' PAGE FOURTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, MAY, 20, 1930. STARTING WORK AT ONCE THE CUTLERY PLANT WILL BE PUSHED WITH VIGOR And it is Expected it Will Be Turn- ing Out the Finished Article With- in the Next Three Months, With the by-law dealing with the new cutlery industry. passed, C. A. "Eaton, head of the new enterprise, bas lost not a minute in getting ope- rations under way. Thursday morn- ing found him on deck at the plant with the work of clearing out the buildings well started. Mr. Eaton ex- 8 that the business of clearing t the old machinery and remodell- ing' the plant to suit the requirements of the new industry will be complet- ed In one month's time. There is a considerable quantity of machinery * and other equipment left by former occupants which must be salvaged and, in addition to that, much plumb- ing, wiring, and installation ef win- . dows to provide §ufficient light will be necessary. . Mr. Eaton is well-known through- out Eastern Canada, as the result of his extensive business operations during the first three years of the 'war. He bullt and operated for one year the Shrapnel loading plant at Renfrew, re-organized and managed the six-inch shell plant of the Peter- boro Metal Products Company at Peterboro, and constructed and sup- ervised the work of the munitions and metal products company's plant in Montreal East. He left this firm in March, 1918, to accept a commis- sion in the U.S. army with the rank ,0f major, on the technical staff of the Ordnance Department. Immedi- ately after the dfgning of the armi- stice in November, 1918, Mr. Eaton resigned his commission. Since then, until he began the organization of this new enterprise in Kingston, he organized and acted as works' man- ager for the John Russell Cutlery Company of Massachusetts. Speaking of his selection of this 'eity as the location for his new Plant, Mr. Eaton stated that he had studied conditions in more than a Half dozen cities of this size and had decided that Kingston was the most favourable for the reception of his business, both from the standpoint of the attitude of the people and the inducements offered by the city au- thorities. The only thing which does not please him at the present time is the fact that it will be very diffi- cult to secure laborers from outside, should the supply in the city at the present time fall short of his needs. He stated that the scarcity of houses and the high rents were even worse in Kingston than in cities of a simi- lar size whose growth was much more rapid. As he expects to em- Ploy more than 200 people, Mr. Ea- ton has every reason to complain on this point. Howemar, eonditions will very likely improve as the result of the by-law regarding the erection of ~ dwelling houses, which was also car- ried yesterday. The officers of the new company : have not yet been chosen as the or- ganization and Incorporation process is not yet complete. In any case, Mr. Baton will be .general manager, E. Friendship, of Péterboro, will 'as- Sume the duties of master mechanic, ~ It is also almost certain that William Clarke, of Hamilton, will be produc- tion superintendent. The company is capitalized at $50,000 to start with. After the first month necessary for alterations, the factory will be "Occupled for about two months in making tools and equipment for the manufacture of cutlery. Therefore the manufacture of the article itself will begin in about three months. For the first two years the factory will turn out pocket cutlery exclu- sively, as Mr. Eaton does not think the.present quarters nearly large en- ough for anything else. After that time, or probably before, the plant will be enlarged, if all goes well, and a complete line of cutlery pro- duced. In anticipation of the passing Of the by-law Mr, Eaton had already Tecelved large eonsignments of ma- chinery and more large shipments are on the way. The new industry is bound to. prosper, particularly with Mr. Eaton at its head, and consider- ing the fact that it is the only one of its kind in Canada. . Wrong Price Quoted. In the advertisement of Lanka ~ Tea, inserted by the Wm. Braid Com- Beay in the 'Whig on Thursday, May , the price was as 70c per 1b. This was an olor? to ae price at this time was 76¢ a 1b. The Whig re- grets this mistake and takes this op- nity of correcting it. Local : Ts who handle this brand of tea x --_--- an increasing demand for -------------------- _ The funeral of the late Lieut.-Col. James Galloway will take place with . full military honors. Past and pre- sent officers of the 14th Regiment, with jch he was associated for so many years, will attend.' : In the supplementary estimates : mted to the legislature, $6,000 ® provided for repairs to the barn at wood hospital. - The hifhaet temperature officially registered on nesday in Kingston degrees. was 73 : Gyo 1 jewelers of Stratford dis- . have organized a branch of the ers' Associdtion. Expense iL, 2, STAY lo yy S005 n © est est lining, honest : Pp are combined to make em The Late Mrs. A." MacRossie. Mary Downey MacRossie, widow of | Alexander MacRossie, diel Tuesday, | Maly 11th, at the home of her son-in- |law, G. C. Henking, Enfield, Conn. Downey. At the time of her marriage, in 1869, she removed to Napanee, where she lived until a few years ago, when she went to New England to make her home with her children, Of these she leaves three: Mrs. G. C. Henking and Elizabeth W. Mac- Rossie, Enfield, Conn., and Dr. T. Donald - MacRossie, Brooklyn, N.Y. Another son, George, dled six years ago. She is also survived by a grand- son, Henry C. Henking, and three brothers, George Downey, Kingston; hn, Belleville; Jone. California. The funeral was held Thursday from her late reai- dence, the Rev. Glenn B. Coykendall, St. Andrew's church, of which she was a member, officiating, and burial took place in the family plot in Springtield cemetery. PRINCIPAL TAYLOR HOME ATTENDED UNIVERSITIES' CON- FERENCE IN QUEBEC. He Favored Toronto Scheme of Dividing Medical Course--Urged Another Attempt at Securing Gov. ernment Help for Students. One six-year course in medicine and asistance for soldier students were the two main pomts of dis- cussion, at the conference of Cana- dian universities, held in Quebec this week, which was atiended by Principal Taylor, Dean Skelton, and Dean Clark, of Queen's University. Principal Taylor, who arrived home success of the conference. Two proposals to change.the six- year medical course were offered, The Toronto plan, outlined by Pro- fessor McLeod, divided the medic)! course into two periods of three years each. With an entrance re- quirements of honor matriculation, the first perlod would be spent in scientific and cultural work. If, at the end of that period, a student felt he was not suited for a practioner, he could attain the degree of B.Sc. The McGill plan, requiring only junior matriculation for entrance to the medical faculty, was opposed to the six-year course. - This proposal required two-years pre-medical work in 'the arts faculty, then four years' work in medicine with an extra year's interne work in hospital. Prineipal Taylor favored the Toronto plan, which enables a student to change his course at the end of the first period. Assistance 'for soldier students pro- voked much discussion. Sir Robert Falconer, of Toronto University, gave, a report. of the work already done and explained the government's re- fusal to aid the students because of the cry 'class legislation." Principal Taylor urged another at- tempt to secure government as- sistance for students whose work had been interrupted by the war. General Gwatkin and 'General MacNaughton appeared before the conference on the second day and ex- plained the government's proposal for officers training courses in the universities. The government a' its own expense offered to erect armour- ies at the university. Students taking the O.T.C. would have the rank of provisional lleutenants, appear in uniform and he paid for their work the military training would be taken during the regular college hours, and be a part of the college course, Stu- dents, moreover, would follow their own line of wolk. Medical students would study course in military medi- cal work and science students would. follow military engineering. Principal Taylor in discussing this question pointed out that if the gov- ernment wished to make.a success of this O.T.C. work, it must do more for the returned students. Men who were fed with military drill and who had a grievance against the government could not be expected to fall in read- ily with these new plans. The scheme, he continued, would not be a success until a new generation of students appeared u#liess the government rec- tified the soldiers' grievances. Through Sleepers, Toron Commencing Monday, May 24th, through daily sleept car service will be re-established' between Tor- onto and Cleveland via Canadian Pacific and connecting lines, leavin, Toronto at 7.15 p.m., eastern stand- ard time. Rates, 'reservations, etc., from any Canadian Pacific agent. Frontenac Cheese Board. At the Frontenac !Cheese- Board meeting Thursday afternoon there was boarded 534 boxes. J. R. Forster bought 494 boxes at 28% cents. Pine Apples For By the dozen or crate; also rhu- barb to go with the pines, at Car- novsky's. \ -------------- v The Consumers' League The property on King street, known as the Leonard property, has been prepared for g 'and the Girl Guides will look several: acres of it during the summer. They are planning to commence their agri- cultural operations on Saturday Several other pieces of land have '| been the ed monotony of merely paying taxes, and will soon Prof. | and James, San | IS LEAVING FOR TORONTO TAKE COMMAND OF M.D. NO. 2. Major-General Emslie, of Toronto, is 'Slated to Command Third Military District Here--Changes to: Take Effect on June 1st. It is understood that Major Gen- past year, is to be transferred to the command of military district No. 2 at Toronto, and that he is to be suc- ceeded by Major-General Emslie, of Toronto. It is understood that the transfer will occur about June 1st. The general is to be honored on Mon- day night next with a farewell dinner by his fellow officers. General Willlams has enjoyed a long and successful career of service MAJOR-GEN. V. A. 8. WILLIAMS on Thursday, was delighted with-the | with both the Canadian militia and the expeditionary force. He was born at Port Hope in 1866, being a son of the late Lieut.-Col. Arthur T. Willams, M.P., who commanded the Midland regiment in the North West Rebellion in 1885, and who died on active service in that campaign. He attended Trinity College School, Port Hope, and afterwards the Royal Mili- tary College. In 1887 he joined the R.N.W.M.P. as inspector. In 1893 he became captain in the Royal Canadian Dra- goons, a unit of the permanent force, and lieutenant-colonel in 1907. From 1905 to 1907 he was also chief of- ficer M.D. No. '3 under Col. W, D. Gordon, and inspector of cavalry, Ot- tawa, and commandant of the Royal School of Cavalry, Toronto. Brig.-Gen. Williams attended the coronation of King George and Queén Mary. in 1911 as officer commanding the mounted troops, and in 1905 he was appointed honorary A.D.C. to the | Governor-General. He served In South Africa, and holds the Queen's medal and five clasps. In addition he was mentioned in despatches twice. In the present war he com- manded the C.M.R. brigade, and was taken prisoner at Ypres in June, 1916. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Opening: Clomng Am. Beet Sugar .... 90 Allis Chalmers - 81 American Locomotive. 87 American Sugar .... Smelters .° Baldwin Locomotive . Baltimore & Ohio ... C..P. R. Lackawanna Steel Marine Marine PI4. ........ Mexican Petroleum .. Missouri Pacific Money New Haven 2 Northern Pacific .... Pere Marquette Republic Iron & Steel U.;8. Rubber ....... 8 Southern Pacific .... 8t Paul ...e.. Texas Pacific . Westinghouse Brazilian Brompton ......... 991% Cana Bread ......... 23% bid Canada Cement ..... 65 Canada Steamships, .. 72 Canada Steam. Pid. . . 82% Canadian Locomotive ..... 90 bid Cons. Smelters .. Dominion Bridge ... Dominion Textile ...126 Dominion Fdy. & Steel 65 General Electric . . «es 103% pia 'Spanish River ...... {THE WORLDS TAREE oe Tidings From All Over Told In a Pointed and Pithy o Way. ea, N.Y, has a population of " 8t. Thomas Y.M.C.A. has found it necessary to its fee. biossom Fortis fgrancs of the | A -------------- | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. { Local Notes and Items of General In- | "terest. Lieut.-Col. Gillespie is in Brock- Institute cadets. The Westbroeke dog case, slated for Tuesday, has been adjourned for |" one week. One resident is charging | another resident with stealing a dog. Constable Boaprey had Joseph { Abramson summoned-because-he left {his auto standing too near a street |She was born at. Fredericksburg, the | eral Victor A. 8. Williams, C.M.G., | intersection. The magistrate imposed | daughter of the late Ellen and Thos. | G.0.C,, military district No. 3, for the a fine of $3 and costs. : | The fire brigade was called to the | corner of Princess and King streets at 10.30 o'clock Thursday morning, {a blaze having broken out under the {front window of the McGall cigar store. Little damage ensued. Quite a sensation occurred at police court to-day. Just as Barker had fin- ished his evidence, he suffered an epileptic fit, and the proceedings of the court were delayed until he had been given proper attention. One year in the Central Prison was the sentence meted out in the police court, on Thursday morning, to Frederick Such, aged eighteen years, who pleaded guilty to stealing letters from the mail at the Royal Military College. While the ladder waggon of No, 2 fire station was on the way to the McGall cigar store fire, Thursday morning, a woman crossing the road- way on (Brock street was almost knocked down. The horses just graz- ed her ag they were brought to a halt. The Kingston Symphony Orchestra concert in the Grand Opera House, Wednesday, May 26th, should be of greatest interest to the citizens of Kingston. The number of fine art- ists who make up this organization is a credit to any city. Do not forget the date, Wednesday, May 26th, Evidently the whiskey handled by the "'bootleggers" has taken a drop in price. Christopher Barker, up for being intoxicated in a public place, and with having liquor in a place other than his own private dwelling, stated that he paid a man 'on a corner" the sum of $6 for a bottle of Scotch whiskey. The court imposed a fine of $200 and costs or three months. «it GARI 1] PORE | | MEASURING THE CHANCES + Neverwed: C'mon. Just another a long Jawfest. Longwed: Nope. If | beat It now i Pll catch her before she's had time to rehearse a long sustained effort, A LONELY MARATHON He: Yes, the SA She: If | was sure that was a married man, I'd propose to him Just for practice. THEY MUST BE RIGHT ua onic. Yuh know hat seighoe tells tain degree. "s a ar Sure 'at's right. There's Herbert Hoover fer Instance. Why he's com- put fer women's suffrage and pro- {ville to-day inspecting the Collegiate | ! | former's round of jacks. If you go now your | wife will have all the more time for | | | | (From Our Owa Correspondent.) May 20.--At 8.15 o'clock last evening in the auditorium of St. Andrew's church, an excellent organ recital was held by R. R. F. Harvey, organist of St. George's cathedral; Kingston. Mr. Harvey was assisted by Charles Harvey, baritone, and Master Peter Fair, boy soprano. Under the auspices of the ladies' auxiliary of the local branch of the Great War Veterans' Association, an- other enjoyable "progressive euchre' was held in the latter's club room on Tuesday evening. the Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association, which was one of their season's improvements, sta~ted some time ago, has been completed, the extension being at the eastern end of the building. This furnishes them with an excellent dance hall, second to none in town, and furnishes Space for the winter storage of a large number of extra boats and canoes. Isaac L. Scott, Elm street, received the intelligence of the serious illness uf his brother in Picton, on Tuesday, and left for his bedside that after. noon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevenson, South street, received: the sad news yesterday of the death of the latter's brother, H. Landon, which occurrad at Thousand Island Park. Mr. Stevenson left this morning to attend the funeral. The Parmaater and Bulloch Co., wihch adoptel daylight saving, the forepart of this mon:h, has been com- pelled to revert to standard tima cn account of shortage in the water supply. At this season of the year the water levels in the lake region to the north, from whence the water supply for the factories of this town is drawn by way of Charleston Lake and Lyndhurst, are reported as be- Ing the lowest known for many years. Mrs. Addie Beerman, of Brockville, spent the past few days in town the guest of her brother and sister, Daniel Bullis and Mrs. Kate Gould, King street. JN. Knowlton, King street, spent { Tuesday in Kingston on bu iness, David Tomkins, located Yor several | Years past in Toronto, is spending a | few weeks in town with his parents, | | Mr. and Mrs. William Tomkins, King | street. { Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, of 4 Kingston, spent the week-end in town, guests of Mrs, Angeline Scott, First street. Herbert Scott and son, Newton | Scott, accompanied by Mrs. Benja- | min Ferguson and daughter, all of | Junetown, motored to town on Mon- day and spent the day with the mother, Mrs. Angeline | Scott, First street. ICE CAKE HIT HIM | Wiliam Peakeman in Oritical Con. dition at Hospital, Brockville, May 20. -- Willie Peakeman, fourteen-year-old son of | Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peakeman, 137 | King stret east, lies at the point of death at St. Vincent de Paul Hospital with a fracture of the skuii sustained Tuesday afternoon at the J. W. Wood ice house on Water street east, when he was struck on the head by a large plece of falling ice. mpeg The extension of the club house of | Wholesale Tobacconists. 202 Princess St. 35 Place Your Order With Us 3 Why place your order out of town when you can get the finest DUBLIN GINGER ALE, ENGLISH GINGER BERR, CLUB SODA, at | Thompson Bottling Works * All brands of Domestic and Imported Cigars and Cigarettes. Pbone Geo. Thompson, Prop. 4 PROTECT YOUR FURS Now that the warm weather has arrived, it's up te you to get busy and put your Furs nafely away from the ravages of the moths, ete. We can supply you with the proper protection, such as Wayne Cedar ed Paper Wardrobes, Moth Bags, Camphor Flakes, Mo th Balls and Ol of Cedar. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE PURE DRUGS-- QUICK SERVICE. Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. Special Notice We regret to announce that owing to contingencies which have developed entirely beyond our control, we will be unable to occupy our premises at 136 PRINCESS STREET for an in- definite period, presumably July 1st. In the meantime, we will be i the best possible way, direct from the factory at 5656 Princess "KINGSTON MATTRESS "C0. Phone 603w. glad to serve our customers SYDENHAM--UNION HOTEL Income Tax Tour A representative from the Dominion of Canada Taxation Office at Kingston will be in th e following places on the dates mentioned, to give any information required with the Act, and any assistan cé necessary to tax-payers to enable them to comply with the requirements of same. teres. May 25, 26 HARROWSMITH--GRAVE'S HOTEL ........ May 27, 28 Watch for further dates. : George Badley, Rainham township, Haldimand county, is in jail, charged with the murder of his sister, Lizzie Badley, by hitting her on the head with a piece of pas pipe. He tried to commit suicide afterwards. Idle people spend a good deal of time calling up people who have te- lephones. i ' Victoria Day ! "Victoria Day, this year fits in with a week-end. Make it doubly enjoyable with music. If you have no phonograph get a Portable Columbia ~Grafonola One of the models illustrated here is easily taken along with you wherever you go for your outing. There are 4 portable models to se- lect from. Priced respectively $3 7.50, $57.50, $82.50, $110.00. Columbia Records bring to you "All the Music of All the World." Get your Columb Records at Lindsay's. A Ee A