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Remember that we absolutely guarantee that not a ticket has been changed or marked up. This discount is to be deducted from the last selling price of the garments. All goods" marked in plain figures. Don't delay! Come Soon! LIVINGSTON'S Brock St., Kingston "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" : \ NOTE. JUST THINK OF IT! --No charges. All purchases for Cash Only. --No approval. ~--No exghanges. knees in prayer, when the nomina- tion to the presidency was offered to him, It was a natural and creditable thing for Saul, knowing of his own anointing at the hands of Samuel, to flee from the decision when the na- tion assembled at Mispah to cast lots for its first king. So when the choice had fallen, lo, Saul was found hidden emong the baggage! Then was first heard the shout, echoed ever does His' 'With what we are 'willing to let Him have. To that end a wonder was wrought, such & wonder as has been repeated many times since; Saul was to the success of the king project, so "God gave him another heart." Aft- er his meeting with uel, Saul un. derwent a great spiritual experience, : He "got religion." He entered into & new sense of God such as is essen- that old-world aristocracy has not been maintained by any inherent greatness or nobility of its own. Like the arbutus, the loveliest lives are growing closest to the earth, In humble circumstances the highest qualities seem to thrive best. Tomor- row"s Salils are but farmers' boys to- day. - SEEKING ASSES, FOUND KINGDOM School Lesson for May 23rd Is Israel' First King."--1 Samuel 9:15, 10:24. By William T. 'Ellis. 3 The International Sunday Following the Fashion. "Once upon atime" there was a man in his 'late twenties or thirties, who in physique stood > and shoulders above all his fel ; He was a Lincoln sort of youth, _ countrified, awkward, embarrasssed 'By contact with the great, and dream- fag no dream except that he should Due hig life. in rural pursuits, with | round of petty cares. He was a Mosest chap,.of stout heart and no Iiticular ambition, His family were in any "Blue Book" or social reg- ister. In the course of his day's work Be, with a servant-comrade, had to go Off on a hunt for some strayed assses. _ While searching for the missing . donkeys, he found a kingdom! His chief concern, in his simplicity, had because he had no suitable gift the seer who mi direct him 0 the straying hed." Little did this 'eountryman, Ssul, imagine that the Seer Samuel, had for him, a cruse of oll to anoint him as the first of Israel. _Around the next corner we turn may await us destiny--or God! edness is sald to be the first ty of humor: certainly it is a that God delights to play upon He seems fond of t- "His mercies are fresh every morn- ing and new every evening." Life is a continuous surprise party for the person who has committed his way unto the Lord. -God's habit is to pro- vide more than eye has seen or ear has heard, or than has entered Into the heart of man. One thing is sure about the Lord's dealings with his children: He is certain to do for them more than they can: ask or think. While their anticipations may not rise above the day's tasks, He has for them vast prizes of charac- ter and service and life. That truth is the first skimming of thé cream of the Saul story. Unexpected king- domg are bestowed while we diligent- ly seek straying stock. - There is sest for dally living in the lesson. Of another sort, of equal per- tinency to our own time, is the mes- sage that God usually calls His great Ones from lowly circumstances. Whence came the men who are real- ly potent in our turbulent world. to- day? How many of them were born to the purple or professionally train- ed for leadership? he war has deeply discredited' all "ruling clasg- es." it needed only the publication of the petty and inane and grotesq letters of the kaiser, the czar and ® to cap the common conviction ra hme. cou | : oH HH $ il ; Dramatic and romantic and beauti- ful as is the story of the young Ben- jaminite who went in search of stray- ing donkeys and found a crown in- stead, the background is less than lovely. \ Israel had slumped from the clear consciousness of its own national des- tiny. "It had crossed to see the priv- ilege and powgr of being a peculiar people. It wanted to follow the fash- fon of the nations, and have a king at its head. That was the stubborn contention of the elders when Samuel remonstrated with them, and showed them what it meant to withdraw the kingship of Israel from Jehovah Him- self: they said they wanted to have a king, "like all the nations." Samuel set forth what a king would do to Hea and as one reads his catalogue it seefus clear whence Kip¥n ls © co ng got his "Suffer not the old king." Neverthe Israel would rather be fashionable than right: nations and men go wrong to Mrs. Grundy's mu- sic of "Everybody's doing it!" Before we rail too severely at old Israel departing from its high, strict standards of Theocracy, let us pause for an instant to ask about ourselves in' this present time. Is .our nation turning from 'or toward simple faith and godliness? Are we more keen on the quest after the newest fash- fons and luxuries than we are after sheer and simple righteousnesss? Are our faces or our backs toward 'God's leadership? Nations are in the valley : | of decislo n to-day: the case of Israel points a 7 tial to all truly great leadership. That is why we pray every Sunday in our churches for our rulers; except they are led, they cannot lead. Recently I received a lettér from a friend in a western city, express- ing concern that in these times of shitting leadership and 'of quickened interest in politics, there Is no man who stands unequivocally on a dfs- tinctively Christian platform, with zeal for New Testament righteous- ness as his plea. Why should not a public mat cone out openly with a statement that our times need most of all a return to God, and a fresh obedience to the divine will? A peér- sonal experience of religion, such as came to Saul, is the est equip- ment for Jublie service. * yo first the kingdom of God and His righte- ousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." ' A profound sense of personal un- worthiness comes to. the really true man in the presence of every high experience. What worthy lover nas not wondered why his betrothed should be willing to accept him? Queen Vietoria's prayer, according to the familiar countless of times since, "Long live the King!" There was a dissenting minority who did not endorse the election of the huge and bashful son of Kish. he latter showed qualities of states- manship by retiring into seclusion until the people should come to agreement, Then one of the tribes became threatened by an enemy, and the tidings ran throughout Israel. When Saul heard the news he proved his kingship by his can-ship: never Was he more regal than in that hour, For he had that essential quality Of greatness, a capacity for indigna- tion. Like the veriform appendix, this characteristic becomes trophied in some politicians. * But of Israel's first'king we read, when he had heard of the shameful proposal of the Am- monites to the men of Jabesh, "The Bpirit of God came mightily upon Saul when he heard these words, and his anger was kindled greatly." Would that the Sp might' de- scend upon the church to-day in the same 'way, and make too-tolerant 'Christian red-hot with anger against injustict and oppression and evil of every sort. A victory like unto Saul" is sure whenever en ht- | ing mad! #890 men yet 9 Mothers Know That - Genuine Castoria PATS ie A eT a Badan ad Seeds: TE ind] Nia aatiol For Over Thirty Years "To got the Miles per Gallon, get the Gation First" : tb SUDDABY'S TIRE SERVICE