enough why you should make the home as attractive as possible. JAMES REID "The Basy Store With Large Stock™ *' Phone 147 for Service. cheap, and a few every member ot" months. : unces will supply the family for ity of vision in dealing with public airs which belongs to Ms. rtt. It is therefore only her due that she the laurels as the woman in national thought. Letters to the Editor Tacks, Taxis, and Taxes. Kingston, May 19: (To the Edi- tor) :-¢-The other day I proceeded, with customary annual impulse, to put my douse in order, Of course 1 speak fguratively, because I can- not afford to own a house and added to that it is not fashionable nowa- days. The popular thing is to be looking for a house. To put my figu- rative house in order, I paid the of- fice-boy ten cents I have owned him hich | cation, informed § E i fi! 1H 7 § | i ¥ ~q E i gs ' °T | The Education Reconstruction Policy of the Government Bix all-day suckers for my sister's three kids came to the modest sum of fifty cents. One half-ounce of tooth powder would have cost me two dollars, if I had had the two. I was too dazed to think of doing without. All I could do was pay and wonder until the fabulous fortune in the right hand pocket of my jeans ran out, We renovate all make them as good Get our prices. MATTRESSES Don't throw away your old Mattresses. kinds and as new. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w When that sad but unavoidable ev- ent took place, I wended ny re to the home of my future wife, Very cautiously I attempted to kiss her. mand a tax. After that I drew a deep breath of air, and, with money bor- rowed from my (F. W. sent this tele- gram: : - "Sir Henry Drayton, "Ottawa, "Respectfully beg to inform that you forgot fresh muir and kissing." --JOHN F. JONES. QUEEN'S FAVORED MEDICAL FACULTY Not Yet Determined. = a Hon. R. H. Grant, Minister of Bdu- Legislature Tuesday the reason Queen's Univer- Wonder of wonders she did not de- || One excellent Farmer's Wagon; \ FOR SALE 1% z g i i or inch gear and wheels which are al- mcst new. A smap for some- one milk wagon re- Splendid value at the : 5 § gF OUR Ice Cream has been the BEST in KINGSTON for years and will contniue to be nothing but PURE CREAM and FRUIT FLAVORS used. This busi- ness established nineteen years. MOIR'S and GANONG'S CHOCOLATES always on hand. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House enced Crescent Wire Works # Fencing, Guards, Baskets, - JF : borders, Wire Work of all kinds, lowe factured by:i- PARTRIDGE & SON, 62 King Street West, Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Phone 1781 or 1428. Phone 380. Residence Bw, ---- A GREAT BARGAIN "CRYSTAL" ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE ......$150.00 Worth $175.00. One only at this price. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (0. 345King Street - - « «» Phone 94 ~ WE ARE GOING TO THE CORNER OF BROCK AND BAGOT STREETS. PAR. TICULARS LATER. CRAWFORD & WALSH ~ Tailors

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