-- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - _ The Kingston Symphony | A THS Yims 0 | : ||| the U8 Symphony | wr open, TO-NIGHT n Sia. fue 374.1920 | Orchesta || MISS ARLIE MARKS Mr. O. F. Telgmann, Conductor | Will give 11a IN COMES wep elas: + | n ---- CONDENSED. ADVERTISING RATES - + > FOR SALE. : | 3 ig Co : i} VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS | 1723 Tmeeriion. 1a 8 work Eth co x rE Secutive insertion ereafter, r PROVE- | MOTOR BOAT, PRACTICA o Amn al ert TO-NIGHT + cent a word. Minimum charge for FOUND FURNISHED ROONS) ALL IMI Apply reasonable terms. Apply 296 Prins u nc | Fe ores: Hon, ei tate. faertians, 7 Gore street "Phone 3334w. cess Street. : L 3 LARGE BUNCH OF KEYS PICK. wm THE GIRL FROM The above Fates are for cash only: pried gr C sy rsp ROOMS FOR LIGHT PONY, SIX YEARS OLD; GOOD GRAND OPERA HOUSE NORTH CAROLINA" When charged they are doub Owper can secure same at | | housekeeping, on bathroom floor. driver; -also spring wagon. Apply 4 the Methodist parsonage in Apply 499 Princess Street. _ 16 Cowdy Street. ' 1 yi HELP WANTED, Cataraqui. | . = hn i N OHERTY ORGAN, i WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th riday Night ransy CLASS ROGMS AND BOARD; | PAN CANE ne NERTY Sheik "THE BRAT" EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. APPLY|| A STRING OF CATHOLIC all improvements; centrally locst- hea Jauisk bu / Tickets 21185, see. Fhe, 91 ct of Play Nightly Randolph Hotel. Beads on Victavia Street with ed. Apply 243 Brock street. Q k Whig Offic i sa'snmeMenfan. Yn '|| | PRICES 15-25-85-30 | BAKER WANTED. APPLY TO BURNS have sams by calling at 83 || runNSHED ced ARTHENTS, | ALL JUDION'S AVEO IFS, BROCKTILLE, A A L N zie Ly ve r - ~ i 4 Sat. ..15c.-25¢c. Bakery, Frontenac street north. PRAY OHA trem ON MONT. Tenet i Ses King Bre vack Curtains. ad): kinds. A COOK, ALSO HOUSE MAID, APPLY real street. Owner may have FOR LIGHT | ONE NEW f.PASSENGER OLDSMOe e - URNISHED FLAT n GRAND Gtiitmmiisionn || Zoids SO || ORs par, Jo COU on phy frais Sars. A KK AND HOU BD. APPLY N : TESTAMENT ON PRIN. gas for cooking. Apply 396 Princess » OF havi appeared (n the ro thy alent hat the ~~ to Mrs. Howard S. Folger, 1 Emily cess street; Wednesday even- street. HAPPY THOUGHT STOVE, PERFECT . pres 3 have agreed to impose certain Street. ing. Owner may have same INE EPTEMBER condition; cheap to quick buyer. Shares Yor stiendancs on Te ! : G FOR OFFICE WORK. at whis Office. FROM JUNE ns et central! 36 Apply 50 Division Street, city. now give notice that if any Cab-man or on., y YOUNG MAN a month, Apply Box C-18, Whi . ; emands any Apply in own handwriting to Box FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- PPly x . €| SOLID BRICK HOUSKS, NOS. 300 AN Taxi-Driver' exacts or chy Office. 252, King Street East. Apply F. B. ow sum in excess of the tariff fixed by the 3 ! IT'S GARAGE Patios Commariongts he wil kod to -% ge Pr COOK WANTED AT THE ALBIO VIED.» | PORTER Foor LAURIN a Macnee. 143 King Street Wes: int . cuted and the public are aske A K APDlY to Mrs. Johnson, Al- Anyone finding anything and condition; newly built, with 2 cy- A WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, IN EXe H promptly report any such action. Hotel, wishing to reach.the owner may linder engine. Avply Mr. Davis, at cellent condition; cheap for Quick § washing and storage. » - bon Hotel. o -- MeLaughita Roaster for ||, Oh¢ £ UL IPIONICSs (or C00 CD Ee anes po | Ba% TIPLE the facts to Davis Dry buyer. Apply 632 Princess Street, 3 cheap; firat eltan condition. | pour as follows: ran A AR NG NAR. T0 DO mont al ne Sotutey aT N UP-TO-DATE FURNISHED HOUSE Kingston. : a (A)--Automobiies--from or to any Be on PRT pid ey is Ap a of OES. this a for 4 or 6 on in Pid PERF! ON OIL COOKING BAGOT STREET Phen . -19, - rg : ) : eo 1804w, t within the ay Nmits and within x & Found articles" does not ine ply i stove (3 burners) with oven coms podn s section. A werent Sone | Concert Timmy woven gx ms | | aude BURT SEL BLE | [0 SRS duet FEC nn Sor every additional person, soc. io Mrs. 'Ravers 31 King Se 7 || Vertised for in the Lost? column. | | FIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE. oN MAC.| 116 Hideau treet ; r, $2 Si (B)--Other cabs--fr or to any . us 5 kenzie Island, six miles from city. JIN hin : . '| GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND WELDING SPU WHAM tha city mua; per ROWE: yy. Musical Treat of the Scason BRIGHT, YOUNG BOY 10 LEARN Also pasture for horses and cattle. selections: your awa choice, $42. the hardware busin a Apply Me- ~ C. ed, har a h : Phone 501. Terms, §§ cash, §1 per week. | We do all kinds of Welding, Brazing Any time over the hour under sub- Featuring 8 | ; \ nd Soldering of Machinery, Automo- section ©) or sub-section 1b) J Kelvey & Birch, Lim! an LOST STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA Lindsay. imited. 21 Princess St. = Farm Implements, Metal parts. hares in ha four J option 8s, MDE. LORETTA BECK, Soprano and pat - { - | ard dry. McCann's Real Estate SKIFFS, CANOES, 8 Ss FOR OUT dural nd steel enttin, o ont! tao Tty Timit ; WOMAN 70 DO HOUSEWORK; NO A SMALL BROWN DOG ANSWERING Agency, 88 Brock street. Phone | board A nts, Awninge railing and » =. Tug C ner tat on is in e sity He s|J. J. SHEA, Celebrated Violinist objections to one or two children. to the name of Teddy. Lost Tues- 32¢ or 621. E | camp Suppl c. Frank . KINGSTON WELDING SHOP oth ointaries 1° Yun three Apply Mrs. John G. MacDonald, R. day morning. Pinder kindly return = Cooke, 319 Bagot street. Phone y 43 Princess Street. ROBT 7 ROBINSON, With a supporting company of noted % Ife Island. to 36 Lower Union St.. Reward. UNFURNISHED OR P. ARTLY FURAN. 38. wo 8 Y, Board o ce Com. mgers and Instrumentalists. CTIVE, YOUNG MAN TO ed roomy on bathroom flat; '| 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, H, W, HEAT. missioners. vo X 8, [4 SHARE, ACTIVE: IoLnd, MAN WANTED GENERAL. gleotrtcity;® "Basement; laundry. | 7 MOON BRICK HOUSE, M, W. HEAT. Phone 1638J. . end gas; all work. gral PPly . Prices 25-50 Ki ton Mattress Company, Bs% ned. W V A ts db 75-$1.00 Princess Street, between 11 and 13| WOMAN WISHES WASHINGS DONE| STORAGE om Owner leaving oh, Apply 44 Al : * * '(Incorporated ) " a=Colt Race 8 years and under. ==Named Race. ed FURNITURE, CLEAN, Box Seats esssmsssnsncsane S150. at home. Apply 14 Markland St. ary, alry rooms; your own lock and bert Street. \ . " oy. Tost's ty | Storage, 299 Removal Notice Seats on sale Friday. Mail orders now TE RAPHE: re ABLE OF | HEATED APARTMENT, oR THRER Queen street. Phone 536; res. 989w. CHMENS, BLOCK a a=sTong ~-- ng alte a oe re gr four bright, airy rooms. in wood - aul aE oss Stnpan es 3 PATTON'S DYE WORKS gxperience and all particulars to ICAllty. Apply Box 1-3. WHIE OF |, oom FRONT APARTMENT, 13600; 4300 camh. J. K. Carroll General meeting FRIDAYS, Formerly known as Montgomery Box A-18, Whig Office. $ furnished especially for Mght house Agency, 56 Brock St. keeping; gas for cooking and light- 8 pm. Dye Works RESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED MAN WANTED TO BORROW $4,000 ON a ng. A ee pa Has now moved to as night porter; easy, clean work. first mortgage, on 300 acre farm, 3 an > Ts Diviaton stbaruntats, NEW BRICK HOUSE, FIVE ROOMS, Particu- 4 with modern improvements. Pos 21 Bubject for discussion, May . Good wages. Also a good cook. Good Prince Edward County. dat: . : 349 Princess Street ues. wages paid. Also waitress. Apply lars P. O. Box 281, Trenton, Ont. Jaw. session May 15th. 'Apply to J, B. 3 oy Box No. 7, Cobourg, Ont. Looks, office phone §03w; residence W - SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT PIANO FOR SALE 2w. "WAYS AND MEANS" AT Kinde ot Cleaning dog D Trans-Canada, Theatres Limited | ¢qpq atts tet tttdttststios | | Dor coat or in Ton payment of new | R . Al kinds o eaning dn ye- Present . hi * pianos and. grafonolas, C. W. Lina- | as ing will be carried on as form- Experienced Stenographer for say Limited, 131 Princess street. | WELL LIGHTED GARAGE. APPLY 9-ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE; 302 AL- erly. For a Special Return Engagement p chartered Bank. Apply in own {+ 329 Division Street. Jred rest} moderp improvements; n goo repair; esslon soon; M. F. PATTON, ) y Phone 214. Proprietor. The Eminent English Actor | Rendwriting to Box\Vo 8-18, Wiig | , o mupiaTsLY, TWo UNFURNISHED FORD TOURING CAR, 1918 MODEL, IN| terms; reasonabled payment; bale pb RARER ERR BERRA REA bbe rooms for light housekeeping; Liv-| Al condition. Phon 1 tw ance on easy terms. Apply Vane | CONTRA ORS way ingston Avenue or Vicinity. State | s condition, p.m. ©. 1916, betWeen Luven, Ford Garage, CT MR. Price. Apply Box 233, Arden, Ont. | , WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, COOK- | BAY MARE, 1,000 LBS, GOOD FOR ; DERS will be Jetelved at the » general and house parfor oT RETURNED SOLDIER WANTS TO! road or delivery. 43 Quebec st.| 500 BOYLE ron SALk. FRY a of the undersigned, (where our WIIngs four 'adults in household: refer-|{ buy a farm about $4,000.00, within | Apply after 5 p.m. Abe LE RA VT Cows And and specifications may be seen) ences required. Write Miss Bos- six miles of city. "Apply stating all | . investigate before: bu 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, 25¢h In i well, 176 Bloor street East, Toron- particulars to Box G-20, \Whig| FAMOUS HEATER AND QUANTITY where. Muller. for the several trades works re- on 19. Otice. ry es '" Tne 11) ut 3 in the construction of a resi- Patronize home industry. $ POWER Bd N | WANTED--MEN D BOYS TO PAT. . . S » on the corner of St. Lawrence Help to build up your own . LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME Tonize 3: W. (Arson. barber. Mars! SU NNER OTIaAGE AT DEADMANG| ,,,\ yoR SALE-SIIS GOOD, DAINTY. ie and King street in this city. city. No better made. And the Same Brilliant Cast of As. rou oad lente. outa Tren. Lib: Ras re i ned 300. 206 ontans He. cash, Apply tod K. Carroll Agency farms in St. Lawrence, Jeflereon : , s 1 " 0 : . 1, C 4 , : ; 'est or any tender not neces- CAPT JOSEPH DIX ' sociate Artists in the Powerful eral com fon. Brown 'Brothers near Brock Street. 3 Biasto ou. 88 Brock street: New ork Sate. rain Sena . 4 a { Cc MN Tyme Limi ly accepted. Modern Drama an Te, Simi, ¥ A GASOLINE LAUNCH, 10 H.P,, KING. for new catalogue just published. BUSINESS CHANCES. ston Foundry Engine; will agcom- -.C. Rogers, Gouverneur, N. Y, 5 - " NE ions . ON. ne - - wi THE LITTLE BROTHER cee: Pol Sombie Ap iy 563 ng street. - te. . ~ Architects, WANTED PUPIL RE yuu De. FREE TEXAS OIL MA -- complete pply 263 King street HATCHING EGGS FROM NY BEST mand for nurses - 3 -- 258 Bagot St. : : Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, Tc, 50c.| the supply. We offer &. course of| | ested in oll leases, Fiole. Map to! DUCKS; 1 DRAKE, 7 MENS, i - pidecq Co Reds, 8 C. Anconss- - t -53l0 opens Satu day training {h a registered school. Al- showing Texas Oil Field. Map is rooster; also a nice heifer calf, tree dollars for Aftesh Runne) Sea! y. lowance until July er free. Lease Salesmen wanted. Gal- nearly three weeks old. Apply In duck eggs, dollar and half per tem. 1 4 3 loway Company, Main street, vi Montrea Mail orders now. menth; after July 1, $44, increasing away La ny. 303 n- 8 t the evening. §68 Montreal street. Harold Kiell, Elginburg, Ont. at rate of $4 each six Fort Worth, Texas. he Me Bk a 1 PEN OF CHOICE BUFF ORPING- | ; months. Full Ny DE one cl hn SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR ing board, lodging and laundry. A. in- v @ PANE ELAN sxpelient 'oppariunity at sxceitent ARCHITECT for layers; § puliots ana pendrel Dat Oh oncant lot to acquite &i} re mburgement. pe > PICTURES! formia cite Buperintandeny Pacts. Maran PREVER, ARCHI.| phone 14iéw. o. ADd 80 &vOId the DS EE Re TT "N corner aa ont of Suliding. Apply to 4 Fioupitat, 0 Sate ospital, 'Ogdensburg, ~ POPIPOIOT bers, of Brock Wellington WHITE WICKER PRAM. WHITE CoT,|, Xing St n cancers, scars, etc. re- rmanently. Satisfactory house furnituré, specialize in mili. Apply Bert Stansbury, 169 Ragian $1.76 up; also baby Carriage tires anee. ' . holstering and general repairing. &ood second' hand furniture p_ Nursery stock, Grape Vines, § baby's bath, six kitchen chairs, . Pulls and garbage can, new. Ap-| ysEn CARS AND TRUCKS oF ALL glasses ftted and furnishea after tary boots; buy all kinda. second. Koad. Phone 1874w. ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP OF put on while you wait. Special at- 9 and | 4 ° Leave of ers at or drop a card to Stoves. Any person having stoves * Concarg, ig Currants, § oy ergy str and furniture te dispose of. we wil black, § red; Apple Trees, 2 Fam- ushan oI PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING pay highest prices. J. Th @ ouse; 1 Rose Bush, Paul Noyer's : ] 4 1 4 4 : i Hveninge. 449 Johnston street. kinds, Ford roadsters and tou . JUNIOR BANK CLERKS 4 ee Studebaker axon" ghx pr Bork A er, on . on NTED 4 MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, truck and 1 t delivery trucks, ra young men ling to 0 So 4 'oronto. Pply in own handwrit- 4 hand goods; highest pric id. dy i 213, others have failed. Goitre removed. : es paid. L. y : ng to, Box W-13, Whig Office. 3 36 years' experiemce. Dr. Eimer J. Routbard. Phone 1728. 229 Prin- SPOLPEPP An Sh RAL Lake, Eve, (| vd Nose, Throat, Skin. Cess Street. PERFECT, COLUMBIA, PRINCETON Is ay > Teed Pee > 368 Bagot street and Crown Bicycles. Tires from --in-- POSITION WANTED. UPHOLSTERING of work land. the Saisnce tiser| ~~ Lntion Elven (6 all revi. work Muller's. Bicycle Works, 371-373 with farm house and barn. Price Kir treet. Ph 9 : $1300. Apply 4. K. Carroll Agency, \g street. Phone 1033w. = CALL oR DRSP A CARD To w. 56 Brock Street. . S owr Can furnish best of refersnoes. Ap- . : Saunt : FEES IEE PE 01004 rin a ply to Box 100, Beaver Officé, Nap- | . Vo. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP.| WE HAVE JOR SALE AL orl ® rere 313 Princess Street. Ph. . | % Pink; Berries, 13 ¢ - WHEN . WANTING PAINTING OR > MEDICAL > 3 Fhoue Jiodw. p ries, § black, 6 Horborte, ki Paperhanging done, drop a card to : p berries, 3 Pearl. These can be Second Great Fun Picture of the A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. DR. H. 5. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN-| Y0LID BRICK HOUSE AT 188 BARRIE p had at a real bargain. 94 Bar- Ss T on a that he has resumed his ix Fooms 1 oes Pitve p rack Street. Phone 1945P, Mowe Captivating ring CARPENTERING actice at 93 Wellington Street. ORUBe Bonne cats Secovri el Be {tidal a kas akag sss ; Yo iD - ours: Jal 3.30 and 1 un 5.30. er will sell for $290 1,000 cash, TETTTTTTTITTTTYTYYYY™S Tew WHAT'S YOUR HUSBAN! : WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER - Oalance $15.00 per month. J. Aly, Con 213 | DR. J. E. KANE WISHES TO roll Agency, §6 Brock Street. BATEMANS REAL ESTATE. is funnier than 'Twenty-three and a ope, James A tractor, Half Hours' Leave." Iversity Avenus. Phone 1898w. nounce that he has opened : ° al AM Wel n treet, opposite USED CAR BARGAINS FoR saLm RA --GRORARBIIIIAENENAINM - » - . | Second Episode of the wonderful FURNITURE FINISHING ies Ox ure 3-4 Bits] $275 Touring cer. --- E * Ashmore Kidd af Whe W Tosideriog. 1G} PHORS 330 Ford Toirive Cars (two). $2100---FRAME) § ROOMS; IMPROVE. didi ddidd TEYTITYYOTYTY 426 Ford n ments, large lot Wild Animal Serial CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. 375 Covere Truck } vy coll, 23 John Street. ' ¢ RAND SURVEYOR. 209 Hoary Trock or ani, YansER: ¢ Rooms Gen eral Mercantile Br ok er . The Lost City F.F NOLES. Bap. Se OE. OLS. Cravroiet Touring. Food as new. improvements. end i = A ' - Corner Bagot and Queen. THAT DESIR. PROPERTY With Juineta Hanson. ~ o Lan oor. Kingston Of- the corner of Prin Ibert BRUCE SCENIC -- Book of Nature | "WYERTOSL: LONDO D, miohm| fon: Nalom d Watem.'3q Cras SEPP E IPE 4 00000000 Strecta, Sore and three dwellings -- eT and lot on Princess street and Announces. to the Kingston trade the opening of offices at which & pol 0 : Dodge roadster, milbage 11.500: $ dwelling, 308 Albert Street. A bare Su Sst n Cf excellent mechanical ndition ; sain for quick sie, to wind u : PHONE 508 oy a new: Willard Battery snd estate. ; AR o T1200 cast Owner buvme § | viorony wonns vom SALE, MONEY u or bu 4 . for ow 4 te Loan. & ny < --- MIG Aainsakaa G. A. BATEMAN, £ TEEPPIE IPMS IMIG 150 Wellington Street, Kingston t £ A. ee . HOUSES TO SELL IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CUSTOM- eae ANTHRACITE COAL BRS WAITING. WE WILL SELL YOUR HOUSE IN THIRTY : DAYS' TIME IF IT IS SALEABLE | ! -- Order now for May delivery. THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY wel D| DRE : Current prices, . Phone 68 and 874w. . Brock Street " 1 : i -------- a ee ~ 3 E i 3 RE ---------------------------------------- } Province of New Brunswick acted in modern' So ; 6% OCOUPON GOLD BONDS her Soul In loveless wed- Price 99.08 and Interest--Yielding 6% % 7% 1st Mortgage Bonds. . Principal and interest payable in New York ds----carry- a 10% Common Stock Bonus. Price 100. Tug at present exchange rates, these bonds yield about 7% 9%) Further particulars on request. : ' : orge Bawden & Co.